Hell by J.L. Beck



It wasn’teasy to leave her, knowing how distressed she is. I did what I could to see to her comfort before I left, at least. Knowing she’s here rather than out in the world somewhere that piece of shit could find her brings me a measure of peace.

A small measure. Otherwise, my insides are churning the way they’ve done since I first set eyes on her this afternoon. So wounded, frightened. Thinking a locked door would protect her from her ex. If he could follow her to the mall, he must know where she lives by now.

I wonder what’s kept him from charging into her apartment—then, I admit there’s nothing to wonder about. I can’t pretend I’ve never done my share of stalking. For fuck’s sake, I stalked Rowan only days ago.

I didn’t want to harm her, though. That’s the difference between us—one of many.

He loved the idea of hurting her, breaking her body, and twisting her mind. Living in her head. Knowing every time she looked in the mirror or touched her face, she’d think of him. Picture him looming over her. He’s drawing out the tension—or thinks he is.

Little does he know.

Alexei texts me a couple of hours after I return to the club. On the way. Everything set. I know what that means, and I can’t help smiling. This day took an interesting turn, but it’s about to end pleasurably. At least, for me.

Getting up, I walk over to the bar cart to pour myself a drink, savoring it in the minutes before Alexei and Rick return with their prize. For someone with a penchant for beating and humiliating women, Eric ought to practice more care when it comes to covering his tracks. Who knows when an enraged parent or sibling will come looking for revenge.

Though he would be careful about that, wouldn’t he? He would prey on women like Rowan, the ones with no family or friends. The ones who’ve been alienated from the world for one reason or another. A part of me knows that I’ve done the same, preying on women who are down and need money, but at least I don’t enjoy their misery.

She deserves better than that and a hell of a lot better than him. I might be a hypocrite, but I can’t help it when it comes to Rowan. She is mine.

Mine. He touched what’s mine.I take another sip of my whiskey and will myself to be calm. The son of a bitch doesn’t deserve for this to end quickly. I want to take it slow with him. I want to make sure to create plenty of memories worth savoring. By the time it’s finished, he’ll regret ever drawing his first breath.

I’m seated behind my desk again by the time Alexei’s knock rings out. I open the door using the remote, then remind myself to take a deep breath. To calm down and enjoy this.

A man who can only be Eric stumbles into the room with Alexei on one side, Rick on the other. “What’s this all about?” He pulls his arms away from the guys, making sure to snarl at both of them. The big man, so strong, so frightening.

He doesn’t frighten me. He didn’t before I laid eyes on him, and he certainly doesn’t now. A pretty boy? I’m almost disappointed in Rowan for falling for somebody like him. All surface flash—blond hair, blue eyes, a square jaw. White teeth, which he bares in a snarl. “Well? Who are you? What’s going on? Why did these two grab me when I was getting in my car?”

I lean back in my chair, satisfied to stare at him silently for a while. How many times did he drive those fists into her face, her body? How many times did he wrap his hands around her throat and squeeze until she was at the edge of consciousness?

He snaps his fingers. “Hello? Are you deaf or something? You send your goons after me but won’t bother telling me why?”

Finally, I sigh. “Let me ask you a question, Eric Walters. Why do you think you’re here?”

It’s delicious, the flash of fear in his eyes when I call him by his full name. He’s asking himself how I could possibly know who he is.

He lowers his brow, his expression hardening. “I don’t have the first fucking clue, which is why I asked you. Why did you have them bring me here?”

“I’ve heard a lot about you.”

“About me?” He points at himself and smiles like this is all a big misunderstanding. “Sorry, pal, but you got the wrong guy. I’ve never laid eyes on you in my life.”

“I know all about you, just the same. I know you came to town for a particular purpose.”

He raises an eyebrow. “Oh, yeah? And what purpose is that?” The fact that he hasn’t yet dropped this act of false bravado is partly admirable, partly pitiable.

“Stop.” I hold up a hand, shaking my head. “You’re making a fool out of yourself. Stop pretending. We both know you came here for her.”

It’s incredible, really. Watching him shift the way he does until he might as well be a different person. “That’s what this is about?” he growls. “What, did she hire you to take care of me? You don’t know the first thing about her.”

“Don’t I?” I tent my fingers beneath my chin. “Please, enlighten me.”

“For one thing, she ran off on me. She stole my money, and she ran.”

I know this is a lie, but I pretend to buy into it. “I can imagine. It looks like you resorted to going through clothing donation boxes to put your outfit together.”

He looks down at himself, scowling. “Okay, big joke. Whatever. You don’t know me, and you don’t know what I went through with that girl. Here I was, thinking she might be dead or something.”

“Which is it? Did you come after her because she stole from you, or because you wanted to be sure she wasn’t dead or something?”

“Both. And I don’t have to explain myself to you.” He straightens out his jacket, which wasn’t very rumpled to begin with. “Now, if you don’t mind, I’m leaving.” He turns toward the door, only to find my guys blocking the way.

“I’m afraid it’s not that easy. I can’t let you walk out of here.”

“And why not?” He glares at me over his shoulder. “I don’t owe you anything. And whatever she told you, it’s probably all a bunch of lies anyway. You can’t trust a person like that.”

“Right, because she did steal from you.”

“Exactly! I’m out with my buddies. I come home, and she’s gone.”

“With your money.”

“Yes, for God’s sake!”

I really should stop toying with him, but it’s too much fun. And a man like me doesn’t get a lot of fun in his life. “I can imagine why you would be upset and why you might feel compelled to go after somebody like that. You would at least want to get the last word, to take back some of what was stolen from you.”

“You’re fucking right.”

“Now, tell me. Where does stalking her, following her into a dressing room, and beating the shit out of her fit into that?”

“Hold on a second—”

I stand, cutting him off. “Enough with your lies. I’m tired of hearing them. In fact, I’m tired of hearing your voice.” I glance toward Rick, who takes this as a signal to grab Eric from behind, taking him by the arms. Before he has time to struggle, Alexei shoves a wadded-up rag into his mouth.

“That’s better.” I smile at him, at the naked fear in his eyes. And at the sweat now rolling down the sides of his face. It’s so easy to break a coward, especially one who tries to put on a good show the way this one does. All an act. “Now, I can tell you why you’re here.”

I walk in a slow circle around him, taking my time. Savoring every one of his short, panicked breaths. “You put your hands on Rowan. You hurt her, badly. And from the way she describes it, that wasn’t the first time—far from it, in fact. Even if she did steal from you, which I highly doubt, she only took what she deserved after what you put her through.”

I come to a stop in front of him. I smell his sweat now, acrid. The way a man sweats when he’s truly terrified. “That wasn’t enough for you, though. You had to threaten and humiliate her—and in public, at that. Can you imagine what that was like? Bloodied with bruises forming. Having to drag herself out of the dressing room, through the store? Having to get herself home somehow when her face probably felt like somebody had taken a hammer to it? Have you ever had to do that?”

I shake my head. “Of course not. Because you’ve never fought anyone who had a chance of beating you. You choose the smaller ones, the weaker ones. Women, naturally. But I would bet you were a bully in school, too. A big-mouth asshole who made it his life’s work to humiliate the smaller kids. You’re all the same, you cowardly piece of shit.”

I pause, taking a breath, watching his every movement. “Tonight, that changes. You’ll understand how it feels to face someone bigger than you. I’ve been looking forward to this for hours.” I turn back to my desk and finish what little is left of my drink. I held myself to one this evening since I don’t want to dull my senses.

Meanwhile, Eric struggles. Everybody but him knows it’s a waste of energy, but I have to give him credit for trying. I wouldn’t expect him to give up and take it.

The thing about running a business like mine is how no one seems to notice or mind when a man is half-dragged down a hallway with a gag in his mouth. Compared to some of the kinkier activities even in Heaven, that’s a typical Tuesday night. The fun continues on both sides of the hallway as I follow Eric and the guys to the stairs leading straight down to Hell.

Tonight, Hell is going to live up to its name for Eric.

We end up in one of the empty rooms near the end of the hall. The black walls and ceiling are the same as every room on this level. What sets this room apart is its lack of toys, tools, and gadgets. There’s only a single wooden chair in the corner closest to the door and a bare bulb hanging from the center of the ceiling.

Alexei and Rick toss Eric into the center of the room, then leave us alone. Eric tears the gag free and throws it on the floor before snarling at me. “So that’s what this is about? You bring me down to the basement to fight me? What, you think you’re her hero or something?”

“I’m nobody’s hero.” I take my time, slowly removing my jacket, folding it down the middle, and draping it over the back of the chair.

“So, what are you, then? Did she pay you?”

I snort while unfastening my cuff links. “No.”

“What is it, then?”

“Let’s say I believe in justice.” I roll up my sleeves with a smile. “And justice is going to be served tonight.”

There’s naked fear in his eyes when they dart over me, sizing me up. “You think you’ll get justice tonight? I don’t know, buddy. I’ve got maybe twenty pounds on you.”

I tilt my head to the side, frowning. “Me? You think I’ll be the one you face tonight? I’m only getting comfortable before I settle in for the show.” I go to the door and tap my knuckles to it. “No, Eric. I was going to kill you myself—I was looking forward to it, honestly.”

The door begins to open, and I can’t hold back a smile. “Then I came up with an idea that’s even more fun.”

And oh, it is. The pleasure of watching his face go slack at the sight of the men entering the room is exquisite. There is probably six hundred pounds of muscle between them, a pair of twins who went through some extremely fucked up shit in their youth and have spent a lot of time in prison. Just like anybody else, they sometimes need to work out their pent-up aggression.

I do like giving people an outlet for their aggression.

“Oh, yeah.” Luke pounds his fist into the other palm. “Yeah, he’ll be fun.”

Mark nods, chuckling as he strokes his bushy beard. “Thumb wrestle to see who gets him first.”

Eric backs away, gasping for air, holding his hands up. “No, no, no. You don’t have to do this.”

Fucking coward. I take a seat on the chair, nodding to the twins. “Whenever you’re ready.”

Luke’s impatient, taking the first swing at Eric’s midsection, causing him to double over, clutching his stomach, and Mark drives a knee into his nose. The sound of breaking bones makes me smile.

Mark pulls off Eric’s jacket, then holds his arms behind him while Luke takes another swing, this time aiming for the ribs. “How does that feel?” I ask, raising my voice over Eric’s broken sobbing. “Being hit by somebody bigger than you. Being at their mercy. Not being able to defend yourself. I want you to think about that.”

Mark throws Eric at the wall, where Luke grabs him and tears his shirt open before tossing the scraps to the floor. “It’s gonna be so fun fucking your ass,” Mark says with a laugh.

When Eric’s head snaps up, eyes wide and wild, the brothers laugh.

“Don’t forget the foreplay, boys,” I remind them. “Make sure he’s nice and loosened up before you take that virgin ass.”

Eric slumps to the floor, the bottom half of his face now covered in blood. The sense of satisfaction this brings me is impossible to describe. I can only feel it, and it feels like warm honey pouring over me. He’ll pay for every time he ever hurt her. Every time he ever put a hand on her, every time he ever fucked her. The balance will be paid in full tonight.

“Please.” His eyes pierce me, pleading, sparkling with tears that roll down his cheeks and cut through the blood. “Please, no.”

“Don’t worry. You won’t remember a thing when it’s over.” My smile widens when understanding dawns. When he realizes he won’t leave this room alive.

I’m so glad I didn’t drink too much. I want to be able to savor every moment with a clear head. I lean back in my chair and watch as the twins strip Eric of his clothing. Luke shoves him to the floor, and Mark disappears from the room to get some toys.

“I’m sorry, please don’t do this. I’ll forget she ever existed. I’ll leave.” His lies only infuriate me more. It doesn’t matter if he leaves Rowan alone because there will always be someone else. A new girl will come along, and he will do the same to her. Killing this piece of shit will be doing a favor for the rest of the world.

“It’s not about leaving her alone. We’re way past that; you’re going to pay the price for your wrongdoings.”

Mark returns to the room, closing the door behind him. I can make out the huge dildo in his hand as he steps into the light. It’s thick, and Eric’s going to feel every raw inch of it as Mark shoves it into his ass without an ounce of lube.

“Please, I’m begging you.” Eric’s eyes bleed into mine, his own fears reflecting back at me. I feed off that fear, feasting on it like it’s my last meal.

“I’m sure she begged you to stop as well.” I pause for a moment, letting my words sink in. “Carry on, Mark.”

Mark smiles gleefully as Luke pins Eric to the floor, securing his hands behind his back. He struggles but doesn’t get far. Mark pulls him back, sits on his legs, spreads his ass cheeks, and slams the dildo between them. A scream, so deep and painful, pierces the air, and I smile, enjoying his screams and pleas for us to stop as Mark fucks his ass with the dildo until he starts bleeding.

After that, Luke cuts his cock off, and the puddle of blood surrounding him grows bigger. By the end of the night, I’m feeling a little lighter. Rowan deserved to be here to see this fucker get ass raped, but it’s best she isn’t. I’m not sure she would follow through with the rest of our deal if she did.