It Started with a Bang by Piper James

Chapter Nineteen


Holy hell.

I was already so keyed up, Ryder holding my hand had sent me into a raging lust-spiral that had me thinking about climbing onto his lap and rubbing myself all over him. I blamed Ember and Sage. After listening to them go on and on about why I should sleep with Ryder, it was all I could think about.

Every look. Every touch. Every whiff of his cologne had me squeezing my thighs together to stifle the need coursing through me. I knew it would only be a matter of time before I cracked.

Those few kisses I shared with Ryder had reignited a spark I hadn’t felt with anyone in a long time. If I was completely honest with myself, I’d felt that spark before things even got that far. Battling wits with him had made me feel alive in a way I’d never felt before.

I wanted to run my hands over his bare chest. I wanted to feel his hands on my skin. His lips. His tongue. I wanted…all of it.

And it was a well-known fact that whatever happened in Vegas, stayed in Vegas, right? And even if it didn’t, the man would be my husband tomorrow. Fake or not, that had to count for something.

Before the plane even touched down, I’d made my decision. I was going to get it on with Ryder Perry before the weekend was over. I’d get this lust out of my system before I exploded. And find out if he was as good as I thought he was, or if I‘d just been building him up in my sex-starved imagination.

Ryder reclaimed my hand after we got off the plane, holding it in his tight, warm grip all the way to the exit. We didn’t check any luggage, so we skipped the baggage claim area and walked out into the dry desert heat. A long, dark limo waited by the curb, a black-clad driver holding a white sign with the words “Parker-Perry” written on it.

“That’s us,” I said, pulling Ryder in the direction of the car.

“You ordered us a limo?” he asked.

“Of course. It’s our wedding weekend, baby. Only the best for my man.”

I shot him a wink, and the corners of his mouth turned up. I tugged his hand, pulling him into the back of the car with me. After telling the driver the name of our hotel, I put up the privacy screen so I could talk to Ryder without the man overhearing.

“I got us separate rooms for tonight, but for tomorrow, we’re in the same room,” I said, hoping the dark interior hid the blush heating my cheeks. “If Dad decides to investigate this whole elopement, it would be weird if we kept separate rooms after the wedding.”

“It’s weird that we have separate rooms tonight, isn’t it? I mean, we do live together, now,” he countered.

I shook my head. “I can tell him I wanted to keep this at least a little traditional. No seeing the bride before the ceremony and all that.”

“Okay,” he said, nodding. “I’d buy that.”

My nervous, insecure side wanted to offer to ask the concierge for a hide-a-bed, but I bit my tongue to stop the words. I’d ordered a room with a single king bed for two reasons—because I knew my dad would be thorough in his investigation and because I wanted Ryder to have to share a bed with me. If he offered to sleep on the floor, then I’d know he didn’t really want me and I could let these fantasies go.

When we arrived at the hotel, the check-in process was quick and flawless. We got rooms across the hall from each other, and we agreed we would head down to the casino after freshening up. It was still early, and neither of us wanted to just hang out in our rooms for the rest of the evening.

I took a quick shower, careful to pin my hair up so it wouldn’t get wet. I pulled a baby blue sundress from my bag and pulled it over my head. It featured a built-in bra, so the dress was as comfortable as it was cute. The billowy skirt reached mid-thigh, and I loved the way it flowed around my legs. Finishing off the look with a pair of flat sandals, I unpinned my hair and left it hanging down my back.

A quick knock sounded on my door, and when I pulled it open, my breath lodged in my throat. Ryder leaned against the wall wearing a pair of jeans that looked like they were tailor-made for him and a black t-shirt that hugged his chest and arms deliciously. I swallowed quickly before the drool filling my mouth could escape and trail down my chin.

“Wow,” he said, his eyes moving down my body. “You look gorgeous.”

“So do you,” I said after clearing my throat.

“Thanks,” he said with a grin before pushing off the wall. Crooking out an elbow, he asked, “Shall we?”

“We shall,” I replied, wrapping my arm around his.

“Have you ever gambled before?” I asked as we stepped out of the elevator onto the loud casino floor.

Flashing screens, loud dinging noises, and clicking sounds assailed my ears as we wandered past row after row of slot machines. I’d been to Las Vegas before, but I’d never spent any time in the casinos. The cacophony was much more pleasing to the ear than I’d expected it to be.

“I’ve played some poker with my brothers and our friends, but I’ve never been much of a gambler,” Ryder said, answering my question.

“Me, neither,” I said, “but I think I’d like to try playing the slot machines. It looks like fun.”

“Okay, lead the way, future wifey,” he said with another grin.

I studied the machines as we passed, watching the screens flash with brightly-colored animation as gamblers pressed illuminated buttons. Some of the games looked interesting, and some looked way too complicated for a first-time player like me. Finally, I found an old-fashioned slot machine with spinning reels and a bench seat big enough for Ryder and I to sit together.

“Want to try this one?” I asked.

“Sure,” he said, releasing my arm so I could scoot onto the bench before he slid in next to me.

As soon as we sat, a waitress appeared out of nowhere. We ordered a couple of drinks, and as she walked away, Ryder pulled a hundred dollar bill from his wallet and fed it into the machine.

“Oh, you didn’t have to do that,” I said. “I brought cash.”

“I got it,” he said, then tilted his head and smiled. “And if we win, I get to keep the winnings.”

“Deal,” I said with a laugh.

I pressed the button to spin the reels, and my heart picked up speed as I waited for each one to stop. The first one landed a seven on the line. The second one…a seven. I held my breath, anticipating a big win, when the third reel stopped on a picture of two cherries.

“Damn it,” I groaned, releasing the breath.

Our waitress returned, saying, “One whiskey sour and one light beer.”

I pulled my small wallet from the pocket of my dress to pay, but the waitress said the drinks were on the house as long as we were gambling. I looked at Ryder, and he shrugged, so I pulled out a twenty and gave it to her as a tip.

“Keep them coming, then,” I said, chuckling.

We sat at that machine, laughing and drinking until our hundred dollars was gone. We walked around for a bit, watching people cheer as they won and slumped as they lost, all the while being handed drinks by waiters and waitresses.

“Ah, I get it,” I observed. “They give you free drinks so you’re all liquored up and not realizing how much money you’re spending.”

“Exactly,” Ryder said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. “Do you want to play something else? Blackjack? Craps? Roulette?”

“I don’t think so,” I said, draining the rest of my drink before setting the glass down on one of the many bars we passed. “Want to go out and walk the strip?”

“Sure,” he said, dropping his beer bottle into a trash can before leading me toward the casino exit.

I was feeling a little tipsy after sucking down three drinks, so I wrapped my arm around Ryder’s waist to steady myself. At least, that was my excuse. I really just wanted to touch him.

We walked down the crowded sidewalk, pointing out different sights to each other. We stopped and watched fountains stream water high into the sky and even saw a volcano erupt. The bright lights were mesmerizing, and the people…well, the people were very interesting. Costumes, stilettos, and feathers abounded as people posed for pictures with outlandishly dressed street performers.

By the time we got back to our hotel, my sides hurt from laughing and my feet ached from all the walking. We’d explored some of the other casinos, stopping for drinks at each one, so my light buzz had turned into full-on intoxication. Ryder didn’t seem as affected, and his arm had moved from my shoulders to my waist as he held me close to keep me from stumbling.

We walked into the elevator, and luckily, no one else entered before the doors swished closed. As the car started to rise, I turned toward Ryder, plastering my body against his and running my hands up his chest to tangle in his hair.

“What are you doing?” he asked, his hands resting lightly on my hips.

“Nothing,” I said, lifting up onto my tiptoes so I could press my mouth to his.

I worried he might resist, but that worry washed away as his tongue swept into my mouth to tangle with mine. My head spun as he turned, walking me backward until I was pressed against the elevator wall. I kissed him hungrily, my heart pounding in my chest as his hands moved from my hips to my ass, squeezing and kneading until I was writhing under his touch.

A loud dinging sound broke us apart just before the elevator doors swished open. A few younger guys were waiting to get on, so Ryder took my hand and pulled me out before they crowded inside. We didn’t speak as we walked down the quiet hallway, and when we stopped in front of my door, I pulled out my wallet to retrieve my room key.

“Do you want to come inside?” I asked, my tongue darting out to wet my lips.

“I really do,” he huffed, yet took a step back. “But I think you’ve had too much to drink, so I’m just going to go to my room. Get some sleep. Tomorrow is a big day.”

My eyes held his captive for several long moments, but he didn’t budge. Releasing a sigh, I finally pulled my gaze away and turned to unlock my door.

“Suit yourself,” I said, shrugging. “See you in the morning.”

“Good night,” he said as I stepped inside my room.

And while I was disappointed, I wasn’t upset. Because I saw the emotions at war in his dark eyes as he turned me down. He was trying to do the right thing, because he thought my offer was born of bright lights and too much alcohol. He didn’t know I’d already decided I wanted him before my first sip.

And he couldn’t hide the fact that he wanted me. I’d felt the bulge in his jeans grow as we kissed. I’d seen the disappointment on his face as he told me good night.

Ryder Perry wanted me just as much as I wanted him. And before we left Sin City, we were both going to get what we wanted.