Veiled Amor by V. Theia


“Home sweet home. I didn’t know I was bringing a wife.” - Capone



The flight into Denver went by uneventfully.

It didn’t hurt that he had Lucia snuggled up to him for most of the journey.

Or how she’d practically climbed into his lap when the flight attendant smiled at him a little too long with suggestive invitation in her lavender eyes.

Fuck’s sake. It felt as though he had a boner for hours because of Lucia’s jealousy.

It might have tortured the hell out of him holding her, but the rightness outweighed what his brain was telling him not to do.

Reluctant to wake her when they landed, he pressed his lips to Lucia’s forehead. “We’re here, amor, wake up.”

“Five minutes.” She grumbled, burrowing into his neck with a moan. He shouldn’t smile, shouldn’t encourage his fucking heart to enjoy this moment.

From the minute he’d laid eyes on Lucia, he’d been a dumb asshole, unable to stop the pull toward her. What was a few minutes more, huh? He kissed her temple again, a grin in his voice when he whispered. “We’re already the last ones to deplane, nena.”

“Okay, baby.” She replied sleepily, and Capone’s heart nearly went into cardiac arrest hearing the endearment.


The last and only time he’d heard her say it to him was when they were fucking the mass funeral out of memory.

Now he’d give his left and right nuts for her to repeat it when he was pushing inside her.

His cock jerked, and he had to swallow hard when she roused enough to flicker her eyelids open, looking up at him like a doped-up owl.

God, she was stunning.

“Are we there yet?”

He grinned. “Yeah, let’s go.”

Thankfully, the rest of the journey was without emotional upheaval as he collected their bags and met the prospect outside with the truck.

Getting her settled in should be his only aim.

Capone worked best when he had a plan in mind.

He was no longer the loose cannon he’d once been right after his family was killed, but where Lucia was involved, he could quickly go off the rails again because she unhinged him like an insane patient.

“Oh, my god, it’s freezing.” She exclaimed happily once they stepped outside. He’d made sure she wore a coat, and now he bit back a grin as he reached over to pull up the hood against the light rain.

“Told ya, nena, it’s a long way from the Miami sun.”

“I love it,” her teeth clacked as she blew out puffs of air, so he hustled her to the waiting truck parked illegally. Slider grinned from the driver’s seat.

“Yo, boss, good to see you. And who is this lovely?”

Before he could make the introductions, she stretched out a hand, “Hi, I’m Lucia, Capone’s wife.” Fuck’s sake. His cock loved that. Slider’s eyes nearly bugged out of his head as he looked at Capone.

“She’s crazy.”

“Yeah, crazy in love.” She joked, winking at him while he amped up the heater for Lucia sitting in the middle of the two men. It took Lucia three seconds to chat the head off Slider about places she should visit.

What a helpful little shit the prospect was. If he kept grinning at Lucia in the always want to get laid way, Capone would have to rethink his yay vote when it came time to patch him in.

“Can’t believe you left the Miami beaches for this,” Slider remarked. “Do chicks go topless there?”

Lucia chuckled. “Some hotels in South Beach have private beaches, and they allow topless bathing.”

“Oh yeah? I might have to rethink my summer vacation.”

Catching her eye, Capone asked, “how do you know this, nena?”

The way she smiled and got a hint of color on her cheeks, he knew the answer, and Capone felt the tightness in his back teeth, picturing her in only a pair of tiny bikini bottoms, her gorgeous tits out for the sun to bronze. “Dad has a villa I used to go to with a few girlfriends. Supervised, of course. One of his men was never far away.”

His teeth grinding became a hard clench. “They saw you?”

A twinkle in her eyes told him she was teasing him. It didn’t stop the blood from passing over his vision. What a gorgeous little brat she was.

She dared to laugh and placed her hand on his thigh. The muscles instantly hardened, and he covered her hand, keeping it there. She continued talking with Slider like they were old friends, regaling the prospect with her angelic attention.

Capone didn’t like it one bit.

It was only the skate of her fingers through his that centered the beast within.

He’d brought her home.

And he knew he was in trouble.


* * *


Once Slider dropped them off in front of a gated building, Armado Park Tower, Capone hooked up their bags and took her up to the eleventh floor. Lucia thought her father’s estate was heavily guarded until she walked through two keypad doors and then a checkpoint with a concierge. And then, at his heavy front door, he used another keypad and a lock.

“Does a King or something live in this building?”

He cast a gaze over his shoulder, amusement in those dark chocolate eyes.

“Just wondering about the security.”

“I pay for the best.”

“So the filthy rich live here, hm?”

An insistent beeping greeted them when he closed the door, he opened a discreet white box on the wall, tapped in four numbers to switch off the alarm.

He winked at her, and Lucia felt her stomach roll over. “They don’t let just anyone move in.”

When she got the first glance of his apartment, she understood how his tower block would be only for the affluent because it was beautifully masculine. Sizeable ceiling-tall windows covered with sleek blinds. Dark furniture facing a large brick wall holding a TV system. A white rug on the carpeted floor. A fancy archway separated the living area and kitchen with dark cabinets and stainless steel appliances.

His place was immaculate.

He was meticulously clean, or someone did it for him.

“Dump your coat anywhere. Down that hallway are the bathrooms and bedrooms. Take a look around if you want to. I’ll start the coffee. You hungry?”

“No, I’m fine, thank you.” She replied. Feeling shy and awkward suddenly. Slipping out of her boots and coat, she padded down the hallway to have a peek into the rooms. The bathroom was gorgeous and minimalistic, similar to something at home with a walk-in shower with waterfall showerheads. A separate bathtub sat across the room, and it looked like it had whirlpool jets. She was already eager to take a soak. She fingered all his smelly stuff on the countertop, lifting bottles of cologne to her nose to sniff.

“I should get a hotel room, Capone.” She spoke as he approached on silent feet, carrying two steaming cups. He cocked a brow and paused, handing the coffee to her. “Do you want to get a hotel?”

“Well. No, not really, but it’s an imposition to expect to stay with you.”

“Have I said that?”


“You’ve slept on top of me for days, Lucia. You being in my apartment is no problem.”

Cheeks flamed. “That was hardly my fault. The bed was too small, and you weren’t gentleman enough to sleep on the floor.” She huffed and watched him smirk as he chose a seat. He hooked up a small remote, hitting a button; the blinds opened soundlessly, giving her an aerial view of Denver. It was breathtakingly beautiful, with the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

“I’m no gentleman, you know that.”

Ughn. She did. Sexy bastard.

When she dared look over at him, his face was granite. “Do you want a hotel room, Lucia?”

Sighing, the monster was calling her bluff, knowing she didn’t want to be anywhere else but where he was. Shunting her chin into the air, she looked down her nose at him, huffing. “No, I’d like to stay if it’s not an inconvenience to you.”

“It’s not.”

“I won’t be interrupting your lifestyle, will I?” She couldn’t say his love life, or she might scream if she had to listen to women coming to his place, staying over. The walls weren’t thick enough that she wouldn’t hear what was going on.

“My lifestyle?”

Wandering over to the windows, her eyes took in the scenery, talking over her shoulder. “Sex, Capone. I mean sex. I don’t want to cramp your style.”

She was sure she heard him chuckling, but was too embarrassed and jealous to look around.

“I don’t bring women here.”

She arched her brows. “You’re one of those men, huh? No woman can cross into your masculine territory.”

Capone looked dark and moody when she chose a seat opposite in a soft armchair that enveloped her whole. “You’re a woman in my territory, ? How did that work out for me?”

She grinned. He had her there. And felt a little smug about it if he meant what he said, and she was the first woman here. At least she wouldn’t accidentally discover someone else’s panties.

“I guess I won’t have to hatch plans to chase women off. Thank you for letting me stay. I won’t outstay my welcome; I’ll try to get a place soon.”

The growl to come out of him nearly rattled her ribcage, and with startled eyes, she looked across.

“Swear to god, Lucia.”


“You’re trying to piss me off.”

“How am I doing that? I was being considerate of your hospitality.”

Sitting forward, he put his arms on his knees and pierced her clean through with a cheerless stare. Oh boy, she was in for a tongue lashing, and the dirtier side to Lucia wished it were something other than a lecture.

“You crawled up my butt jealous about club groupies the other day.”

“So did you!”

He went on like she hadn’t interrupted. “You introduced yourself to a prospect as my wife and now you’re acting like a stranger with a stick up your ass. Basta ya.”Enough already. “I want you here. I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t. There are lots of other places I could have taken you. Do what you want, you listening to me? Mess the place up, cook whatever, come and go as you please, for as long as you want to stay.”

Guess that told Lucia. Joy filled her. Biting on her lower lip, she saw his eyes flash, and he sighed, taking a drink of coffee. “Thank you, Giancarlo. I’ll pull my weight.” He grunted again. “Am I allowed guests?” She teased, holding a smile at bay.

“Females, sure. Men, no.”

So pleased. “You’re such a caveman.”

Another grunt. “Never claimed to be anything else. If I find a man in here and I’ll see if he can fly by throwing him out of the window.”

Laughter burst free, “Gi. I was joking, oh, my god, you’re extreme.” And beautiful. And intoxicating. She was practically panting, imagining him in a possessive rage. “How long have you lived here? It’s beautiful.”

“About three years. It’s quiet and suits my needs. I sometimes stay in a room at the MC too.”

Ah. Probably where he took his women. Lucia’s stomach turned over when she drank a big gulp of coffee to stop her from asking about that side of his life.

She didn’t want to know.


As she saw it, Capone was a deliciously born-again virgin man, and the only time he had sex was with her years ago. If she’d been abstinent, then so could he.

She had the healthiest libido, being around him proved that.

Living with him, however short that might be, was going to play havoc with her emotions.

Cool your jets, Lucia. This was a strict roommates only situation. Just because she’d claimed him as a pretend husband didn’t mean it gave her rights to him. More’s the pity because she’d take all the rights to climb him and plant her Lucia flag on his forehead.

Clearing her throat, he beat her to the punch by speaking. “You sure you don’t want something to eat?” He was cute, looking out for her wellbeing.

“Not yet, but I wouldn’t mind stretching my legs.”

He took her for a walk around the block, familiarizing her with stores.

“Do you wanna hang upstairs or come with me? I gotta head to the club for a few hours.

“Oh, can I go?”

“Sure,” he half-grinned.

Lucia was half-stunned when he took them down to a private garage and walked over to his Jeep. Next to it was a giant Harley Davidson, and it was the beast he climbed onto.

Excitedly nervous, she let him help her on, and she clung like a limpet. No shame in her game, that was for sure. She caught Capone laughing. “Nena, I’m gonna need some skin left on my stomach, try not to dig your nails in, huh?”

“I can’t promise anything,” she warned, resting her chin on his back. He hadn’t even started the engine yet, “your skin will grow back.”

“You’ll enjoy the ride,” he promised.

And you know what? The man wasn’t wrong. When she became used to the smooth motion, she peeled open her eyes. It was exhilarating riding behind Capone.

By the time he pulled into a spacious courtyard, she was flushed in the face from the chilly breeze and grinning like an idiot.

“Oh, wow. I want to learn how to ride. Will you teach me, Gi? That was the best thing I’ve ever done.”

There was something unreadable on Capone’s face. Maybe pleasure. Whatever it was made her feel funny as she realized she was gripping the front of his shirt. Slowly, she let go.

“We’ll see. You want a ride; you come to see me, ? Don’t ask to go on anyone else’s bike, Lucia.”

What an odd thing to say, but she nodded. She only wanted to ride with him, anyway. It felt downright painful to step away from him, but she didn’t get far when he hooked an arm around the back of her waist and walked them toward the building.

She was about to walk into Capone’s world.


* * *


“I’m excited to see inside. To see what you like about being in a motorcycle club. Is that nosy of me?” The tinkling excitement was in her voice, and he fucking loved listening to it. Cutting his gaze down, he found her looking up, smiling. Another hot snatch in his stomach. “Lucia Cole, nosy? Never.”

“Lucia Mercado, if you please. I am your wife, after all.” She teased, and wouldn’t you know at that, Snake, the biggest club gossip, was coming out of the entryway with an arm around his old lady, each of them holding one of their twin sons.

“Wife? Did I hear right?” Snaked asked, bouncing his gaze between them.

Lucia, the little witch, dared to laugh as she clung to him.

“You go missing for a few days, and you bring home a wife, Cap?”

Ignoring Snake, he looked down at her amused face. She wasn’t to know she’d handed the biggest gossip the juiciest lie.

Not knowing either how much his dick approved of her teasing him. So did his heart.

His wife.

“Hi, I’m Lucia,” she introduced herself to Winter, then stepped out of his arms to coo over the two boys. “Oh, your babies are beautiful. Look at those big eyes, I could eat you up.”

“It’s great to meet you, Lucia. I’m Winter. This is my hubby Snake and our boys, Bowie and Cash. Congratulations, you two!”

Capone rolled his eyes as Lucia looked back and grinned. “Don’t listen to her. She’s crazy.”

“Don’t listen to him,” she countered, coming back to curl around his waist, settling something in him. He dropped his hand and squeezed her hip. If she was his pretend wife, then he deserved some touching privileges. “He’s ashamed of me because I slurp my soup.”

All Capone’s efforts to keep her at arm’s lengths crumbled when he laughed and dipped his mouth to her ear, giving the other two a glimpse at their intimacy. “You’re a bad brat.”

Then he heard Snake’s shrill whistle. “Yo, look alive,” he called behind him into the club, “Capone’s brought an old lady with him.” He turned a smirk on Capone, who narrowed his eyes at his brother in arms. “Asshole.”

“Congrats, my brother,” he smirked. “Wish we could stay to hear the story, but I gotta get my family home, come over for dinner soon.”

Satisfaction rushed over Capone’s weary bones and begging heart when she curled closer, but addressed Snake. “Sorry, I was just funning this guy. I’m not his wife, but I’d love to come to dinner sometime to get to know his friends.”

“Get inside, brat.” He all but growled with no anger behind it. Not like he could intimidate her, she was grinning too much. He knew already everyone would love her. She was so hungry for social interaction. He wouldn’t be surprised if she befriended everyone in seconds. And on the back of that thought, he shepherded her inside while he scowled because he wanted to keep Lucia all for himself.

It made no sense and absolute sense at the same time.

He couldn’t have her.

But wanted no one else to have her attention, either.

Call him what you will; Capone was possessive over Lucia. Irrational emotions, newly afflicted. They didn’t need to make sense. He was protecting her, even from himself. Though he was doing a shitty job of that. He’d done everything but sew Lucia into his skin by bringing her home with him, especially to his club. He didn’t bring women here, not even a casual date. But it felt right walking through the doors with her clinging excitedly to his arm.

Somehow, it felt as though a gaping wound in his chest became a little smaller. Some of his open grief sighed into the background because all his focus was on a smiling blonde woman all but vibrating at his side. Her smile speared him clean through the chest. And you know? For once, while he looked at her, his brother wasn’t anywhere near his mind, plaguing him with guilt.

He grinned in return and took his pretend wife to enchant his friends and brothers as easily as she’d snared his heart.

His wife. His wife.

She should have been his wife. That much he knew.

I saw her first. A voice in his mind whispered.

Staking a claim because he couldn’t help himself.

I saw her first, brother.