Becoming His Wife by Hayley Faiman

Chapter Thirty-Nine


Rolling to the side, I reach out, but Tiziano isn’t there. I didn’t think that waking up the first morning in a new place, I would do it alone, especially not after last night. After our short talk, Tiziano opened the gift and we each ate a cupcake in bed. It was the perfect night after a not-so-perfect day.

Climbing out of bed, I hurry to the bathroom, very excited for the fact that I no longer have to throw up every single morning. In fact, I feel really great right now. My bag is next to the bedroom door, still packed.

Walking back into the room, I look for the closet door and make my way over to it. Turning the knob, I push it open and go in search of something to wear downstairs. My eyes catch a glimpse of a silk black robe hanging in front of Tiziano’s many black suits.

Frowning, I reach for the robe, feeling the fabric between my fingers. Tiziano doesn’t seem like the type to wear a robe. I’m not sure why he would even own one. It seems like an odd piece for him to have in his closet.

Deciding not to think about it anymore, I reach for the robe and slip it on over my naked body. After dessert last night, we took a shower, then made love again. I don’t know how, but every time my eyes land on any part of Tiziano, I want him all over again, even if I’ve just had him.

Pulling the robe tight, I wrap the tie just beneath my breasts tightly as I make my way toward the kitchen. I don’t know where everything is yet in the place, but I do know where the kitchen is.

I tiptoe, though I’m not sure why. It’s not like I need to be sneaky, this is as much my house as it is Tiziano’s, even if I don’t quite feel comfortable in it yet. I very much feel like a guest, maybe because I’ve been a guest for so long, I don’t know how to feel any other way.

Listening for a noise, any noise, it takes a few moments of me frozen in silence to hear it. There is a deep voice coming from outside. I start to head that way, seeing the door is slightly ajar that leads to the balcony.

I can see Tiziano standing on the other side of the door, his profile in view. He’s shirtless, wearing only the same slacks that he wore last night. Reaching for the door, I push it open slightly, then freeze.

“I know you told me to leave you alone yesterday, Tiz. But Gavino gave me an ultimatum last night and it isn’t fair. It’s not right, but I don’t have a choice. I don’t know who else to go to for advice,” a woman’s voice says.

I recognize the voice.

It’s Mia.

Then, it hits me like a ton of bricks. Yesterday. He told her yesterday. Yesterday when he was supposed to be with me at the doctor’s office. My spine straightens and everything inside of me screams to flee.

I don’t.

I decide that if this is a partnership, if this is a real relationship the way that Tiziano told me that it was, then I have every right to confront them both.

I make myself known, almost immediately.

Though I have a feeling I didn’t have to, Tiziano starts to turn his head in my direction before I clear my throat and slam the door behind me. I’m being dramatic, I know, but I’m about to throw this bitch off of the balcony, this is my compromise—so far.

“Maci,” Tiziano murmurs.

I don’t turn to look at Mia, she doesn’t matter to me right now. I focus on my husband, my partner. No longer my owner, no longer just the man who purchased me to place me on a shelf in his home—he is my partner.

“You were with her yesterday,” I state.

He frowns, crossing his arms over his chest before he tilts his head to the side. “You were listening? For how long?”

“Doesn’t matter. I heard that much, anything else you’d like to tell me?”

Mia makes a noise, but I hold up my hand, facing my palm toward her. I don’t want to hear her voice, her excuses or really anything she has to say. Right now, I want to hear what Tiziano has to say, and he isn’t saying much, which doesn’t make me very thrilled.

“Nothing happened. She is still in trouble, and now Gavino is trying to help her, but,” he says, lifting his eyes to look over my head and at her behind me. “She is being stubborn and willing to sacrifice her freedom for some illusion of personal choice.”

“Illusion of personal choice?” Mia snaps. “Excuse me for not wanting to be some man’s property, again. Do you know how hard I’ve worked to make it on my own? To be desired for something more than the pussy between my legs?”

My eyes widen at her words, but I don’t look back at her. Instead, I watch Tiziano and his reaction. He snorts, chuckling as if what she’s said is funny to him.

“Without that pussy between your legs and using it for your personal gain, you would not be in the position that you are. Take Gavino’s offer. Keep your playboys at the club, I doubt your new husband will care too much anyway.”

“Have you not met a Made Man who owns a woman? You wouldn’t care if Maci fucked other men?” Mia asks.

Tiziano growls, balling his hands into fists at his side. I’m not sure if he’s trying to control himself because he wants to hit her or if he wants to control himself from grabbing me and yanking me across the balcony, especially as his gaze flicks down to mine and his nostrils flare.

I almost remind him that I haven’t done anything at all. I’m completely innocent. I don’t. Instead, I stand firm, wait and listen for what is about to go down next. I’ve learned a lot in this short time outside and I’m not about to walk away without learning a hell of a lot more.

“You mistake what I’ve said, Mia. Your relationship will be yours. Set your ground rules, set your terms. Don’t make yourself a victim before you’ve even said your vows. Gavino is offering you something huge. You would be a fool to take prison over that.”

“It’s still a prison, Tiz. No matter what terms I come to with whoever this mystery husband would be doesn’t matter. Federal prison has an end date, this one doesn’t.”

Tiziano shakes his head. “You wanted my advice, that’s what I have for you. Now get the fuck out.”

My eyes widen again at his demand. I’ve never heard him talk like that to anyone. At least, not in front of me, then again, we haven’t truly been around one another very much. Most of our interaction with other people are just us and Salvatore.

Mia touches my shoulder and I turn my head to look back at her, seeing her for the first time this morning. She looks like hell. In all the times I’ve seen Mia, she’s never even had a hair out of place.

This morning she looks like she stayed up all night long, didn’t bother washing yesterday’s makeup off, or applying any new makeup today. Her clothes are even askew and that’s not like her. Something ugly slithers inside of me and I wonder if Tiziano left me to go to her, if they spent the night together.

But Mia shakes her head once. “I shouldn’t have come here. I didn’t sleep last night, I’ve been so upset and I came here thinking that Tiziano could help me. I shouldn’t have.”

“No, you shouldn’t have,” I agree.

She nods her head, then slips away from the balcony. I watch as she walks into the house before she makes her way straight for the door. Only when the front door is closed behind her do I turn to Tiziano.

“I don’t even have words,” I whisper.


If betrayal had a look,it would be my wife’s face right now. She watches me. Her whispered words still echoing in my ears. Fuck me, I have fucked up. I’d planned on telling her, made myself promise that I would last night, then this morning.

“Mia called me yesterday. I went to the casino, stayed in the main room, told her she couldn’t call me for advice anymore. I thought that I made it clear. I told her no more. I told her she was on her own and I thought that I was very clear,” I explain.

“You went to her instead of coming to the doctor with me. I waited, Salvatore called. You were with her and couldn’t bother to answer his phone call,” she says.

She is not wrong. In fact, she’s absolutely right. I open my mouth but snap it closed when she continues. “I thought that you were busy dealing with your father’s men. That you were potentially in danger. I thought you were working,” she says, the last word is on a hiss and there is fire in her eyes that I didn’t know existed.

I take a step toward her, expecting her to push me away, but she doesn’t. Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her against my chest. Lifting one of my hands, I wrap my palm around the back of her head, the other I place in the center of her back as I hold her to me.

Dipping my chin, I touch my mouth to the top of her head. “Fuck,” I murmur. “Swear to fuck, nothing happened, zuccherino.”

She lifts her head, her eyes finding mine and she nods once. “I’m tired,” she whispers. “I’m not going to hold this against you, but just know, I’m tired, Tiziano.”

“Understood, Maci. No more.”

She licks her lips and I can’t help myself, I touch my mouth to hers and slide my tongue between them. I taste her, taste all of her, knowing that she’s mine and she gives a fuck about me. She does too, judging by her reaction she was jealous as fuck of Mia and it’s sexy as shit.

Something about Maci being jealous seriously fucking turns me on. Though, I have a feeling she wouldn’t be too forgiving if this became a regular occurrence.

I’ve already ended the issue with Mia, and soon, she will be either too busy with a husband of her own or locked up in federal prison. Either way, she won’t be anywhere near us again.

“Mia, married?” Maci asks.

Smiling, I look down into her eyes, touching my mouth to her nose as I continue to hold her. I don’t want to let her go, I also don’t ever want to see that look of betrayal cross her face again. I want to keep her smiling or turned on, nothing else ever again. We’ve had enough bullshit to last us a lifetime. No more hurt, pain, or sadness between us—ever.

“Gavino said he could protect her, that he would if she would get married and take over another famiglia.”

“Be a boss? Like you, like him?” Maci asks in surprise.

Smiling, I hum, my hand sliding down from her back to cup her ass. I groan at the sensation of the silky fabric against my skin, hers warm just beneath. Dipping my face farther down, I touch my lips to the side of her neck, tasting her skin there.

“With strict limitations and rules, so not exactly like me and Vino,” I explain, my lips never leaving her warm sweet flesh.

“That’s a big deal, right? For a woman.”

“She’d be the first,” I admit.


Lifting my head, I look into Maci’s eyes. “Is it something you would want?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “Never,” she murmurs. “I have never desired huge amounts of power.”

“What do you desire, zuccherino?”

“Stability. Happiness. Family,” she whispers.

“It’s yours, I can give you those things.”

“What makes you think you haven’t already?”

I arch a brow, knowing without a doubt that I have not given her an ounce of goddamn stability. Fucking hell, this woman. I don’t deserve her. I knew it the moment I agreed to the marriage. I also knew that I couldn’t have anyone but her.

It’s funny how that works out—I knew I shouldn’t take her, but I knew that I had no choice.

She’s mine, just as I’m hers.

Owned in every goddamn way possible.

The wife of my dreams.

My soul.