Becoming His Wife by Hayley Faiman

Chapter Six


After the dress is chosen, Mia leaves me alone and I’m grateful. She’s nice enough, but I can tell that we’re never going to be girlfriends. Thinking of friends, I wonder what Pamela is doing, she was probably the closest thing I’ve ever had to a friend before. I didn’t know that girls could be as nice as her and the other women of the Savage Beast MC.

I wonder if the women in this group are all like Mia, or if I’ll be able to find a friend in the group. Then, I wonder if I’ll ever meet any of them.

Truthfully, I’m not sure if I’ll be allowed any freedoms at all. I don’t know anything about my husband, and I have no clue what my boundaries are. Mia may think me naïve, but I’m not so much so to not understand that my husband is in complete control of me—he owns me as soon as I take my vows.

Lying in bed, I stare at the ceiling unable to sleep. I don’t close my eyes at all. The safety that I felt yesterday is gone and now I wonder what awaits me. I have no clue what will happen tomorrow, let alone in two weeks when I take my vows.

With a heavy sigh, I push myself up to sitting, leaning back against the headboard. Closing my eyes, I tilt my head back. Letting out a breath, I open my eyes again, then reach across to the nightstand drawer. Opening it, I tug out the remote control and power on the television.

Flipping around, I look for something to distract me. I have no clue what is even on television anymore, it’s been so long since I’ve been able to watch one. Finally, I settle on a movie. I’m not really watching it when I hear a noise.

Tugging the sheets up to my chest, I turn my head, watching the bedroom door. It’s open and my heart slams against my chest as I wait for whoever has just come into my small apartment.

I knew it wasn’t safe here after Mia told me that there was a man who had access to come inside along with her. I don’t know who is here, but I know without a doubt that it is someone. I hear the footsteps of what are probably some kind of fancy loafer as they walk across the hardwood flooring.

Then there is a shadow in the doorway and my eyes widen. I don’t scream, because I know from experience, it makes men panic and act out of that panic. Instead. I stare at the shadowed figure waiting for it to attack me.

It doesn’t.

He doesn’t.

Instead, he takes a step into the room and my entire body freezes, but no longer in panic, this time it’s with lust. I don’t know what to do. My body begins to burn, my belly dips, and I have to press my thighs together. I want him, I don’t know what exactly I want from him, but I know that I want his touch everywhere.

“I shouldn’t be here,” he murmurs.

It’s him.

“But you are,” I dumbly whisper.

He chuckles, taking another step inside. “I am. I had to see if it was still there.”


I feel like an idiot. My sentences are one word and I’m trembling beneath the sheets and comforter. I don’t know why he would want to marry me. It’s something so permanent and I’m not classy like Mia. I’m not drop-dead gorgeous like her either. She looks like she would fit in with him and his fancy suit, I don’t even own a pair of fucking pants at this point.

“This feeling when I look at you.”

“And?” I ask when he doesn’t elaborate.

I can see his facial expressions in the glow of the television, His lips turn up into a grin before he chuckles. “Yeah, zuccherino. That feeling is still there, stronger than I remembered from yesterday.”

My breath hitches and as much as I want to slide from the bed and be seductive and sexy, I have no clue what to do and I can’t will my body to move, so I stay perfectly still. Licking my lips, I hold my breath for a moment and watch him.

His lips curve up into a smile and I notice that he has a dimple in his cheek. It’s sexy as shit. He takes one step toward me, then another. Watching him, I wonder what he’s going to do next and I hope it includes his large hands all over my naked body.

“Mia is taking care of you, being nice?”

The way he asks, it causes me to be taken aback a bit. “She is,” I say.

He nods his head. “You’re going to meet my father this weekend. It’s very important that he thinks we’re extremely happy.”

“He doesn’t know?” I ask.

Tiziano doesn’t say anything right away, instead he clears his throat. “He does know that this is a match, but he wants me to be happy with a woman who will be good to me and for me.”

“Oh,” I breathe.

He hums, taking one step forward, then as if he realizes he’s almost touching the bed with his knee, he takes a step backward. His eyes roam over me curled up beneath the sheets. He tilts his head to the side watching me for a long moment. I don’t know what he’s thinking, but I wish that I could figure it out.

“What?” I ask.

He shakes his head once. “Nothing. You’re young.”

“Are you not?”

His tongue sticks out and slides along his bottom lip, I watch, wishing that it would slide across any part of my body. I wouldn’t be picky. He could lick my cheek at this point and I would accept it, gladly.

“I’m over thirty,” he states.

“Okay. You’re not ancient though,” I point out.

“I’m not, but I have seen much more of life than you, yeah?”

Nodding, I decide to move. Sliding my feet over the side of the bed, I stand on trembling legs and force myself to walk over to him.

Clearing my throat, I tilt my head back when I’m directly in front of him. Lifting my hand, I place my palm against his warm chest and feel the way his heart beats beneath his skin.

“I’ve seen enough of life to know that what I had, I don’t want anymore. That life, it isn’t worth living.”

“But life with me is?” he asks.

Shrugging a shoulder, I watch him. “Is it?”

His green eyes search mine and he dips his chin, inhaling a deep breath, he doesn’t kiss me, but he’s so close that I can almost taste him.

“I hope so, zuccherino, for both our sakes.”


I should have kissedher when I saw her last. I replay the moments alone in her bedroom over and over. She was so fucking sexy in her little shorts and top. She looked absolutely edible. I left her standing in the middle of the room, her nipples hard and her body wanting.

My father clears his throat, shaking me from my memories. I’ve been busy all week, almost too busy to think of her, but I’ve found my moments. Every night in my bed, my hand wrapped around my cock, stroking myself. Then again, every morning doing the same in the shower.

Now it’s time for the bachelor and bachelorette party and my dad is dressed in his best suit and ready to party. I just hope that Maci is ready too. Mia assures me that she knows her role, at least for tonight.

Smoothing out my jacket lapel, I turn to my dad. “You ready, old man?” I ask with a grin.

He takes a step toward me, his eyes glittering, and he reaches in his jacket, pulling out an expensive Cuban. He holds it out to me.

“Before we go, we celebrate together, yeah?”

Grinning, I bring the cigar to my lips. “Yeah,” I agree.

We spend a good thirty minutes discussing business, then shift our conversation to women, well, one woman in particular.

“Before I meet her, what does she look like?”

I don’t know why he wants to know. No, that’s a lie. He wants to know if she is going to look like her. He doesn’t realize that after Luisa, I’ve never wanted to even look at another dark-haired woman, let alone marry her.

Well, that’s not true.

I fucked Mia more times than I can count, but it was physical release and mutual respect, nothing more.

“She’s blonde haired and green eyed. She’s curvy and small, about five-two,” I explain.

My dad’s eyes widen. “I thought you liked tall women?”

Luisa was tall, Mia is also tall. I have been attracted to tall, thin women my entire life. Maybe that’s why it has me all in knots about Maci. She is the exact opposite of every woman I have ever found myself attracted to. She’s small, she’s got curves in abundance, without being too much. She’s nothing like the women that I have been with and yet, I can’t get her off my mind. I ache for her.

“I thought I did too, until I saw her,” I admit.

My father grins. “I know you don’t want to talk about her, but I have to admit that I was the opposite. All the women I dated before your mother and after, were very petite. It was your mother, tall and thin, with straight dark hair and eyes that could pierce your soul. I fell for her immediately, at first sight. I was just so cocky that I thought I could win her over. I thought money would keep her.”

Padre,” I rasp.

He shakes his head. “My only fatherly advice before we go, before you marry this woman. Don’t be so foolish to think that money will keep her beneath your thumb. It won’t. Give her yourself too. It’s easy to fall without giving her the real you. Women need that, they need to know that they have a spot in your heart. Tell her, yeah?”

“Yeah,” I say hoarsely.

We leave a few moments later and head out to the party together. If he wants to leave before me, Cedro, his driver will bring him home. I’ll find my own way home later, maybe. Cedro is already waiting next to the car as we make our way out of the house.

It’s been a good run, me living here with my father. Soon, I’ll have to move to the townhouse that I bought a few months ago and start living with my wife. Not many men in my position still live with their parents, but that’s the thing with my father and I, we aren’t typical. We’re different and I couldn’t just walk away from him, couldn’t just leave him alone. Not the way she did. Guilt consumes me when it comes to my father, guilt that I will probably never overcome.

“I’ve got my money, my cigars, and I’m ready for a drink and to look at some fine ass,” he announces as Cedro pulls up in front of the casino.

Chuckling, I slide out of the car and help him out after me. “I bet you are,” I announce.

Once we’re in the building, I’m not surprised to see that it’s a smaller group. Gavino had the casino closed to the members tonight. It’s only famiglia here. Made Men and their wives only, along with card dealers and waitresses. Call girls are nowhere to be seen, however, Mia’s smiling face greets us as we make our way to the group.

“The Bianchis, let me escort you to your party.”

“Thank you, Mia,” I murmur.

We follow behind her, my eyes take in her ass and I grunt. She’s fucking stunning. Lifting my head, I look up a few feet ahead of me and my breath is stolen. There, standing in front of Luciana, her ass to me, I see my bride.

I know it’s her.

She’s the only one dressed in a body-hugging white sequin gown. Her blonde hair is swept to the side, and I can see her entire back on display, her dress only skims the small of her back, the rest of the skin is completely on display. Even just from behind, she’s breathtaking.

When she turns her head, looking over her shoulder to me, I stop in my tracks. She’s polished, completely and totally put together. She looks exactly like the wife of a Made Man is supposed to look, she looks as if she belongs nowhere but on my arm. I can’t wait to mess her up when I get her alone.

Mess her up just for my eyes only.

Because I know now without a doubt in my soul—she is mine.