Twisted Lies by Nora Cobb


Chapter 29



Astrid is a perfect beauty, and I can’t stop staring at all of her. She smiles, and her blue eyes flash from across the table. She places a gentle hand on my arm as we finish our dinner. “Thank you, Bryce. This was really special.”


“Are you ready to go upstairs?” I ask her in a low voice. Her expression falters and I motion for the check.


The bedrooms are located on the second floor, and I booked the largest one with a private bath. Astrid inspects our room and touches every piece of furniture while I watch her. I really don’t care if the walls are painted ocean blue, but the look on her face as she takes everything in makes her even more attractive. Astrid pretends not to care about nicer things, but I see the appreciation in her eyes. And when I see it, I remember what it feels like to be grateful again.


“I’m falling for you,” I whisper against her neck, holding her in my arms. She giggles but doesn’t say a word. Maybe I went too far. Possibly I’ve given too much. I let her go and walk into the bathroom.


“Do you think we’ll be here the whole night?” she calls out to me. “I was hoping to be back before the morning.”


I have a small overnight bag, and it was brought up to the room along with her tote bag while we ate. I assumed, based on all the stuff she had shoved in her bag, that we were spending the night. I take off my jacket and stretch my neck until it cracks. “We can leave before morning if you want to.”


Astrid appears at the bathroom door. Her eyes drift over my chest as I pull off my tie. “I want to do what we’re going to do. But I don’t want to do the walk of shame later.”


Grinning like a fool that has no clue what gold is, I pull Astrid into my arms. I close my eyes, burying my head in her hair and willing my ragged breathing to steady. I pull back and stare hard into her eyes until the smile comes off her face. Her mouth tenses, and that’s what I want. That tiny bit of nervousness before the fear. My cock hardens as I take control.


“I wasn’t…” she starts to speak, but I press my finger against her mouth.


“Don’t speak,” I tell her. “Take off your dress.”


Astrid turns away, and her eyes harden as she looks around the room for a suitable place to put her dress. She walks over to a small writing dress and begins to take off her clothes. I lean against the doorjamb and watch her body slowly reveal. My cock hardens until I have to swallow a moan. Astrid must have noticed because she smirks as she takes off her bra and flings it onto the chair.


It’s happening again—the loss of control because a girl thinks she has me. I liked Charlotte at first, but then she sensed that I wanted her too much. And she took advantage. It isn’t going to happen this time.


I grab a condom from my bag and strip off my clothes by the bed, leaving them on the floor. I toss my belt on the bed, and Astrid gives me a questioning look until her gaze latches onto my hard cock. I’m proud of what I have—every thick inch of it. I hop onto the bed and motion for her to join me.


I want Astrid. Her skin practically glows in the dim light as her lean and long legs carry her gracefully towards the bed. Her hips have pleasing curves that lead to the pussy that I want to taste.


She is flawless.


I want to bury myself deep within her and then wake up with her in my arms in the morning. But not tonight. Tonight is about who’s in charge.


Calmly, Astrid lies down beside me on the bed and folds her arms. She yelps when I grab her wrists and straddle her hips. My lips crash down on hers, and that kiss almost costs me my resolve. My heat rages for her as she squirms underneath me. My cock is heavy, and all I want is to feel her surrounding it.


I lift up. “Are you going to behave? Or are you going to mouth off?”


“Tonight, I’ll behave,” she says in a sassy tone. She watches me intently as her tongue moves slowly over her red lips and sets me off again. I lean down and suck her bottom lip into my mouth. My teeth graze her tender skin, and she squirms underneath me again. I pull back a little, but Astrid presses her hips into mine. I want to fuck her and feel her tightness surround me, but I hold back.


I grab my belt and wrap the smooth leather around her slim wrists before knotting the other end around the headboard. I don’t want Astrid to touch me. I don’t want to lose control, and I will if I feel her fingertips on my skin. Astrid watches me with wide eyes and then moans when I run my finger along her soaked slit. I taste her as she watches me.


I drink in her scent and ask. “What do you want, Astrid?”


“I want you, Bryce,” she replies, her voice a low husky breath.


I smile, wondering for a second if she’s lying. “And you act as if you don’t know my game.” Slowly, I move downward, watching her eyes until my mouth touches her pussy. I kiss her swollen clit then press my tongue against it as she moans. I close my eyes, savoring the feel of her smooth heat against my tongue. Every part of her is sweet, though she tries to act as if she’s not.


“What if we only did this?” I ask


Astrid moans, and then she tosses her head the same way as in that video. Justin had no business tasting her first. It was my right. I noticed her the first day she walked into the dining hall in her work uniform—her cat-like eyes staring at me—then she looked away until she caught me staring again.


I lost the first kiss to Wyatt. And then Justin took her from me. They’re not touching her again, and I won’t have to stop them. Astrid will stop them because she’ll never be false to me.


Astrid bites her lip as her hips rise off the bed. I grab her knees and hold her open as I kiss her swollen clit softly. Her legs tremble in my hands, and she fights against the restraints, but they stop her from getting away from me until I make gasp, then moan, and finally scream.


Her orgasm stretches her beautiful body.


That mischievous grin is gone as she pants and stares at me as if I’ve hurt her. I have. She’ll never be with anyone else and not think about me. I straddle her hips again, my heavy cock resting against her, teasing her, slipping against her, but not going in.


“Bryce,” she whimpers.


I lean over her small breasts with their bright pink nipples. The size would perfectly fill a champagne glass. My lips rest against her tight nipple, and I slowly lick until her eyes close. I place my mouth entirely over her breast and take her in. The softness fills my mouth as my tongue strokes her. Her hips start to shake again.


“That feels so good,” she moans, “You make me feel good.”


Astrid tries to move her hands, but the belt prevents her from seeking release too soon. I pull away from her, and Astrid opens her eyes and smiles. The tenderness tugs at me, and I want to bury my face against her shoulder and tell her that I’d do anything as long as she loved me. I just want to hold her and feel her softness against me and take comfort in it, but I can’t. Being weak is not what I do.


Her gaze takes me all in as I position my body over hers. My cock throbs achingly as she widens her legs. I grab the condom and slide it down. Whether she’s on the pill or not, we’re not taking chances. Watching her chest rise and lower, I slip the belt off her wrists, but Astrid doesn’t lower her arms. She writhes against the bed and moans as my fingers stroke her, feeling the wetness for me between her legs.


“Am I making you feel good?” I ask.


She nods.


“More than anyone else?” I ask.


She nods quickly, and I’m pleased that she didn’t have to think about it. I lower my hips against her and then press into her. The feeling sucks the breath out of me. She’s so tight, and I can’t stand not to be inside her as I push my cock deeper. I wait as she whimpers, each thrust making her gasp, and I pause even though I’m going insane with need. She’s so tight, and I freeze.


I won’t ask. I can’t. “Relax, baby,” I whisper, “I won’t ever hurt you.”


Astrid’s eyes open, and I’m lost in her again. Her hands touch my back, and I start again, slowly taking my time with each movement. I forget to be cruel and hardhearted as I was taught to be. I forget as I push into her again and the sensation of joining with her leaves me weak.


My mouth hovers over hers to swallow the small sigh from her throat. My lips touch hers gently as I push myself into her fully.


Astrid clings to me as I pull out and push back, increasing the rhythm as our hips meld together. My control snaps as she squeezes me, and a chill shoots through me. Hard and fast, I fuck her in long delicious strokes as her nails dig in my back. I moan her name as my cock swells in her. I hiss as the intensity crawls up my spine and tingles across my skin.


What has she done to me? I can’t control it. I can’t control her.


My hips buck wildly—desperate to get a few more thrust in—as I press my face into her shoulders. With a tortured groan, I call her name as my cock erupts, filling the condom with thick ropey spurts.


Trembling, I pull myself from her and roll over to my side. My back is to her, but I can hear Astrid sigh.




The sky is turning gray, but the sun is still below the horizon as we pull up to Stonehaven. Astrid will make it into her own bed tonight before anyone can see her creep back into the dorm. I tried to talk her into staying, and I’m hurt that she said no.


“Thank you, Astrid.”


She slips her heels into the bag and quickly shoves her flats back onto her feet.


“Thanks, I had fun.” The corners of her mouth are stretched as she put on her coat. I can’t tell if she’s telling the truth. I ignore the pang of guilt over what I’m about to do.


“I have something for you.” I reach into my jacket pocket and pull out an envelope. Astrid looks at it as if she’s never seen an envelope before today. She takes it and opens it. Her fingernail clicks over the cash inside, and she looks at me quizzically.


I sit back and away from her. “Thank you for the evening.”


The look Astrid gives me makes my muscles ache, but I know how to keep her off balance. Let her go to Justin, but she won’t. Or Wyatt. But she won’t run to them once I shake her off balance. She’ll have to cling to me.


“You pay every girl you date?” she asks.


“Only certain ones.”


Astrid hesitates, the money in her trembling hand. I sit quietly and wait for it. I wait for her to fling it back in my face. I don’t know what I’ll do when she does. Maybe I’ll apologize, but I don’t know and never will as she shoves the money in her bag. Astrid looks at me and wants to say something. I can tell by the way she chews her lip.


I want to pull her back into the car and bury my head against her warm shoulder again. I want to tell her I know I’m being an asshole, but her eyes are too defiant.


She’s determined to control me.


Astrid won’t bend until I break her.


And I’ll never own her until she’s broken.