Reborn by Melody Anne

Note From Author Including Anderson World Read Order

If you enjoyed this new spin-off from Melody Anne’s first series, The Billionaire Bachelors, then you can catch up on all of these characters you’re going to see in and out of the series in the books listed below. Any of these series can be read alone, but it’s also a lot of fun to read them in somewhat of an order. Each family has their own unique dynamic, and Joseph is the key character that pulls them all together. His meddling knows no bounds.

Also a side not from me. The Andersons originally began as a three-book series when I started my writing career. But I fell in love with Joseph and the Anderson dynamic. I went on to write other series, but I found I was bringing Joseph along, wanting to take him with me to all of the worlds I was creating. So in came his twin brother George, who just happens to be one of my favorite uncles. He lived in Cordova, AK, where I spent a summer when I was sixteen, which is why I sent my couple there in Blackmailing the Billionaire. I loved that town. He moved to Anchorage, and I can’t wait to go there again and do some fishing which I’ve become addicted to.

Well, at the end of book seven of the Andersons, I thought it was all finished once again, and then a fan wrote me an email and said they’d had a dream that Joseph and George were staring at a newspaper, and they saw a man who looked just like them. And I was in love with the idea of a stolen baby plot. So in came Richard, who is another favorite uncle of mine. Richard was stolen at birth as their triplet. Back when Joseph’s mother had her babies, fathers weren’t often in the delivery room, and the doctor just figured she already had two babies, and wouldn’t miss a third. So in came five more kids for Joseph and George to play cupid with.

At the end of that story, Joseph would go on to meddle in the lives of his friends children, and so his legacy has continued to grow. I left openings in many of my books because I can never truly say those magical words of “the end” and so a new branch of Andersons were found in my Montlake series, Anderson Billionaires.

Then I with friends, and we were storyboarding about possible ideas, and that’s how this newest spin-off happened with Anderson Black Ops. This series has been so much fun, because I’m co-writing it. I have a friend who knows the world of black ops, so he’s been giving strong outlines, and chapters for these new men we’ve created in this fun new world. We have a lot of ideas of where this will all lead.

Now, I’m getting a lot of emails, asking about the order to read. I’ve created so many stories at this point, that even I’m a little lost on the order, but I’m going to list it as best I can with staying in the right timeframe. The newest, of course, are easiest to keep track of, but since I bring in so many other series in the middle of writing these books, it does get a bit confusing.

So here we go. And as always, I love to hear feedback from you. After all, I can’t do this job, can’t write these fantastic stories, and can’t live in my dream world, without your support. You make the magic happen. You give me a voice to put onto paper, and you make my dreams come true. If the order is at all messed up, then please let me know and we’ll adjust.

I have a fantastic team I work with, and we’re constantly changing and fixing things. It’s amazing this digital world we now have, that we can fix things so easily. Before the world of epublishing, if there was a mistake, it couldn’t get fixed until the next set of books were printed. Now, it’s just a few hits on the keyboard, and woola, we’re good to go again.

Thank you so much for your support. And I hope you are well, are enjoying these stories, and are making magic happen in this crazy world we’ve found ourselves in in the parallel universe that some call 2020.

Read Order for The Anderson Empire

Billionaire Bachelors

  1. *The Billionaire Wins the Game
  2. *The Billionaire’s Dance
  3. *The Billionaire Falls
  4. *The Billionaire’s Marriage Proposal
  5. *Blackmailing the Billionaire
  6. *Runaway Heiress
  7. *The Billionaire’s Final Stand
  8. *Unexpected Treasure
  9. *Hidden Treasure
  10. *Holiday Treasure
  11. *Priceless Treasure
  12. *The Ultimate Treasure

Now, you can read the Tycoon Series, which Joseph’s in, but only one of the books is truly relevant to the continuation of the Andersons. I’ll list all of the Tycoon books here, but highlight Damien’s story, which will come up later on in a twist for The Billionaire Andersons listed below.

Baby for the Billionaire

Book One: * The Tycoon’s Revenge

Book Two: *The Tycoon’s Vacation

Book Three: *The Tycoon’s Proposal

  1. Book Four:*The Tycoon’s Secret

Book Five: *The Lost Tycoon

Book Six: *Rescue Me

And here we go again, with another insert. So, the next series Joseph is in is my Heroes Series. We have a visit from Dr. Spence Whitman in this book you’ve just read, which is in this series. You can read this series next to know Spence’s story, but you won’t be lost if you don’t. So I’ll list the entire series here, and again highlight the story that has Spence in it, adding it to the list. All of these books can be a stand alone, but I do bring my characters in and out of most of my series because I can’t let them go. So if you read Her Hometown Hero, it’s a complete story, but the brothers will be all throughout it.

Heroes Series

Pre-Book: *Safe in his arms – Novella(in an Anthology called *Baby it’s Cold Outside)

Book One: *Her Unexpected Hero – Book One

Book Two: *Who I am with you – Book Two – Novella

  1. Book Three: *Her Hometown Hero

Book Four: *Following Her – Book Four – Novella

Book Five: *Her Forever Hero – Book Five

And now, we come up to Sherman, who will play a big roll in this series. Sherman’s another of those characters I seriously love! And when I came up with Bobbi, Avery’s mother, I knew right then and there, she was going to be a match for Sherman. By the way, Bobbi is named after my best friend’s mother, who I absolutely adore! She mirrors some of her character traits too, and we’ll be seeing a lot more of her. In real life she’s married to Hal, who happens to be a fantastic man.

After I wrote the Bobbi character, I was telling her what she’s saying and doing, and I might’ve made her blush. Hal’s okay with it, though. If he’s gonna lose his wife, at least it’s to Sherman, who just so happens to be a pretty great guy. We just spent a long weekend at their house in Northern Cali, and had a refreshing, fantastic time. And I was putting them under the microscope for my upcoming stories. I use real life in my books all of the time because family events are definitely story worthy. So, Bobbi, beware cause I’m gonna have fun with this character.

I’m going to list the Billionaire Aviators here, but not number them because you don’t have to read the books to read all the rest, but if you want to get to know Sherman, then I’d dive on in. This series was one of my fav to write, because I love the characters, love the journey, and I was really growing in my writing at this point, getting a little more courageous with what I was doing within my fantasy worlds.

Billionaire Aviators

Book One: *Turbulent Intentions (Cooper)

Book Two: *Turbulent Desires (Maverick)

Book Three: *Turbulent Waters (Nick)

Book Four *Turbulent Intrigue (Ace)

Now, you will also see Joseph and other Andersons appear in my Undercover Billionaire world, where I also really started adding more suspense into my writing. Some of these characters will pop in and out of this world as well, because, like I said, I love to bring these characters into each world. So you can read this series, but again, won’t be lost if you don’t, so I won’t number them.

Also, on a side note. Owen is my favorite book I’ve ever written. I lost my dad in 2018, and it nearly killed me. I write men like Joseph, George, Sherman, and more because I’m a daddy’s girl, through and through. He raised me with so much more love than I can even begin to explain, and he also taught me how to be independent and strong. He’s the reason I’m an author, the reason I’m so strong, and the reason I still cry because I miss him so much.

He LOVED UFO stories, and when all of the news broke that they were releasing the government files on UFO’s, my heart was breaking again, because he would’ve been so excited, and absolutely glued to the internet. But I know he’s up in heaven laughing because he has all of the answers now, but I sure would love him to be here with me so we could talk and wonder, and laugh, and so his arms could be wrapped around me.

My heroine loses her dad in Owen, which I’d begun writing before I lost my dad. I had to stop, and when I came back to the book, I cried my way through a lot of it. A lot of those lines she uses when she’s talking about her father were things I asked and said. I was so lost for a long time losing him. And writing Owen helped me heal. My heart will never be truly full again, but my dad loved me, and I love him, and I know he’d kick my butt if I didn’t live my life with love, laughter and triumph. He raised me to be a powerful woman, and I won’t dishonor him by being anything less than that. So I’m gonna highlight Owen, not because it’s needed for the Andersons, but because it’s needed for my soul.

Undercover Billionaires

Book One: *Kian

Book Two: *Arden

Book Three:*Owen

Book Four: *Declan

And now it gets a bit more confusing as I’m finishing out my Montlake series at the same time as we’re doing The Anderson Black Ops series, so you get to go back and forth a bit if you want to stay exactly in the timeline. We’re finally making it to the end . . . for now. But I guess I’ll have to stay on top of this because I have no doubt that the Anderson world will continue to grow and grow and grow, even as I take time to visit other worlds in between. Thank you again for all you do. I hope you fall in love with these characters over and over again, just as I do each time I dive back into the Anderson Universe.

The Billionaire Andersons

  1. Book One:*Finn
  2. Book Two:*Noah

Anderson Black Ops

  1. Book One:*Shadows

The Billionaire Andersons

  1. Book Three:*Brandon

Anderson Black Ops

  1. Book Two: *Rising

The Billionaire Andersons

  1. Book Four: *Hudson

Anderson Black Ops

  1. Book Three: *Barriers

The Billionaire Andersons

  1. Book Five: *Crew

Anderson Black Ops

  1. Book Four: *Broken
  2. Book Five: *Reborn