Wounded Redemption by Brook Wilder


Chapter 15



I was almost asleep when the door opened softly, light spilling into the room before it was quickly shut. “Nico?” I asked sleepily. “Is that you?”


There was a rustling of clothing before the bed dipped and his body slid next to mine. “I’m sorry, I lost track of time.”


Rolling over, I peered through the darkness to find my husband staring up at the ceiling, his jaw clenched. “What have you been doing?”


“Planning for tomorrow,” he stated firmly, raising one of his arms behind his hand. “I had to make sure you were safe.”


He still didn’t sound like he was excited about it. “I’m sorry to put you in this situation,” I said softly, laying my hand on his chest. “But we have to do it.”


He finally looked at me. “You have no fucking idea what anxiety I have for you. I can’t fucking lose you, Rory.”


Tears sprang to my eyes as I heard the stark fear in his voice. “You’re not going to lose me,” I told him, moving over in the bed so that I could straddle him. “I’m going to follow every instruction and take down your father in the process.”


There was a wry grin on his lips as his hands came up to grip my hips. “You sound so much like a badass when you say it like that.”


“It’s the truth,” I answered, leaning down to brush my lips over his. He groaned, and I felt his cock pressing against my ass insistently. He needed me.


I was going to give him what he needed.


My hands slipped into his hair and I kissed him long and hard, letting my emotions play out in my kiss. Nico was many things, but one thing he wasn’t good at was hiding what he needed in the bedroom.


My hands roamed down from his hair to his shoulders, breaking our kiss with a slight pant. “I want to touch you,” I told him as my fingers traced the muscles there. “I want to kiss you.”


“Fuck, Rory,” he groaned. “I’m not going to last that long.”


“Then don’t,” I answered, lowering to brush my lips over his shoulder. This wasn’t about me. This was about him.


His hands had a death grip on my hips as I kissed my way across his chest, flicking his nipples with my tongue before dragging it down the center of his chest, my body sliding as I went. His rigid cock dragged across my own stomach, and I felt the build of want inside my own body, pushing it aside as I reached his abdomen. Nico had stripped off his clothing save a pair of boxers, and I arched a brow. “Boxers? Really?”


He let out a tortured laugh. “I threw them on this morning without thinking.”


I had grown used to him walking around with nothing under his trousers, but this was a new thing that had me tugging on the waistband. “Take them off.”


“Yes, ma’am,” he replied, shoving them down his hips and kicking them away. His cock sprang from his body and my mouth went dry. “You need me.”


“Fuck, yeah, I do,” he said, adjusting the pillow behind his neck so he could watch me. His eyes glittered in the dark, and his hands flexed on the sheets in anticipation. “I always need you, Rory. You’re all I fucking think about.”


I wanted to keep it that way. I stripped off the T-shirt I was wearing, and his eyes dilated at the sight of my bare chest, but I shook my head. “Not now.”


“Tease,” he growled. My hand touched him, and he hissed as I slid it up his shaft. “I’m going to need you to slow down,” he grunted.


When my lips touched the bulging head, I thought he was going to jump out of the bed. “Steady now,” I murmured, brushing my thumb over the slit on the top. “This is my time.”


“Fuck,” he groaned as I drew him into my mouth. His hands went gently into my hair, and he guided me to the hilt, my mouth widening to make room. “God, I love you.”


I loved him too, far too much. I worked him with my hand and my tongue until he was panting, his hands tightening on my hair. I knew he was close, and he wasn’t going to like the fact that I wanted him to come for me. “No,” he hissed as his hips rose to meet my mouth. “Please.”


God, I loved it when he begged. My husband, the powerful Mafia don (well, he should be), begging me to be cautious with him.


It was amazing.


“Rory,” he grunted as I continued before he shuddered and the first stream shot in my mouth. I continued until there was nothing left, swallowing it all as I backed away.


“What did you do to me?” he asked, his breathing heavy.


I wasn’t going to lie. I had a feline grin on my face as I joined him on the pillow, my fingers circling his abdomen. “I relieved you, Nico.”


He growled and flipped me on my back, his body covering mine. “And now it’s my turn.”


Oh God.


Nico kissed me leisurely until I was the one gasping for breath as he moved to my breasts, lavishing my aching nipples with his tongue. “Nico,” I breathed, my hands clenching in his hair.


He chuckled against my skin. “Not so nice, is it?”


“No,” I grumbled, his lips moving down to my stomach. When his hand pulled down the waistband of my underwear, I forgot to breathe, knowing what he was going to do. What I wanted him to do.


“Let’s see how you taste,” he said before stripping off my panties and placing his mouth in the center of my thighs. I groaned as he did so, my body jerking against his tongue when he found my swollen nub. I was already close to my own orgasm, having gotten worked up over bringing him to his, and the way that he used his tongue on my clit was torture.


Nico inserted his finger inside and crooked it up once, causing me to explode against his mouth, crying out his name. One move. That’s all it took.


He didn’t relent, though, and finally I had to nearly kick him away to get him to stop. “Mercy,” I gasped, closing my thighs tightly.


“Oh no,” he grinned, covering his body with mine once more. I felt him hard against my leg and opened my eyes. “Seriously?”


He nodded, pushing apart my thighs. “Seriously. Give yourself to me, Rory.”


I would do so again and again if it meant I could keep him forever. Instead of pressing fast into me, he slid in inch by inch, filling me until there was no room left. “This,” he growled, his hand sliding up to clench mine. “This is what we are all about.”


“I love you,” I sobbed, wrapping my legs around his waist. “Please.”


He hooked one leg over his arm and slid out, only to drive into me again and cause another orgasm. I gasped as he did it repeatedly, his body slapping against mine in a rhythm that was solely Nico. He knew what I liked, where I liked it, and when he hit my G-Spot, I swore I saw stars. “Tell me again,” he demanded as my hips rose to meet his. “Fuck, Rory, say it.”


“I love you,” I panted, meeting him thrust for thrust. “I love you so much it hurts.”


He roared my name as he poured into me, and I cried out, the feeling so complete that it brought tears to my eyes.


This was what we were about and so much more.


Anthony cried out and Nico froze, glancing over at the playpen we had set up for him to sleep in. “Fuck,” he whispered, scrambling off me. “I forgot he was here.”


I lay there, attempting to gather myself back together as Nico tended to our son before joining me in bed, hauling me against him. “Lost his pacifier,” he grumbled, his hand threading into my hair.


I smiled and placed my hand over his rapidly beating heart. “I think his papa lost something as well.”


“Minx,” he said, pinching my skin lightly.


I chuckled softly and felt the pull on my exhausted body. “That was…”


“That was everything,” he finished for me, his fingers stilling in my hair. “Rory, you are my very fucking soul, and if something happens to you, I will never forgive myself.”


His words sounded tortured, so I rose up on one elbow, looking at him. “Nothing can take me away from you,” I said softly. “He can try, but we are a pair.”


He let out a ragged sigh and pulled me down to his shoulder once more. “Sleep. Tomorrow is going to be a hell of a day.”


That I couldn’t deny. I was almost asleep when I felt his lips on my temple, Nico whispering the words that he hadn’t repeated but that I felt in everything he did.


We were going to get through this.




The next day, I watched the city go by as the SUV took me to the Midtown Post offices, restless to get there and get the job done. Nico had nearly not let me go again this morning, and it had taken Vincent whispering in his ear before he pressed a kiss to my forehead and told me to hurry back. They were going to move Angelica to another safe house as she had torn the bedroom apart sometime last night, and Nico feared what she would do if she were in the same house as the boys.


True to his word, I had five guards in the SUV, all Nico’s top ones that should be watching him and our son instead of taking me to the office. With every car that came alongside the SUV, I tensed, knowing that it could be Carmine opening fire on me and ending my life.


Blessedly, we got to the office and left two guards downstairs, while the other three accompanied me upstairs. I stopped them at Harper’s door. “I really don’t think that anyone is going to swing in through the window,” I said, pointing at the barred window that overlooked the alley. “I won’t be long.”


“Yes, Mrs. D’Agostino,” the guard stated with a nod. “We will just patrol the office floor.”


I gave him a grateful smile and settled behind the desk, pulling out my laptop. I debated about shutting the door, but they would likely freak out, and the last thing I needed was for them to call Nico.


He had enough to worry about.


So, I delved into my work, proofreading the article and making a few changes so that it would all run together nicely. Harper would be proud of what I was about to do because this was as much about freeing Angelica as it was avenging his death. He had died trying to help me, and I wanted to take Carmine down for him.


The monster didn’t deserve to live, and I was going to show him that not everyone was scared of him.


Hitting send, I leaned back in the chair, watching as the article made its way to the printer. Tomorrow, every Post paper would state what Carmine had done to the Griffin family and to poor Angelica. They would know that she had suffered, and I could just about bet that Carmine would have some particularly important visitors by the end of the week. There was no way the feds would be able to ignore this article.


A shadow crossed the doorway and I looked up, my smile fading as I saw an unfamiliar man standing there. “Who are you?” I asked, rising out of the chair slowly. The hairs on the back of my neck stood at attention as he pulled out a gun, resting it against his thigh.


This wasn’t a guard. “I need for you to come with me willingly, Mrs. D’Agostino,” he stated, his voice deep. There was a murderous glint about him, and desperately I tried to think my way out of this. There was nothing in the office I could use as a weapon unless I wanted to throw my laptop at him, having cleaned out most of Harper’s things the last time I had been in here.


I couldn’t go through the window, and about the only thing I could do was scream for help, though deep down I knew no one was going to come for me. “The don would like to have a word with you,” he continued, stepping inside the office. “And I have strict instructions to ensure that you come with me. We can either do this the easy way or the hard way.”


I lifted my chin. “Has anyone ever told you you talk too much?”


His lips lifted into a half grin. “He said you were feisty. Would you like to test me, Rory?”


I really didn’t. He was a foot taller than me and weighed three times as much. “You can’t stop the article,” I blurted out. “It’s already gone.” The printers were digital, and Harper hadn’t been an idiot to keep them all in one place. After all, we weren’t known for making any friends with the paper.


There was a warehouse Harper had showed me once, one in Jersey, that held a bank of printers that he would send the controversial articles to, which was where I had sent mine today.


The man held out his hand, and in it was a pair of zip ties. “What’s your choice, Rory?”


I swallowed, wishing I had listened to Nico. He was going to be so upset when he found out what happened to me and would probably hate me for talking him into letting me come today. He was going to blame himself, and it was completely my fault for not taking this seriously. “I’m afraid,” I started, rounding the desk. “That I have to fight at least.”


“That’s what I was hoping you would say,” he grinned, placing the zip ties in his pocket and motioning me forward. “Come on then. Show me what you got.”


I had nothing, but I charged him anyway, kicking and clawing as his large arm wrapped around my waist and he had me against the wall, wrenching it painfully behind my back. “Nice try,” he whispered into my ear. “No wonder D’Agostino admires you so much. You’re quite the surprise, Rory.”


I cried out as he pulled my arm tight and fought him until he could get the other behind my back, securing the zip ties. “Night night,” he replied before pain exploded in my head and there was nothing else.