Wounded Redemption by Brook Wilder





I drummed my fingers along the table as I waited, yawning. My cell was shit, the mattress hard as a rock, and I wasn’t sleeping well. Outwardly I was the perfect picture of a Mafia don because that was what I still was. My fucking son thought he had disbanded everything, ruined me even, but I was still in charge. There were ones that were still loyal to my cause, and it was only going to be a matter of time before I got out of this place.


My lawyer thought I was crazy to think of that. My trial was still looming, and he wanted me to take a plea deal in exchange for a lighter sentence.


Hell, I wasn’t going to do that. I wasn’t going to spend any more time than necessary in this hellhole.


I just had to be patient.


The door opened, and unlike Nicolas’ visit a few days ago, there wasn’t any glass separating my visitor and me. “What are you doing?” she asked, yanking against the hold that the guard had on her arm. “Let me go!”


“Let her go,” I answered, standing. There were no chains, no handcuffs, and when my daughter turned, she realized that it was just her and me in this room. “You finally came.”


She rubbed her arm. “Like I had a choice. Your goons snatched me off the street.”


“Well, you wouldn’t come on my command,” I reminded her. “So, I had to take drastic measures.”


She sniffed, and I came closer. “You are the future of our family,” I told her, hating that I had to even say the words. My son was dead to me and would have been if he hadn’t been wearing that vest that day I shot him. He wasn’t the one that needed to take the reins.


It was Leda.


“I’m nothing,” she spat out, her eyes flashing. “I hate this family, and I hate you!”


I slapped her hard then, my hand stinging. “You are my daughter, and while I am still walking this fucking earth, you will do what I say.” I was tired of all this disobedience from those that I had helped mold, that I had helped get to their places today.


I looked over at the guard. “Take her to her new husband.”


Leda’s eyes widened, and she started to fight, but she was no match for him, her screams echoing in the room as she was dragged out. She hadn’t seen this coming from me, probably thinking that since I was in this fucking prison, she was free and clear of her marriage contract.


That wasn’t the case at all. I still owned my daughter, and she still owed obedience to her family name and her father. I was going to see that carried out. I smirked and went to sit back down, tapping my fingers once more. At least one of my children would pay off.




Leda’s story will be told in a new trilogy

Book 1 – Heartless Prince – coming August 2021:

Pre Order your copy today:
