Finding Ronan’s Heart by Melanie Moreland


So many people to thank—so little space on the page.

Lisa—thank you for all your efforts and the smiles.

Your lessons are noted…just not often recalled. It’s called job security.

Beth, Trina, Melissa, Peggy, and Deb—thank you for your valuable input, your keen eyes, and encouragement. Your comments make the story better—always.

Karen—there are never enough words. You are strong, fearless, and my rock.

Thank you will have to suffice. And I love you—tons.

Kim—thank you for all you do. I bow to your social media-ness.

My reader group, Melanie’s Minions—love you all.

Melanie’s Literary Mob—my promo team—you do me proud and I love our interactions.

Your support is amazing and I am lucky to have each of you in my corner.

To all the bloggers and readers. Thank you for everything you do. Shouting your love of books—of my work, posting, sharing—your recommendations keep my TBR list full, and the support you have shown me is deeply appreciated.