The Hawk Lord by Amy Sumida

Chapter Nineteen

The Coyote Lord left the next morning and took a cloud of pain with him. His gift—a clear stone carved into a cock—was disposed of. Dal went back to being dominating, arrogant, and utterly sexy without all that scary shit. A week went by and the Coyote Lord returned with the rest of the warlords to discuss what to do about Gremara and her fucking corpse flowers. I stood beside Dalsharan as he welcomed the warlords into camp, but when we reached Dal's tent, he motioned them in ahead of us, then pulled me aside.

The Hawk Lord clasped the back of my neck possessively. “You will stay with Raeshal until the meeting is over and I come to collect you.”

“What?” I gaped at him.

He nodded to someone behind me, and Rae stepped forward.

Raeshal inclined his head to Dal. “I'll look after him, Hawk Lord.”

“I'm not a kid to be looked after!” I growled as I pushed away from Dal. “What the fuck?”

Dal reclaimed my neck, pulled me back to him, and leaned down to say, “I can't have you in there with him. Go with Rae. Have fun. Drink with your friends. I'll come for you later.”

“I'm your consort; I have a right to be in that meeting,” I growled.

“You do,” Dal conceded, his hand sliding forward to lift my chin. “But if he says one wrong word to you, I'm afraid I'll hurt him, Ravyn. I will fucking tear him apart. And then I'll be in a world of trouble. So, please, go with Rae.”

I held his stare and my shoulders slumped. “What are they going to think when I don't walk in there with you?”

“I don't give a flying fuck what they think,” Dalsharan growled. “I don't want my consort around that piece of shit. If any of them think less of me for it, so be it.”

Then he yanked me forward and kissed me. It was fast, hard, and had me breathing heavily in two seconds.

“Okay,” I panted when he released me.

“Good bird.” He brushed a finger over my lips, nodded to Rae, then strode into the tent.

“Aw, fuck,” I grumbled.

Raeshal chuckled. “Yep, he's got you good.” He pushed me away from the tent. “Come on, Consort, let's get a strong drink.”

“As if I'm a little princess and I need a fucking escort through my own fucking camp,” I muttered but I followed Raeshal.

Ten minutes later, I was playing dice in the dirt with a bunch of my old friends around the communal fire in the human section of camp, swigging cheap swill, and generally having the time of my life.

“Look at me, I'm a fancy consort,” Kevin drawled as sashayed up to me and stuck his ass out. “I get to sleep in the big tent and drink fancy wine and shit.”

I laughed my ass off and beamed him in the chest with the dice. “You know it, asshole! I'm only here cause I feel like slumming.”

“I'll bet his dick is huge.” Frederick nudged my shoulder. “Give us a hint. Is it like 'Yeah, daddy,' big or is it like 'Take it out! Take it out!' big?”

I laughed harder. “It's bigger than 'Yeah, daddy' and smaller than 'Take it out.' It's 'Fuck me harder, Hawk Lord' big.”

“It's the fucking Goldilocks of dicks!” Frederick declared. “I knew it! One look at him and you can practically smell the cock perfection rolling off him. He reeks of it.”

“I don't get it,” Jesse, one of my straight friends, shook his head at us. “Wouldn't a small dick be better? If it's big, won't it tear your ass? I mean, fuck, I've taken a shit that had me crying. I can't even imagine wanting a huge dick pounding away up there.”

“That's because you have no finesse,” Kevin, also straight, declared. “You're one of those bastards who thinks foreplay is 'Hey, wanna fuck?' All sex requires preparation, you savage. You gotta kiss the pussy. Pet it. Coax it into releasing its nectar for you. Then, when it's nice and wet—”

“Agh!” all the gay guys in the vicinity groaned and made various sounds of disgust.

“Hey, we fucking listen to your ass-pounding dick talk all the time, you can listen to one wet pussy conversation!” Kevin pointed his finger at us.

We all chortled.

“Now where was I?” Kevin frowned. “Oh, yeah. You don't slam your dick in, you fucking cretin. You gotta work up to the wild pounding. Start nice and slow, then go hard.”

Several women started giving Kevin considering looks. He grinned back.

“What the fuck does that have to do with ass-fucking?” Jesse asked.

“It's the same thing. You gotta work it in slowly. Loosen things up a bit. Slide the tip in first and make yourself some room.” Kevin held his hands out before him and started undulating his hips. “Be gentle with it before you go brutal.”

“Looks as if you've had some ass experience. Is there something you wanna tell us?” Jesse teased him.

“Ass-fucking ain't just for the gays.” Kevin grinned and winked at one of the female soldiers. “Women dig it too.”

The woman he winked at got up, gave him a look, and walked into the woods.

“Speaking of which.” Kevin grinned and followed her, tossing over his shoulder, “Catch you pricks later. I've got a pussy to finesse and hopefully an ass too.”

“I ain't never had a complaint,” Jesse huffed.

“Not to your face,” I said.

“Fuck you, man,” Jesse huffed. “I can eat pussy. I'm an ace at eating pussy. The women scream when I lick their slits.”

One of the women in the room snorted.

“Hey!” Jesse stood up. “Who was that?”

“It could have been any of us, eh? You've disappointed so many,” one of the women called over, and a bunch of them laughed.

“Jesse the Messy!” another woman shouted.

“Challenge accepted!” Jesse shouted back. “I will eat any pussy here and guarantee that I'll have that woman screaming my name by the end of the night.”

They threw things at him and told him to sit the fuck down.

“That's right!” Jesse continued to shout. “It's because you all know it's the truth. One tongue-ride from me and you'll be screaming for my cock.”

A woman stood up. She'd been sitting with a group further back from the fire. She was tall, sleekly muscular, and beautiful. As in fae-beautiful. Jesse gaped at her as she strolled forward, her long blond braid swinging behind her. Everyone went quiet. The Ravager. She was a Hawk known for picking out the eyes of her Farungal victims. She stopped in front of Jesse and looked him up and down.

“Show me your cock,” the Ravager demanded.

Jesse cleared his throat. “Excuse me?”

“Your dick.” She waved a hand at his pants. “I want to see it before I decide.”

Jesse couldn't undo his pants fast enough. He held them out for her. The Ravager grabbed the waistband, peered down Jesse's, and smiled slowly.

“You'll do. If you can make me scream your name, you may fuck me,” she declared and sauntered away.

He gaped after her.

“Go!” Frederick hissed. “Go, you moron!”

Jesse ran after the Ravager, licking his lips.

“Why do I hang out with humans?” Raeshal asked the air above him.

“Because we're so fucking classy.” Frederick pounded Rae's back.

Raeshal looked Frederick over. “How far away is your tent?”

“Not far!” Frederick said eagerly.

“Let me see your ass.” Rae grinned as he mimicked the Ravager, “I want to see it before I decide.”

Frederick pulled his pants down so the waistband bunched beneath his ass and arched out enticingly. Rae grinned and ran a hand over it.

“Hey! You're supposed to be watching me,” I reminded Rae.

“You'll be fine for an hour or so.” Rae grinned, picked up Frederick, tossed him over one shoulder, and headed away from the fire, his hand firmly on Fred's bare ass.

I looked around at the buddies I had left and grinned, “Who wants to get shitfaced?!”