The Hawk Lord by Amy Sumida

Chapter Three

“Hawk Lord, you can't risk yourself,” General Faron, Dalsharan's highest-ranking officer, said firmly. “We need you here.”

“But Corporal Ravellar needs me more,” the Hawk Lord said.

Dear Gods, help me. It was as if he knew what words would affect me the most and was choosing them specifically to fuck with me.

“Only a superior Hawk can make the journey across the Bellor Sea while carrying another man,” the Hawk Lord went on. “And the Corporal will need someone powerful watching his back while he's inside the fortress—someone who can help him if he gets into trouble.” He looked at Raeshal. “I promise you that I won't let him die.”

Raeshal's jaw clenched, but he nodded crisply.

“But, my lord, why you?” Beryl asked, almost whined. “There are other Hawks strong enough to carry and guard him.”

“No, there aren't,” Dalsharan argued. “Not strong enough to fight off a fortress full of Farungal long enough to get him out.”

“You're going to fly into a fortress if he gets caught?” General Faron asked. “They'll kill you.”

“I will not send a human into a Farungal stronghold without backup,” the Hawk Lord snapped. “If he's brave enough to go, I am brave enough to watch over him. I will ensure his safety.”

“We could send a team, they—” Raeshal started to say.

The Hawk Lord cut him off, “A team will be spotted. Enough!” He sliced his hand through the air. “Corporal Ravellar has agreed, and I have vowed to protect him. That is the end of this discussion!” His expression gentled as he turned toward me. “Prepare yourself, Ravyn. We leave in an hour.”

“Yes, Hawk Lord!” I saluted the warlord and strode out of the tent.