The Hawk Lord by Amy Sumida

Chapter Forty-Seven

A party raged through the tent city of fae and human armies, but inside the Hawk Lord's tent, things were more subdued. For now, at least.

Dalsharan kissed his way up my body, then grabbed my face to hold me still for his plundering tongue. We writhed together on his bed, bodies tingling as our cocks slid and ground together. He pushed his knee between my legs, and I pulled him closer.

“What would you say to leaving the war?” Dal whispered in my ear.

“I told you, I go where you go.”

Dalsharan pulled back and looked at me. “But what do you want to do, Ravyn? I don't want to make this decision alone. It will affect both of us.”

I frowned and thought about it. Something tickled in my chest. “I think we're needed here.”

Dalsharan's face tightened with disappointment.

“Not forever,” I said quickly. “But... I just have this feeling that Luca isn't the last of us. That the first Valorian was needed in the war but left. That his leaving stopped something from moving forward.”

Dalsharan went still. “You think there will be more Valorians?”

“Many more,” I whispered. “I think the key to ending this war isn't uniting the Farungal with the Fae, it's combining human hearts with fae souls.”

Dalsharan grinned.

“I know, how fucking poetic.” I rolled my eyes. “But I'm serious, Dal. I think I'll be needed here. I think Luca and every other Valorian who is made will be needed. And that once we all stand together, the Farungal will fall.”

“That sounded a little like a prophecy, Ravyn,” Dalsharan murmured.

I smirked. “I'm no prophet. But I do have faith in our goddess.”

“So do I.” He brushed my hair back. “I guess we're staying.”

“For a little while longer.”

Dalsharan nodded and started kissing and nibbling my throat again. His tongue dragged a line from my collarbone to my nipple, and he bit at me until I whimpered. With a chuckle, Dalsharan ventured lower, rubbing his face over my belly, his hair stark against my tanned skin—finally back to its normal color. Then he settled between my thighs and looked up at me. I frowned, watching the Hawk Lord reach for my cock. His lips parted. He held my gaze as he bent his head.

“Whoa!” I jerked back and sat up. “What the fuck are you doing?”

Dal scowled and sat up as well. “I was trying to...” he flushed.

“Were you going to suck my dick?” I gaped at him.

“I wanted to show you that I respect you,” he growled. “That you are important to me.”

“Holy fuck,” I whispered.

“But if you don't want me to...”

“Fuck, yeah, I want you to.” I slid back down and spread my legs wide. “Respect me, please!”

Dalsharan laughed and settled between my legs again. Then his eyes went dark with passion as he set his gaze on my hard shaft. A broad, warrior hand grasped me and stroked me possessively, then Dal softened his touch and shifted his gaze back to mine. Holding my stare, he kissed the head of my cock. I groaned, my butt clenching. Those sensual lips moved over me, swirling around my tip, then his tongue flicked out to taste me, and he made a growl of desire. The breath caught in my throat. Dal opened his mouth, and my whole body went still. Waiting. Hoping. Aching.

Then it hit. Heat. Wet blessed heat. The tingling drag of a tongue against my aching flesh. Dalsharan's lips tightened. A flash of pleasure so sharp it was almost pain ran through me as he lowered his mouth, shoving that tight ring of his lips down my cock. The Hawk Lord sucked upward, one hand gripping the base of my shaft firmly, and claimed me with his eyes as he worked me slowly.

“Aw, fuck, babe,” I ground out. “Your eyes. Fuck. I think I know what the colors mean now.”

Dalsharan, his fully amethyst stare locked on mine, started moving his mouth over me faster, his hips undulating against the bed as he groaned.

“I was wrong,” he stopped to say. “This isn't demeaning at all. Giving you pleasure, watching you writhe, makes me feel powerful.”

“You are definitely in control,” I panted.

My shaft was wet. It dripped over his fingers. The sound of him sucking me made my balls tighten. It was all I could do to hold still and not face fuck him. I brushed his beautiful hair back and stroked his thick bicep where it sprawled over my thigh possessively. Then the Hawk Lord went wild. A growl rumbled out of him and he started sliding over me rapidly, his groans vibrating through my dick. Saliva dripped over my sacs and down to my ass. He trailed his fingers in it, then worked one into my hole.

“Dal!” I shouted. My whole body was shaking. “Oh, fuck! Fuck! Dalsharan!”

The Hawk Lord pumped his thick finger into me as he sucked me hard, and my world exploded. I couldn't see. I went fucking blind for a second as I erupted in his mouth. And the Hawk Lord drank me down like wine. He sucked and sucked till I was dry. My flaccid cock popped free of his flushed lips and flopped onto my belly. I panted, gaping up at him, feeling as if I'd been sucked stupid.

With a savage cry, the Hawk Lord reared up, grabbing me beneath my ass to lift and spread me, and sank his cock into me. I shouted in bliss, my dick instantly reviving to salute its warlord, and took hold of my knees. I pulled back and he pushed forward until I was practically doing a headstand, only the upper portion of my back still on the bed. My ass pointed straight to the sky, and Dal stood on the mattress to push my cheeks apart as he drove into my hole. His cock slammed down into me, and I trembled uncontrollably as it delved deeper than I'd ever been fucked before.

“Who do you belong to?” Dal demanded.

“You! I belong to the Hawk Lord.”

“Mine!” Dalsharan snarled. “You're mine, Ravyn!”

“I'm so fucking yours!” I groaned, my back bent sharply and my legs hanging to the sides, but I'd never been so happy in my life. And then he went and made me even happier.

“Marry me!” the Hawk Lord demanded. “Be mine forever, Ravyn!”

“Fuck, yes, I'll marry you!”

Dalsharan cried out triumphantly and moved a leg around mine so one of his legs supported my back while the other pressed against my cock. He pumped into me savagely, his face twisted with pleasure and possession, and his arms wrapped around my thigh for leverage. His amazing eyes flashed as he lifted his head and roared loud enough that the reveling around us went momentarily quiet. In that silence, Dal pulled out and dropped me. I fell flat on the bed as he stood over me and came across my chest like fucking a god.

I opened my mouth to catch a drop of his salty-sweet ambrosia and savored it with a sigh. Dalsharan watched me intensely as he knelt, straddling my waist. He opened a hand and a golden ring appeared on his palm.

I lifted my left hand as I held the Hawk Lord's gaze, and he slid the ring on my finger. It was a simple band, perfect for a soldier, but a detailed carving of a hawk flew across it, and within its beak, it held a small golden stone that matched the one Dal wore around his neck.

I sat up, easing out from beneath him to kneel on the bed before him. “You're really going to marry me?”

“Fuck, yes,” Dalsharan declared with a grin and then yanked me into a vicious, beautiful, fucking fantastic kiss.

I pulled him back onto the bed with me and held him tightly. My Hawk Lord, the man who'd given me a piece of his soul and taken my heart in return. I would fight beside him until this war was over, and then we'd fly home and live in that pretty palace of his—of ours—with all eternity before us and a love that would only grow stronger every day.

Yes, Hawk Lord.