Set by Alessa Thorn


Set didn't think she was actually going to do it. Ayla frowned at him and motioned with her finger.

"Turn around, please," she said.

Surprised, Set did as he was told, staring at the night sky and trying not to smile. He heard her dress hit the stone stairs with a silken swish, and his mind started to provide unhelpful images.

You're in so much trouble.Set liked trouble, especially when it came in a package like Ayla.

"Okay, it's safe to turn around," she said, water splashing as she swam.

"Depends on how you define safe," Set murmured. She was a few meters from him, treading water, and he spotted the dark strap of a bra. Pity.

"See? No crocodiles."

"That are above the water," she said. She tilted her head back. "The moon is beautiful. This was a good idea. Thank you, Set."

"For what?"

"For this. I didn't expect to feel this relaxed, I finally feel like my adrenaline levels are normal for the first time in days." Ayla looked at him, her skin gleaming in the moonlight. Her smile was like warm honey light pouring into a cold dark place inside of him.

"I'm glad you feel that way, especially with me," he replied. It had been a long, long time since he'd wanted anyone to feel that way. "It means I'm doing my job well," he added quickly. Ayla just shook her head at him like she knew he was full of shit.

"It's not all about the job. We get along. Don't worry, Set. It surprises me too," Ayla said. The tender moment vanished as Ayla's smile shifted to terror, and she let out a small shriek, leaping up into his arms. "Something touched my foot! Something touched my foot! You said nothing would bother us!"

"It was probably just a fish," Set replied, laughter rumbling through him. Her arms were around his neck, so he placed his hands on her back to help hold her out of the water. "You're okay, Ayla. Nothing is going to hurt you when you're with me."

"Stop laughing at me!" she complained as she splashed him. Then she was laughing too, her body shaking with it.

Set couldn't remember when he'd last heard such a carefree sound. She looked at him, laughter slowing as if realizing where she was. His fingers on her skin flexed, holding her a little tighter.

The connection to her gripped Set's Ka tight, pulling it hard and insistently. Her gaze flicked to his lips, and she kissed him. It was a tentative press of lips before her heat was gone.

"Sor—" Ayla managed to say before he was kissing her back, pulling her up against him and taking her soft mouth. Her arms tightened around him, throwing herself into the kiss, her warm chest pressing against his.

It wasn't like the spontaneous, angry embrace they had shared in Aswan. With this kiss, he took his time to learn the shape of her full lips against his, allowing her to do the same.

All thoughts of being careful and keeping his distance from her vanished.

Ayla's legs wrapped around his waist, Set's hands caressing her spine and along her ribs. Her heart was hammering fast under his touch, an echo of his own. Ayla pushed her fingers into his hair, gripping it more insistently.

"Set, touch me," Ayla whispered, and he almost dropped her in surprise.


"Anywhere you like. Everywhere," she replied. He moved his mouth from hers. Her head tilted to let him kiss her soft neck. She let out a small groan as he cupped her breast. That sound of need nearly undid him. He wanted to drag her up onto the stairs and bury himself into her but resisted, wanting her to dictate how far things went.

Set lifted her, his hand unclipping the front of her bra, freeing her full breasts. His mouth found her nipple, and her grip on his hair tightened.

"So soft, so perfect," he murmured against her. Ayla lifted his head so she could kiss him hard, her tongue pressing urgently against his. Set's other hand dropped to the curve of her ass, fingers toying with the hem of her underwear. She made an impatient sound and moved his hand to cup her between her thighs.

"I told you to touch me," Ayla said, her lips nipping his and sending heat through him.

Set chuckled softly. "You're full of surprises, doctor." And damn, he was going to give her whatever the hell she asked for.

Set slid his hand under her underwear, Ayla widening her legs slightly to give him better access. He explored her, the soft sounds she was making encouraging him to slide his fingers along her.

She kissed his neck, hands moving over his chest, nails digging into him when he pressed harder against the delicate bundle of nerves.

"More," she gasped. He pushed a finger gently into her, and she arched up against him.

Set took her breast in his mouth, tongue flicking against her brown nipple as his hand worked her. Ayla gripped his hair tight, hips pumping against him. She let out a strangled cry, body shaking as she orgasmed hard and hot. She swore, dazed as she went limp against him.

Set's eyes blazed, dragging her up against him. "More?"

"Yes," she replied, kissing him roughly.

Set grabbed her by the hips, carried her from the water, up the stairs, and laid her down on the cushions. He was mad for her as he untangled her bra off her arms, and she wriggled to get rid of her underwear.

Set was on her, hands roaming over her drying skin, needing to touch and taste every part of her.

Ayla's nails dragged down his back and shoulders. His lips caressed along the curve of her stomach and hips. Her legs cradled him as he moved down between them and licked her.

Ayla's hips bucked, but his heavy hand pinned her as he dragged his tongue up her center again. She hissed out a curse when he reached the top and sucked hard.

Her fingers dug into his hair, pulling harder as he pushed his tongue inside of her. She started to tremble again, her climax coming quick.

Set licked her through it, addicted to the taste of her and the sounds coming out of her mouth. He had never seen anything more perfect than the pleasure flushing her cheeks and body.

"So damn beautiful." Set pressed a kiss to the side of her thigh, his body screaming for its own release as he watched the rise and fall of her breasts. Fuck, he could watch her like this for hours.

"More?" he asked again, fingers tracing over her hips. Ayla dragged him up, legs going around his hips.

"Yes, more. All of it," she demanded. A surprised laugh escaped him at her enthusiasm.

"As the lady demands," Set replied, his hand lifting her hips up and guiding the tip of his dick into her wet warmth. He was trying to be gentle, but Ayla's hand grabbed his ass, pulling him closer.

"I don't want to hurt you," he said, body shaking with the need to force his way into her.

"You won't," she assured him, her fingers lightly stroking his cheek. Her hips rolled, taking him further into her. She kissed the groan from his lips, a satisfied sigh escaping her as he fitted himself all the way in. Her body was perfectly made for him.

Set moved in and out of her, delighting in every sound she made. Her hips rose to meet his, Set's hand moving to support her lower back as she arched. Ayla's hazel eyes were dazed with pleasure as she clenched around him, whispering his name like a prayer or a curse.

Set dragged her up against him, rocking back until she was straddling him. Their hands and mouths were everywhere, both recklessly desperate with need and desire. Ayla's teeth dragged against his bottom lip.

"Come with me, Set," she begged, her body already starting to shake. Set lost the ability to talk, to think, but his body obeyed her. He held her tight, his shout smothered against the slope of her neck. They ended up tangled and panting on the cushions, Ayla half sprawled on him.

"That was..."

"Yeah, it was," he replied, his whole body still trembling.

"No wonder they carved your name into love talismans," Ayla panted, voice soft with wonder.

Set laughed, unable to hold it in. He didn't know if she wanted anything more than sex. If she got up and left him, his world would crack in half.

Women will only ever want one thing from you, a malicious voice whispered in his mind.

Instead, Ayla silenced that voice as she traced her hand over the golden ankh on his chest and pressed her body into his side.

Set knew it would hurt him more later, but he still put his arm around her and drew her closer.