Set by Alessa Thorn


Get the hell away from Ayla before you hurt herwas the first thought that went through Set's mind as he woke in the still-dark morning. He was curled around her, her honey and myrrh scent filling his senses. Carefully, not to wake her, he climbed out of her bed.

Ayla looked entirely at ease and so beautiful, he wanted to kiss her awake so she could look at him one more time with her soft hazel eyes. He wanted to watch as they clouded with desire and hazed with pleasure.

His body stirred at the thought of it, and he headed to his room before he acted on it.

The only way she will be safe is if you end Moussa's plans once and for all, he thought.

Ayla would be safe in Naqada, and he could deal with the threat to her life quickly, knowing that she wasn't in anyone's crosshairs.

Including his own. He had caught feelings in a bad way, and it was always dangerous for a mortal who caught a god's attention.

It took most of the day for Set to drive from Naqada to Banha. He didn't stop in Cairo; didn't take the risk. If he saw Kader or Abasi in his current state of mind, he would probably kill them both for endangering Ayla. Not to mention fucking about finding whoever was leaking information.

After tonight, it wouldn't matter. Set would make sure of it.

Moussa's territory was from the north of Cairo to the city of Banha, where he kept a compound on the Nile. He thought it was going to keep him safe.

Set watched through binoculars from his vantage point as the men came in and out through a gate in high stone walls. Guards patrolled along the tops of them, and Set had no doubt many more would be inside.

The sun was almost gone, the night shift guards arriving and the daytime ones gone to rest in the quarters. Unless he had work for them in different cities, Moussa liked to keep his 'family' close. Set knew that Moussa arranged things this way so he could use his guards to hide behind should anyone decide to attack him.

Fucking coward.

It was almost a shame that none of his careful preparations were going to save him.

Hot rage and golden power turned Set's veins molten as he took the khopesh from his back. He rolled his neck and shoulders, the rush of his god magic still wild since Ayla had set it loose in Aswan. This release, far away from her, would be a good thing.

Set moved fast, power roaring through him as he barged through the gates of the compound, reducing the two guards to fleshy rubble.

Guns started firing as he bounded up onto the stone wall, cutting down the guards at their stations before they knew what was happening.

With one leap, he launched himself onto the roof of a barrack. Set slammed his fist hard on the tiles, and they collapsed underneath him. He landed on a table in the middle of a mess hall, the room exploding with gunfire.

Laughing, Set swung his sword, slicing his way through the men that thought they were his equal. Time blurred, his world narrowing to the sword in his hand and to the heat of battle. Men were screaming, praying, begging. Set cut them down, hot blood showering over him.

The main mansion was full of shouts, alarms, and scrambling men calling for the guards that would never come. Set caught a man around the throat, lifting him off his feet.

"Moussa," he growled.

Trembling, the man pointed in the direction of a steel door. Set tossed him without another word.

With one mighty kick, the steel door flew inwards. Moussa was crouched by a half-empty safe, where he had been pushing money into bags. He pointed a silver revolver at Set.

"Why are you doing this? You're a mercenary! I'll pay you more than what Kader is, just—" he said. Set's lip curled as he hoisted Moussa up and slammed him down on the desk.

"Ayla," Set snarled, nothing human left in his voice.

"The fucking girl!" Moussa's laugh was hysterical. "You would kill all my men and me, start a turf war in Cairo for a girl?" Moussa screamed as Set broke his arm.

"You fucking fool. Your enemies are so close you can't even see them," Moussa spat right before Set's sword came down and cut his head off.

Set’s head turned as a scratching whimper came through the back door of the office. He kicked it open and found three women huddling together on the floor.

Set beat back his bloodlust and rage, tired to bring his reason forward. He raised a bloodstained, but gentle hand to them like he would dealing with a distressed animal.

"Easy, I'm not going to hurt you," he managed to croak out.

With one strike, Set cut through the chains that held them. He tossed his car keys to them.

"Wait until I'm gone, then take the money from the office. There's a black car outside the gates you can have. No one will stop you. If you can make it to Naqada, you will be safe and welcome there," he said, leaving them weeping on each other.

Outside, an eerie silence had settled over the compound. Hot wind from the desert blew through the city, and people shut themselves inside.

Set drew the chaotic power of the winds to him, let them wrap around him, and in an explosion of searing heat and sand, he gave in to the madness and vanished.

* * *

In Naqada,Ayla was sitting on the cushions outside, watching the river. She dropped the cup she was holding as a sudden hot breeze roared across the water. She got to her feet, watching how wind and sand roiled together in a small whirlwind, and suddenly Set was there.

He glowed with golden magic, his khopesh in one hand and covered in blood.

On shaking feet, Ayla stepped toward him. "Set?"

He didn't respond, his eyes filled with golden light, their shine utterly inhuman. This wasn't the mercenary she was used to. This was the god of war and chaos, and there was no recognition in his face.

As she got closer, Ayla could make out the wounds that covered his body, leaking golden ichor.

"You're hurt. Come with me, and we can wash all the blood off, okay?" Ayla said, using her calming doctor voice on him. She reached out and took his hand. His head tilted, studying her but not pulling away.

Set let himself be led through the temple and to the bathroom attached to his bedroom.

"Can I take this?" Ayla asked, placing her hand over his fingers where they still gripped the sword. He growled softly but slowly passed it to her. Ayla cringed as she took the hilt, sticky with blood and sand, and placed it in the bathtub.

With slow movements, she helped him take off the tattered remains of his clothes. He was covered in so much blood and ichor she couldn't make out where he was hurt. She turned on the shower and pulled him under the hot water and steam.

"You want to tell me what happened?" Ayla coaxed. She lathered up one of the shower sponges and started to wash his shoulders and chest. Set's burning eyes closed, a pleased sound rumbling through him.

The water at their feet turned to brown as dirt and blood washed off him. He had been shot at least three times, but there were no exit wounds. Ayla didn't know how the healing powers worked on gods, so she focused on making sure there was nothing left in the slowly closing wounds.

"Turn around," she instructed, and he did. She bit down a cry. His back was covered in deep cuts where someone had stabbed and sliced at him with a dagger. "Oh, Set, what did you do?"

He still didn't say anything, so Ayla washed his hair and cleaned the cuts as best she could. With a doctor's awe, she watched the skin begin to knit and close over, his immortal body repairing itself and leaving angry-looking scars.

Set turned suddenly, pinning her to the wall, an angry snarl twisting his lips.

"Set, stop. It's just me. It's Ayla," she said quickly, failing to keep the panic from her voice. He frowned, loosening his grip on her. The golden light shone hot in his eyes.

"Ayla," he whispered.

"Yeah, it's me." Ayla placed a hand on his cheek and slowly reached up to kiss him. His mouth was feverishly hot as it responded to her touch. The hands that gripped her shoulders slid down to her waist.

"Ayla," he murmured again.

"It's okay. I'm here." Ayla moved her hands up his abs and over the shimmering ankh.

Set trembled, his leg moving in between hers as he pressed her up against the wall. His fingers moved to the hem of her nightdress, sliding it up as her leg wrapped around his hips. Set's mouth moved down her neck, goosebumps raising on her skin as he licked her collarbone.

"Ayla," Set groaned. He pulled the thin straps of her dress down and sank to his knees.

He kissed her breasts, Ayla gasping as he sucked a nipple hard. Teeth scraped against her soft skin, and she pressed her thighs together as she began to ache.

Set tugged her nightdress the rest of the way off. She trembled under his fierce gaze, fighting the urge to cover herself. Instead, she lifted his face and kissed him again.

"Come back, Set," she said against his mouth. "Come back and make love to me."

The hand on her hip tightened. Set shut his eyes, body shaking with effort. He pressed his face to her chest and groaned. Not knowing what else to do, Ayla wrapped her arms around him, smoothing his black hair.

"I'm...sorry," he said, his grip on her tightening. "I didn't want you to see me like this."

"It's okay," Ayla whispered.

She lifted his head up, and relief swept through her when she saw his eyes had returned to normal. Instead of golden god magic, they were filled with regret.

She didn't know what to say, unable to find the words to reassure him. She kissed his brow and cheeks before taking his mouth. Her tongue toyed with his lips until he opened for her, and she released her desire.

Set's hands moved up and down her wet thighs as she kissed him until she was breathless.

"I'm happy you're home," she murmured.

"I killed Moussa...I had...You're never going to want me like this."

Ayla put a hand on his mouth. "Shh, I want you right now."

Set stood in a quick movement, lifting her up and carrying her from the shower. He laid her out on the deep red sheets of his bed and moved back.

A feral flicker of god power skittered across his face as he opened her thighs, exposing her.

Ayla's pulse thundered in her ears as she ran her hands over her breasts, allowing her fingertips to glide along the curve of her stomach and between her legs. Set's eyes filled with arousal and dark promise as he watched her touch herself.

"You are so perfect," she told him, moving her gaze over his powerful body, hard and trembling for her. "Can you see what you do to me? How much I want you? I know what you are, and I don't care, Set. Nothing is going to change how I feel about you."

Ayla's orgasm was shimmering just out of reach as she slipped two fingers into herself. She ground her hips up against her hand, gasping as she began to come.

"Don't stop," Set commanded. Toying with her clit with his thumb, Set put his mouth on her, licking around her thrusting fingers.

Ayla thought she would die of pleasure as she came at the feel and sight of him between her thighs. Set didn't give her any time to settle. He pulled her up in his arms, pushed aside the pillows, and pinned her up against the wall.

"Hang onto me," he said, voice harsh as he gripped her ass hard. Ayla wrapped her legs tight around him, hands holding onto his broad shoulders.

She cried out as he thrust inside of her, filling her until she couldn't take any more. Set's strong body slammed into her, mouth crushing hers and smothering the frantic noise she was making.

It was all she could do to hold onto him as he dominated her body, breaking through any walls she had left between them and leaving her devastated.

"My Ayla," Set growled, eyes shining.

"Yes," she gasped, kissing him. "I'm yours."

Set's arm braced against the wall, changing angles until she was crying out his name, orgasming so hard, her vision turned black.

Set didn't loosen his grip on her, riding her hard and fast until he climaxed with a vicious curse.

He was breathing heavily, his chest heaving against hers. He kissed her softly, so incongruous to the violence of their lovemaking that tears filled her eyes.

Set lowered her gently back to the bed, settling her on top of him. Ayla kissed him before resting her cheek against the groove of his chest. Set traced patterns along her spine, his raging heartbeat under her ear.

"Stay with me," he whispered, almost pleading, and she didn't know if he was talking about that night or forever. It didn't matter.

Ayla's hands tightened on his shoulders. "I'm not going anywhere."