Set by Alessa Thorn


Ayla gave Set the day to himself. Her feelings were a tumultuous mess, so she headed into the village to clear her mind. Miryam took a long look at her, and without saying anything, she put Ayla to work.

Ayla spent the day meeting people in the village, checking their ailments, and making a list of supplies she would ask Set to provide them.

She played games with the children and chess with the old people. She did everything she could not to think about the tortured god in his temple and the terribly intense feelings she had for him. It didn't go as well as she hoped.

Ayla knew she was in love with him from the terrifying moment he had returned the previous evening. It scared her that he could be full of magic and fresh from battle, and she still wanted him so badly her soul ached.

My Ayla. His god side had said that the previous evening, and this morning, Set was back to acting like he would be the worst thing that had ever happened to her.

It made sense that he was reluctant to get involved after what had happened with Nephthys. Ayla had seen the hurt in Set's eyes, heard it every time he spoke of her. Had he really not allowed himself to be loved since then? That he had believed whatever horrible things she had said to provoke him...Ayla rubbed her chest, failing to disperse the tight feeling in her heart. She wanted to go back to the temple, but Set needed to figure out what he wanted.

The sun was going down when Set appeared at the edge of the village. People openly stared at him, but he stared at Ayla and nowhere else. She was covered in dust and sweat, and still, he gave her a look so hot, she almost combusted.

"Hey, what are you doing here?" she greeted.

"I didn't want you walking home in the dark alone," he said gruffly.

"I thought the crocodiles were scared of you."

"They are. The snakes don't know any better."

Ayla bit down a smile. She tugged at his folded arms until they loosened, and she took his hand. He gave her a look of utter defeat, and she beamed up at him.

"Let's go home. I hope you're cooking something good for dinner. I'm starving."

"Is that so? I thought you were on cooking duty tonight," Set said as they walked along the river and into his garden.

Ayla laughed. "You don't want that, believe me. Don't worry, I'll think of a way to pay you back."

"Oh? Like doing the dishes?"

Ayla patted his ass. "No, not like the dishes. They are men's work." That did it. Set cracked up laughing as he lifted her off her feet and kissed her.

"Really. And what is women's work, may I ask?"

"Earning money in a career of her choosing, obviously." Ayla yelped as he nipped at her neck.

"I see, and cooking for you is the new career you've chosen for me, is it?"

"It's on the list," Ayla replied, putting her arms around his neck. "Along with giving me orgasms and doing the laundry."

Set's hands gripped her ass hard, and heat throbbed between her thighs. "Is this list in priority order?"

"Absolutely. Although you're welcome to change the order and give me the orgasms first."

"You read my mind," Set replied, carrying her over and setting her down on the edge of an outdoor table.

Ayla's heart raced as he kissed her, hands pushing up her skirt. He ran a finger over the already damp fabric of her underwear, moving in a slow hard circle that had her gasping against his mouth.

"So sensitive." He hummed in approval, slipping his talented fingers under the fabric. Ayla moaned as he toyed with her, her hips starting to rock against his hand.

"I've thought about you all day," Set whispered in her ear. "How responsive you are, how good you feel on my fingers, my mouth, my dick. Everything about you feels so damn good."

Set kissed her, tongue thrusting in her mouth, plundering her. Ayla fumbled for his pants, freeing his hard dick, wanting him as teased and hot as she was. He delved a finger inside of her, and every one of her nerves lit up.

"Not enough. I need you inside of me," she said, hand gripping him hard.

Set yanked her underwear to one side and pulled her up to the edge of the table.

Ayla's screams shook the orchard as he plunged into her, over and over. It was desperate and messy, Ayla ending up on her back with her legs over his shoulders as their bodies slapped together.

Ayla's climax had her arching so violently, she lifted clean off the table. Set held her hips tight to his as he spilled inside of her. Her legs shook as he kissed her above her knee and lowered them off his shoulders.

The evening stars spun above her as Ayla fought to steady her breath. Set gently fixed her underwear and skirt before tugging her upright. He looked as shaken as she felt, both not used to the flood of emotions and desire.

Ayla brought him close, kissing him softly before hopping off the table and onto wobbly legs.

"You're welcome to walk me home anytime you like," she said, tucking one arm around his waist.

"Orgasms are definitely moving to the top of the list," he assured her with a cheeky smile.

"You see? I knew I'd find the perfect job for you."

* * *

Ayla wasfull and content as she lounged against Set, reading Hippokrates's notes and getting him to translate passages of Koine Greek that were too complicated for her modern understanding of the language.

Set was reading too, his hand lightly stroking her hair in between page turns. It was so peaceful and comfortable, Ayla couldn't keep the smile off her face.

"What is it? Did you find a good bit?" Set asked, idly twisting one of her curls.

"All depends if you call a patient with an aggravated spleen a good bit."

"Aggravated spleens make you smile?"

Ayla laughed as she tipped her head back on his chest. "No, I was smiling because I was thinking that reading with you is nice."

Set ran his fingers along her cheek. "You only want me for my gorgeous body and translating abilities."

"It's true. Though there are other things you do adequately well."

"Bite your tongue, insolent mortal. I don't do anything adequately," Set replied, eyes flashing with the promise that he was about to pounce on her and prove it. The playful moment was ruined by a shuffle of footsteps and a tentative throat clearing.

"I apologize for interrupting. I knocked, but there was no reply," Miryam said.

"What's wrong?" Ayla asked, sitting up and off Set.

"Three women have arrived in the village. They said that Set told them to come here."

"I did. I don't think they had anywhere else to go," Set explained.

"They are hurt. I thought Ayla might come and have a look?"

"Of course I will. Let me get some shoes." Ayla was in motion in an instant. When she returned, Set was carrying a large black medical kit.

"You didn't find my other weapons room in your exploring. Otherwise, you would've found the medical supplies," he said. "Would you like me to come?"

"Only if you stay with Isoba," Miryam interrupted. "These women have been hurt badly by men, Set. I don't want you frightening them more than what they already are."

"I'll stay out of the way. I can carry your bags," Set said, shooting Ayla a wink. She pretended not to notice and gave Miryam a nod.

"I'm ready. Lead the way."

When they arrived at Miryam's house, they didn't need to worry about the women's reactions to Set. All three of them looked up at him with the wide-eyed expression of hero worship.

"They definitely remember you," Ayla commented wryly, taking the heavy bag from Set. "Go and find Isoba."

"Call me if you need anything. I might have it back home in my supplies," he said.

Set surprised everyone in the room by pressing a kiss to Ayla's temple before disappearing into the house.

"He is a god," one of the women whispered to Ayla. "Did you know? We all saw him glowing like the sun when he saved us. We thought him malak at first, but then we saw what he had done."

Whatever rubble Set had left Moussa and his henchmen in had clearly disabused them of the notion that he was an angel sent to save them. Ayla didn't ask them further questions. She could imagine what Set had done.

As Ayla inspected the women's injuries, they talked of the attack on their village near the Kharga oasis.

Like Naqada, it had once been a much bigger town that had slowly shrunk back to a village over the years, as people left to find work in other parts of Egypt.

Unlike Naqada, they didn't have protection. Bandits had come in the night, raiding the place, and had taken over their homes to use for their camp. The women had been shoved into a van and sold off to Moussa at an underground auction in Cairo.

"We don't know what has happened to our families, or to our village, if the bandits have moved on, or if they are still there," Tafida said. She was the youngest of the women. There was a determined look in her eye, a fire that Ayla was pleased to see hadn't gone out.

The women were hurt, but their time as captives had made them angry. A wave of deep, vicious anger that came from being powerless.

"Do you think that the god would help us go back to Kharga?" Tafida asked.

"His name is Set. And he might," Ayla said uncertainly. It was hard to predict what he would do at times, and if he thought that it was too much of a risk to Ayla...

"He's in love with you. If you ask, he will help. Whatever we go back to, I know your skills will be needed too, doctor."

"I don't know if he's in love with me or if I have the power to persuade him, but I will ask," Ayla said, flustered at them suggesting such a thing.

Miryam gave a snort of amusement from the kitchen where she was brewing tea.

"Of course Set loves you. If the idiot hasn't told you himself, you just need to look how he is with you," she said.

"I don't even like men, but him kissing you so sweetly before made even my heart pound," Tafida said, making the other women titter in amusement.

Ayla threw up her hands in defeat. "Fine! I'll ask him."

"Ask me what?" Set said from where he had snuck in. Ayla gave him her sweetest smile, and Set's eyes narrowed with instant suspicion. She put her arms around his waist.

"How do you feel about going on a day trip to an oasis?"