Hitman Daddy by Aster Rae



"Meet Tristan."

I'm shy as I officially introduce Nikolai to Tristan.

We're meeting at Cloverfield Mall and I've never been more nervous in my life.

I have more friends coming by too and I'm terrified to see if they'll believe Nikolai is really my boyfriend.

I have no idea if they'll congratulate me or call me a liar because Nikolai is too old.

At least Tristan's being a good sport.

He brought Tina who’s wearing pink coveralls and a multicolored mini backpack with stars.

Tristan told me he's excited to see the person who was such an asshole to me at Crave.

I told Tristan it was a misunderstanding. Nikolai didn't care about my fake ID.

He was only gruff because he wanted to talk to me.

"It's nice to finally meet you." Tristan pumps Nikolai's hand.

Nikolai returns the handshake and I try not to roll my eyes.

Nikolai is a catch and Tristan knows it.

My fake boyfriend looks freaking gorgeous.

A luxurious black suit fits tight around Nikolai's bulky frame, showcasing his enormous muscles.

Light scruff dusts his face and his dark eyes shine like black diamonds.

He's wearing a brand-new pair of expensive dress shoes that glisten in the mall lights and add an extra two inches to his height.

Tristan is a tall dude but Nikolai towers over him.

Nikolai’s twice my size but the new shoes make him look like a giant.

So much for dressing casual.

I whip out my phone.

Me:I'm guessing you didn't get my text about casual today?

NikolaiAKADaddy:A Rolex without diamonds is as casual as I'll get

I roll my eyes but secretly my entire body blazes with warmth.

This man is sexy. Powerful. He oozes confidence.

"It's nice to meet you too." Nikolai smiles at Tristan. "I'm sorry I gave your friend such a hard time at my club."

"The club where you work?" Tristan queries.

"No. My club."

"Nikolai owns Crave," I say proudly. I wrap my arm around Nikolai's waist.

Or at least I try to.

Nikolai is too ripped for it to reach all the way around.

I content myself with snaking my arm around halfway. "Nikolai is a filthy rich business magnate who owns multiple clubs throughout New York City."

I normally wouldn't say something like this.

It's incredibly shallow.


And this is a BIG however.

I’m sick of people thinking I'm lonely and single and I want my friends to think Nikolai is a catch.

What better way to do that than brag?

"It's a pet project of mine." A smirk pulls at Nikolai's lips. He’s good. “Something to break up the monotony of everyday life."

Just then three familiar voices fill the mall.

I let out a squeal when Riley and Karter — my two internet besties from Reddit — rush to meet my sexy man.

I’m so glad they showed up today.

Riley is one of my closest online friends.

He's a little to a Daddy named Kristof he met on a weekend trip to New York City.

He lives in a beautiful skyscraper with Kristof and is constantly buying cute outfits with Kristof's money.

He loves flaunting his boyfriend on our Discord chat and telling us the ins and outs of having a full-time Daddy.

My friend Karter follows close behind.

Karter is a New York transplant who originally hails from Wisconsin.

He's barely eighteen and he's the sweetest boy I've ever met.

He lives with his grandma and has a passion for helping small animals recover from scary situations.

His favorite thing to do is help scrub little duckies clean after oil spills.

Rowan comes in not far behind.

It warms my heart that he's getting along with Riley and Karter after I introduced them after our picnic lunch a few weeks ago.

"Riley!" I wave them down, my arm still nestled snug around Nikolai's muscular waist.

Normally I wouldn't be so forward as to actually touch Nikolai without discussing it beforehand.

But this may be the only chance I get to introduce Nikolai to my friends and make a good first impression.

I'm sick of not having a boyfriend and I need to convince them I have a man.

Riley, Karter and Rowan come trotting to my side.

Riley and Karter's jaws drop when they take in Nikolai.

Karter pulls out his phone at once.

Kinky Karter:This man is thiiiick

I pull open our exclusive Discord chat to read the messages.

Risky Riley:IKR. He's a Russian Hulk. How the fuck do you guys do the dirty in bed?

Kinky Karter:Costco-sized jars of KY jelly

"What are you texting about?" Nikolai asks.

"Don't worry about it," I groan, snapping my phone shut.

My friends are so obnoxious. I'd be mortified if Nikolai saw the messages.

Tristan shakes his head disapprovingly. "It's rude to text when you haven't even made introductions."

Tristan makes a good point. "This is Riley and Karter. We met online. They’re some of my closest friends."

"Don't forget Rowan," Riley jokes, threading his arm around Rowan's neck and ruffling his hair.

I roll my eyes. "Nikolai met Rowan at the ice cream parlor. He doesn't need an introduction because they're already friends."

Karter lets out a wolf-whistle. "I'm sorry we were texting without introducing ourselves. We were saying you’re super hot."

A smirk pulls at Nikolai's lips. "How did you all meet?

"Online.” I force a smile as I squeeze Nikolai tighter. "We’re going to CUNY next semester. We met at the orientation for the social media marketing program."

I pull out my phone.

Me:Don't you dare tell him that we met on a Daddy kink Reddit thread. I'll kill you if you spill the beans

Rowan:LOL why not

Risky Riley:Because Christian pretended that he only recently discovered Daddy kink and he doesn't want Nikolai to think he's a freak. Isn't that right, Christian?

Me:It's none of your goddamn business

Kinky Karter:I'll keep your dirty little secret if you hook me up with Nikolai's friends

Rowan:*sends five water droplet emojis*

Rowan:Plz tell me Nikolai has sexy brothers we can have

Me:He has brothers but that depends on your definition of sexy

Kinky Karter:Do they look like him


Kinky Karter:Do u have pics

Me:Let me ask

"Do you have pictures of your brothers?" I turn to Nikolai.

"Of course." Nikolai pulls open his phone. "Why?"

My cheeks flush. "My friends want to see."

Nikolai lets out a belly laugh. After ruffling my hair, he swipes open his photos app and shows his screen to Riley, Karter and Rowan.

My friends ooh and awe as they take in Nikolai's family.

"I want that one," Rowan says, pointing to Igor.

"I want that one." Karter licks his lips as he gives serious bedroom eyes to Timofey.

Riley squints at the picture. "Who's in the corner?"

He points to a dark and mysterious figure on the far-left corner of the screen.

A dark wave of premonition washes over me.

Nikolai slits his eyes. "That's my cousin Demetri. You don't want to fuck with him."

I order Nikolai to put his phone away.

"Why don't we grab lunch?" I suggest to distract my friends from getting too horny.

I also want to distract them for another reason – namely that I've met Nikolai's brothers and none of them are gay.

Maybe some are in the closet but I don't want my friends getting their onesies in a bunch for nothing.

"Sounds good, babe." Nikolai plants a kiss on my cheek. "I'll pay."

My friends walk off towards the various restaurants.

But my feet are glued to the floor.

My heart races and my head spins as I turn towards Nikolai.

"Did you just…"

I bring two fingers to my cheek and rub the spot where he kissed me.

"Damn right I did,” Nikolai growls. “How will your friends believe we’re in a real relationship if they don't see us kissing?"

My cock grows in my American Eagle briefs. "Nikolai…"

He wraps his arm around my waist. "I'm enjoying meeting your friends. They’re hilarious.”

"Shameless is the word you're looking for." I force myself to ignore my emotions. "But thanks."

"I'm excited to have lunch with them. It's great practice for Michael's wedding."

My heart sinks as I feel Nikolai's heartbeat.

Nikolai has no idea I'm hiding a massive part of myself, one that my friends know too well.

Karter is right to say that I'm terrified Nikolai will think I'm a freak if I confess my kinks to him.

It's bad enough that I'm always blushing and stumbling whenever I'm around him.

How much worse would it be if he knew I was into little things?

"Did you really meet your friends at orientation?" Nikolai runs his rough thumb across my cheek.


It's like he knows I'm withholding information and is trying to pry it out of me.

Perceptive much?

"Yes," I lie. "CUNY. We were interested in social media marketing. We clicked and friended each other on Discord. We started talking."

I hate lying to Nikolai.

But I can't tell him the truth.

I need him to think I’m a regular human being.

You know, the type that doesn't wear onesies and call his partner Daddy.

Nikolai places a quick kiss on my forehead. "Are you ready to pick out your tuxedo next weekend?"

My forehead burns from his kiss but I force myself to ignore it.

"Is our shopping date already so soon?" My jaw drops.

“We're going to Fifth Avenue. I've reserved the Hermes store for the entire afternoon."

"I can't wait to get my first tux."

I'd much rather spend the afternoon curled up in Nikolai's warm arms with a bottle or binky.

But I bury the urge.

I make a mental note to pick up a surprise for Nikolai before our big day.

I want to give him something special.

So that when we break up, he won't forget me.