Hitman Daddy by Aster Rae



I getmy answer the following morning.

Nikolai is sleeping when I wake up in his bed.

Sunlight drifts through the curtains and warm fuzzies fill my chest.

Last night was a brilliant dream. A beautiful, never-ending night of aftercare and perfection.

Nikolai scrubbed me for hours in the shower, taking his gentle time washing my skin.

When we fell asleep at four in the morning, I snuggled up next to Nikolai and whispered that I was the happiest boy in the world.

"Thank you, Daddy. I'm so happy with you."

"It's the least I can do, Christian. I want you in my life. I've fantasized about this for so long. I'm the lucky one."

"Why, Daddy?"

"You're making my dreams come true."

It's crazy that Nikolai dreams about me.

It's crazy that Nikolai's fantasized about me in bed.

But when he wrapped his tattooed arms around my chest, pulled me close, and whispered that he'd never let me go, I knew he was telling the truth.

His firm muscles pressed against my slender back let me know Nikolai would keep me safe forever.

It was the best night of my life.

But there was something missing.

It's morning now and I don't have to hide behind darkness anymore.

It's time to make Nikolai my real Daddy.

I roll over. A beam of sunlight illuminates the room.

My plan is to get my favorite teddy from my night pack and surprise Nikolai when he wakes up.

But something stops me.

My jaw drops to the ground.

Nikolai's half-naked body.

It's incredible.

Time stops as I drink in the sight of Nikolai's half-naked frame. His firm pecs bulge in his chest and his tattoos glimmer in the light.

The snug sheets wrap around his mammoth muscles and hug him tight.

I see every ridge of his masculine body and a wave of sadness washes over me when I see his scars.

Deep scars run across his hairy chest and line his biceps.

They crisscross over his flesh, attesting to the dangerous life he's led.

Something dark hits me.

I hate that Nikolai's had to fight to survive his entire life.

The most traumatic thing I've ever gone through was when my parents kicked me out at sixteen.

But Nikolai's moved weapons, drugs, and fuck knows what else because of his father.

A chill creeps across my flesh.

I make a mental note to ask Nikolai just exactly what he does in the mob when he wakes up.

But first I want to give him the best waking up gift of his life.

I want to show him how I play with my teddy.

Tiptoeing across the luxurious hotel room, I grab my LGBT teddy from my overnight bag and bring it back to the bed.

I wrap my arms around it and plant a kiss on Nikolai's lips.

Nikolai's eyes flutter open. I grin bashfully and make the teddy kiss him.

"Good morning, Daddy."

Nikolai lets out a gruff laugh. "Good morning, baby boy."

"Mr. Rainbow wants to say hi."

A smirk pulls at Nikolai's lips. "Hi, Mr. Rainbow. You look like you got a good night’s sleep."

His playful words melt my heart.

It thrills me to see that Nikolai's going along with my shenanigans.

"Mr. Rainbow heard us getting up to hanky-panky in our big bed. He said we kept him up and he didn't get his beauty rest."

Nikolai takes the teddy bear into his hands. "Is this the teddy I bought you at the mall?"

"Yes. He's one of my new favorites."

"Why did you bring him along?"

"I asked all my stuffed animals to accompany me this weekend. I was nervous about the wedding. I needed company. Mr. Rainbow is the only one who volunteered so I brought him along."

Nikolai pretends to talk to the teddy bear. "Why did you want to go to this wedding? I hope you're not a secret agent from a rival Mafia family."

I let out a snort.

But it's so damn cute to see Nikolai getting along with Mr. Rainbow.

A grown man shouldn't know how to play with a stuffed bear but Nikolai understands what I need.

I thought his protector skills were rusty after not being in a relationship since college but Nikolai is proving me wrong.

"I'm not a secret agent." I speak in a high-pitched voice to mimic Mr. Rainbow. "I wanted to see Michael's wedding. It's all Christian has talked about and I wanted to go."

"Tell Christian that he's the sweetest boy I've ever met,” Nikolai growls. “I’d be shot dead in the fucking streets if anyone heard me talk like this. It's not something a hardass in the Mafia is supposed to do. But Christian ignites a softer side in me that I can't ignore. It makes me want to wrap him in blankets and cuddle with him the entire afternoon. He's my special baby boy and I wouldn't miss this play session for the world."

My jaw drops. I stare into Nikolai's eyes.

"That's a lot to tell a stuffed bear," I joke.

I can't believe Nikolai said that out loud. Does he feel that way? Or is he only saying that to humor me?

"Please tell me you really mean that." My fingers start to tremble.

Nikolai rests the bear on the bed. He takes my hand.

"I mean it, Christian. I'm so damn lucky you're in my life. I didn't walk into Crave that night expecting to meet my newest baby boy. But the second I saw your face, I knew I had to have you. I couldn't let anything happen to you. I had to protect you and keep you safe from harm. Fuck it. I was the luckiest man on the planet when you agreed to take a chance on me. I'm so goddamn happy you're mine."

"Daddy…" I'm speechless. I can't find the words to say.

"Don't speak if you don't want to." Nikolai brings my lips closer to his. "You mean so goddamn much to me, Christian. I'm fucking lucky you agreed to be my fake boyfriend. You're the most special angel I've ever met in my life."

"You're making me shy, Daddy."

"Do you like feeling that way?"

I nod. That's how I regress. Some people get super lovey-dovey but I get shy when I fall back into little mode.

I get warm and fuzzy and my cheeks burn like I want to give my Daddy all the kisses in the world and snuggle up in his arms.

"You're blushing." Nikolai runs his thumb over my trembling cheeks.

I press my chest against Nikolai's and rut my lips against his. “Kiss me."

"I give you permission," I whisper.

Kiss me. Take me. You don't even have to ask. Just cup my fucking jaw and slam your lips on mine.

Electricity thrums as Nikolai licks my lips into a kiss.

He swirls his tongue around my mouth and pulls me closer to him.

He threads his manly fingers through my hair and cups my ass.

My cock thickens in my dino undies as I rub it against his chest.

My dick pokes Nikolai in the stomach but he doesn't give a fuck.

He pulls me flush with him and pours everything he has into the kiss.

Passion. Perfection. Bliss.

My head spins with emotion as I lose myself in Nikolai's lips.

Nikolai massages my underwear as he breaks off the kiss. "I have no idea why you chose to wear these undies but they're the most adorable briefs I've ever seen."

I glance down at my dorky dinosaur underwear.

"They make me feel safe and comfortable," I whisper shyly. "I didn't expect you to see them."

Nikolai growls. "See them? How could you think of not showing me these?"

He presses his enormous palm against my quivering cock which strains against my briefs. "These are the cutest briefs I've ever seen. You don't know how much these turn me on."

"You like dinos too, Daddy?" I whisper.

Maybe I can teach Nikolai all about my favorite cretaceans.

Nikolai pushes me back onto the bed and sinks his teeth into my briefs.

"Only when they help my boy feel protected and warm," Nikolai growls. He bites the dinos. "These are the best dinos I've ever tasted in my life."

"No, Daddy!" I laugh and roll away from him. "You're being silly. You're not a T-Rex. These are dinos to look at. Not to eat."

I'm on the verge of telling Nikolai I have a freezer full of dinosaur-shaped chicken nuggets if he wants a yummy snack to munch but I stop myself just in time.

Nikolai has already been super accepting of me. I don't want to backtrack and make him think I'm a total geek.

Nikolai picks up Mr. Rainbow and tucks him under my arm. "Fine. No morning blowjobs. We'll snuggle with Mr. Rainbow in bed."

"That sounds perfect, Daddy."

I mean it.

I'm rock hard in my underwear but I don't want to have sex.

For me, little space and arousal go hand-in-hand. It's not the same for everyone but that's how it works for me.

I don't want to sacrifice this beautiful moment for a release.

Nikolai presses his lips to mine.

He swirls his tongue around my mouth and lays claim to me.

Big. Muscular. Strong.

Nikolai is a brutal savage but he’s my protector.

My Daddy.