Hitman Daddy by Aster Rae



"Nikolai is perfect."

I snuggle under the blanket with Rowan.

We’re watching our favorite Pixar movie and drinking milk from our bottles.

It's about a little fishy who goes on a long journey to find his family.

But I'm hella distracted.

It's not Pixar's fault. Finding Nemo is an incredible movie.

But how can I focus when Nikolai is on my mind?

Rowan picks up the remote and pauses the movie. “Do you want to talk about it?"

Uhm, yes?

I want to tell Rowan everything.

I want to tell Rowan that Nikolai came over and played with me for an entire hour.

I want to tell Rowan that I can feel Nikolai’s dark heart melting.

I want to tell Rowan that I can feel Nikolai turning into a better man.

"Maybe," I say at last.

Rowan lets out a snort. "Be honest."

"Fine." I let out a sigh as I pop a Zebra cake into my mouth. "I wanted to keep this to myself but I can't. Nikolai is my Daddy. But it's worse than that. I think I'm in love."

Rowan squeals. "What happened?"

"He came over the other day. He changed me into my favorite onesie — the one you showed me on Esty — and played with me for an entire hour. When the night was over, he kissed me so much and said he wanted to be my full-time Daddy."

"He played with you?"

I nod. "He was nervous at first. It was like he was fighting with himself or worrying what others might think. But towards the end of the night, he came around wonderfully. He pretended to play T-Rex with me."

I can feel Nikolai's dark heart changing.

He's willing to do things he wouldn't have done at the start of our fake relationship.

But there's still something Nikolai’s battling with.

It's his role in the Mafia.

He’s done horrible things for a living but he wants to stop doing them so he can be my Daddy.

"I hope we can still play together," Rowan says hopefully. "Even if Nikolai is in your life."

I wrap my arms around his shoulders. "We won't stop being playmates just because I have a Daddy."

"Although I'll do most of my playing with Nikolai," I add.

"Maybe Nikolai can be both of our daddies," Rowan jokes.

"I'll ask him if Igor is on the market. Nikolai is mine."

We continue eating Zebra cakes and chatting. Rowan tells me that he made another Reddit post but he's not having any luck.

He pulls out his phone. "Help me see what I'm doing wrong."

I read the post.

My name is Rowan and I'm a little eighteen-year-old boy looking for a Daddy >.< I like ice cream with coffee and making bibs and blankies. I'm a very serious boy when it comes to my studies but I like to be silly too :p Will you be my Daddy?

"It's adorable." My heart warms.

Rowan is literally the sweetest guy ever. He's cute AF as well.

I can't believe that a grand total of zero men have taken him up on his offer.

"Maybe I come across as too needy," Rowan supplies.

I shake my head. "You come across as a cutie. I'd scoop you up if I were a Daddy. Have you gotten any messages at all?"

"A few." Rowan shows me his phone.

We scroll through the messages. I bite my lip as I see the creepy guys flirting with Rowan.

"You should amend your post to say No guys under forty."

Rowan lets out a sigh. "I don't care how old my Daddy is."

"What are you looking for?"

"I want a man who will help me with my business. I already told you that. But I also want a man who will help me understand myself better in the bedroom. There are certain kinks I'm interested in that I want to test out. It doesn't matter if he's old. I want someone to help me be the best boy I can be."

"So you want a kinky Daddy?"

"I want a man who’s comfortable with sex. I'm a virgin but my fantasies aren't vanilla. I want a man who will kiss and cuddle me who’ll also tie me up."

A vague recollection flashes across my mind.

Didn't Nikolai say his brother Igor was a kinky bastard?

I push it down. "Keep trying. I'm sure you'll find your match someday."

We watch the movie.

My heart warms as I see Nemo flow down the river on the screen to find his way home.

It's crazy how deep Disney and Pixar movies are. They make them for children but the meanings resonate with adults.

In Nemo, the little fishy must grow into a big strong fishy before he can find his way home.

He follows a hero's journey and transforms into a brave warrior by the time he makes it back to his dad.

It's heartwarming and tells me about life.

Like for instance not to wander off away from my parents and get caught in a fast-moving stream.

It's probably too late to absorb that advice considering my parents booted me to the curb when I was in high school but I'm sure there are other gems I can pick out.

Watch it with Nikolai.

He can point to the parts that will help you grow big and strong.

I let out a sigh. I'm so glad Nikolai is truly in my life.

But there's still so much I must do.

First, I must get ready for my social media marketing program next fall.

I thought school would be easy but the classes on the schedule look hard as fuck.

I didn't get great grades in high school and I never learned to study.

How was I supposed to focus when my favorite subject was daydreaming?

Second, Rowan and I still have plans to open our own ice cream shops.

There's a lot of work to do on that front and we must figure out how to manage a business instead of just working in one.

I know Nikolai will help me if I ask.

He might even help me secure a loan.

But it's stressful to think about.

Then suddenly the door swings open.

My heart swells when I see Nikolai enter the apartment in all his glory.

"Nikolai!" I leap off the couch and rush to my beautiful boyfriend.

I throw my arms around his massive waist and burrow my nose into his rock-hard chest.

Nikolai chuckles. "You look so damn cute, Christian."

"Why are you here?" I ask.

"I wanted to surprise you." Nikolai pulls something out from behind his back. "I got you and your little friend a present."

My chest can barely contain the warm fuzzies.

I pick up the gift bag and melt when I see the two giant stuffies.

"Rowan," I wail. "Get over here"

"What is it?" Rowan's eyes widen.

"Nikolai bought us dino stuffies!"

Nikolai ruffles my hair. "I brought one for each of you. It's not fair that you're the only boy who gets a new stuffy when Rowan's lonely too."

I nearly moan as I bring the stuffy to my heart.

Nikolai didn't have to get Rowan a stuffed dino.

It's completely unnecessary.

But it shows he cares about so much more than just me.

He wants to make a good impression on my friend.

Is Nikolai a perfect partner or what?

"You're the best Daddy ever." I throw my arms around him.

"We need to pick out a name for your new dino," Nikolai jokes.

A smile creases my face. "I want to call him Little T."

"Why Little T?" Rowan queries.

"Because he's small."

Nikolai scoops me into his mammoth arms, squeezing me to make me feel safe and comfortable.

"I'm glad you like your dino," Nikolai says.

"It's the best dino ever."

"I also brought you something else too. Look in the bag."

I untangle myself from his arms and reopen the gift bag.

My jaw drops when I see it.

There’s BDSM gear at the bottom.

Red ropes wrap around various sex toys and lube for jerking off.

Two pink toys sit on the bottom of the bag and look incredibly tempting.

"I bought you toys, Christian. I know you want to explore your sexuality with me. This is the perfect way to do it in a safe and secure environment."

I can barely believe it.

Toys. Luxurious red rope and anal beads for when I jerk off.

"Nikolai is the nicest Daddy on the planet," Rowan supplies.

Tears well in my eyes as I squeeze Nikolai as hard as I can. "You have no idea how much this means to me."

"We can try them out when I stop by your apartment this weekend."

I sniffle against his chest. "That sounds perfect."

"Can I try it out too?" Rowan jokes.

I kiss Nikolai's chest muscles. "You have to set Rowan up with Igor so he stops coming onto you. He's a very desperate boy."

Nikolai snorts. "I'll let Igor know he's available."

Nikolai heaves me into his arms. He walks to the closest wall and presses my back against it.

Rough hands support me as Nikolai licks my lips into a kiss.

"I missed you so much, baby boy."

"I missed you too."

"I was so goddamn lonely with my brothers today and I couldn't stop thinking how amazing it would be to spend the night with you."

"Do you want to do that, Daddy?" I whisper.

"I'd kill to spend the night." Nikolai lets out a caveman groan.

"Then it's settled." I peck his cheek. "You're sleeping with me tonight. We'll wake up together and drink hot chocolate in the sun. Then you're going to stay forever in my arms."

"I have to get up early to finish a job in the morning but I'll stay for breakfast."

I let out a snort.

Nikolai's hilarious.

He really thinks I'll let him walk out in the morning after he spends the night in my bed.

Silly man.