Hitman Daddy by Aster Rae



One last hit.

That's what I promised Igor.

One last chance to put this life behind me.

It's time.

My family depends on me to get this job done.

I promised to kill Luca.

I intend to follow through on that fucking promise.

Igor opens his trench coat. "I brought the weapons."

My eyes rake across the knives and handguns.

I select my G43 and palm it.

We're at Crave. In the shadows. Behind the bar.

Anxiety bites me.

We promised Luca a piece of our business if we worked out a deal.

We promised to back off our downtown Manhattan territory in exchange for peace.

That's what I want.


Peace to stay with Christian.

Peace to live unperturbed.

Of course Luca doesn't know I'm actually going to kill him.

He thinks I'm reworking the peace treaty we drafted years ago.

"When is this fucker showing up?" Igor growls.

"Soon," I spit out.

Luca better fucking show.

My father will decapitate me limb by limb if I blow it this time.

"Dad will be livid if we fuck up a second time," Igor grunts.

"You don't have to tell me that."

"We have to get him."

Rage barrels through me as the veins in my forehead bulge.

Timofey isn't happy with my decision to leave the family business.

Igor supports me but Timofey doesn't know who’ll fill my shoes.

I explained that I have to leave for Christian but Timofey doesn't understand.

The worst part?

I can't blame him.

If Timofey told me six months ago that I'd throw away my career for a boy, I'd shoot him in the face.

If Timofey told me that I'd risk my family’s reputation to be a full-time Daddy, I'd put a bullet through his fucking skull and never look back.

But Timofey only knows the old me – the me who killed for fun.

Timofey doesn't know that Christian has melted my icy heart.

Just the thought of Christian sends a bolt of longing through my body.

"I'm doing this for you, baby boy," I growl.

My fingers itch on the trigger.

I'm desperate to put a bullet through Luca’s head so I can get back to my little man.

I want to see the look on my father's face when I tell him that I've killed my mortal enemy.

But mostly I want to live my life with Christian.

I want to move Christian into my penthouse and spend the rest of my life with him.

I want to pamper and kiss him every day and fulfill his wonderful needs.

If it means giving up everything I've worked so fucking hard to build, so be it.

Love requires sacrifice.

Christian deserves to be with a man who isn't a professional murderer and I will become that man for him.

"Where the fuck is he?"

Igor's menacing voice snaps me out of my daze.

"I don't know."

"What did you tell him?"

"We have a meeting. We need to redraft the peace treaty we agreed upon years ago."

Igor lets out a grunt. "He didn't buy it."

Sweat drips down my face.

I want to end this.

Here. Now.

That's when something happens that turns my blood into ice.

My phone buzzes.

The fucking floor falls out from under me when I read the text.

ChristianBabyBoy:Daddy… Why is there a strange man at my front door? :(