Hitman Daddy by Aster Rae



There's a man outside.

He's been out there for a while.

I noticed him when I was grabbing a slice of birthday cake for Tina.

I was sneaking a yummy bite when I saw the dark man on the lawn.

Watching me.

Stalking me.

In a dark black coat.


"Tristan?" I ask.

Tristan steps into the room. "Is everything alright?"

I nod to the window. "Do you know that guy?"

Tristan furrows his brow. "I've never seen him before."

I pick up my phone and debate whether to call the cops.

That's when something stops me.


Why would I trust the police when I have my own bodyguard?

Just the thought of Nikolai sends a burst of butterflies in my tummy.

I picture Nikolai's firm arms around me, pulling me tight in his big bed.

His soft lips nuzzle my neck as he whispers sweet words into my ears.

"You're my special boy," he whispers, pulling me onto his tattooed chest. "You're everything I've dreamed of. Let's play with Little T and cuddle the entire night. I want to spend the rest of my life with you."

The fantasy overwhelms me.

My cock throbs and I picture Nikolai entering me, licking my neck like he did in the limo as he slides inside me.

Jesus Christ my man is so fucking sexy.

I want to take him straight to bed and ride his giant cock.

I could barely believe my eyes when I pulled his cock out in his brother’s penthouse.

I pick up my phone.

Me:Daddy… Why is there a strange man at my front door? :(

NikolaiAKABestDaddyEver: Don't fucking move

Unease braids into me.

Nikolai's never used the F-word sternly with me before.

He only says it when he's talking about how "fucking sexy" I am.

Something must be wrong.

"Lock the door,” I say to Tristan.

He does as I command and locks the front and back doors.

I head to the sofa with Tristan and Tina, then draw the blinds and pretend we’re alone.

"Tell me what's wrong," Tristan says.

"There's a man outside. I don't know who he is."

"Does Nikolai know?"

My phone buzzes again.

NikolaiAKABestDaddy:Don't open the door. I'm coming ASAP

"Nikolai's on his way. He said not to leave until he shows up."

Tina bites her lip. "I'm scared."

"It'll be okay." Tristan pulls Tina into his lap. He kisses her.

I try not to judge them too harshly.

I know that Tina's regressing into little mode right now because she’s scared.

But... Yeesh.

Boys and girls kissing is totally not my jam.

Can't they save it for the bedroom?

They keep kissing until I've had enough.

"You have to go into the bedroom," I say.

This is getting gross.

"Are you sure you'll be okay out here?" Tristan asks.

"Nikolai's coming soon so I'll be fine."

Tristan takes Tina's hand and leads her to the bedroom.

I sit on the couch alone.

A chill courses through my spine.

Me: Are you almost here?

NikolaiAKABestDaddy: Three blocks away

My heart slams in my chest as I wait for the doorbell to ring.

When Nikolai arrives, I'm going to throw my arms around him and give him the biggest hug ever.

We'll laugh and Nikolai will tell me that I'm a scaredy-pants but he'll make me feel safe and snug in his big arms.

That's when I hear it.



My cheeks burn as I picture burying myself in Nikolai's chest.

I can already smell his delicious Daddy scent and feel the comfy fabric of his button down.

I hurry to the door and throw it open.

But that's when I stop dead in my tracks.

The stranger at the door.

He's not Nikolai.

It's him.

The man I saw in the line at Crave all those months ago.

The rude Italian who was nasty to the bouncer.

"Hi, Christian." A smirk pulls at his lips. "You're coming with me."

He slams a hand over my mouth and drags me down the hall.