Hitman Daddy by Aster Rae



"Please don't do this!"

I thrash in my bonds and attempt to get away.

Luca snarls at me. He presses a knife to my neck.

"I'm following orders."

The tip of the knife penetrates my skin. I scream as pain sears me.

Blood trickles down my neck and drips onto my chest.

"Nikolai will kill you if you do this," I cry.

"Nikolai doesn't care about you. He hasn't even known you for two months. He'll let you die for his family."

Hot tears fall from my eyes.

I try to kick Luca but he easily shoves my foot aside.

Why is this happening?

I sniffle as my life flashes before my eyes.

Why did Nikolai let this happen?

Does he really care about me?

Or was he manipulating me this entire time?

"Any last words?" Luca's eyes flare.

Yeah. I have some last fucking words.

I want to tell this man that he's a fucking animal.

Does he even qualify as a human being?

Luca presses the knife harder into my neck.

The pain is so sharp I choke.

I hear it before I see it.


My eyes flit up.

That's when the most beautiful sight I've ever seen unfolds before my eyes.

It's Nikolai.

He's wearing an unbuttoned dress shirt with blood running down the front.

His hair is disheveled and his jaw is sharp and furious.

Nikolai's deep eyes blaze with fury as he rushes into the room with his weapon drawn.


Nikolai's voice rumbles as he slams his fist into Luca's neck.

The knife falls from Luca's fingers and crashes to the ground as Nikolai punches Luca again and again, beating him into the floor like a wild animal.

"Little bitch," Nikolai snarls as he pummels the living shit out of my abductor.

"Help me, Daddy!"

I struggle in my bonds to show that Nikolai I'm still tied up.

Nikolai pries his eyes away from his target and rushes to my side.

His deep coffee eyes lock on mine as he slides his firm fingers through the knots.

His fingers work quickly on the ropes as he cuts the remaining ones away with the knife.

When he's done, he tugs me away from the wall and heaves me into his mammoth arms.

"Baby boy." He carries me to another wall.

He presses my back against the wall and hoists me up against his firm body.

"Oh Daddy," I cry.

Tears stream down my cheeks as Nikolai smooths my hair with his enormous palms.

His firm muscles flex in front of me and a beacon of hope crashes into me as I realize that I'm safe in Nikolai's arms.

"He wanted to kill me,” I sob.

"I know, baby boy. My father put him up to this. He's a terrible, terrible man, but I got here in time."

I stare into Nikolai's eyes.

This man saved me. Rescued me.

Luca wanted to drive a blade through my neck but Nikolai beat him into submission in the nick of time.

Nikolai smooths out my ruffled hair and breathes hotly against my lips.

Emotion tears at me as Nikolai presses his lips to mine.

I surrender to Nikolai's kiss, letting him suck the fear from my body.

He kisses me passionately and lets me know that he's here for me, he's protecting me now, he beat the bad guy and I'm safe in his arms.

My heart swells as Nikolai pours his living soul into our kiss.

This man just rescued me from danger.

He lied to me about his job in the Mafia by omitting the fact that he's a hitman but we can work through that.

I refuse to turn Nikolai away. He saved my life.

A shadow falls across the floor.

My heart turns to ice.

Terror punches my sternum so hard I can't breathe.

It's Luca. He's rising up from the floor with a knife in his hand.

"Daddy!" I shriek, pointing frantically.

An animalistic growl escapes Nikolai's lips.

He doesn't pause or hesitate. He pulls something out of his back pocket and spins around.

"You've fucked with my man for the last time."

A roar fills the room as Nikolai fires two shots into Luca’s chest.

He grabs a knife from Luca's table and slams the blade into his chest.


Luca screams as Nikolai stabs him over and over again.

Blood gushes out of the wound and explodes onto the floor like a geyser.

Nikolai rams the knife into Luca's skull.

Bones crunch.

Nikolai roars as he terminates his mortal enemy’s life.

Luca collapses onto the floor.

Tears stream down my face. “I can't take any more of this," I sob.

"I failed, Christian. I failed to protect you."

"You promised to keep me safe at Michael's wedding."

"I know, baby boy. I let you down. My father has been sabotaging my plans. He promised to keep you under his protection but he arranged this kidnapping instead. Luca and my father were working together this entire time. I shouldn't have trusted my father. I didn't think he was that homophobic inside.”

"Luca said you were a hitman," I sniffle.

Nikolai drops the gun. “That was my last hit.”

He slams his lips on mine.

He pours everything he has into the kiss.

My heart swells in my chest and I surrender to his firm arms.

Trusting Nikolai is a leap of faith but I'm willing to take the risk.

After all, this man just rescued me.

Saving me proves he has what it takes to be my protector.

And I want to be his boy.


"I love you."

It's the first time I say this out loud.

But it's the perfect moment to confess my feelings for Nikolai.

I don't know how he'll react.

Maybe Nikolai doesn't feel the same way about me.

Maybe he finds me sexually attractive but doesn't want to commit to be my Daddy.

My heart races. Will he reciprocate my affection or throw me to the wind?

"I love you too, Christian. You're the most perfect young man I've ever met in my life and I'm so lucky you want me to be your Daddy."

It's a dream come true.

My heart swells with warmth and I'm so overcome with warm fuzzies that I start to cry.

"Let's go back to my apartment." I wipe tears from my eyes.

Nikolai lets out a grunt. "Not a goddamn chance."

His padded thumb rests against my quivering lip. "I'm taking you to my penthouse. I'll watch over you every day. You'll never be in danger again."