Hitman Daddy by Aster Rae


Sneak Peak at Rowan’s Love Story



I wrap my arms around Christian’s shoulders and give him a hug.

Christian's wearing his dinosaur platinum ring and a pair of pressed khakis with a baby-blue T-shirt.

It's the day of his engagement party and he and Nikolai have been smooching all day.

They're both so excited to take the next step in their journey of love.

It's also the opening day of Christian's brand-new ice cream parlor in the Bronx.

It's called Dino Tracks and it's the talk of the town.

Even Mrs. Samuelson and her grandson showed up.

Nikolai and his older brothers Igor and Timofey financed the parlor but Christian will manage it day-by-day.

Christian may be a little but he's learning to run his business like an adult.

Could I be any prouder of my friend?

"Thank you for coming, Rowan,” Christian says. “I’m glad you showed up."

"It's the free ice cream samples," I joke. I nod towards the display of dairy-free chocolate-chunk ice cream next to the refrigerator. "I wouldn't get out of bed if they weren't here."

"Are you going to make one of your coffee drinks?"

"Hell yes." Is that even a question?

My signature ice cream coffees are my life.

They’re delicious on hot days and they make me feel so yummy and little inside.

"I brought something for you,” I say. Christian's eyes widen as I produce the gift bag from behind my back.

"What's in it?" Christian arches his eyebrows.

"Open it."

Christian sets the bag on the counter and peels back the tissue paper.

His jaw drops when he pulls out the dinosaur bib I made just for him.

"I had leftover onesies,” I confess.

"It's beautiful. I can't believe you made this yourself."

"It's nothing." My cheeks flush.

Nikolai approaches Christian from behind.

He slinks his arms around Christian's waist and pulls him in for a kiss.

"I love you so much, angel."

"I love you too, Daddy."

My heart warms at their display of affection.

I can't believe that Nikolai and Christian are really together.

When Nikolai asked Christian to be his fake boyfriend earlier this year, I never thought Christian would actually find love.

But after the shit that went down at Nikolai's family's wharf last month, I was even more surprised that Christian and Nikolai worked it out.

They’re a veritable couple and in August, Christian will marry this sexy Russian billionaire and live in his penthouse overlooking New York City.

Nikolai accepts Christian for who he is. He loves him more than he can ever know.

How freaking amazing is that?

"Look what Rowan made me." Christian shows Nikolai the bib.

Nikolai whistles as he runs the bib through his fingers. "High quality. This takes skill."

"Rowan needs to start an Etsy shop," Christian jokes. "He’d make so much money selling bibs and blankets online."

Embarrassment turns my cheeks scarlet. "Someday."


That word lingers in my head as I walk away from Christian and head to the ice cream counter for another free sample.

SomedayI'd love to start my own online shop… But not right now.

School starts in September and I need to devote my energy to that.

CUNY is really expensive, and despite my student loans, I need to work overtime to afford rent.

I wanted to make this the best summer of my life, but work and school will take priority over fun.

I haven't even had a play session since my last time with Christian.

A wave of sadness washes over me.

There are so many things I wanted to try this summer that I can’t.

I wanted to have my first drink, go to a nightclub, and lose my virginity to a man.

In the Lil’ Man Discord chat, Riley even said that Kristof gave him a binky and sang him to sleep on his chest.

It sounds like the most perfect thing I've ever heard of, but now I won't have time to try it out.

A sigh escapes me as I mix my signature drink and head back to the party.

Riley and Karter chat with Mrs. Samuelson and her grandson.

The smell of delicious ice cream and gluten-free pastries waft in from the kitchen.

The sound of people laughing and congratulating Christian and Nikolai on their engagement reaches my ears.

And that's when I feel a presence.

Adrenaline thrums.

A presence. It hangs in the air like smoke.

My eyes flit around the ice cream parlor but I see no one.

I take a sip of chocolate coffee to quell my nerves.

"You're such an idiot,” I grumble.

I'm probably overreacting.

When Christian got together with Nikolai, I joined a Facebook group where I read Russian Mafia romances and discuss them with my friends.

Some of the books are dark AF, which is probably the reason for my mini panic attack — that, or the ice cream coffee.

I sense him before I see him.

“Igor," I whisper.

Nikolai's astonishingly hot older brother.

For a second, I forget to breathe.

He’s standing in a dark corner of the ice cream parlor, his face shrouded in darkness. Tattoos and scars snake across his skin, attesting to the fact that Igor is scary. Dangerous. Forbidden.

But Igor’s also a serious catch.

Yes, he’s a brutal killer who puts bullets into his enemies’ heads.

Yes, he’s menacing figure who isn't afraid to kill or fight back.

But he's also a smoking-hot Russian who totally looks like a Daddy in bed.


What would it feel like to be wrapped snug in his tattooed arms?

The party continues.

I drink three more ice cream coffees and force my mind off the dangerous Russian who’s oh-so out of my league.

"When is your wedding?" I ask Christian.

Christian beams. “A couple months. We might do the ceremony in Turks and Caicos and fly everyone out."

"I’m so happy for you," I say.

I think it's great that Christian finally found the Daddy of his dreams.

"I appreciate it,” Christian says. “You're a true friend."

After hugging Christian one last time, I dish up another bowl of ice cream and head to my bike.

I'm halfway out the door when it happens.

A hand grabs me from behind and forces me to freeze.

I whip around. "Nikolai?"

Nikolai's eyes shine in the dim lights of the parlor.

"I have something for you,” Nikolai grunts.

He pulls an envelope out of his breast pocket and hands it to me.

"It's from Igor," Nikolai growls. He heads back inside with Christian.

Anxiety clogs my throat.

I tear open the envelope and yank out the paper inside.

It's a letter.

Dear Rowan,

You’ve been requested at the home of Mr. Igor Antonov for a job opportunity. Igor is looking for a new housekeeper and he's willing to pay a handsome sum. Call the number below within seven days to set up an appointment. He thinks you’d be perfect for the job.

Mafia Daddy releases June 30!