Six Weeks of Seduction by Ellis O. Day


At the hospital Nick paced, wanting to pull his hair out. Sarah was pregnant. How was that even possible? She was on birth control and they always, ALWAYS used condoms. Even that first time in the bathroom at the award…That was only a few weeks ago. It wasn’t his. He dropped on a chair, putting his head in his hands. She was pregnant with someone else’s kid—Peter’s kid.

“How is she? What happened?” Maisie hurried over to him with an older lady.

“I…I don’t know.” He’d used Sarah’s phone to call Maisie on the way here. “She passed out. I don’t know why.” It was over. She’d go back to Peter. She’d want to give their relationship a try, for the baby.

“Hi, I’m Sarah’s mother, Betty.” The older woman extended her hand.

He stood and shook it. “Nick.”

“Thank you for helping my daughter.”

“Mom,” said Maisie, that one word both a chastisement and a warning.

“Excuse me,” said a young, male doctor. “Are you the family of Sarah—”

“Yes,” he said.

“Are you her husband?”

“No,” said Maisie.

He should’ve never called her. He would’ve lied. “I’m her boyfriend.” It was a weak title—temporary, fleeting, inconsequential. She’d had dozens of boyfriends over the years and he was only one of them and soon, he’d be an ex-boyfriend.

“I’m her mother.”

“I’m her sister.”

They were claiming her. They had rights to her and he had none. He was nothing to her. What’d remained of his heart was ripped to shreds.

The doctor and the two women stepped aside.

“Thank God,” said Maisie.

Sarah’s mother followed the doctor and Maisie walked over to him. “She’s going to be fine. They’re running a few more tests but it looks like she just passed out.”

He sighed in relief. “I want to see her.”

“I know. Give my mom a minute.”

He didn’t want to. He wanted to run in there and see her, touch her, make sure she was okay but he nodded.

“I’ll go say hi now so you can be alone with her.” Maisie pulled out her phone as she walked away. “Honey, she’s fine. Passed out.”

He waited for what seemed an eternity but was actually only about ten minutes before Sarah’s mom and Maisie came back into the waiting room.

“She’s all yours,” said Maisie.

He stood, more nervous than he’d ever been in his life.

“I’m going to take Mom home. Are you guys going to your place or hers tonight?”

“Are they going to release her?”

“Yeah, in a few hours,” said Maisie.

“I think we’ll go home.” At her look he added. “Her house. You guys can still stay if you want.”

“No. We’ll go home.” She took his hand. “You’ve been wonderful to her.”

“Maisie,” said her mother with the same warning in her tone, but with a hint of humor. “Why is it okay for you to say it but not me?” asked Betty as they walked down the hallway.

He hurried to her room but hesitated at the door. She was lying in the bed in a hospital gown. She looked so small and helpless. He wanted to wrap her in his arms, cocoon her away so no one could ever hurt her again.

“Nick.” Her eyes searched his face.

He moved toward her without even thinking. He took her hand and kissed it. “How do you feel?”


“Don’t be. You…What happened?”

She stared at their hands. “I passed out. I hadn’t eaten much and…it must’ve gotten to me.”

He ran his thumb over the soft skin of her hand. He didn’t want to ask but he had to. “Is…is the baby okay?”

“Baby?”  Her eyes shot to his.

“It’s okay.” He wasn’t mad. He was crushed but it wasn’t her fault. “You said something right after you came to.” He was going to lose her. He wanted to bury his face in her neck and beg her to pick him. He’d love the baby no matter what. It didn’t have to be his. The father could see his kid, of course, but Sarah was his.

“Oh, Nick. I’m so sorry.”

He felt tears build at the back of his eyes. He looked anywhere but at her.

She touched his face. “Nick, I’m not pregnant.”

His heart thrilled, seeming to come to life again and then guilt danced at the edges of his joy. “You lost it?” She’d be devastated.

“No.” She pulled her hand from his and cupped the other side of his face. “I wasn’t pregnant. I just had my period, remember?”

“I completely forgot.” Relief washed through him, but stuttered over one tiny fact. “Then…why did you say that?” He hadn’t misheard her.

“I…I don’t know. I was confused, I guess.” She hesitated. “I’d been talking about Tank and Adam right before I passed out and…” Her eyes locked with his. “Who was that woman you were with?”

“What woman?”

“The cute, little blonde. I saw you go upstairs with her.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. I never went upstairs.”

“Don’t lie to me. You were talking to her and then you went upstairs. She followed a few minutes later.”

“Wait.” His dark eyes sparkled. “You saw Tina.” He laughed but stopped short at her death glare. “Steven’s wife. My brother, Steven.” He leaned down and tried to kiss her but she moved her face. “I think you saw them sneaking upstairs not me.”

She stared at him, searching his eyes.

“I didn’t cheat on you.” He leaned closer and this time she didn’t move when he kissed her. “I wasn’t going to cheat on you.” He kissed her again. Her lips were so damn sweet and she was still his. He’d be the one to get her pregnant. “I’m never going to cheat on you.” This time, he let his lips linger and her hands drifted to play in his hair.

“Promise,” she said against his mouth.



He pulled away as a nurse walked into the room. “A few more tests and then the two of you can leave.” The older woman smiled. “And finish what you were doing.”

“That we will.” He laughed. He liked this nurse.