Six Weeks of Seduction by Ellis O. Day


Sarah hurried into the bedroom and tore off her clothes—not that there was much left to remove. Damn Nick, had ruined her shirt. She grinned as she ran some warm water on a washcloth and cleaned herself. She loved making him lose control and the best way to do that was to take control from him until he couldn’t stand it anymore.

She sighed. She would’ve loved to have stayed in his arms and napped—great sex did that to her—but it was time for Mary to make an appearance. She pulled her hair back into a ponytail, changed the red lipstick for a pink gloss and wiped off her makeup.

She dressed in her plain, white panties and bra, put on a clean shirt, tucking it into another skirt that looked exactly like Lucy’s, only longer. She took a deep breath and tapped on the door.

Nick’s firm—"Yes, come in.”—made her shiver with anticipation.

This man drove her crazy with lust. She stepped into the room. “Professor?”

He looked up from his computer, his eyes narrowing on her. “Yes, Mary.”

He didn’t look pleased to see her but she could fix that. She stepped into the room. “Um…I was wondering…that is Lucy said you might be able to help me with some science.”

“Why would I do that, Mary?” He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms over his chest.

“Um…” She hadn’t expected that. She loved playing these games with him. He took the part to heart and seldom did what she anticipated.

“The last time I helped you, you rushed out of the room”—his eyes were hard—“before we finished your lesson.”

That was unfair. He’d been ready to take Mary’s virginity. Her only recourse had been to run, but Mary wouldn’t argue. “I’m sorry, professor. I was scared.”

He relaxed a little. “There was no reason to be frightened.”

“You…you promised that I’d still be a virgin and you were going to…going to…” She couldn’t help the slight challenge that flashed in her eyes.

A spark of amusement flared in his. “Nonsense. I was going to honor my word. You would’ve left here the same as you came in.”

She struggled to keep from laughing. He wasn’t lying. Mary didn’t actually have a virginity to lose.

“Now, run along Mary. I don’t have time to tutor students who don’t trust me.”

That one hit too close to home and by the look in his eyes he wasn’t just talking to Mary. “I do trust you, professor.” She took another small step into the room. “I swear. If you promise that we won’t…you know…”

“We won’t what? You need to tell me exactly what you don’t want to do.” His eyes were getting dark and dangerous now and it was drawing Sarah closer.

“I…I don’t want to have sex with you.” At the tightening of his lips she added, “Or anyone. I’m not ready.”

He stared at her for a long time.

Too long. She couldn’t take the silence, the inaction, inattention. She was wet again and she needed to keep playing—feel his fingers, his mouth. “Will you help me professor? Please.”

“I suppose.” He motioned to the chair in front of his desk. “Have a seat and we’ll talk.”

She smiled and closed the door behind her, moving over to the desk and sitting primly, keeping her legs pressed together.

“Now Mary, with what do you need help?”

“Um…science. We’re studying friction and I just don’t understand.”

“Hmm.” He leaned back in his chair. “In order for me to help you with that, I’ll need to know that you won’t run.”

“You promise we won’t…you know, do it?”

“I promise.”

“Then I promise, I won’t run.”

“I’m not sure I believe you.” He watched her closely.

“I swear, professor.”

“I believe that you believe you won’t run but…I think you’ll get frightened and instead of talking to me”—he tapped his chest—“and letting me help you, you’ll run.”

Again, he wasn’t just talking to Mary. She swallowed. “I swear, professor. I’ll do whatever you say and I won’t run.”

“I need to be sure.” He stood and took off his tie.

Her eyes widened. He was going to restrain her. He was going to tie up little, virgin Mary. Damn, she hadn’t expected this and it was so hot.

He stood before her. His crotch was at eye level and it was an eyeful. He was already hard and ready. Little Mary might get fucked today.

“Put your hands behind your back.”

“Why?” She didn’t move. “What are you going to do?”

“You promised to do what I said.”


“Do it or go. I don’t have time for games.”

“O-okay.” Oh, he had time for games. He was an expert at games and she couldn’t wait. She leaned forward, putting her arms behind her back.

“No. Behind the chair.”

She did as he said and he walked behind her, tying her hands together. She shifted, testing the knot.

“Is it too tight?”

“No.” It was just tight enough to let her know that she was his—helpless, at his mercy. She tried to act nervous, to stay in character, but a throbbing was beating an insistent rhythm between her thighs.

“Good.” He walked to his chair and sat down.

What the hell was he doing that far away? She needed him in front of her, touching her, kissing her.

“Mary, friction is good. Try and get loose, move your hands a bit. Your arms.”

She did as he said and his eyes dropped to her chest. She wiggled more, making her breasts shift and bounce. She may be tied up but she wasn’t helpless in this game. She could still drive him crazy.

“See Mary, that’s friction. Do you feel it in your hands and arms?”


“Do you like it?”

“No. Not really. It kind of hurts.” But she did like it—not the bite of the cloth around her wrists but the anticipation of his friction.

“Small hurts can feel good.”

“I don’t understand.” Before she met him, she hadn’t understood that, but now she did and he was so right.

“You will.” His eyes were almost black now, like a shark’s ready to strike.

She shivered, squeezing her legs together and he smirked.

“Let me demonstrate.” He stood, picked up his chair and carried it around the desk, placing it close enough so that their knees brushed when he sat. “You’re new to this, so we’ll start slow.”

She wasn’t sure she could handle slow. The spicy scent of his cologne and the heat of his body were making her ache. Too bad she couldn’t be Lucy right now.

He put his hands on her knees. They were warm and strong. He squeezed gently. “There. A little friction.”

Not exactly, but she kept her mouth shut.

He ran his hands up and down her thighs, his long fingers on the outside and his thumbs coming closer and closer to where she needed him to touch. She squeezed her legs tighter together. She wanted to let them fall apart, give him an opening, but Mary wouldn’t do that.

“Do you like this friction?” His thumb skimmed along the seam of her thighs.

“I…I don’t know.”

“Relax.” He leaned forward and kissed her gently, his lips barely grazing against hers. “You liked my kisses, didn’t you?”

“Yes,” she whispered.

He kissed her again, this time with a little more pressure. He ran his tongue along her lips. “Open for me.”

His thumbs pressed more firmly between her thighs and his mouth was on hers. She wasn’t sure if he meant her lips or legs so she opened both and his tongue darted into her mouth, gently exploring as his hands pulled her legs farther apart. His fingers danced along the soft skin of her inner thighs. She squirmed, wanting to touch him, to bury her hands in his hair but she couldn’t.

He pulled back from the kiss, breathing heavily. “Mary, you are a sweet little thing.”

“I want to touch you, professor.” This game was going to end fast. She didn’t have it in her to deny him. “Please, untie me.”

“Not yet.” His hands now rested at the juncture of her thighs, his thumbs almost touching her pussy. “Do you want more friction?” He pressed in a little, making her gasp.

“I…I don’t know.” It took everything she had to stay in character. “You promised that we wouldn’t…”

“And we won’t. I won’t fuck you.”

He kissed her again but this time his tongue took control of her mouth as one hand held her head still for his invasion and the other rested so close to where she needed him. Too soon, he broke the kiss, his nostrils flaring as if unable to get enough of her scent. She wanted to scream, beg him to touch her, but she remained silent. Being a virgin was starting to get on her nerves.

“But I am going to teach you all about friction—all except that one lesson.” He pulled her legs farther apart as he kissed his way to her ear. “Friction works best when both parties are wet, especially if one item is tight and the other large.” His thumb caressed her through her panties and she gasped. “You like that don’t you?”

“Yes.” She pushed her hips toward him. Mary was a virgin but she could feel pleasure and his fingers brought that in truckloads.

“You’ll like this even more.” He rubbed along her pussy, stroking her and glancing over her clit.

“Please…” She trembled.

“Little Mary is enjoying this lesson but I think you’ve learned enough.”

“What?” she almost screamed. She hadn’t learned near enough.

There was a soft woof from the guest bedroom.

Nick put his finger on her lips. “Shhh.”

Damn, she’d forgotten about Tank.

“I’ll be right back. Don’t move.” He grinned at her over his shoulder as he walked into the kitchen and grabbed a couple of dog cookies. He disappeared down the hallway and was back a moment later.

“Now, where were we?” He sat back down, his eyes raking over her.

“You were teaching me about friction.” She held his gaze as she widened her legs. Okay, maybe Mary was being a little too eager but Sarah no longer cared.

“That’s right. We were done with the lesson.”

“No.” The word slipped from her lips without thought.

“No?” He smirked, all male confidence. “Okay. I guess we can continue.”

Thank God.

“There are all kinds of friction, Mary.” His fingers went to her blouse, slowly unbuttoning her shirt and kissing his way down her chest.

“Please, untie me.” She knew the pleasure that was coming and she needed to touch him, hold him to her.

“No,” he said against her belly before running his tongue around her navel.

She ached to end this game, to shove his head between her legs but the damn restraints were secure.

He sat up. “You’re a very beautiful girl, Mary.”

“Th-thank you.” Okay. What was he up to?

“You have nice breasts. I’m going to taste them now. Show you how friction feels here.” He cupped her breast and flicked her nipple. She whimpered. “You like that don’t you?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Let me help you decide.” He reached behind her and unhooked her bra, pushing it out of his way. His hands captured her breasts, squeezing as his thumbs caressed her nipples. “Have you decided? Do you like this?”

“Yes.” Yes, yes and yes. She arched her back, pushing her breasts into his hands.

“You should think about sex, Mary. You’d like that even more.”

“I-I’m not ready.”

“Fair enough.” He lowered his mouth and kissed all around her nipple—first one and then the other—but never taking her into his mouth.

“Please, Ni…professor, please.”

“Please what, Mary?”

“I-I don’t know but I need…something.” She was squirming on the seat. She knew exactly what she needed but Mary didn’t.

He moved his face to her ear, his breath a harsh whisper, “If I give you what you need you have to promise to do something for me.”

“N-not sex.”

“Fine. Not sex.” He almost snapped.

“Then okay.”

“Promise you’ll do whatever I say.”

Now, she was nervous. He wouldn’t try and fuck Mary in the ass would he? She wasn’t doing that.

“You need to trust me…Mary.” His eyes searched hers, letting her know that he wasn’t talking to Mary. “You have to know that I won’t do anything you don’t like or don’t want to do.” His tone was kind of hurt as he pinched her nipple.

She moaned, leaning into his touch “Okay. Yes. Whatever you want.”

He kissed her neck and then nipped her. She shivered. She’d just made a deal with the devil—the handsome, sexy, going to make her scream in delight devil.

“Good girl.” He kissed his way down her neck and across her chest. It seemed like forever before his mouth finally latched onto her nipple. He sucked, sending heat all the way to her pussy which wept for him.

“Please. I need to touch you.” She moaned, her arms yanking against the restraints.

He ignored her, leaving hot, wet kisses as he made a path to the next breast.

“Please, untie me.”

His only answer was to move downward, kissing his way across her abdomen and belly. He dropped to his knees, his hands holding her legs apart as he licked and sucked his way up her thigh.

She trembled, trying to remember how nervous she’d been the first time she’d been eaten out. “Wh-what are you doing?” Don’t stop. If there’s a God in heaven, don’t stop.

“Friction, Mary. Remember, it’s better when wet.” He lifted her, pulling off her underwear. His long finger caressed her folds and she groaned. “You’re wet, Mary, but you could be wetter.” He slipped his finger inside of her.

“Oh…professor.” Her head dropped back as he stroked her, relieving some of the tension while building more.

“You feel so good, Mary.” His hot breath tickled her pussy as he thrust his finger in and out of her. “Look at me.”

She opened her eyes. His face was tight with desire, his eyes black and gleaming.

“I’m going to make you wetter, Mary, and then I’m going to make you come.”

“Ah…” She bit back a scream as his mouth lowered, feasting on her juices, lapping and licking and flicking while his finger thrust into her. He added another finger, stretching her as he worked her clit with his lips and tongue. Her hips jerked, rocking with his rhythm. She was so close already. All she needed was a little more—pressure, speed, something. He put another finger inside of her and she moaned long and low, trembling on the edge of orgasm. His other hand drifted across her lips, as he sucked her clit. She screamed as she came, but his hand covered her mouth, muffling most of the sound.

He gave her one more, long lap with his rough tongue and then sat back on his heels, wiping his face. He glanced down the hallway. “All’s quiet. Your turn.” He stood. His pants tented in front of her. He unzipped them.

She knew what he wanted but now that she’d come it was easier to stay in character. “You said we wouldn’t—”

“I’m not going to fuck you, Mary. You’re going to suck my dick until I come in your mouth.”

“Um…I don’t know, professor.” She was more than eager. She loved sucking his cock, making him beg, but Mary would be nervous.

“You promised.”


He pulled his dick from his pants. It was big and hard, the tip purple with need. “Open your mouth, Mary.”

He held it to her face. She opened her mouth. He rubbed his cock along her lips. “Lick it. Kiss it.”

She ran her tongue across the head and he groaned. It was a raw guttural sound that went straight between her legs. She was doing this to him. She was making him feel like she’d felt—desperate, on fire. She licked along the top and up and down his length.

“That’s it, Mary.” His hand tangled in her ponytail. “That’s a good girl.”

She pulled away. “I want to touch you.”

“Take me in your mouth.” He increased the pressure on her head.

She opened and he slid between her lips. He leaned forward, his dick going farther down her throat. She gagged.

“Suck, Mary.” He braced one hand on the back of the chair as the other pulled the tie, removing the restraint.

Her hands wrapped around his cock. He was thick and hot. She sucked harder as she stroked him, bobbing her head, finding her rhythm.

“That’s it.” He tugged on her hair. “That feels so fucking good.”

She sat up, letting his dick slide out of her mouth with a pop.

“Don’t stop.” He pushed her back toward his cock.

“Someone’s knocking.” She jumped up.

“What?” His eyes were glazed with desire and confusion.

“I’ve got to go. It’s Ms. Applewood.” 

“No. Fuck no.” He reached for her as she hurried to the door and slipped into the bedroom.

“Damn it, Sarah! No. Fuck that, Sarah,” he yelled.