Six Weeks of Seduction by Ellis O. Day


Nick should’ve beaten the shit out of Patrick. Even if he’d lost, a good fight would’ve released some of his pent up frustration. He strode into the Club. Another great way to blow off steam was fucking. He should go inside and find someone—end this farce of a relationship once and for all—but instead he went upstairs to Ethan’s office.

“Come in,” said Ethan at his knock.

He walked inside. This office was familiar and comfortable but it made him remember the past—a past he no longer wanted.

“What happened to you?” Ethan was in the back room watching the Club through the cameras.

“Sarah and I….It’s over.”

“What happened?” Ethan turned off the monitors.

He grabbed a glass and a bottle and sat on the chair next to the couch. Ethan already had a drink. He filled his glass, took a large swallow and then told Ethan about Sarah’s collapse at his sister’s and their fight tonight.

“So, you’re upset because she doesn’t trust you?” asked Ethan.

“Yeah.” He watched his friend over the glass as he took another gulp of his drink. Ethan had to be on his side about this. Of course, he’d thought the same about Patrick.

“You’re also mad because her lover wasn’t her lover at all.”

“No. I’m happy about that.” The fact that she’d been celibate too made him want to strut around beating his chest. He finished his drink.

“But you fought with her about it.”

“Because, she didn’t tell me.” He refilled his glass.

“She was probably embarrassed.”

“About what? She knew I’d be thrilled to find out she hadn’t been with anyone since me.” He took a sip of his drink. “Any guy would be.”

“I’m sure she understood that but think of it from her side. You’re”—Ethan waved his hand—“you.”

“What the hell does that mean?” He was starting to think he needed new friends.

“What that means is you’re a guy who can and does fuck almost any woman he wants.”

“So are you.”

“Yes, but I can understand where a woman may not want a man…like either of us to know she sat around pining for him.”

“That doesn’t make sense. It’d make me happy. She should’ve wanted to tell me that right away.”

“Right.” Ethan leaned back against the couch. “Because she exists to make you happy.”

Nick’s mouth opened and shut. “I didn’t say that.”

“When did you confess your celibacy to her?” Ethan took a drink of his brandy, his blue eyes boring into Nick’s.

“I’ve had enough.” He tossed back his drink and stood.

“Never told her, did you?”

“No.” He headed for the door.

“Why? Didn’t you trust her?”


He slammed the door behind him but not before he heard Ethan holler, “Trust goes both ways, Nick. Stop being a jackass and apologize to her.”