Six Weeks of Seduction by Ellis O. Day


Sarah sat outside on the back porch. Tank and Sweetie were curled up next to her on the loveseat. Nick was gone. She’d known it would end. She’d predicted it but being right didn’t make her feel any better, especially when deep down she knew this was her fault. She should’ve confided in him. He’d done nothing to make her think he didn’t truly care for her. Their relationship may have ended eventually but ending right now was because of her.

She didn’t want to live like this anymore—alone, isolated—with only Tank and Sweetie for company. She scratched Sweetie’s head. “You’re staying. I don’t care that officially you’re Nick’s dog.”

Sweetie licked her hand and she wrapped her arms around the warm, strong body and sobbed. Tank nudged her back, finally settling his head on her butt and she cried more.

She had no idea how long she’d stayed like that but by the time she sat up, she knew what she had to do. She called the dogs and went into her bedroom and started packing.