First Time Escort by S.E. Law



Three months later.

I’m hiding in a stall in the communal bathroom of my dorm, reading the sticker graffiti plastered all over the wall. My plan was to take the test here and then head back to my room to get the results in private, but it’s too risky. I don’t know what I would say if someone saw, so I’m huddled here in the stall of the bathroom like a coward.

Shane and I have been dating for a few months now in secret. We haven’t told anybody other than Rose because it’s just so wrong! I still call him Uncle Shane from time to time. I mean, I mostly do it to tease him, but he seems to like it. Even worse, Shane likes me to call him “Daddy” in bed, and sometimes I do. He comes so hard when he hears the words that I know the word triggers something in him.

But it only serves to illustrate how unconventional our relationship is. This isn’t the sort of thing that’s exactly easy to go public with.

Don’t get me wrong. I’m all in. I’m in love with Shane, and I don’t mind the age difference one bit. I feel safe with him, and I know he respects me too. Shane has told me he doesn’t mind the age gap either. He says it doesn’t matter what other people think, as long we’re happy. Frankly, if it weren’t for my dad, we would have gone public from the get-go. But my dad being his college friend throws a real wrench in that plan.

I stare at the blank grey box on the test. I’m so scared. I haven’t had my period in almost two months and this is unexpected because we are careful when we make love. We always try to use protection. But there was a time or two when things got away from us.

After all, it just gets so hot quickly between us. We can’t help but get caught up in the action from time to time. He always insists that we stop and get a condom, but sometimes, I convince him otherwise. It’s too good to let him get up and leave the room, and to be honest, I love feeling him raw as he goes deep. I especially like it when he comes hard without protection, filling my pussy with his seed. But look where that’s gotten us now.

All things considered, it’s to be expected. After all, I’m young and fertile, Shane is a very virile man, and we make love constantly. But what will he think? More importantly, how on Earth would I hide that from my dad?

I watch as two blue lines sketch themselves across the little gray box. One line is not pregnant, two lines means I have a baby inside of me. Oh my god. This wasn’t supposed to happen! I wasn’t even supposed to be at the hotel that night, but now, I’m pregnant with the baby of my dad’s best friend.

I pick up my phone to call Rose because I need her advice. I need someone else to carry the weight of this news with me until I find a way to tell Shane.

“Lucy! Where are you? You didn’t come home after class today,” Rose scolds. I panic and hang up. Hearing her voice makes me even more uncertain, and I need to talk to Shane now.

But as I get my things together, my heart turns over because deep in my gut, I know that I want this baby more than anything. Maybe it was conceived while I was “escorting,” but it really doesn’t matter. I’m in love with the father, and hopefully he loves me too. But that’s the problem: all of this is based on hope. There’s nothing concrete because Shane and I have never talked about our relationship, or set anything in stone. There have been no promises, and no talk of the future, although now, the future has come to us.

My phone rings in my hand, the screen lit with a picture of Rose. Without hesitation, I hit the red button and throw my phone and the test in the front pocket of my backpack. Then I set off for the nearest subway stop.

Twenty minutes later, I arrive at Shane’s penthouse and let myself in. He gave me my own key about a month ago, and it’s supposedly so that I have a quite place to come study if I ever need to get away from the dorms. But it feels very romantic. Like we’re serious, even if we’ve never discussed it.

Of course, everything is a little different when you’re dating someone in secret. I’ve kept Rose in the loop over the last few months, but nobody else knows. Those boys from my dorm are aware I went out with someone who owns a Range Rover, but they’ve probably already forgotten. And sometimes, when you aren’t telling anybody, the lines blur even with the person you’re closest to.

After all, Shane and I have danced around the topic of going public with our relationship, but the timing just doesn’t feel right. There is so much on the line. Plus, once my dad finds out, all hell will break loose. After all, who really wants to find out that their baby girl is dating a man twice her age? And that she was working as an escort when she first slept with him? The thought makes me shudder with fear, but a child on the way might be the universe’s way of forcing us to come out.

“Shane, are you home?” I call out, striding to the kitchen. I hear him call back from dining room adjacent to the small foyer.

“Hey, I’m right here. You’re early!” he says as he crosses the room to kiss me hello. As usual, he’s ungodly handsome in a black shirt with black jeans. My mouth waters, but I make myself stay strong.

“Well, I have some exciting news I just couldn’t wait to share. But what is all this?” I ask, gesturing at the table before me.

He grins.

“Sweetheart, I wanted to surprise you. I have a full sushi spread for us tonight. I even set up a sake sampler. I thought it would be a fun evening,” he says mischievously.

“That was really sweet of you. Thank you,” I say trying to sound just as excited. But I’m not sure if I can even eat sushi? I know I definitely can’t have sake while pregnant because alcohol is off-limits. What about raw fish? I pause for a moment. My worry must be written across my forehead because he steps back and quirks his head at me.

“What’s wrong? You love Japanese food,” he says, showing concern. But before I have a chance to come forward with my news, Shane gets a wicked look on his face. “If you don’t want to eat the sushi, Luce, that’s okay. Actually, I ordered this sampler for a very specific purpose. It’s made with special sticky rice so that I can eat it off your naked body,” he smiles wickedly at me. “Sound good?”

I bite my lip in anticipation. I really should tell him I’m pregnant. But the thought of him eating raw sushi from my naked body has me titillated. Besides, our sex life may change drastically once I start growing. I’m sure my body will change in all sorts of unexpected ways, and who knows? The news itself may even change the dynamic of our relationship.

I sure hope it doesn’t, but I decide to revel in this one last sexcapade just in case. Smiling coyly, I unzip my dress, letting the fabric fall to the floor. Then daintily, I step out of my lacy bra and panties so that I’m nude except for my high-heeled sandals.

“Are you ready, Daddy?” I purr.

His blue eyes flare.

“I’m always ready when it comes to you, sweetheart. Up on the table. There you go.”

Waggling my bottom at him, I climb up on the dining room table before lying down. Then, Shane begins to layer me with the decadent sushi rolls. He places one on my collar bone, one between my breasts, one on my navel, and finally one right on my pussy.

He sits back to look me over, kneeling with his legs spread over mine.

“I know which one I’m starting with,” he growls, already desperately hard in his pants. Placing his hands at my navel, he dives in lips first for the sushi roll placed over my pussy. He skims his mouth above me for a moment, just breathing on my slit, and the sensation is so tantalizing that I can’t help but let out a deep groan.

“Amazing,” he rasps, looking up at me. Then gently, he eats the sushi off my pussy before pausing to lick my wet hole. I moan, cupping my breasts and spreading my legs wider for him.

“More,” I plead. “Oh god, more.”

Shane’s eyes flare, and he pushes my knees up a bit before diving in again. His tongue is buried squarely up my snatch when suddenly, I hear the latch on the front door click. Shane doesn’t hear anything because he’s tongue-deep in my wetness, savoring the honey sliding down his throat.

Then, my worst nightmare comes true.

“Shane, are you home, buddy?” A male voice echoes throughout the penthouse, easy and relaxed, but it’s far too familiar.

“Oh shit!” I whisper-scream. In two seconds, my dad is going to see us. Two steps, and the voice will be in the room with us. I try to push my man off me, but the alpha male’s shoulders are broad and heavy, and it’s too late. Damon’s caught us, and it’s all over now.