First Time Escort by S.E. Law



My oldest friend walks around the corner, his easy, relaxed gait skidding to a stop when he sees us. I don’t blame him. After all, I’m kneeling over his very young, very naked daughter. Her lushness is on full display, from those creamy breasts puddled on her chest, to the fact that my tongue is buried deep in her snatch. I can’t help it. There’s nothing like the taste of Lucy’s pussy, and I’ve become addicted to her honey.

But this is an awful discovery for Damon, obviously. He stands there for a moment, a look of shock on his face.

I should move. I should act. I should start explaining. But for once in my life, there’s nowhere to go. There is no bullshitting my way around this. I just royally fucked-up everything that means anything in my life. Not only am I going to lose my best friend, but I’m going to lose Lucy too.

A shatter stirs us to movement. I guess my friend brought an expensive bottle of premium whiskey over, but his fingers lost their grip in his shock. It crashes onto the floor and shatters to a million tiny glass pieces, alcohol spraying everywhere. It’s the loudest noise in the world, and it brings us back to life.

Lucy sits up and screams at the top of her lungs. It’s an ear-piercing screech that would signify a life-threatening situation in any other scenario. It’s a sound that would set both me and Damien running to her rescue.

However, in this particular scenario, it propels me to life. I clumsily climb down from the dining room table and grab at my shirt, left discarded on the back of a chair. I hold it in front of me to shield my obvious erection and begin backing away as if I am inching away from a wild animal on the prowl.

Lucy, meanwhile, springs across the room and begins wildly pulling on her top. She literally gets stuck in the fabric, half of her in the shirt and half of her out without being able to get it over her head.

“Mmmph!” she screams, dancing about as if she’s doing a jig. “Umph!”

It would be funny, except that I can see the undersides of her big breasts bouncing, not to mention her slick pussy and luscious behind. Even worse, her dad is seeing this too.

“What the fuck is going on here? Does someone want to tell me what in the world you two are doing?” he bellows, his face an ugly mottled red. Only he doesn’t leave time for either of us to respond. “Fuck you Reed, you disgusting son of a bitch. I ought to fucking kill you, or no, better yet, I should call the cops and send you to jail.”

“Damon stop. Come on,” I manage get out. But my voice is hushed and shaking, and I doubt he can hear anything above the storm in his head. I glance across the room to check on Luce. She is clothed now. Crying her freaking eyes out. But clothed.

“And you!” Damon explodes as he turns to Lucy. He really begins to seethe as he sets his eyes on his not-so-innocent little girl. “How did he get you tangled up in all of this? I thought you were better than this. I have never been more ashamed to call you my daughter.” There is no hesitation in his voice. He’s bubbling over with pure emotion, and it’s clear he’s truly horrified in this moment.

Lucy drops to her knees in despair. I see how much his words have shattered her, and she’s sobbing uncontrollably now. After all, it makes sense. Her mother, Nicole, divorced Damon years ago, so he’s her only real parent. She and Damon have always been close, and to see her dad like this must be heartbreaking.

Meanwhile, my friend is going berserk. Boiling over with rage, he turns to my china table and furiously thrusts his arm across it, sending all the expensive porcelain to the floor. The dishes smash and clatter around us as Damon lets out a deafening roar. I see Lucy flinch out of the corner of my eye and I realize I have to man up.

Cowering is not going to do. Besides, being a pussy isn’t in my nature. Maybe I’ve wronged Damon, but I love his daughter. Is that so terrible? Yes, I’m double her age. Yes, I’ve known her since she was a baby. But love is love, and I feel my own anger rising. Politely taking his shit and waiting for the opportunity to ask permission is not going to do it. I need to show him I mean fucking business. I have to tell him how it is and demand acceptance, instead of permission. I’ll have to simply rely on the fact that this is the way things are, whether he likes it or not.

Now, Damon is grimacing and breathing heavy, his mouth open and revealing his teeth in a snarl. The dude looks like a troll come to life, with his face a fiery red and his forehead dripping sweat. Goddamn, the vein in his neck looks about ready to explode. I’ve never seen him so angry, and I’m sure he’s planning to come over here and deck me in the face. I would deserve it too, to be honest.

But I also see something else. The poor guy is seconds away from having tears streaming down his cheeks. He’s fighting back sobs with everything he has, and I hate to see him like this. It downright kills me to know I caused that pain. But I also know that his pain will be my saving grace because his pain is actually love manifested through unfathomable hurt.

“Damon. Stop, man. I know you’re furious, and I don’t blame you. But you have to listen to us. You have to hear us out. This looks bad, but I’m your best friend. I wouldn’t do anything to hurt, disgrace, or take advantage of your daughter,” I say in the calmest and steadiest voice I can manage.

He doesn’t stop moving towards me, but I do see a momentary break in his anger. There’s a minuscule spark of sanity that shows itself for a moment, before the craziness takes over again. Then, the mask descends and he becomes the troll from hell once more.

He storms over, only stopping when he’s nose to nose with me. Normally, Damon’s a handsome guy. Women seem to like him, and why not? But right now, he’s completely unrecognizable. He seethes, howls and screams, throwing every epithet in the book my way. But I just stand steady and calm through it all. I know, on the one hand, that I deserve everything he’s accusing me of right now. I also know that the only way to reach a point where Damon calms down enough to talk is to let him purge all of his hurt and fury.

He paces up and down, yelling like his hair’s on fire. It feels like forever, but it’s probably only a minute or two, and then there’s a pause. Immediately, I speak.

“I love her, buddy,” I say, looking him directly into his eyes. I haven’t even told Lucy yet, but it’s true. This woman means everything to me, and I’m willing to sacrifice my friendship if that’s what it takes.

“You what?! You love her? That is sick, Shane. You can’t just manipulate my daughter into having sex with you by pretending to love her,” he scoffs, his anger beginning to rise again. “I know how you work! I know your MO! I can’t believe you pulled this shit with my daughter!”

For the first time, Lucy begins to speak. Without rising from the floor, she tries to explain.

“He isn’t manipulating me Dad! I want to be here, I’m a big girl and I can make my own decisions,” she pleads.

“Stay out of this!” Damon yells at her, never taking his eyes off me. “You have no idea how this bastard works. He treats women like shit, and I can’t believe he’s pulling his shit on you! You’re so naive, Lucy! Didn’t they teach you anything at college? FUCK!”

“Hey man, don’t talk to her like that,” I growl, my brows lowering. But Damon doesn’t care and continues to rage.

“She is my daughter! It is none of your business how I talk to her! Stay the fuck away! You’ve already done enough!” I understand his anger and his thinking, I really do. But my job is to protect this woman, and I will do so at all costs. Even if it breaks the heart and soul of my oldest friend.

“No. You are behaving in a disrespectful and inappropriate way. You want to be mad at me? Fine. But I can’t let you talk to my girlfriend that way,” I demand.

Girlfriend?! What the fuck, Reed? Are you fucking out of your mind? You fuck women! You don’t have girlfriends!”

He finally turns to look at his daughter.

“And you! Have you really fallen for his bullshit? Really, Luce? How dumb are you?”

But my beautiful girl is just as surprised. She’s looking at me with wide eyes, her mouth open.

“I’m your girlfriend, Shane?” she asks in a small voice. Momentarily, the rest of the world disappears so that it’s only the two of us. I manage to completely forget Damon, focusing only on the innocent woman before me. How could she not know?

“Of course you are, Lucy. I love you, and we’ve been dating exclusively for months now. You mean more to me than anything in the world, and I’m proud to call you my girlfriend.” Even in the midst of this clusterfuck, I can’t help but smile rakishly at her. “Is that a problem?”

She laughs lightly at this, her face flushing.

“Of course, it isn’t a problem. I couldn’t be happier to be your girlfriend, Shane.” Then, the world comes back into focus and she turns to Damon, who is silently melting down, his lack of control over this situation obviously devouring him. I wish there was something I could do to make it all right, but this is Lucy’s show now. She takes a deep breath and looks him in the eye.

“Dad, I love Shane. I know this is a surprise to you, and I understand you are upset. But this is a good thing. Please support us, Dad,” she says in a confident voice. “Your friend’s a good man, and you know that better than anyone. He’s good for me.”

I admire her strength. Her pure, loving heart shields an iron core, and I couldn’t be prouder of my girl at this moment. Clearly, I’ve chosen well.

But Damon ignores her and turns to me again, still seething.

“What the FUCK? How the hell did this even happen? What, did you just show up at her dorm room one day?” he accuses. “I’m going to get someone at the fucking school fired!”

“Dad, we ran into each other at a bar!” Lucy interrupts in an attempt to defend me. “It has nothing to do with NYU.”

But now, I know exactly where this is going, and it isn’t going to be pretty. I raise my hand in her direction to try to stop her because what she’s about to say is only going to make this situation a million times worse.

“A bar?” Damon questions her. “So you ran into your Uncle Shane at a college bar and thought that was alright? And then came back to his penthouse to sleep with him? You’ve got to be kidding me Lucy. And Reed, you fucking pig. Those college students are still practically children, you scumbag. Why were you at a college bar robbing the cradle?”

He’s boiling over again, and I hear Lucy begin to explain once more. I brace myself for what’s coming next because clearly, this is a freight train that’s gone way off the tracks.

“No, it wasn’t a college bar! We met at the Hotel Indigo because I was filling in for a friend that night. She was supposed to meet Shane, not me.”

“The Hotel Indigo?” Suddenly, Damon pauses as the pieces fall into place. He turns on his heels towards me, and the look on his face is even more horrified than before. “The girl you were telling me about was my own daughter? Are you fucking insane? You called my daughter ‘a woman of excellent quality’! She’s the escort George bought for you?”

“Well,” I begin, but it’s too late. He’e now storming over to Lucy’s side of the room. He towers over her, screaming like a banshee as she lies in a hopeless heap of tears on the floor.

“You took a job as a goddamn hooker? What have you become, Lucy? I just don’t know where I went wrong with you. When did you start hooking? Fuuuuuuck!” he wails, and this time, tears begin coursing down his face. “Oh god, oh god.”

Lucy is crying too.

“Dad, you didn’t go wrong. You have always been such a good father. I was trying to help a friend, that’s all,” she sobs.

“Clearly I forgot to teach you the difference between being a good friend and being a goddamn whore,” he says through choked sobs. “Oh god!”

That’s it. This ends here. I make my way across the room and step between father and daughter.

“Get out, Damon. You have every right to be upset, but this is completely unnecessary. Your daughter is not a whore, trust me on that. We’ll explain later, but right now, you need to leave my house,” I demand.

But my friend still can’t hear.

“You’re a hooker?” he asks Lucy again, his face red with anguish. “Why, honey? Don’t you have enough money as it is? Don’t I provide you with everything?”

With that, Damon leans forward to catch Lucy’s arm, but she jerks away.

“No Dad. I’m staying here,” she sniffles. “My place is with Reed.”

Damon’s angry and lurches forward to force his daughter to her feet, but I catch him by the arm. He screams and howls, trying to shake me off, but I don’t let go. Instead, I look him straight in the eye.

“Your daughter is not a hooker,” I say in an even tone. “Trust me on this. Lucy had a pal who was sick that night, and she filled in for her, that’s all. In fact, I think you know the friend we’re speaking of. Her name is Rose.”

At that, Damon jerks back with a surprised look on his face. It’s to be expected. Damon’s mentioned Rose in passing, and I got the feeling that he was attracted to his daughter’s roomie. Regardless, my buddy stops.

“Rose?” he says in an uneven tone. “Really?”

Lucy nods and gets up, wiping at her eyes.

“Yes, Rose signed up with an agency, but she doesn’t really do anything. Plus, she told me she doesn’t even like it much,” Lucy says. “And I only filled in for Rose once, and that was with Reed.”

Now, Damon looks absolutely stunned. With a dazed shake of his head, he wanders to the front door, turning only once to look back at us.

“Everything will work out,” I promise, lifting a hand to him. “Everything will make sense in time.”

Damon merely blinks at me a few times before looking at his daughter and shaking his head. Then, he wanders out the front door and we hear the elevator ping as he gets on.

I turn back to Lucy, my heart crumpling when I see her tear-stained form.

“I’m so sorry babe. I promise, it’s going to be okay,” I say before moving to her and taking her shaking form in my arms. “I love you, and no one can take that away from us.” I kiss the top of her head and we stand in silence for several minutes before she pulls away. But there’s no anger, fear, nor hesitancy in her expression. Instead, she looks up at me with a sweet look and my heart contracts.

“I’m glad to hear you love me because I came here to tell you something today, Shane,” she says softly.

I lean my forehead against hers, staring into those chocolate eyes.

“What is it, babe?”

She smiles, this time a bit tearily.

“Shane, you love me, right? You want to be with me, right?” I can tell she is nervous about sharing her news, but I want to put her at ease.

“Of course, I do. What is it? You know you can tell me anything,” I reassure her. The curvy girl takes a deep breath and looks into my eyes.

“I’m pregnant. We’re going to have a baby,” she says in a murmur. “Are you happy?” she asks tentatively. “Because I really want this child.”

I stand there, awestruck. I can’t believe Lucy thinks I’m going to be upset about this. I’ve wanted to be a father for so long but never found the right woman, and it’s been more than three decades of waiting. This is perfect; she is the perfect person to be pregnant with, and I lean down to seize her mouth.

“This is incredible, sweetheart, and we’re going to have a beautiful child. I’m so happy, Lucy. In fact, I couldn’t be more ecstatic.” She smiles and I pull her close, my heart overflowing with love. But then it’s my turn.

“I have some news for you too,” I whisper in her ear.

“Hmm?” she asks while crying softly. I reach in my pocket and pull out a small velvet box. Without saying a word, I open her palm, placing the box in the palm of her hand. Without even opening it, she already knows what’s inside. Her eyes are wide, and she’s utterly speechless, which just makes me chuckle. But this is a time for love, and I press a kiss to her mouth tenderly.

“Lucy, will you marry me? I love you more than life itself, and you are the woman I’ve been waiting for. Yes, we connected under questionable circumstances, but all’s well that ends well, right?”

Tears fill her eyes as she opens the box to reveal the sparkler within.

“Yes,” she murmurs. I kiss her again, and she looks adoringly into my eyes. “Yes, I’ll become Mrs. Shane Reed.”

With that, our love is locked in stone, and I’m the luckiest man in the world.