First Time Escort by S.E. Law



Ijust discovered that my client for the night is Shane Reed, my dad’s best friend. Oh shit. What do I do?

Now, we’re sitting awkwardly together at the bar, unsure what to say although my heart is going double-time. After all, I was blown away when I saw him and not just from his surprise appearance. I’ve always thought that Uncle Shane was a good-looking man, with his night-black hair and devastating blue eyes. I just never had express permission to look at him in that way because he’s my dad’s age!

But now, I can see his athletic physique bulging through his suit tonight. His strong jaw and mobile mouth have me practically melting in my seat. I try to think of something neutral to talk about, namely, something to get my mind off the possibility of getting in bed with him - a thought that is so unspeakably wrong yet absolutely yummy.

I search for words that might make this feel like a more natural situation. But I fail, so I stammer something nonsensical out.

“Wow,” I say.

He grins, looking at me sideways.

“Wow, indeed,” he murmurs. Then, I decide to go for it.

“What are you doing hiring an escort Uncle Shane? You don’t need to buy girls!” I finally manage.

He throws his head back in a deep laugh. At least the ice is broken.

“Apparently, I’m a hard man to shop for,” is all he offers as explanation. I look at him sideways.

“It was a gag gift for my birthday,” he finally says.

“Oh, that makes a lot more sense,” I respond before taking another sip of my drink. I feel myself start to blush again. Of course he doesn’t need to hire a date; I bet he has ladies throwing themselves at him right and left. A sexy, rich, successful man like Shane Reed surely has no trouble pulling women.

“But I have a few questions for you,” he counters, arching his eyebrow into an amused look. Oh no, it’s coming. “What are you doing working as an escort, sweetheart? Does your dad know about this?”

My heart races.

“I’m not working as an escort,” I say adamantly. “My roommate works as an escort, not me. You know, Rose? She’s really sick tonight and I didn’t want her going out, so I’m filling in. You aren’t going to tell my dad, are you?”

I imagine sitting between Shane and my dad attempting to explain my scandalous job and instantly feel mortified. But to my pleasant surprise, Shane just smiles at me with amusement.

“No. You’re an adult, and it’s not my place to tattletale on you.”

“Good, thank you,” I respond, nodding gratefully. But then he snorts a little, shaking his head again.

“You must be a really good friend to this Rose person,” he says to me. “I guess you’ve been friends a long time to inspire this kind of sacrifice?”

“No, no, it’s not a sacrifice,” I protest. “Well, not really. It’s just drinks, and yes, we’ve been best buds since forever.”

Shane throws his head back and laughs, revealing straight white teeth, and I kind of can’t believe how attracted I am to him in this moment. I’m completely unsure how to handle this situation. It might be wrong on all levels, but I want to go through with our date. I don’t often get the chance to spend time with gorgeous older men, and who knew that Uncle Shane would be the one?

The bartender approaches, offering a much-needed break in our conversation. He asks if he can get anything for Shane, and my heart contracts a bit. I assume this will be Shane’s out; his moment to escape, but to my surprise, he orders himself a bourbon on the rocks. He must recognize the confounded look on my face because he turns to me and chuckles.

“Well, we’re both here already. Might as well enjoy ourselves, right?” I sense a mischievous undertone in this statement but brush it off as nothing. Surely Uncle Shane doesn’t want me. I’m curvy, chubby, and far too unsophisticated for him, although all of a sudden, I wish he did want me.

I nod in agreement with his statement.

“Yes, definitely,” I say in a bit too firm of a voice. Shane just grins again.

“And another one for the lady,” he calls to the bartender. We sit and drink for a while, making chit chat. It’s not so bad actually. Shane asks me about Rose, and I tell a few funny stories about our escapades together. Then, he promises not to tell my dad about this again, before recounting how he and Daddy used to get up to no good during their college days too.

We’re loosening up drink by drink and really enjoying each other’s company, to my surprise. As the night goes on, we begin to get more intimate too. I playfully tug on his arm as I plead of him to stop teasing me about the whole escort gig, and he affectionately places his hand on my leg as he tells me about the crazy women he’s been on dates with in the past. But I can’t hear his words because my body practically seizes in surprise at his touch. Each time he caresses me, it feels better and better.

We’re surprised at how fast the night has gone by when the bartender announces that it’s last call.

“Wow, time really flew! I had a lot of fun Shane,” I say with a shy smile at my dad’s best friend. I can almost feel my eyes sparkling as I look at him, and I know my cheeks are a bit flushed. I’m trying to take in every last ounce of him because who knows when I’ll get this opportunity again? Shane grins, but then his expression goes thoughtful.

“You know, the agency did mention something about extending the date. I can text in and approve the extra five thousand,” he muses. “Would you like that?”

I giggle.

“Shane, you don’t have to pay to spend time with me,” I say giggling at the thought of him calling up some booking agent to get an extra hour or two in my company. “You know I’ll spend time with you for free.”

He shakes his head.

“If it helps both you and your roommate out, then I don’t mind.” Then, he smiles and adds, “Besides, I wouldn’t want to piss off your pimp.”

I shove him sideways in his seat.

“Quit it!” I play mad at him, but we’re both laughing now. He finally pulls himself together and places his hand in my lap once more. The intimate touch sends shivers through me, centering in my most female spot.

“What do you say?” he asks. His voice has grown deep and serious, and his words envelop me.

“What do you mean?” I ask in a soft voice, my heart fluttering.

Sliding a strong arm around my shoulder, he leans in to whisper in my ear. His breath sends chills down my spine, and his words are soft against my ear. My heart begins to beat quickly, pounding in my chest, and every cell of my body is alert to the handsome man at my side.

“What do you want, sweetheart? Are you ready for the full package?”

My thighs tense and I squeeze them together tightly because oh yes, I’m ready for this man.