First Time Escort by S.E. Law



Damon and I are hanging out at my penthouse today. There’s a professional golf game airing on channel seven. As fun as it is to watch the game on TV, I love to get out on the course in real life from time to time as well. We may not have as much talent, thanks to the burdens of working a full-time job, but the shenanigans we get into when we do get out on the green are off the charts.

Just last year we were out playing golf to celebrate a big business contract George signed with his consulting firm. It was my turn to tee off and I hit a hell of a shot down the fairway. It could have been a hole in one, maybe two, if it weren’t for that damn goose.

The bird came running out of nowhere and scooped my ball up in his beak and took off running towards the water. I threw my club down and started chasing after him, shouting and flailing my arms trying to get him to drop my damn ball, but of course, that only drove him off faster.

When I got back, Damon and George were doubled over laughing. Damon was laughing so hard I swear he forgot to breathe - his face turned bright red and a vein in his neck started to bulge. I was pissed at the time, but it’s a hell of a funny story now.

I thought it might be weird to hang out with him today, considering I had sex with his daughter last night. But since he doesn’t know, it isn’t awkward at all. I suppose I’ve compartmentalized the Lucy from last night from the Lucy who is Damon’s daughter. It isn’t easy, but it works for now.

The game ends on a positive note. Our favorite golfer, Phil Mickelson, aced the tournament, making it his fourth time winning the Masters. He is a fantastic golfer, and a pretty great guy on top of it. I know, because I’ve met him a few times and even had the opportunity to play with him during a Pro-Am set-up.

After the win, I click the TV off. I kick in the bottom half of the recliner seat and get to my feet.

“How about a celebratory beer?” I suggest, already making my way to the mini fridge in the corner of the room.

“I can’t say no to that!” Damon responds. I pop us open two cold ones and plop down near my buddy on the large leather couch.

“So, how’s it going man? We’ve been so absorbed in that game that we’ve barely said a word to each other,” I chuckle.

“Well, it was a hell of a game! I’m doing good, same old shit really,” he replies.

“How is the building going? It’s got to be pretty cool as the architect of a New York City skyscraper. That’s big stuff. Congrats, man.”

My friend nods.

“Yeah, it’s the gig of a lifetime. But my architect stuff is boring. When did we get so lame, my friend? There’s got to be more to talk about than work. Come on, we’ve been slaving away for more than two decades now. We’re more than that!” He says this in a joking tone, but I get the idea he’s serious.

I hesitate for a moment but then decide to plunge right in.

“Well, I went on that date George bought me last night.” As soon as the words leave my mouth, I know I’ve goofed because this could be a real slippery slope. But Damon wanted something more exciting to talk about. Besides, what are the chances he would ever guess the escort was his daughter?

Damon jolts forward and guffaws.

“Now that’s pretty fucking interesting! How did it go?” His eyes are bugging with anticipation.

“It went surprisingly well. The girl was of excellent quality, if I say so myself.”

My friend chortles, his brown eyes amused.

“That’s funny because I figured George would have set you up with a Grade A skank. So, the conversation part was actually bearable, or did you just go right to fucking her and then call it a night?” I fight to maintain my smooth expression.

“I thought I was going to be meeting a professional skank too, but instead the girl I was set up with was innocent, smart… and far too young, but in an intriguing way. I actually had an amazing time getting to know her.”

My friend looks at me, confused.

“You serious? There was actually more to her than a pussy and tits?”

I nod.

“Don’t get me wrong. She was curvy, lush, and so fucking sexy. My eyes literally bugged out when I saw her across the bar, and to make it even better, she’s the kind of girl that doesn’t realize how hot she is. She definitely is not the kind of girl you would expect to be working as an escort. I guess girls of all stripes get into this line of business for a variety of reasons. You never really know.”

My friend whistles.

“Geez Shane, your starting to sound like you fell for a hooker. Maybe I should book a date too since you had such a great experience,” he snickers. “What was that agency called again?”

I merely shake my head at this. If only Damon knew it was his daughter I was with. But he starts back up again, totally clueless.

“So what else happened? I mean, did you get your money’s worth? Or did you just sit and talk about your feelings all night?”

I decide to tell him the truth to get him off back. Well, a portion of the truth at least.

“By the end of the night, she was begging me to take her again and again, if you get my drift. I gave it to her in a way no other client ever has or will.”

“Alright, alright,” Damon laughs, easing off. He doesn’t need to know that it was his daughter’s first time last night. And I’m going to make sure another man never touches that sweet cunt because it belongs to me. Getting up, I excuse myself.

“I gotta make a quick call. Business. It’ll be just a second,” I say to Damon. I slip out on the balcony, making sure to close the door firmly behind me.

I pick up my phone and dial Lucy.

“Hey, it’s me. It’s Shane. I was hoping I could book another date with you? When are you free?”

She giggles breathlessly, and as I look inside at her dad through the sliding glass door, I smile. This is going to be fucking amazing.