The Way She Burns by Jessa Kane



When Sebastian leads us outside, his hand firmly on the small of my back, I decide that “car” is not the appropriate term for his vehicle. It’s a limousine. Not a stretch one. But a sleek, elongated black town car with two benches of seating that face each other. Climbing into the rear of the limousine, I take one side, Sebastian takes the other—and Curtis promptly begins switching sides every thirty seconds.

My brother is fascinated by the glass decanters and buttons and air-conditioning vents, his fingers leaving smudges on the sleek wooden paneling. But Sebastian doesn’t even seem to notice. He’s looking at me. He tucks his tongue into the corner of his lips and leans back, splaying his long, thick thighs, his gaze heating every part of my body it lands on—and it lands everywhere. My ankles, knees, thighs, breasts. My throat and mouth.

I press my knees together but it doesn’t stop the heavy tugging sensation that concentrates itself just beneath my belly button. Pulling, pulling. The way my sex milked his flesh last night during my first orgasm, only I’m empty right now. I’m empty and the longer he looks at me, the more it starts to hurt to be this way. I rinsed out my only pair of panties and hung them to dry last night, but they were still slightly damp when I put them on after my shower. But the moisture is warm now. That’s how I know it’s coming from me.

The closer we get to town, my brother’s excitement over the limousine begins to wane and he takes a seat behind me, his eyes turning serious. Nervous. Sebastian notices the change and frowns, a single finger tapping on his knee.

“Is something the matter, Curtis?”

After a second, my brother nods.

Sebastian doesn’t wait for him to elaborate. “You don’t have to worry about the men who shout at your sister, Curtis. Do you know why?”


“Because I can be much scarier than those men when I’m protecting someone I care about. And I care about your sister very much.” Curtis’s face transforms with a heart-stopping grin that prevents me from breathing, my heart flopping over in my chest. “One day you’ll be able to protect her, too. No one will mess with us.”

Curtis laughs—a sound I haven’t heard in far too long. “No one will mess with us,” he says, his small shoulders finally relaxing.

I give Sebastian a grateful look.

My body wants to give him a lot more than that.

It yearns to be in his lap, thighs splayed around his hips. Open. Willing. Prepared to do Daddy’s bidding. Right now I’m a big sister, but if we were alone, how easily I could switch to Sebastian’s little girl. How easily he could erase my mind of anything but his touches…and call forth that naughty side out of me. The one I’ve always tried desperately to keep under wraps, to subdue and ignore, but Sebastian seems to want to…encourage.

Not good.

You can’t lose control over it.

I’m distracted from my troubling thoughts when the limousine stops outside of our apartment. It’s a one-story structure. Almost a lean-to attached to the tavern. There is a flower box attached to the front window, the pink impatiens the only bright spot amidst the gray, decaying front of the home. Sebastian appears almost frozen in horror for a stretch of several beats, before he growls his way out of the vehicle and turns to help me out.

I slip the single key from the pocket of my dress, but I don’t need it, because the lock is broken on the door, the entire place trashed. Clothes are everywhere, plates are broken. There is a distinct smell of stale alcohol in the air. Tears rush to my eyes when I see what the men have done to our things—a lot of them former belongings of my mother.

Wanting to be brave for Curtis, I square my shoulders. “Well. I’ll just grab a bag and collect what I can. Curtis, go find your favorite book. That’s your job, okay? The one about—”

I stop abruptly on my way to the back of the apartment, recoiling with a gasp when I see there are two men asleep on their backs beneath our dining room table. One of them opens their eyes and nudges the other, sending my pulse into a frenzy. “Sebastian.

Maybe later I’ll marvel over how I called for him on instinct. I’ve never had anyone fight my battles for me. I’ve done it myself a long time and I will always be a survivor. I’m also smart enough to know when there is one I can’t win alone. And when Sebastian wraps an arm around my middle, yanks me back so quickly my feet leave the floor and inserts himself between me and the men, I feel the safest I’ve ever been in my life.

“Dobbs,” Sebastian says, jaw tight. Rolling his sleeves one by one up the flexing sinew of his forearms. “Take Chloe and Curtis outside.”

“Yes, sir.”

At first, I start to go. I know I need to be outside comforting Curtis. But when I’m halfway over the threshold, both of the huskily built men gain their feet, one of them jabbing a finger a Sebastian—and I freeze in place, unable to do anything but cling to the doorframe and hold my breath. “You’re that rich fucker who lives at the top of the hill, aren’t you? Looking down on us. Thinking you’re better than—”

“I’m already bored with this conversation,” Sebastian interrupts, voice even, eyes aflame. “Why did you break into this apartment? I already know. But I want to hear it from your mouths, so I can take even more pleasure in putting you both back to sleep.”

The men seem to be sizing up Sebastian with more caution now—cataloging his thickly muscled chest and granite fists. They don’t back down from him, though. Oh no, they’re way too stupid for that. “We broke in here to share that plump, little cock tease. She runs around the factory all day making us stiff in our jumpsuits.”

“Yeah. It’s only fair that she should have to spread—”

Sebastian’s fist cracks across the man’s face, shutting him up mid-sentence. He drops like a boulder. Before he’s even hit the ground, however, the second man is lunging for Sebastian. He swings a meaty fist, forcing Sebastian to duck, and he comes up with a hard punch to the center of the man’s considerable stomach, driving the air out of him. A left jab comes next, followed by a right uppercut and a hard cross. Down goes the second man.

Sebastian’s broad shoulders heave. He rakes his fist across his open mouth, then spits on the ground between the writhing men. “Go near her again and I’ll carve you up. Slowly. I’ll enjoy every fucking second of it. You don’t deserve to breathe the same air as Chloe, let alone touch her. The girl is mine. Make it known in town that a slight against her will bring a man an ungodly death. A painful one. Am I making myself clear?”

An affirmative grunt from one man.

A shuddering yes from the other.

Not looking remotely satisfied, Sebastian turns from the heap of men, stopping short when he sees me standing in the doorway. “You should be outside, baby,” he rasps, plowing bloody knuckles through his hair. “I’m handling this.”

“I see that,” I whimper.

Yes, whimper.

Until that second, when my savior is coming toward me, his hands painted in the blood of my enemies, his muscles stark against the front of his shirt, I don’t realize how hot I’ve become. How shivery…in that ticklish, effervescent way. My nipples throb inside the neckline of my dress, my body pliant and feminine. I’m a girl who has just been fought over. Claimed by a man. The victor.

I want to be the prize.

And Sebastian seems to realize that the closer he gets to reaching me, because he groans, a ridge forming at the front of his pants. As natural as breathing, I twine my arms up around Sebastian’s neck and he enfolds me in his arms, his embrace lifting me to the very tips of my toes, one hand settling on my backside and shuttling me closer to his lap, pinning his erection between us. “Thank you,” I whisper against the hot skin of his neck. “I didn’t know how much I needed my dragons slayed until you did it. They’re not so scary now.”

His hand slides up beneath my dress to take firm hold of my butt cheek, massaging it slowly. With ownership. “You never have to be scared again.”

It’s such a foreign thing, to put my trust in someone when I’ve relied on my own courage and fortitude for so long. But I don’t feel as though I’m giving those things up. I feel as if I’m taking a break from constant worry when I lay my cheek on his shoulder and let his hands roam all over my body, knowing I don’t have a single thing to fear. Sebastian is there. He’ll protect me. He’ll make the decisions for once.

Sebastian urges my hips closer to his erection, growling when I writhe my belly against it, his hand growing more eager on my bottom. “You’re such a horny little thing,” he breathes in my ear. “Thought I was too rough, but no. Daddy broke that cunt in just right.”

Moaning over the crassness of those words and their steamy effect on my body, I wrap my legs around his hips, our mouths crashing together. His tongue plows into my mouth and my head falls backward while he plunders me, over and over, tasting me like it will be the last time he ever has the pleasure.

But it only lasts a few seconds before he pulls away, breathing hard, his eyes a far deeper blue than before. “I’m not letting my guard down while you’re in the same room with these bastards.” He works a thumb between our bodies, finding my clit through my panties and rubbing it, almost soothingly, turning my legs to wobbling rubber around his hips. “But you’re not going to last until we get home, are you?”

I shake my head vigorously. “No.”

“No, you won’t,” he croons, rubbing me faster, his panting mouth on top of mine. “And if we’re going to get this pussy good and spoiled, we have to treat it right.”

I’m all but riding him now through our clothes, bucking like a jockey on top of a horse, clinging to his shoulders and working my hips furiously, his thumb spurring my release closer. Closer. But the apartment door opens behind him and Dobbs’ voice breaks into the moment. “Sir…” Dobbs trails off, obviously spotting his boss from behind with a pair of legs circling his waist, a dark head resting on his shoulder. “Oh, I’m sorry, I—”

“Take the child for ice cream,” Sebastian grits out, his hand still kneading my backside possessively. “I have some things to discuss with Chloe.”

“Yes, sir.”

“Leave the limo open.”

“Of course, sir.”

With that, Dobbs backs out the door, leaving it slightly ajar. Sebastian tosses a glance at the men who are back to sleeping on the floor, hesitates a moment, then strides to the exit of the apartment. He looks outside for a beat, scanning the quiet road, before carrying me quickly to the limousine and ducking with me into the cool interior. I’m straddling his hips on the seat just like I pictured on the way into Harding, my sex pressed tightly to his bulge, urging me to ride on it—and I do. Immediately. Working furiously for friction. Whining his name.

We go for each other’s mouths like fiends.

Sebastian’s fist is in my hair, pulling me back, attacking my mouth from above, drawing my head to one side, then the other, so he can raze my neck with his teeth. “Want to bang you more than I want to see the next sunrise, Chloe, but I’m only allowing myself to lick that slick little pussy today. I took you like an animal last night, didn’t play with my little girl enough first.” he says hoarsely. “I could have hurt you and I’m making up for that now. Now.”

Before I can protest or question him, he’s turning and settling me onto the leather seat. And he kneels down in front of me, tugging my panties down to my ankles. Breathing in reverence at the wet flesh he reveals.

“Such a tight hole,” he grunts, scooping his middle finger inside of me, drawing it out slowly and inserting the digit into his mouth. “Jesus. Baby even tastes tight.”

My head falls back on the seat, my being trapped in a storm of wonder and excitement and need. My breaths emerge like sobs because I can barely stand the tightening of lust throttling my insides. My intimate parts. Once again, my sex is milking something that isn’t there, clenching hotly and releasing, begging for him. That big, huge part that fills something emotionally inside of me, as well as physically. And I’m about to implore Sebastian to ditch his guilt and take me hard, like he did last night, but then…oh God, his tongue bathes me.

Being licked is something I haven’t considered too much.

But it speaks to the darker, wilder side of me, this debauched act.

The sight of his head between my thighs, the wet pink of his tongue flexing against my femininity. It’s decadent and visceral and raunchy—and I scream, digging my fingernails into the seat. Sebastian has pushed his middle finger deep inside of me, twisting it, pumping it, his tongue tracing circles around the sensitive ring of my entrance, aiding his finger in exploiting me, before finding my clit with the tip of his tongue and jiggling, jiggling.

A second finger pushes inside of me, with an effort, finding a spot high up in a place only this man has ever and will ever reach, tickling it lightly.

“Sebastian!” I cry out, starting to shake.

He groans into my sex, licking me harder, slanting his face over my flesh like it’s his last meal, his saliva running down my folds, my inner thighs, mingling with my arousal. And it’s blatantly crude and obscene, what he’s doing to me. It’s the utter wantonness of being in a car, in broad daylight, after he’s just knocked out two men in my honor, that rocks me over the finish line. What causes my body to stop resisting the encroaching pleasure. I let it wash over me like a stream over smooth rocks, my senses reaching a new height of awareness, bonding me with this man forever. This man who has the combination to my pleasure. This man who guards me, wants to care for me and keep me safe.

Sebastian uses my discarded panties to wipe up the mess on my thighs, then looking me in the eye, he also uses them to wipe his mouth and chin. He stows the underwear in his pocket, letting out a shuddering breath. “I’ll be licking it several more times today.” A muscle leaps in his jaw. “Until I forget I made you trade pussy for food and shelter.”

Surprise has me straightening in the seat. “No. I don’t hold that against you—”

He stops my flow of words with a kiss, keeping his lips there, just breathing, breathing with me. “I hold it against myself.” Gently, he covers my bare flesh with the skirt of my dress. “Only the best from now on, Chloe. Only the best for what’s mine.” He brushes our mouths together. “You’ll sit on my lap at lunch time. It’ll make you wet. And I want you juicy for that next lick down. Is that clear?”

I fall forward into his arms, boneless, obedient. “Yes, Daddy.”

But in the back of my mind, I’m wondering how long I can live in this land of make believe without the consequences catching up with me.