Kinn by Mina Carter


“You have to do something!”D’warr snarled, shoving a hand through his hair as he paced the width of the chamber. “These rebels… they’re laughing at us! And they’re females!”

Tane sat in his chair at the end of the hall, resting his chin in one hand. He’d never seen his general so out of sorts although he was quickly beginning to recognize the signs.

“Females, indeed,” he said dryly. “Am I to take it you encountered one?”

“No!” Warr snapped as he turned, tension in every line of his body. Of all Tane’s warriors, Warr and Var, his Shield, were the largest. Literal juggernauts in battle, he’d never seen Warr at a loss like this before. Or so angry.

Rather than answer, Tane cocked his eyebrow.

“Yes… maybe,” Warr admitted, grudgingly.

“Maybe? Was it a female you encountered, a rebel, or both?” He knew he was baiting his general, but the fastest way to get to the truth was to dispense with annoyances like polite conversation.

“Both! At least I think it was.” Warr scrubbed a hand over his jaw. “When I tried to speak to her, she fled. When I ordered her to stop, she defied me. And she laughed.”

“I have noticed that some of the betas are far less meek than they pretend.” He tapped a long finger to his chin. “It makes them more useful, but still, defiance can’t be tolerated. Who is she?”

Warr stopped pacing. “I don’t know.”

Ah. That explained his general’s foul mood. “She got away from you?”

“Yes. And I think maybe she wasn’t a beta.”

Tane’s gaze sharpened. “Think? Is there something wrong with your sense of smell?” All alphas could scent omegas, even if they weren’t their own. Unless they were using scent blockers, which meant Warr should have registered the female as a beta. The fact that he wasn’t sure…

“Where? What did she look like?”

“My sense of smell is fine,” Warr snapped, his tone dangerously close to something Tane would have to address. “She just smelled wrong. But right. I can’t explain it. She was at the ceremony. Lurking near the back of the crowd. After Kinn’s omega appeared and started to behave so poorly, I caught the scent and went to investigate.”

Tane didn’t share his general’s assessment of Serena’s behavior. In fact, he considered everything to be a sign there was hope to be found with these humans. As frustrating as they were, they were also a piece that had been missing from the Tolathian empire for centuries. True omegas. Fierce. Strong. And devoted to their alphas.

“Did you see her face?” Tane asked. If they could find this one, maybe they could get more information on where they were hiding and how they managed to block their scent.

“No,” Warr’s jaw tightened as he frowned. “Maybe. She wore a hood, but for a split second… she looked just like Kinn’s omega. Which is not possible.” The big general shook his head. “I was mistaken, but I have her scent. I will not stop until I find her.”

“You may take as many men and resources as you need. If the rebels are brazen enough to enter the walls of this citadel, it’s time we remind them who rules here. But don’t harm them. Male or female, beta or omega. The L’crav have already made it next to impossible to work with these humans. We have to show them we are different.”

Warr snarled. “We have to teach them to fear us again.”

Tane slapped the desk. “No. Don’t push me on this, D’warr. I am starting to understand that things here are more complex than anyone imagined, and we may have more to lose than the L’crav ever understood.

His general snapped to attention, his gaze locked on the wall over Tane’s shoulder as he thumped his fist to his chest. “As you command, Lord Overseer.”

“Go. Make your plans. And take Jaxx with you. He’s been trying to work out how they communicate and ways we might be able to track their signals.”

“Yes, sir.” D’warr nodded crisply and turned to go.

“And, D’warr?”

The big general stopped and looked over his shoulder. “Yes, my lord?”

“If the female turns out to be an omega, bring her back. Under no circumstances are you to bond with her.”

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