Kinn by Mina Carter


“Will she be okay?”Serena asked, coming to stand at his side as he double checked his patient’s vitals. She was sleeping peacefully now, her color a lot better than when he’d arrived hours earlier.

He grunted in response. Saving his omega’s twin’s life hadn’t been easy, but being a healer wasn’t easy. He was a warrior, but the hardest battles he fought were in the medical hall, trying to heal the damage wrought to blood and bone, flesh and skin. And that was made a thousand times worse when he was working on a precious omega.

Although, he wouldn’t have known she was one. That she was the general of the human resistance… Hardy. Her name was Hardy. General Max Hardy. He pulled the name from the memories of security briefings and interrogations to try and gather intelligence on the human resistance.

He looked at the female on the bed again. They’d assumed they were looking for a beta male.

They’d never once suspected they were looking for a female. And an omega.

None of this should be possible. They knew the human omegas were different. It was why they’d brought Serena to him in the first place. Lord Tane wanted to know what the differences were and what caused them, but this was still unexpected. To lack submissiveness was one thing, but these females were soldiers.

And he couldn’t reveal that without breaking his oath to Serena.

“You’re looking grumpy again. What’s wrong?” Serena asked.

“You are my secretive, stubborn little omega.” He scrubbed a hand through his hair, pushing it out of his eyes. “You should have told me about this place the moment you came to me. Your sister would never have been injured. All these omegas would be safe and cared for.”

She shot him a dark look. “You mean claimed. Do you think human omegas are all going to happily give up their freedom just for something to eat and a safe place to sleep? Still? Because, buddy, if you do, I have bad news for you.”

He studied her with exasperation. “Why would they choose this instead? Why would they choose a life of fear and injury, even death over what we offer?”

She leaned forward to brush her sister’s hair gently back from her face. Max’s eyelashes fluttered on her cheeks, a soft murmur in the back of her throat as though she knew her twin was there and was comforted by it. Something was heartbreaking about the touch and he looked away, uncomfortable intruding on such a moment.

“Because all you offered was more of the same.” Her voice was soft with a resigned, sad note in it that tore at his heart. “If we’re going to die anyway, we’d rather do it on our feet with a weapon in our hands than on our backs, bleeding to death from knot wounds.”

He snarled. “We are not like the L’crav. You know this. You’ve seen it. Why do you still cling to the belief that this is better.”

The look she gave him would give even Var, the overseer’s shield, a moment’s pause.” Because this is all we’ve known for twenty years. I’ve killed more of your kind than you’ve spent days on my planet. You lot can’t just show up and say, ‘Oops, sorry. They were assholes, but trust us. We’re nothing like them,’ and expect us to throw ourselves into your beds in joyful relief that everything will be fine.”

“Yet, you gave yourself to me. Do you think I’m going to kill you like some ravening beast?”

Her expression shuttered and he felt the growl rise in his throat. His hand snapped out, and he hooked it around the back of her neck and hauled her up against him.

“You are mine,” he snarled. “You agreed to it. Now do not lie to me.”

She didn’t fight him as he expected, which was… disconcerting. He expected her ire, for her to push against his hold and threaten him with physical harm if her kind saw her being manhandled. But she didn’t. Instead, she was pliant in his hold, merely resting against him.

“When did I lie?” she asked, her voice low and calm.

His fangs had dropped and his anger added a deep rumble to his voice. “When haven’t you? This place. Your sister. Where you were captured. What you were doing at the time. All lies. So now I want to hear one truth from you. Do you think I could ever hurt you?”

“I don’t know.” The words didn’t hurt as much as the look in her eyes as she said it.

He was off balance, his pride stung. She still didn’t understand. “I will never hurt you, little star. And I will never let you go. Your sister will live to fight another day. I’ve kept my promises. It’s time you kept yours.”

She didn’t move at first, their gazes locked, but he couldn’t read hers. Then she nodded, her eyelids sweeping down as she relaxed against him. A surge of triumph rolled through him. She was his. She had admitted it and surrendered to him, naming him her alpha.

Leaning down, he pressed a soft kiss to her forehead. Gentle. Tender. He would make her see that she was his, and he would protect her. Not because he wanted to, even though he did, but because he needed to. Being claimed was the safest place for any omega because their alphas were literally hard-wired to protect them. To see to their every need.

She would see. She would stop doubting him.

“Come,” he murmured, slinging his pack over his shoulder and reaching for her hand to lead her from the tent.

She took his hand and followed him out, but her head was turned to look at her sister until the last moment. Only when they reached the door did she look away. By then, her face was an expressionless mask.

Aware of her pain, he made an unexpected offer. “You may continue to stay in contact through her. Written notes. Once I have approved them, you can give them to the Mother Superior. Clearly she has ways of conveying such things.”

“Thank you.” Her words were soft and held none of their usual fire. “But that won’t be necessary. It would put too many at risk.”

He turned to look at her and lost his train of thought as someone who should not be anywhere near this camp appeared in the door of one of the tents. His shirt was tossed over his shoulder and he was fastening his pants as he exited.

A’Rett, the lord overseer’s spymaster, was here?

Kinn kept his expression level with iron control. Not only was the spymaster here, but he looked like he’d been here a while. His clothing was Terran, and as he walked past them eyeballing Kinn with a hard look that completely lacked any recognition, one of the other males called out to him to help them take down another structure. Stunned amusement filled Kinn as he tugged on his omega’s hand to lead her to the bike. The spymaster was here posing as a beta male, in the middle of a group of omegas and obviously knew the human general was an omega… and Kinn couldn’t tell a soul.

Some asshole god somewhere was laughing at him. They had to be.

* * *

Serena didn’t let herself feel anything on the ride back to the citadel. She locked away her grief, fear, and regrets. The pointless emotions wouldn’t change anything. She’d made a deal to save Max’s life. She couldn’t regret that. The rebellion would continue.

She just wouldn’t be part of it anymore. All that was left for her was to do what every omega did when forced to submit—wait for death’s release. The only omegas she knew of who hadn’t done that were Leia and Savannah… and they had each other.

She had… no one.

The walls of Zabor T’ah loomed over her, its high walls foreboding. Once those gates closed behind her, that was it. A bitter smile crossed her lips. Who was she kidding? It had been over for her as soon as Kinn had laid eyes on her. She sat, back straight, as he pulled the big air-bike to a stop in the transport compound. Unmoving, she waited for him to dismount, not arguing as he held his hand out to help her down. Silence stretched between them as he led her up to his rooms. She didn’t make eye contact with any of the alphas or beta servants they passed, letting her gaze slide out of focus.

The door shut behind her with a click and she jumped. She hadn’t realized they were here already.

“So this is how you plan to defy me now. Is it? Through silence and sulking?” Kinn’s voice was hard and threaded with fury. She turned to find him leaning back against the closed door, his arms folded over his massive chest. “I shouldn’t be surprised. In my experience, humans lie and deceive.”

“And in my experience alien assholes, are well… assholes. You take what you want, when you want it. Food. Water. Sex. Hell, you took our whole planet.” She kept her gaze on the floor. “But I am not defying you. You wished me to embrace my nature. To surrender. This is me surrendering.”

It was the hardest thing she’d done in a lifetime full of hard choices, but she put her hands behind her back, bowed her head low, and got on her knees. “I’m yours, T’kinn of the H’thor.”

Silence stretched in the room, the air crackling with something. Fury. Radiating out from the alien male at the door.

“Very well,” he bit out, his voice hard. “If this is how you want it. You get your wish. Come.”

She looked up as he strode past her toward the bedroom. For a moment she just watched, her entire body weak, but then she pushed to her feet and followed him.

It was the longest walk of her life, each step another link in the chains that bound her… but she did it. She put one foot in front of the other until she was in the bedroom, standing in front of the huge alien alpha with her gaze downcast in submission.

Each time she’d been in his room, it had always been after a battle of wills. She’d resisted him every chance she could, poking at him and firing volley after volley of sass and snark.

It had almost been fun.

This wouldn’t be. He wanted her submission. Not her spirit, just her surrender. For the price of her sister’s life, she’d given it to him.

“Would you like me to undress you, master?”

“No. Undress yourself first. Slowly. And do not call me master. I am T’kinn, your alpha. There is a difference.”

It was on the tip of her tongue to challenge his statement and demand he explain just what the difference was. She didn’t. “As you wish.”

His gaze was hard on her as she stepped back and slowly stripped out of her clothing until she was naked. She was no practiced seductress, far from it, but she resisted the impulse to strip down with speed and efficiency. Instead, she slowed her movements, her gaze unfocused on the wall behind him as she moved.

“Look at me,” he demanded, the edge of a snarl in his voice.

She snapped her gaze to his, her breathing short as he stalked toward her. His hand snapped out to slide into her hair at the nape of her neck. She didn’t fight and instead was pliant in his hold. He searched her gaze and growled. She shivered, unable to lock down the response of her body as need rolled through her. Liquid heat escaped her, slick on her thighs as her body readied itself for his possession, but she didn’t move, didn’t press her thighs together to conceal it. He dragged a hard breath in, his massive chest inflating and he shoved a hand between her thighs. Strong fingers slid between her folds and his growl turned to a purr.

“You want me. Your body knows who you belong to, little star.”

She closed her eyes in hopes that it would be easier if she couldn’t see him. Hungry. Impossibly handsome and yet still a beast. Just like the rest of them.

“I belong to you, T’kinn.”

He snarled. “Yes. Mine. Always. And so is your pleasure.” He moved his fingers, stroking her and taking control of her body. “Mine to give.” His hand tightened in her hair, pulling her head back. “Mine to withhold.” He removed his fingers and placed them against her lips. “Taste yourself. Your desire is so sweet I could eat nothing else. I will feast on you.”

She couldn’t help the small whimper as he smeared the evidence of her own arousal against her lips. Pressure on the bottom lip forced her to part her lips for him. His expression tightened as he pushed his fingers within.

“Suck,” he ordered, his voice hard.

Taking his wrist in her hands, she held on to him as she let him invade her mouth and then closed her lips around his fingers. Her own musky taste made her breathing catch as heat built in her veins. He groaned as her tongue stroked the length of each finger, the sound blending with his parth to become a siren song that made her ache with need.

She barely registered when she started to parth back to him, the sound rising from her chest and buzzing against his fingers.

“That’s right. Parth for me. Only for me.” He pulled his hand away from her mouth, and when she looked up at him, his eyes had changed. The beast was there behind those all-black eyes, sizing her up like the next morsel on his menu.

“Lie back and let me taste you. I want to hear you scream your pleasure. I want every male within hearing distance to know you are mine.”

She was on the bed before she was conscious of moving. It was so easy to slip into the call of the heat, to let her mind ease into nothingness and just react as her body wanted to. Closing her eyes with a shudder, she lay back, her arms above her head as she let his large hands part her thighs.

He shouldered his way between her legs, wrapping his hands around her thighs to hold them open. Her parth stuttered as his warm breath washed over her. Her clit ached, anticipating the pleasure to come, and her pussy clenched hard. Heat swept through her like a fever and she embraced it, letting the firestorm consume all thought.

He made her wait. Not long, but enough to ensure that the moment he made contact, every part of her was focused on him. His touch. The warmth of his mouth. Every flick of his tongue drove her closer to the edge of her control, and this time she didn’t resist.

Her fingers sank into the bedding, her voice raised in a broken purr that lifted into a cry of need. Her hips bucked against his mouth, needing more and craving everything he could give her.

“Yes,” he growled. One long finger slid into her channel followed by another.

Pleasure flooded her senses, drowning her. It was all she could do to keep her head above water as he licked and kissed, tormenting her clit as he stretched her with his fingers. He worked her body so she was ready for his possession. She knew what he was doing. Every touch and stroke of his fingers, every kiss and lick, every soft parth, eroded her will and pushed her closer to the fire.

“Kinn,” his name escaped her lips in barely more than a whisper, but she knew he’d heard it.

“Yes, my sweet omega. That’s what I want. My name on your lips. My hands on your body. Showing you what it means to belong to an alpha.” His fingers moved faster and harder. “Come for me, Serena. Tell everyone who you belong to.”

One last surge of defiance filled her. She shook her head, clamping her lips shut as he pushed her higher and higher. Closer to the edge.

“Tell me!” he ordered, adding his thumb to slide over her clit. “Now!”

She didn’t. She managed to keep her silence as her release crashed over her, her back arching and her hips rocking against his touch. He snatched his hands away, the abrupt loss of touch making her cry out. Then his hands slammed into the bed on either side of her head, her furious alpha bracing himself over her.

“I will have your pleasure,” he snarled, shoving her thighs apart with a hard knee. “You will call my name. Mine, do you hear me?”

She closed her eyes, swallowing hard. The last of her willpower was gone. There was only need now. The need of an omega for her alpha. It was easier to just react. To allow her heart to wash over her to take every one of her worries away.

He pinned her to the bed, his breath coming in harsh pants that fanned over her skin. Without a word, he levered himself up onto one arm to tear open his pants.

Once freed, his cock was a heavy length against her thigh. She felt the ridges and the way it pulsed. He wanted her. Badly. But he didn’t rush as she expected.

Instead, he eased into her slowly. Almost gently. Every inch filled her and increased her pleasure, her entire body humming with it.

“I know you want this,” he leaned down to whisper in her ear as he gathered her closer in his arms, bracing himself over her and surrounding her all in the same move. His fangs grazed the side of her neck, making her shiver.

“Your scent betrays you. You trust me. You want me… you want this,” he murmured, small nips against her neck eroding her ability to ignore him. His hips rocked against hers as he impaled her, slowly and steadily working his way inside her.

She nodded and then whispered. “I am yours.”

His growl of triumph filled the air around them and then he filled her completely, his hips against hers. He was big, her body stretched to capacity. She closed her eyes, biting her lip against the discomfort. He stilled in place, holding her as his lips pressed against her temple in a soft kiss.

“It’s okay, little star,” he murmured. “It’ll feel good in a moment.”

She gave a little bark of laughter. “You say that every time.”

“And every time it’s true. You will know nothing but pleasure at my hands, Serena. My omega.”

She cupped his cheek in her hands and took a long look into the eyes of the male who had taken away everything she’d known and offered only himself in return. If this was her fate… so be it. “T’kinn. My alpha.”

He shivered and then growled. “Say it again.”

She kept her gaze locked on his as she ran her finger tips over his lips. “Mine.”

He tensed, withdrew, and then surged into her with a deep sound somewhere between a roar and a snarl. Her name was twisted into the sound. Then he was moving. Claiming her. His mouth crashed down on hers, sealing in her cries as she rode the waves of pleasure that washed through her. There was no denying her need anymore. It was all-consuming and she let herself get lost in it.

Closing her eyes, she moved with him. She let the heat wash up, stealing all thoughts but those of him. She gave herself up willingly and kissed him back, fighting gently for control of the kiss until he growled, his dominant nature coming to the fore.

Her heart leaped as he moved, capturing her wrists and stretching her out beneath him. Lacing his fingers with hers, he held her in place, his deep thrusts speeding up while becoming harder and deeper.

Eyes black as midnight looked down at her, his mouth open as he panted with the tip of one fang showing. He’d changed, just a little, in a blending of the male and the beast. She wasn’t afraid of either. Not anymore.

There was just pleasure—hers, his, and theirs. Her hands clenched into fists, nails biting into her own flesh as she tensed against his hold, straining to reach climax.


“As my omega wishes.” He shifted their bodies, changing the angle of his thrusts so he could stroke her clit with every thrust.

“Oh. That. More.” Her words were broken, ragged, and breathless. She didn’t care. All she wanted was …

“Yes!” She arched off the bed as her release hit.

It was raw and all-consuming, sheer pleasure exploding through every cell in her body. She gasped, her breath stolen. She wrapped herself around him as he sped up, his hips driving against hers. The cords stood out in his neck, every inch of his powerful body chasing his own release.

Then he thrust one last time before he stiffened and threw his head back to howl in triumph as his cock swelled and knotted, triggering another release as he spilled his seed deep within her.