Twice the Malone by Laylah Roberts


The shopping trip wasn’t fun. Their girl didn’t have a clue how to let people spoil her. And if she argued with them one more time over them paying for something . . . well, that threat to spank her in a changing room was happening.

All they’d managed to get her so far were the bare necessities in toiletries along with one change of clothes. Which is all she claimed to need.

Complete bullshit.

“Here, these look comfy and warm. You need these.” Beau had stopped outside a shoe store and was pointing at a pair of suede boots that had fluffy wool inside.

“I don’t need those. I have shoes.”

Maddox stared down at her black boots which had a heel on them. They didn’t look all that comfortable or safe. They were also worn-looking, so not something that Beau bought her yesterday. Nope, that wouldn’t do at all.

“Come on,” he urged. “Let’s try them on.”

She grumbled but let them tug her into the shop. He could tell she liked them, even though she denied it. Oh, her ass was gonna be toast soon.

“We’ll take three in different colors,” he told the salesperson who smiled.

“We will not!”

The salesperson stared down at her in shock.

“Ignore her. And make it four. Beau, can you wrap this up? We’ll be in the lingerie shop we just walked past. Probably in the changing area.”

The lingerie store she had refused to go into.

Taking hold of her hand, he led her back there.

“Maddox, I don’t need four pairs of boots and why are we going to the lingerie store? I told you, I’m just going to get a pack of panties from the department store.”

“Stop tugging at my hand, we’re going to the lingerie store and we’re buying you some proper lingerie and if you make one word of protest about it, then I’m going with you into the changing room and smacking your ass.”

She huffed out a breath. Obviously, she didn’t believe him.

Well, she’d soon find out.

He gathered up some silky panties, matching bras after she reluctantly told him her size, and some cute nightgowns. Then he led her into the changing room, entering with her.

“What are you doing? You can’t come in here.”

“Tough. Try on one bra and nightgown to make sure the sizes are right.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and glared at him. “No.”

Oh, she wanted to play with him? He grinned and she looked worried.

“Um, Maddox, you’ve got a strange look on your face.”

“Is it one that says your butt is doomed? Because that’s what I’m thinking.” Grasping hold of her, he turned her toward the mirror then reached down to undo her jeans.

She tried to slap his hands away, but he wasn’t having that.

“Put your hands on the mirror and keep them there.”

She shook her head.

“Yes. You don’t want anyone finding out what’s going on in here, do you?”

“No. Maddox . . .”

“Sh, I’m going to take care of you. But you deserve this. You’ve been arguing the whole time we’ve been here when Beau and I are just trying to take care of you, which is our right as your men. Hands. Mirror.” He used his Dom voice and was thankful when she obeyed him immediately.

Pulling down her jeans and panties, he stared over her shoulder at the mirror. Damn, that was a pretty pussy. He pulled them right off then reached between her legs from behind to cup her mound.

“This is ours.”

Then he grabbed her breasts. “These are ours.”

Next, he squeezed her ass. “This is ours. Say it.”

“They’re yours,” she told him, closing her eyes.

“Nope, eyes open. Tell me why you’re getting punished.”

“For arguing about you buying me stuff.”

“Good girl.” Smack! Smack!

He kept them very light, even though this was a regular changing room with a decent door, he really didn’t want anyone hearing them.

“And why would that upset me?” he asked.

“Because you’re strange?”

“Wrong answer.” The next slaps were harder. She groaned quietly.

“Don’t make any noise,” he warned her. “Not unless you want someone to find out what’s going on.”

“Do you know why it upsets me? Because it’s a part of me taking care of you.”

“I don’t want you spending all your money on me.”

Smack! Smack!

“First of all, this tiny shopping trip isn’t a dint in the money in my account. And Beau has even more because he didn’t spend three million on a piece of land. That’s why he’s gonna pay to build the house. Haven’t told him that yet.”

“See, you need all your money for important stuff.”

Oh, his little one.

Smack! Smack! Smack! Smack!

“And that’s the problem. You don’t seem to realize that you’re the most important thing in our lives. You’re it for us. The gold at the end of the rainbow we’ve been searching for. We want to do everything for you. Take care of you in all ways. And you’re fighting us.”

Smack! Smack!

“But it’s not even,” she told him. “I can’t do the same for you. I don’t have any money.”

“Do you think that your worth is tied up in how much money you have? Is that all we mean to you? Are you only concerned with our bank balance?”

Her face shot up, her eyes met his in the mirror. “No! That’s exactly what I don’t want you to think! That I’m with you for your money! That’s why I don’t want you buying this stuff. I don’t care that you have money, I just want to be with you.”

“And we don’t care that you don’t have money. We just want to be with you. This isn’t tit for tat. There are things you might do for us that we can’t return.”

Smack! Smack!

“You’re going to stop fighting us on everything, especially things you really need. What we have is yours. That’s the way this works, little one. We share everything.”

There was a knock on the door, and she stiffened.

“Is that you guys in there?” Beau asked.

She let out a breath of relief, and Maddox stepped toward the door. “Yep.”

“Good, because I found the sexiest snap-crotch teddy that my Snow needs.”

“Oh, that I need?” she asked.

“Yep, definitely.”

Maddox opened the door and Beau slid in. His gaze went over her bare bottom half. “Now, what’s going on here?”

She attempted to turn and cover herself, but it was too late. Beau grinned at Maddox. “Spanked her ass, huh?”

Maddox leaned back against the wall of the stall. “Yep.”

“Whoop! The dark lord is back. Just as well because I was about two seconds away from turning her over my knee in that shoe store.”

Scarlett just groaned. “I’m never going to win with you two.”

If only she knew how much she had the two of them wrapped around her finger. He knew he couldn’t let her know, because then he’d never get things his way. He was the Dom, he should be in charge.

Yeah. Right.

* * *

The motel roomthey were staying in was a far cry from the flashy hotel room they’d left. Apart from stopping to do some shopping, where they’d bought her way too much stuff, and a couple of bathroom breaks, they’d traveled most of the day.

She’d love to take a bath and climb into bed. Only, there was no tub, and the bed was sagging in the middle. She was pretty sure that the bedspread was older than her.

“This place stinks,” Beau said. “And the bed is super soft. We’re going to be lying on top of one another.”

“Beau, how many nights have you slept outside in a paddock?” Maddox asked.

“Hey, I never wanted to sleep outside. Usually, that was because one of you assholes left me out there.”

“You left him outside for the night?” she asked Maddox.

“They did, Snow. Feel sympathy for me. I’m picked on constantly. My entire family bullies me.”

Right. Like she’d believe that.

“He’d get drunk and stumble out there then refuse to come inside,” Maddox told her. “We only leave him out there when it’s summer. Besides, he snores really bad when he’s drunk.”

“Do not.” Beau stretched. “Couldn’t we have found somewhere better?”

“We need to stay under the radar just in case Stanson has people searching for us, and this place didn’t care about having a credit card on file or that we didn’t have ID.”

“Yeah, I’m guessing bribing the clerk cost more than a night here. We could keep driving.”

“Scarlett needs rest.”

“I would’ve been fine. I can rest in the truck.”

Maddox shot her a look. “No. You’ll get a good night’s sleep in a bed, and you also need some healthy food. You’ve barely eaten all day.”

They’d stopped for lunch at the mall, and she’d forced down half a sandwich.

“Let’s go out to eat,” Beau said. “The less time spent in here the better.”

“At least it’s clean,” she said.

“Beau grab some of the stuff out. Just the bare necessities while I try to find a restaurant that serves more than burgers and fries.”

“I’ll help you, Beau.”

“Do not let her carry anything,” Maddox ordered.

She groaned. The dark lord was most definitely in fine form.

* * *

She satdown on the inside of the curved booth while they took the two ends. At least it no longer hurt to sit on her butt.

Beau had disappeared while Maddox was paying for all the lingerie they’d bought her and when he’d returned, he’d had a couple of pillows and a blanket for her along with a bag he wouldn’t let her look in.

That didn’t make her nervous at all. Anyway, one pillow had been for her head and the other had been for her poor bottom. Maddox had taken great delight in telling her that she was only allowed a pillow because they were traveling. Normally sitting on a hot bottom was part of the punishment.

That just sounded stupid to her.

She’d managed to call and leave a message for Margo. She was going to be upset with her for leaving town so quickly, but she knew she’d understand.

She picked up the menu to take a look. What could she safely eat that wouldn’t be fattening or upset her tummy and was cheap?

Soup again.

The waitress came over and Beau ordered first. Then Maddox. Before she could order, though, Maddox kept talking.

“And we’ll also have a steak, well done with a side of steamed vegetables, a baked potato with butter, and a lemonade. Thank you.”

He plucked the menu from her hands and gave them to the surprised-looking waitress. Scarlett knew how she felt.

“Did you just order for me?” she asked.

“Yep,” Maddox replied.

“I wasn’t going to order the steak,” she protested.

“I know. You were probably going to order the soup.”

Damn it. She was obviously too easy to read.

“You should see your face, Snow,” Beau said as he leaned in close to her. “Don’t be mad, you know you wanted the steak.”

“Are you guys going to feed it to me too?”

“Will if I have to,” Maddox said without looking up from his phone. “You’ve lost too much weight, you need to build your strength back up. You need protein, not soup.”

“What are you doing?” Beau asked, placing his hand on her thigh. She shivered at the feel of him touching her. But when she snuck a glance at him, he didn’t show any reaction. He must not have felt her shiver.

“Just messaging Alec. He’s sent the stuff to his contact, now we just have to wait to hear back. Oh, and the truck you rented has been returned and our stuff will be sent to us.”

“Alec has some interesting contacts,” she said.

“We’re an interesting family, Snow,” Beau murmured, moving his hand up higher. Her breath caught.

“What are you doing?”

“I think that’s obvious,” Beau replied. “Fuck, Snow, you smell so good. I can still taste you on my fingers, and I want more.”

“She might not be up to anything more tonight,” Maddox warned, setting his phone aside. “You should leave her alone.”

No. She didn’t want to be left alone.

“Aren’t you dying to taste her? Aren’t you the one who said you were going to eat her pussy tonight?”

“Yes, but she doesn’t have to do much for me to eat her out. Just lie back and spread her legs.”

She sucked in a breath. “Maddox!”

He gave her a wicked look. “Complaints?”

Am I going to complain? Um. Hell. No.

She shook her head and Beau barked out a laugh. “See, she wants to be fucked tonight, don’t you, Snow? Wouldn’t you like Mad to lick you while I suck on your nipples? Then you can take me into your mouth while Maddox fucks your tight pussy.”

“Maybe we don’t need dinner,” she said breathlessly. “We could just skip it and go to bed.”

“You need dinner,” Maddox said firmly. “You’re not eating enough.”

“I’m fine.”

“No, you will be fine. Once we get you home and properly cared for. Then you’ll be eating lots of good, healthy meals, getting plenty of rest and—”

“Getting fucked regularly,” Beau added.

Maddox glowered at his brother. “That wasn’t what I was going to say.”

“It should have been.”

Their food arrived, and while Maddox didn’t watch her constantly, she could tell he was keeping an eye on how much she ate. To her shock, she managed to eat more than she would have thought.

“You’re full?” Maddox asked, studying her plate which wasn’t even half empty. But there had been a lot on there.

“Yep. I can’t fit in anything more without getting sick.”

Maddox nodded. “We need more of those crackers you like in case you feel sick again.”

“I saw a gas station, I’ll go grab them. I have a few other things to get. Meet you back at the motel.” Beau was gone before she could say anything to him.

“Why is he in such a rush?” she asked.

“Who knows with Beau?” Maddox replied with a grin. “Guess we’ll just have to wait and see.”

She leaned her head on his shoulder, breathing him in. “Have I told you that I’m glad you’re here? With me?”

He kissed the top of her head. “Nowhere I’d rather be.”