Special Delivery by April Wilson

Chapter 20 – Beth

Beth McIntyre

I’m awake and sitting up on the side of the bed when Shane returns to our suite with Luke in his arms.

As soon as he sees me, Luke reaches for me, stretching out his little arms as far as he can. “Mama,” he wails as he bursts into tears.

I hold out my arms, and he falls against me, his tear-stained face pressing against my chest. “Hello, sweetheart,” I say, and then I kiss his forehead.

He climbs up onto me and presses his face to mine. “Mama.”

“Be careful, buddy,” Shane says, reaching for Luke. “Don’t hurt your mama.”

“He’s okay,” I say. “I don’t mind if he climbs on me.” I’ve missed him terribly.

“At least let me change him first,” Shane says, scooping Luke into his arms once more. “He’s soaking wet.”

That’s when I realize Luke must have just come from the pool. He’s wearing a wet swim diaper, and the chlorine-scented pool water is soaking into my nightgown.

Of course when Shane pulls Luke off me and carries him into the nursery, Luke starts crying in earnest. Fortunately, Ava sleeps right through the noise. I guess she’ll have to get used to sleeping through lots of noise.

In record time, Shane returns with a dry toddler in a clean diaper and dressed. He deposits our son on the bed. Luke crawls to me and cuddles up against my body. I wrap my arms around him, smiling when he yawns.

Shane laughs. “Somebody needs a nap. Swimming is hard work.” Shane climbs into bed with us, and we watch as Luke drifts off to sleep, his little thumb tucked securely into his mouth.

“I used to suck my thumb,” I say as I watch my son sleep.

“Our little miracle,” Shane says as he pats Luke’s back.

“He is a little miracle,” I agree, thinking back to his rocky start to life.

Shane strokes Luke’s hair. “I can’t wait to watch him grow into his role as big brother.”

I smile. “If he’s anything like you, he’ll be a wonderful big brother.”

Shane reaches over Luke and threads his fingers through my hair. He leans close and kisses me gently. He’s a master at the art of kissing. “I love you, Elizabeth Marie Jamison-McIntyre.”

I laugh. “That’s a mouthful. Now kiss me again.”

* * *

I must have dozed off again because a while later, I awake feeling so much better. My body doesn’t ache quite as much, and I can move more freely without discomfort.

Shane’s lying in bed, wide awake, Luke sitting astride his belly. While Luke plays with his stuffed kitty toy, Shane pretends he’s trying to take it from him. Luke laughs uproariously.

“I’m sorry we woke you,” Shane says, turning to look at me. “We were trying to be quiet.”

Stretching, I yawn. “It’s okay. I’ve been sleeping too much lately.”

We hear a quiet rustling coming from the bassinet. I sit up and gaze down at Ava, who’s starting to wake. But she’s not quite there yet. Her eyes flutter open. A moment later, she lets out a tentative cry.

“Baby,” Luke says, pointing at the bassinet.

“Can you say Ava?” Shane asks him.


Shane laughs. “Maybe one day.” Then he asks me, “Ready for some lunch? I’ll run down and get us something and bring it back here. We can eat in bed.”

“Eat,” Luke says, looking very interested in the idea.

“That sounds wonderful,” I say. “I’m not quite ready to get dressed and face the world yet.”

Not long after Shane leaves us to get our food, I hear a quiet knock on our door. “Come in.”

The door swings open and my brother, Tyler, and Ian poke their heads inside. “Can we come in?” Tyler asks.


Ian sits on the bed while Tyler stands, checking me over.

“How are you feeling?” Ian asks as Luke crawls to him and pulls himself up to stand.

“Much better.”

“Fever gone?” Tyler asks.

“Yes. I think I’m on the mend.”

Tyler looks around. “Where’s Shane?”

“Getting us some lunch.”

Ava starts making urgent little squeaks.

“Can I get her?” Ian asks, eagerly glancing toward the bassinet.


Ian stands and hands Luke to Tyler. Then he walks to the bassinet and peers down into it, a smile on his handsome face. “Aren’t you the sweetest little cutie pie I’ve ever seen?”

I smile as Ian reaches into the bassinet and carefully lifts Ava into his arms. He cradles her gently to his chest and walks back toward Tyler, holding the baby for my brother to see. “Have you ever seen anything more adorable?”

Shane walks into the bedroom carrying a tray of food and drinks. “Lunch is served.”