Vampire by B.A. Stretke


Emmanuel held Taylor throughout the car ride to Bay Harbor. His presence soothed his mind and calmed his emotions in the wake of so much treachery. He hadn’t been inside the wolf community since Henrik first settled there with his brother and friends. It was a fine community settlement. It was large, well maintained, and provided for the members.

The wolves had done well for themselves in business and funneled the money back into the community, and it showed. Emmanuel had not kept up with the wolves apart from the periodic exchange of services such as getting rid of a body or wiping a mind, all for the protection of the secret. Anonymity served every paranormal, and aside from any personal issues, the secret always took precedence.

Grigori’s plans of wiping out the wolf pack would not have gone unnoticed in an area like Eastport, and the threat to their anonymity would have been enormous. But Grigori was high on his own supply, as they say, and failed to recognize the threat his actions would have on the entire paranormal world.

For a smart and skilled warrior who worked his way to the number two position in a Coven the size of the Mission Coven, Grigori turned out to be a sad and utter disappointment. His lack of self-control, self-awareness, and vision played into his weakness of heart. He would regret it all before the day was done, and that was a promise.

Jean- Claude followed the Alpha’s vehicle around the back of what Taylor told them was the Pack House, and its importance was obvious to the naked eye. It was large and fortified and would be easily defensible; it was a welcome sight. Once parked, everyone got out except for Emmanuel and Taylor. Emmanuel held back because he wanted a few minutes alone with his beloved.

He cupped the side of Taylor’s face and stared down into his expressive gaze. “Your eyes sometimes mesmerize me with their ability to lay me open to scrutiny.” He said softly as it was more a thought than something he meant to communicate.

“All I see is the man I want to spend the rest of my life with. It has been a rough and uncertain beginning, and today could bring even more uncertainty, but I know for sure that I want my mate, I want you. However, that comes to be; however it works out, I don’t care as long as in the end, it is you standing by my side.” Taylor clearly didn’t want any miscommunications or misunderstandings. He wanted Emmanuel to know how he felt and what he wanted.

“When this is over, we will go home, and I will show you exactly the depth of the feelings I hold for you. We will bond, and you will stand with me until the very end of time. The Mission Coven will be your home and your people.” He stopped to kiss those enthralling full lips because he just could not resist. It was a long, slow kiss with all the love he was feeling conveyed through this touch.

“You will still have the Pack because I would never cut you off from them or ask you to deny your origins. Whatever you ask and whatever you need, I will provide.” One more heart-stopping kiss and they exited the car to find Sam and Simeon on the back deck talking with Derek. It was an odd sight; two vampire warriors on Pack lands in a calm discussion with a Pack soldier. It felt right. “I believe this is an important first step into a future that will benefit us all.” He commented as they joined the discussion on the deck.

It was agreed that the beachfront was their most vulnerable section of their border. Even with the enhanced surveillance and increased guard presence, the area was still soft.

“The border you share with the State Forest,” Emmanuel interjected. “The beach would be expected. Everyone knows it’s difficult to defend. They wouldn’t have needed intel to discover common knowledge. They’re looking for another access point somewhere with enough cover for them to sneak in. The cameras and alarms are probably already offline. They are going for the surprise, so my guess would be the border you share with the forest lands.”

“The cameras are out, and so are the alarms sensors.” Seamus checked and confirmed Emmanuel’s guess. He then looked up at Henrik. “They’re coming.”

“Take up your positions.” Alpha Henrik commanded, and everyone started moving. Derek was on his own, and the others leading their specified teams headed out to surprise the usurpers. Sam and Simeon followed Derek and then split up to flank him when he took a position five hundred feet north of the Pack House. Henrik and Emmanuel stood together in front of the Pack House as the second line of defense if Grigori and his men made it through the first line.

Children, mates, and the vulnerable were all in the bunker protected by two of Henrik’s soldiers, Jean-Claude, Taylor, and Edward, who were the last line of defense in case the unthinkable happened. Always prepare for the worst was Henrik’s watchword.

Emmanuel could feel the presence of his second moving through the night and also those vampires who chose to betray their Master and embark on this craven campaign of terror. They were a disgrace to their people, their Master, and to themselves. They would be wiped from existence this night, and the world will be better for it.

“You will never find a more loyal and honorable mate than Taylor Bond. I hope you know the sacrifice that he is willing to make for you and just what your regard means to him.” Alpha Henrik threw out the comment as they stood together and waited. The battle had begun with the sounds of violence and death filling the night winds.

“I do not take his sacrifice for granted and recognized the strength of his character upon our first meeting. Taylor will rule Mission Coven with me as the beloved consort, the perfect and most loved of the Master. His place in my life is a blessing, and I am well aware of that fact.” Emmanuel responded and then added. “He is a wolf, and I am a vampire. It is clear that Fate had a plan.”

“Could prove to be interesting,” Henrik remarked.

“Yes, I believe it already has.” The fighting drew closer, and both Henrik and Emmanuel descended the stone steps and stood side by side, watching as a tall menacing man burst from the tree line on the west side of the property and rushed forward.

“Grigori,” Emmanuel stated the name with seething disgust. He was battered and bloody, but he was still fighting and dashed across the lawn towards the front of Pack House. He ran at Henrik, not seeing Emmanuel at first, and then came to a sudden and complete stop when their eyes met. The fury that had driven him to be disloyal to his Master and his coven drained away slightly, leaving a shadow of confusion in his eyes.

“Why are you here?” He asked, anger seeping into his words.

“The question is, why are you here, Grigori? Why have you betrayed your vow, your command, your coven, and your Master?” Emmanuel stepped forward, and Henrik stepped to the side, giving the Master the room to do whatever he needed. The rest of the fighting died, and one by one, Henrik’s men along with Sam and Simeon, bloodied from battle, filed back to the Pack House.

They stood back just as Henrik stood back and watched as the final justice was carried out. “Your men, your trained assassins are all dead; you are alone in your despair and delusion.” Emmanuel took several steps closer bringing him within a few inches of Grigori, who looked to be still in a rage but less able to act it out.

“You are the traitor, Emmanuel. You allow these animals to prosper and grow in our backyard and willingly abide their presence when we are well and capable of driving them out. You let our people comingle and work for these beasts. They should be on their knees begging for our crumbs, not sitting at the table with us. Then you bring that little bastard wolf shifter into our home and . . .” Emmanuel was done listening when Grigori turned his rant on Taylor.

“Enough.” He said when his hand lashed out and grabbed Grigori by the throat and lifted him off the ground cutting off all further discord. He had nothing to say that Emmanuel was interested in hearing. “All I want to hear from you, Grigori, is your death rattle. You chose your path, and that path is death.” He held Grigori’s gaze while tightening his grip in slow increments increasing the agony and drawing out the death. After several minutes of blood and pain, Emmanuel crushed his throat, punched through his chest, and ripped out his heart. He continued to hold him aloft until all life had drained, and only his mangled corpse remained.

Emmanuel dropped Grigori to the ground and pulled a handkerchief from his pocket, wiping his hands before turning to Henrik. “May I call in a cleanup crew to take care of the mess and incinerate the remains?”

“Of course.” Henrik responded. Emmanuel then turned to address Simeon, who, along with Sam, were approaching him.

“Will you accept the position and responsibilities of Second in Command of the Mission Coven?” he asked casual and unaffected; one would not know that there had just been a major battle in the offing not a few minutes prior.

“Yes, I accept and pledge my fealty to you and yours,” Simeon responded in kind. Emmanuel placed one hand on his shoulder, and with the other, he tapped the side of Simeon’s throat, signaling acceptance of the new bond that now existed between them.

“Emmanuel.” The voice was unmistakable and went right to Emmanuel’s heart. There on the porch, looking so beautiful and precious beyond comprehension, was Taylor, his sweet love.

“Yes, my love.” He responded with warmth and appreciation and held out his arms as Taylor ran down the steps and into his eager embrace.

“Let’s go home,” Taylor said to him.

“Let’s go home.” Emmanuel agreed.

Jean-Claude and Simeon returned to the Coven with Emmanuel and Taylor while Sam remained with the Pack directing the cleanup crew and dispatching the remains. The traitors had been purged, but just in case there were still those of like mind within his coven, Emmanuel tasked Simeon to conduct a thorough vetting.

Jean-Claude took them to the side door that offered direct access to the elevator, taking them to the Master’s quarters. Emmanuel held fast to his beloved, recognizing how close they came to having a divide so deep that their union would have been near impossible. If Grigori had not been discovered, the rift between the two groups would have been insurmountable. If even one wolf had died in Grigori’s planned attack, the Coven’s relationship with the Pack would have been destroyed for years to come. Fate always has a plan.

Emmanuel exited the car and assisted Taylor from the backseat. He didn’t need help, but Emmanuel was loathed to let him go, so he would have to humor him, which he did with a smile. He kept him wrapped in his arms while ascending to the top floor. He was all Emmanuel needed right now, all he would probably ever need to remain happy and fulfilled for the rest of his days.

Taylor Bond, a young wolf shifter full of life and passion with excitement for the future, was soon to become his bonded beloved consort. The truth of that almost too good to believe, but it was true, and he was there in Emmanuel’s arms asking for eternity. He gave Emmanuel life and hope and all things beautiful it was an eye-opening new beginning for an ancient battle-ravaged vampire. He was too good for Emmanuel, but with that said, he would never give him up and never let him go. His life will begin and end with Taylor Bond.

Taylor held Emmanuel close, not wanting to have even the slightest separation as they rode the elevator to the top floor. The excitement, combined with relief that it was all over and they could now move forward with their lives, filled him with an urgency to bond and bond immediately. Part of it was due to the uncertainty he’d suffered over the past two days. He and his wolf wanted their mark on this vampire showing the world that he belonged to them and them alone. It was a driving need so deep that Taylor felt his hands tremble at the touch of his mate.

The door slid open, and Emmanuel scooped Taylor up into his arms in one swift move and hurried across the open space down a short hall that opened at the end into a massive bedroom. He didn’t have time to take in or admire his surroundings, for Emmanuel’s need to bond was clearly matching his own.

He set Taylor on his feet and quickly began removing his clothes. Taylor was wearing a long sleeve t-shirt that was up and over his head in a split second, leaving his chest bare to Emmanuel’s appreciative hands. The feel of his warm hands as they skidded across his chest and abdomen brought on another body shiver, followed by a sensual moan. Kisses rained down from his face down his throat and trailed down his chest. His wolf was in his glory, preening and responding to every intimate touch.

“I love you, Emmanuel.” He said out of nowhere, and Emmanuel paused, looking up at him from where he knelt before him, and for a few silent seconds, they just held each other with their eyes, and the effect was profound. Taylor felt that gaze in every molecule of his being.

“And I love you, Taylor, with my whole heart,” Emmanuel responded and then stripped Taylor of his remaining clothes and carried him to the large soft bed laying him down and gently. No more words were spoken, but the emotions and the urgency filled the room, making it hot with expectation.

Taylor watched as Emmanuel stripped down, tossing his fine clothes on the floor and never taking his eyes off Taylor. He had a magnificent body, toned and broad, radiating the power of his presence, but nothing burned like the sapphire blue of his eyes, the depth of his desire shown clearly.

He grabbed something from the bedside table and then laid down beside him, gathering him close for a series of hard, demanding kisses that left him breathless. Taylor felt the cool gel on the tips of Emmanuel’s fingers when they began pressing against his tight hole, stimulating the muscles there to loosen. Taylor’s cock was hard as a rock, and from the firm stiffness he felt pressed against his upper thigh, he knew that Emmanuel was in the same state of readiness and fervor.

He moved to lay over Taylor using his elbows to lessen the weight of his body, but Taylor was a wolf, and he had no problem handling Emmanuel’s body. Taylor spread his legs, welcoming his mate to seat himself comfortably while pulling him down for a kiss of hunger controlled by Taylor and spurred on by his wolf.

Emmanuel was afraid of crushing his mate beneath him, but that fear was soon dispatched as Taylor took control and showed him that he was more than capable of taking everything the Master had to give.

He eventually pulled back and stared into Taylor’s loving brown eyes and saw a glimpse of the wolf in Taylor's eyes, such a beautiful beast, and the wildness of it all excited him beyond belief. He thrust his now throbbing and leaking cock deep inside his beloved’s velvety soft channel. He went deep, burying himself to the root and then pausing, holding himself motionless, feeling the pulsing pressure and hearing the satisfied moans of his lover. It was a moment of pure bliss and satisfaction that he’d never known before.

Emmanuel struck, sinking his fangs into the throbbing vein in the side of Taylor’s throat, and drank in the lifeblood that would sustain him for an eternity. With a guttural groan he began a hard, rapid, punishing rhythm of thrust that ravaged his lover and left him hold on digging his nails into Emmanuel’s shoulders and begging for more. The energy in the room ramped up and the air itself felt electrified as he plunged hard and deep spreading his lover wide as he came filling him with his essence and marking him with his scent.

Taylor quaked, and then with a roar as the wolf surged to the surface in a near half shift, he came filling the space between them with his warms seed. Emmanuel felt his cock erupt a second time emptying everything he had left inside his precious beloved. Taylor bit down on Emmanuel’s shoulder, breaking the skin marking and claiming him as the wolf’s mate. The claim was made, and their souls aligned. It was magnificent.

“You are the wolf’s mate,” Taylor said with a breathless smile.

“You are the beloved consort,” Emmanuel responded and then began another flurry of ravaging kisses. He would never get enough of this amazing young man and sent a heartfelt thank you to Fate for giving him the man he needed exactly when he needed him most.