Vampire by B.A. Stretke


Taylor walked into the Pack House and went straight to the kitchen for something cold to drink. The drive home had been brutal, and the desire to turn around and go back had dogged him the entire way. Jean-Claude had dropped him at the Hotel, and although he did not say anything, the sympathetic look he gave him was more than enough to make clear what a predicament Taylor was in.

He grabbed a soft drink and headed out to the back deck to sit and think. The evening had been something he in no way had expected, even though his wolf had been giving him hints. The bizarre behavior was no understandable considering the circumstances. The fact that Emmanuel had veiled his aura was a point Taylor did not know how to process.

He needed time and a clear head to find his way forward in this crazy, seemingly untenable situation. How could he, Taylor Bond, a former criminal and major pain in the ass, be the mate to someone like Emmanuel, a Coven Master and a very powerful vampire?

As soon as he stepped outside, he saw that he was not alone. The Alpha was there as if waiting for him. He looked relaxed and was drinking a beer, but the intensity of his presence had a purpose to it. He wasn’t there by chance.

“Hello, Taylor. Sit and tell me about your evening.” He instructed, and it wasn’t a suggestion.

Taylor sat and popped open his soda and took a drink before answering. “It was more than I had anticipated, much more.” He took another drink as he sorted his thoughts. “I met my mate.” He just blurted it out and was surprised when the Alpha was not surprised.

“Was it someone you’d met yesterday?” He asked.

“Yes. Did you know?”

“I knew your wolf had met someone who intrigued him, I could feel it, and I assumed it was your mate. What is your mate’s name, and is he a vampire?” The Alpha continued calmly.

“Yes, he is a vampire, and his name is Master Emmanuel Cabot, the Master of the Mission Coven and Sam’s uncle.” He stated slowly and clearly, and that revelation got a reaction.

“Master Cabot?” Alpha Henrik turned to look at him with a concerned expression, and Taylor nodded. “Why are you here and not with him?” That question was hard to answer, but the Alpha was waiting for a response.

“I told him I needed time to think. He knew what I was to him yesterday but covered his aura so that I did not recognize him. I know he did that to spare me the upset and to ease me into the awareness, but I feel like he got a head start on this, and now I need to try and catch up.” Taylor tried to explain, but the Alpha didn’t seem to buy it.

“What is the real reason, Taylor?” He asked with that Alpha tone that was impossible to deny.

“How can this ever work? How will I fit into his life? This can’t work.” He found himself becoming a bit emotional, so he pulled back and took a deep breath and a sip of his soda, calming his racing heart. Even as the words left his lips, he was feeling a sense of desolation that was crippling. He needed his mate, and everything in him was demanding, pleading, crying even to go back. His wolf was whining at the abandonment, and Taylor was at a loss as to how to soothe him.

The Alpha reached over and placed his hand on Taylor’s shoulder and kept it there, sending a radiant calm through him that allowed his mind to clear, and his wolf settled instantly. “I don’t have the answers to those questions, Taylor.” He said and then paused for a few seconds, and Taylor leaned into the Alpha energy for support.

“I don’t know what kind of man Master Cabot is because I don’t know him, and there are few that do apart from his inner circle. I can’t imagine that he would take this bond lightly or irreverently, but then again, he’s a vampire, and you are a wolf that might have a relevance to how he handles himself and your bond. This is going to be a very difficult time for you, Taylor. The entire course of your future will hinge on this one decision.” They both looked towards the door when it opened, and Derek stepped out, slowly walked over, and took a seat next to Henrik.

“I apologize for listening.” He said, not looking at all apologetic, and then went on with what he had to say. “I heard most of the conversation, and while Henrik will not tell you what to do in this situation because it is a delicate and personal issue between mates, I have no problem sharing my opinion.” Derek’s take on it all will have a darker tone, but Taylor knew he had to hear it. He needed Derek’s opinion for clarity.

“Master Cabot is nearly five hundred years old. He’s a former aristocrat from the Middle Ages. He was a knight, a warrior, a soldier. He earned his dark reputation at the tip of a sword. His background could fill a history book, and that man has seen and done things that would probably make even a man like me shudder. With that in mind, I agree just how do you fit into his life, and what will you be to him? No offense but you are no match mentally or physically for a man like Master Cabot.” Taylor didn’t like the direction this talk was taking, but he could not argue with its truth.

“You’re a wolf shifter, and he’s a vampire, and the low-level animosity that exists between the two species will not work in your favor. There are good and decent vampires over there, but there are also those who would never tire in their effort to undermine you and your position. That’s saying you’re even given a position. Master Cabot is the battle-worn leader of his people. Do you really see him parading you around on his arm as the Beloved Consort?” The emotions were getting thick and heavy, and once again, Taylor felt the Alpha’s touch, which helped to ease the growing pain in his heart.

“If you go there, if you accept him, you will be nothing but a blood bag to him, just a source of nourishment, and he will use you as he sees fit. This isn’t a Cinderella story you’re looking at here, Taylor, this is a nightmare in the offing, and that’s all I have to say.” Derek finished with what felt like a thud, and Taylor felt lost in the confusion filling his mind.

“Thank you for your words.” He said to Derek. “I needed to hear it as I felt my inadequacy building every minute that I was with him. Many of your thoughts were my own.”

“You are more than adequate, Taylor, but my fear is that he is less than deserving of you.” The Alpha told him, and Taylor struggled to believe that. He could stand up to most everything except a Master Vampire. He was not what Emmanuel needed in a forever partner, and that fact was tearing him up.

“Go to your room, sleep on it, reach out to your mate if you feel that you can, and most of all trust Fate. We’ll talk again in the morning.” It was the best advice he’d received so far, and he was taking it. Taylor stood and thanked them both before going back inside. Derek’s words were ringing in his ears. The sadness of them was difficult, but realizing their probable accuracy was even more difficult.

As dawn broke, Emmanuel still sat on the balcony off the main living room, staring out in the direction of the Bay Harbor pack lands. It gave him a sense of being connected to his beloved if he kept his gaze in that direction. He felt him reach out once during the night. It was a tentative touch but very pleasing.

Emmanuel could sense his beloved's continued insecurities and tried through their growing bond to comfort him. The connection was lovely and comforted Emmanuel as much as it did Taylor. Through it, he gathered a deeper understanding of his beloved’s concerns and what he needed to address.

He opened his phone and called Sam to meet him in his quarters. It was barely a few minutes when Sam came walking through the living room and out onto the balcony. He sat down in the chair next to him. “I need your help.” He told him.

“Anything, Uncle,” Sam stated.

Emmanuel explained what took place the previous evening and that Taylor is having misgivings regarding his place and acceptance. “I understand it, but I won’t allow it. My beloved consort belongs here with me by my side, and he will be respected if for no other reason than just that he is mine.”

“There are only a few who share Grigori’s attitude. Most of your people hold no prejudice, especially after working side by side with the wolves these many years. With Simeon’s help, I will find the detractors and bring them to you.” Sam offered, and it seemed like the logical step in making a safe and happy home for his beloved.

“Yes, that’s a good beginning follow-up with Simeon, and I will deal with Grigori. Grigori’s time here at the Mission Coven may be coming to an end. I won’t tolerate his vitriol here around my beloved consort.” Emmanuel couldn’t help glancing over at the bay and beyond to his beloved.

“Can’t say I’m sorry to hear that,” Sam confessed with just a bit of sarcasm.

“No, I’m sure you’re not.” Emmanuel smiled for the first time since watching his beloved drive away last night.

“Why don’t you call him?” Sam stated bluntly, and Emmanuel knew who he was referring to. “He’s suffering just as you are. Wolves are very hands-on with their mates. Being so far apart must be extremely upsetting for him, to say the least.”

“I will call him.” Emmanuel thought about it several times throughout the morning but had resisted. He’d offered Taylor space and time but just how much space and how much time could he endure before simply going to the Pack lands and taking what belonged to him?

Sam nodded and stood, turning back towards the living area. “I’ll leave you then.” He said and added before leaving. “Good luck, Uncle. Taylor is worth whatever it costs.”

Taylor didn’t get much sleep, although he did rest and mull everything over in his mind about a thousand times. The Alpha had given him the peace to get through the night, and Derek had given him the warnings that would keep him awake. After considerable contemplation, he decided that as much as he thought Derek’s argument valid in most cases, it wasn’t valid in this case. He knew this man, this Master Vampire, and he may be all the things Derek described, but he was also kind, thoughtful, and open with Taylor.

Taylor never felt a moment of fear in his presence. It was the uncertainty and feeling off-balance that had driven him away last night, not fear or distrust. The memory of their intimacy stayed with him and warmed him with each thought of Emmanuel’s touch and his taste and his gentleness. Even when forceful, his tenderness was always present.

Taylor dressed and was ready to go downstairs and let them know he would return to his mate and talk this out. He and his wolf could not stand another minute away from their mate. This was something to be decided together, and changes, responsibilities, and such would be discussed together. He should be with his mate.

As he reached for his bedroom door, his cell phone went off, and he pulled it out of his pocket to check the number. His heart hammered, and his breathing caught, but he smiled as he answered, so relieved and hopeful. “Good morning, Emmanuel.”

He needed this, the sound of Emmanuel’s voice, and to feel his presence. He needed to hear Emmanuel’s subtle demand that Taylor return to him as soon as possible. It did not set off any warnings in Taylor’s mind but rather excited him with the desire that Emmanuel was not trying to hide or disguise.

“Pack your things and come. We will work out the details in the days ahead. We are both adults, and we know what Fate has given us. We belong together. There is no mistake with Fate. We are predestined, you a wolf and me a vampire. It is meant to be.” Emmanuel went immediately off on the necessity to start their lives together after, of course, checking on Taylor’s night and then asking a few basic pleasantries.

Taylor kept smiling, feeling the rightness of everything that he was being told. People would have warned Leo not to get involved with Derek if Leo hadn’t been new to the area with no friends. This would be his new life, and it wasn’t bad it was just a new path with his mate. Derek was rough and dark, and Leo was warm and personable, and, in the end, they complimented each other in the best ways and were living a mated life of absolute bliss. If Fate says that it will be perfect, then it will be perfect.

“I know we have a lot to discuss, and the future is not exactly set or clear, but I want this to work. You’re my mate, and I don’t want to live my life without you.” Taylor stopped and took a breath, knowing that the next words would set a foundation for their lives going forward. “I won’t be your pet or someone you hide away. I need to be your partner, and I will need your support and trust. I’m a fierce and very capable wolf and on the verge of making guard status at the Indigo. I’m not a pet or an oddity.”

“I would never think of you as either. You are my beloved consort, most loved and revered of the Master. Your place in my heart has been seared, and your happiness will remain my priority. You will stand by my side. I respect your strength and your goals, and you are free to continue your battle training with my Commander Simeon. I will not stifle any desire of yours unless it takes you away from me in either mind, body, or soul.” Emmanuel was clear and said everything Taylor wanted to hear.

“I’ll speak with my Alpha and pull my stuff together. I don’t have a lot of things it won’t take long. I’ll call when I’m ready to leave so you can clear the way for me and my truck. I’ll see you in a few hours.” Taylor said, feeling a weight had been lifted now that he’d decided.

“I’ll be waiting for your call. Don’t be long.” Emmanuel sounded relieved and before closing the call, added. “Je vous aime. See you soon, my love.” Taylor loved the sound of the French language when Emmanuel was speaking it. He was going to have to look up what the phrase meant.

“See you soon.” Taylor closed the call and headed downstairs to share with the Alpha his decision. Edward caught him up in conversation out in the hall and congratulated him on finding his mate after Taylor informed him of his good luck.

“You deserve it, Taylor.” He said. “You deserve a happy life. You’ve worked hard for it.” Taylor hoped that it would indeed be happy, and Edward assured him that all mated couples were. “Ups and downs are normal in all relationships, but a mated couple has a foundation that cannot be shaken.”

“Thanks, Edward.” Taylor appreciated his kind words and continued downstairs to the kitchen first, and no one was there, so he went to the Alpha’s office and knocked. The Alpha gave him permission to enter, and when he walked in, Seamus and Zayn were with him.

“I wanted to let you know that I’m going to the Coven to talk with Emmanuel. He called, and we worked a few things out, and I need to see him in person. I plan to stay with him.” Taylor said what he needed to say. Seamus did not look at him, which seemed odd while Zayn and the Alpha watched him closely.

“Sit down, Taylor.” The Alpha spoke. His tone was troubled. Both Zayn and Seamus stood and patted him on the shoulder as they left the room and closed the door behind them. Taylor took a seat in the chair directly opposite the Alpha’s desk where he was seated. The mood was tense, and Taylor was not looking forward to whatever the Alpha had to say.

“You’re familiar with the information breach that took place at the Indigo?” He began, and Taylor nodded. “We discovered the name of the person who carried out the hack, and Derek has located that individual and is bringing him in to be questioned. We don’t know yet who ordered it, but there is a solid suspicion that the Coven may have been involved.” That was not what he wanted to hear. Taylor looked at the Alpha, hoping he’d add something that would make the news easier to take, but he just sat there and waited for Taylor to comment.

“For what purpose would they pay someone to hack the Indigo accounts?” Taylor asked and attempted to remain calm.

“It wasn’t the hotel they wanted. That was just a ruse. The hotel was used as the access point for them to get into the Pack servers. Whoever they are, they stole Pack data, primarily individual member's information. This wasn’t just anyone; this was someone weighing and assessing our numbers and our strengths.”

“Why?” He stated stupidly, and the Alpha just raised an eyebrow. “He wouldn’t. It doesn’t make sense. I can’t believe it.” All of Taylor’s confidence in his decision and his mate was suddenly teetering on the edge of despair.

“I know.” The Alpha was sympathetic but did not express pity, for which Taylor was exceedingly grateful. “Derek has the man out back. They’re waiting for us.” The fact that he was being held out back was a sign that this man would never see another sunrise.

“Who is he?”

“A wolf shifter, a lone wolf with no pack affiliation. He operates as a freelance hacker, soldier, whatever, and doesn’t care who the mark or victim is as long as he’s getting paid. The information he stole could have gotten us killed if we hadn’t detected the leak. He’s a lowlife piece of shit that will do anything for a payoff.” The Alpha stood, and Taylor did likewise, and they left the office walking out through the back door off the hallway to the back lawn.

Derek was there and held a man by the back of the neck. The man looked rough and cocky, which seemed counterproductive considering his situation. Standing off on each side were the Pack Enforcers, Seamus, Koa, and Javier. Zayn stood before them, and the Alpha walked up to stand next to Zayn. Taylor stood off to the side, away from the group.

The interrogation was brutal. The rogue wolf was not giving up his boss or client rather until the Alpha gave him an offer that made it clear he wasn’t leaving there alive. The questions would be ending soon with or without answers. He was given the choice of how he wished to die. Give the Alpha what he wanted, and it would be quick, resist, and he’d let Derek drag the death out for hours, and it would be as painful as Derek could make it, and Derek knew pain.

“Who hired you? This is the last time I will ask.” The Alpha gave him his last chance, and Derek took the opportunity to tighten his hold, breaking the skin and twisting his neck until nearly snapping and then easing off. The pain looked to be considerable as the man screamed and then begged, but this was beyond that type of negotiation. The man made his decision to betray his own kind, and now he would pay.

Derek was about to start in on him again, and the man began talking. “I don’t know his name. He contacted me through the usual channels and offered me a lot of money to get Pack members info, security features, soldiers, anything and everything. I used the Indigo computers to access the pack server and got what I could while making it appear that I went after customer info.” He coughed up some blood and wiped it with the back of his hand. Derek still held him slightly aloft.

“He told me that he worked for the Coven but didn’t specify which coven, and I didn’t care. The information I gathered was sent to an address at the Old Mission Coven.” The man coughed again, and Derek tightened his grip.

“You don’t have a name to go with the IP address?” The Alpha looked unconvinced.

“It just went to their IT department, no name attached. But he wasn’t alone. He had others working for him that I dealt with also. I communicated with three separate individuals through the course of this operation.” The man looked at the Alpha and then at Derek. “That’s all I have.” He stated, knowing what was coming, and, at that moment, he found his dignity and held Derek’s gaze. The Alpha nodded, and Derek snapped his neck clean and quick as promised.