Savage by Caitlyn Dare



My grip on my handlebars becomes painful as I wait for the heavy metal gates to the compound to slide open. My teeth grind in frustration despite the fact I should be happy that River finally has a proper home. But it's not our home.

Not my home.

Pain shoots from my tight chest as I think of all the ways she's been let down in her life. I didn't want her here. I didn't want her around all of this. I was more than happy for her to be over the border in Colton, living a life of innocence away from the club.

But now?

Now she's moved right into the heart of it with our prez. The only thing worse would be if she had a room here.

I rev the engine and take off the second the gate parts enough for me to pass, shooting gravel out behind me. Pulling to a stop in my usual spot, I nod to the guys, who are loitering around outside of Dalton’s Auto as I rip my helmet from my head and place it on my seat.

No one tries to talk to me. I understand why; I wouldn't want to talk to myself right now either. I'm hardly approachable on my best days, but right now any one of these guys could end up missing a body part or two if they were to say the wrong thing to me.

My surname mixed with the fact that I've grown up under Ray's protective wing offers me a certain level of respect around the compound, one that ensures no one speaks out of turn and they mostly tread on eggshells around me.

This place has been my home for long enough for them to know that Savage isn't just my name.

It's my nature, too.

I blow through the main doors and head straight for the clubhouse. My eyes linger over my great-grandfather's cut that's hanging behind the protection of polished glass. The exact reminder I need right now for why I'm doing all this.

It would be so easy to pack up all mine and River's shit and leave. But that's not who we are, and as much as I'd like to keep her away from this life, from the men here, it's our legacy. It's my birthright to be here.

My stomach twists with the knowledge of my impending decision. This life… this club. It's who I am. I'm not sure there really should be a choice, but I can't help feeling like it's not time.

Not yet, at least.

A few sets of eyes turn to me as I join the others, but most of the guys’ attention is on one of our prospects who's on his hands and knees, cleaning something up while he gets mocked for whatever happened.

Jax Pitman isn't an obvious addition to our MC, but his dedication seems to be unwavering, and we’ve yet to break him, so maybe there's more to him than meets the eye.

Our other prospect, on the other hand, is Dane, my best friend, partner in crime and all that shit. The one who's currently walking my way with two bottles of beer in hand and the only one who's brave enough to utter a word to me.

"What the fuck happened?" he asks, passing one of the bottles over.

"You done?" I ask, tipping my chin to the room, knowing that he was working in here this afternoon.

"Yup. Pussy boy has taken over," he says, looking over his shoulder to where Pitbull is still on his hands and knees.

"Let's go."

He's still looking at the show on the other side of the clubhouse when I storm past him, toward the back of the building where the rooms are.

I've had a place here for years, but I only stayed once or twice a week until Mom decided this life, her kids, weren't enough for her and shot too much shit into her veins.

My door slams back against the wall when I enter, but it doesn't immediately swing shut. I knew Dane would follow.

"So?" he asks after closing the door and leaning back against it while I drop down onto my bed, my back against the wall, and tip my bottle to my lips.

I swallow down half the bottle, allowing the cool liquid to douse the fire raging inside me from having to walk away from my little sister. From dropping her in the middle of this life.

You could have stayed,a little voice pipes up in my head.

“There’s a room here for you, you know?” I hear Ray's deep, rumbling voice as if he's standing beside me.

Yeah, I could have stayed. I could have taken up one of the many guest rooms he has in that colossal house. But I won't. He might have played the part of my father since my own died years ago. He might have provided both myself and River with everything we've needed over the years. But I'm not a part of his family, and I'm not living under the same roof as… as her.

Dane's eyes burn into me as I mull everything over.

"So, I left River there to find her feet."

"It's the best place for her. You know that, bro."

I mutter some kind of agreement. While I might agree, I still don't like it.

But living under our prez's roof means she’s safe. Hell, she's safer there than she ever was with me or our pitiful excuse for a mother.

My lips part to respond, but I don't get to say a word because a knock sounds out on my door.

Tipping my chin to Dane, he pulls it open. Micky, our VP, stands on the other side. "Prez wants to see you," he states.


"No, next fucking Tuesday," he deadpans. "Yes, fucking now."

Jesus, I’d just left his house. He must have damn near followed me back here.

I don't need to look at the apprehensive expression on Dane's face to know that whatever is going to come next isn't going to be good.

I feel it in my gut.

If he just wanted a chat, he could have taken me to his office in the house. No, whatever it is he wants to say to me is club business, and he wants to discuss it outside of his family home.

"Stray," he says, turning his eyes on Dane, "you too."

Dane's chin drops to respond, but Micky is long gone, leaving Dane standing there, holding the door open for no one. "Well then—"

"Don't look at me like that. I don't fucking know what he wants."

Draining my bottle, I climb back off my bed and march from the room, once again leaving him to follow.

Ray is waiting for us behind his huge mahogany desk when we get to the far end of the warehouse. Everything about his office is dark—including his mood—as we step inside and close the door behind us as instructed.

There's club and bike paraphernalia everywhere you look. I was fascinated as a kid knowing that this was my dad's life, that I was going to get to live it for him, but I barely give it all a second glance now.

"Sit," Ray demands, and the two of us follow orders. "I know you're worried about River, son, but—"

"She's in the right place," I interrupt, not needing this speech from him again.

"She is.” He nods. “You know I'll treat her as if she's my own. Sadie will as well. I know she's secretly always wanted a sister. I suspect they'll get on well once they adjust to the changes."

I think back to Sadie's attitude when she ran into me on the stairs, and I wonder if he actually saw his daughter's reaction to our arrival earlier or if he's just choosing to sweep it under the rug, assuming it's just teenage girl drama. For my sister's sake, I really hope it is. She's already been through enough; she doesn't need Sadie on her case. I know full well that Sadie Ray can be… a lot when she wants to be.

Her father seems to think she's some innocent MC princess, but I know better. There's nothing much innocent about our little Sadie Ray.

"Sure," I mutter, not sharing his enthusiasm. Something tells me that the two of them aren't going to suddenly become the best of friends. At least, I hope not. For River's sake.

Mom—when she was sober enough—and I have protected her from this life for fifteen years; I don't want to throw all that away now.

"I'm not here to talk about the girls,” he grunts. “I'm here to talk about you two."

The silence that settles around the room while we wait for him to spit out whatever’s on his mind is heavy as fuck and weighs down my shoulders.

Resting my elbows on my knees, I crack my knuckles, hoping that he'll just get to the point.

"I've enrolled you both at Savage Falls High—"

"You've fucking what?" I roar, assuming that I just misheard the words that fell from his lips, because he can't seriously have just said—

"I've enrolled you both at Savage Falls High. Dane," he says, turning to my best friend, who I already know will be more than up for it. Sappy motherfucker wants to graduate for some fucking reason.

I, on the other hand, haven't seen much of the inside of a high school since ninth grade. My life is the club, and no one here gives a fuck if I have a diploma or not. I can write, I can count; why the fuck do I need to know what the hell Shakespeare really meant in his bullshit sonnets?

"Nah, that's not fucking happening, Prez."

"Rhett, I understand your apprehension, but this is club business. I need you both there."

"Then find someone else. I'm fucking done with school."

His eyes hold mine. They're deadly serious and cold, telling me I'm not going to be able to talk myself out of this. Despite knowing that, it's not going to stop me from trying.

"Dane," he says again after long, tension-filled seconds. "You good with this, boy?"

"You know it, Prez."

Next week, Dane is due to start back at County High School to do his senior year. Despite us being the same age and growing up together, he was held back in fifth grade so ended up a year behind me. But unlike me, he gives a shit.

"I've arranged the transfer. Savage Falls High School is expecting you next week, and your schedule will be sorted for you."

"Appreciate it, Ray," he says with a nod, a smile tugging at his lips.

I'm not surprised that he's okay with this. We all know that he'll get a better shot at graduating from Savage Falls High. It might not be anything fancy, but it's still a hell of a lot better than County High, where most weeks don't end without a vicious fight or attack within the school walls.

"Of course you're fucking okay with this."

"It's fucking high school, Savage. Not a cell."

"As fucking good as." He rolls his eyes at me.

"I'm sure the cheerleaders can convince you otherwise. I've heard the girls at Savage—"

"Okay. Dane, fuck off,” Prez grunts. “I need to talk to Rhett alone."

I want to argue, but the reality is that Dane is still only a prospect, and if this is club business then he hasn’t yet earned the right to know it. My position here allows me in deeper. My name itself ensures my fast-track journey to the main table.

If I want it.

It's not long after the door has closed behind Dane before Ray leans forward onto his elbows and stares me dead in the eyes. "What I'm about to tell you does not leave this room. And it certainly will never leave your lips."

I nod.

"If you were anyone but JD's son, my future VP, then you'd never be privy to this kind of intel."

I swallow somewhat nervously at the deadly flicker in his eyes. I've seen it from time to time, and it’s usually only there when someone threatens someone important to him. But it only ever shines this bright when it involves his family.


Why do I get the feeling that I'm about to make my big return to high school?