Savage by Caitlyn Dare



The engine rumbles beneath me as I pull into Savage Falls High with Rhett on my tail. Every single set of eyes turn our way as the ground vibrates beneath them with our arrival.

It's not a surprise that our appearance is a shock to the students here. Most of the club kids go to County High. There are only a lucky few, our very own princess and her cousin Quinn included, who attend here. Apparently they’re too good for the likes of County High. I get it. That place is a shithole that gives hell a good name. I fully understand why our prez and VP didn't want their darling daughters slumming it with the rest of us. For as long as I can remember, they've been put on some kind of pedestal, making them better than the rest of us—something that I know has pissed Rhett off for years. But it is what it is.

I come to a stop in the closest free space and unclip my helmet. Staring up at the imposing brick building before me, I ignore all the curious, angry stares and focus on what I can achieve while I'm here.

I could actually graduate.

Rhett thinks it's bullshit for club kids. He thinks our futures are already planned for us, and in a way, he’s right. I'm happy to work in the shop and do what I need to do, but I really want to fucking graduate. I want to know that I did it, that I could achieve it. I've done fuck all else with my life and had very little say in anything. I want this for me, even if it means nothing to everyone else.

"This is fucking bullshit," Rhett barks the second he kills his engine.

His face is set in frustration as he casts his eyes around at our audience. "And they sure as hell don't want us here."

"Well, sucks for them, because here we are, motherfuckers!" I shout the last bit, holding my arms out to the sides, ensuring that the two people who weren't already staring at us now are.

Rhett growls in frustration as our princess’ pickup pulls into the lot. His eyes immediately fix on it.

"She's going to be okay, Rhett. This is a decent school."

"I don't like it."

"Sadie and Quinn are good people," I say, watching as the two of them climb from the front of the truck.

Okay, so they're like night and day compared to River. She's all golden hair, soft smiles and oozing innocence, while Sadie and Quinn are all sexy curves, sass and attitude. But I'm confident they'll look after River. Although, that could possibly be what Rhett is concerned about.

From what we see and hear around the clubhouse, we already know that neither of them has an innocent bone in their body.

My eyes drop down to Sadie's ass in her short-as-hell skirt as she leans back into the truck to grab her purse. "Your stepsister might be a pain in the ass, but fuck, she's banging." I smirk.

"She's not my fucking stepsister," Rhett growls.

"I guess that's a good thing, seeing as you want to bang her," I shoot over my shoulder while willing her to bend that little bit more, just so I can find out what color panties she's wearing. But she never does. Cocktease.

"I don't want to—fuck this. Motherfucking fuck this."

He climbs off his bike and runs his hands through his short hair before dragging them down his face. "She shouldn't be here. She shouldn't—"

"Hey, look, the club whore has a new pet."

I tear my eyes from Rhett toward whatever douchebag has decided that today is his last living one on Earth. But, totally undeterred by our death stares and the obvious fury surrounding Rhett like an impending storm, the asshole continues. "I fucking love the innocent ones. They get my cock good and hard."

"Rhett, no," I bark, reaching for his arm as the girls—who are ignoring the asshole—make their way into the building.

Anyone else would cower away from my best friend when he turns his vicious, deadly eyes on them. We've grown up in each other's pockets. I know him better than anyone, and I know when I should be scared of him.

And the guy running his mouth off right now should be fucking terrified.

I look back to the doors to see the girls have disappeared.

"Clear," I tell him, releasing his arm and falling into step behind him as he marches toward the group of guys—the football team. They're standing around in their prissy letterman jackets with desperate girls wearing barely any clothes—probably the cheer squad—hanging around in the hope they get a little attention from the school’s golden boys.

Well, they're about to get attention, but not in the form I think they're looking for.

Rhett looks over at me, silently giving me my orders, which I hear loud and clear.

We storm the group, going straight for the ring leaders. In unison, we slam them back against the brick building, pinning them there by the throats.

Girls scream behind us, but no one says anything and no one makes an attempt to stop us.

"Want to repeat that to my face, motherfucker?" Rhett growls right in the guy’s face while I hold his terrified eyes.

"I-I-I—" the guy stutters at Rhett.

"Spit it out before you're unable move your fucking jaw."

"I-I'm sorry."

"You're fucking going to be,” he seethes. “That's my little sister you were getting a fucking hard-on over. And let me tell you right the fuck now what will happen if you so much as look in her direction again."

A smirk curls at the lips of the guy I'm holding. "Something funny, asshole?" I bark.

"I thought all club whores were free for the taking."

Dumb motherfucker.

Before either of them can blink, we've both landed our first punches, causing chaos to erupt behind us.

The crack of his cheek against my knuckles feels so fucking good, feeding the monster inside me that craves the pain, the blood, the violence.

It only takes a handful of hits to have them both on the ground, rolling around like pussies.

"Enough. Enough," the mouthy asshole who started this whole thing says, holding his hand up in defeat.

"What's your name?" Rhett demands.

"E-Evan H-Henley."

Lifting his boot, Rhett places it on his throat. "So E-Evan H-Henley," he spits, mocking his stutter. "What are you going to do the next time my sister passes you?"

Evan holds his stare, a desperate attempt to save face. Pretty pointless now. Rhett could end his life faster than he probably believes.

"Look the other way."

"Ding, ding, ding. You're not a total fucking idiot. And you?" he asks, turning to the blond-haired guy I’m standing over.

"Wes Noble."

Rhett releases Evan and takes a step back. "Stay the fuck away from my sister." He pins every member of the team with a look before he takes off.

"Welcome to Savage Falls High, Dane,” Rhett grumbles. “I hope it's everything you were expecting."

I look back over my shoulder, watching the team's sluts tend to their injured gods. "Was that the best idea?" I mutter.

"Bit late to be worried about it now. You've got their blood on you."

"I know, but—"

"You won't get kicked out, if that's what you're worried about. Prez has the principal in his back pocket. The only good thing about this is that we've got free fucking reign."

"Great," I mutter, not feeling all that much better about the situation. I want to finally do my senior year and graduate like other eighteen-year-olds do. For once, I want to be normal.

We don't lose any attention as we walk down the hallways. Those who don't immediately spot us are soon nudged by a friend to ensure they do. I get it. We're different. Not only did we just turn up on Harleys and belong to a notorious MC, but we're covered in tattoos and now have blood splattered over our knuckles and arms. Awesome.

"Savage, Stray. In here, now," a deep voice booms down the hallway, making everyone around us suck in a sharp breath.


We follow the man in a badly pressed cheap suit past some offices. The women occupying the desks all look up as we pass, their eyes almost bugging out of their heads at the sight of us marching through in our Sinners cuts.

"Take a seat, both of you."

I do as I'm told, but I'm not surprised when Rhett does the opposite, choosing to hover by the door as if he's going to make a run for it at any moment.

"When Raymond and I discussed this arrangement, he assured me that there would be no trouble."

"We've caused no trouble. Just fixed a couple of rat issues you had."

Principal Winston stares at him, irritation coming off him in waves.

"What Rhett is trying to say is that—"

"Fuck that, Dane. I'm not making excuses for what those cunts said about River. Fucking scumbags asked for it."

Winston pales at Rhett's harsh words.

"You're right, Rhett. No woman should be objectified." Interesting that we never actually told him what happened. He either heard, or he's well aware of the antics of his beloved Saints. They might be killer on the field, but their attitude fucking sucks. "But that isn't how we deal with those kinds of issues here at Savage Falls High,” he goes on. “I know things in County High are different, but—"

"We've got it, sir," I say, putting an end to his rant. Neither of us needs to hear it. We're both more than aware of the difference between right and wrong. It's a line we walk often.

"Right. Okay, well. Let's move on from that less than desirable way of announcing your presence, shall we?"

"Sounds great."

Less than ten minutes later, we're walking out of his office with our new schedules in hand, having been directed toward our first classes that have now already started.

"I'm going to find River."

"She's in class, Rhett. You pull her out, make a scene, and she’ll never forgive you for it."

He scrubs his hand down his face. He knows I'm right, and he hates it.

"She doesn't belong here."

"And what's the other option? County? She'd get eaten alive there, man.” This is the best place. Despite those assholes before, there are decent kids here who Rhett will approve of hanging around her sister. We've just got to hope she finds them.

"We need to get to class."

He stares at me as if I've just spoken to him in another language.

"Eat your heart out, Stray." He holds his fist out for me, and I bump it. "Have a good day, schoolboy."

He takes off down the hallway.

"Wait, where are you going?"

"Fuck knows, but I ain't hanging around here."

"Rhett, you can't just—" But it's too late, he's already blowing through the doors and out into the Californian sun. "Right. Well…" I look around at the empty halls before glancing down at my schedule once more.

"English lit it is.”