Alien Warrior’s Treasure by Sue Mercury

Chapter 14

This is really happening. I’m about to become Gavvin’s mate.

The hovercar came to a stop in front of Gavvin’s house. It was late afternoon and sunlight pierced through the trees and bathed the clearing where his house stood in hues of gold.

Her heart commenced racing when he guided her off the hovercar, his hand at her lower back. Once they finished disembarking the vessel, Gavvin said a few words to the driver, who then sped away through the trees.

Alone. They were finally alone. Her pulse skittered faster.

Just an hour ago, she’d said her goodbyes to Khann and Belle and Amie and everyone else, though she’d promised to visit them soon. Relief filled her to bursting when she recalled the solemn nod of respect Khann had given Gavvin. It would seem his days as an outcast were indeed over and she couldn’t be happier. They were about to become a mated pair, and his happiness would also be her happiness.

Before she’d departed Khann’s home with Gavvin at her side, she’d taken a quick shower and packed her belongings. By the time she was ready to leave, the warriors had already received word that the weaknesses in the planetary shield—information Bricco had apparently transmitted to the Irrcons in exchange for a large sum of galactic credits—would be immediately fixed by the engineers who’d developed the shield. Well before any Irrcon vessels would have the chance to arrive in this sector.

Gavvin wrapped an arm around her, pulling her close, and his breath danced along her earlobe. “If you prefer to live in town, I will gladly build you a house wherever you would like, sweet human.”

His offer warmed her all over, and she shifted in his arms to peer up at him. “That’s very kind of you to offer, Gavvin, but I do love the beauty of the forest. I can’t promise I won’t change my mind later—like maybe after we have children—but for now, I am content to live in the forest with you.”

“You please me, so very much, sweet human, and I cannot wait to make you mine in every sense of the word.” His voice was a low, sensual rumble in her ear.

He pressed a gentle kiss to her cheek, and her insides flushed with warmth. Her mind whirled with the events of the day, or the last day and a half, to be more precise. She’d gone to Vaxxlian Matchmakers, expecting to be given the name of a complete stranger, only for Carmen to announce that Gavvin was her mate. Not just her mate, but her soul mate.

Though Gavvin wasn’t a total stranger to her, she couldn’t claim that they knew one another well. But it comforted her that they were somewhat familiar with one another, and she couldn’t deny that she felt safe in his presence. How could she not? He’d saved her life twice during the past week. His bravery astounded her, that he would risk his life not once, but twice, in order to save her—a human female he barely knew.

But he wanted her. It was evident in his actions and in the warmth that filled his eyes when he looked at her. His eyes glowed slightly when they met with hers, a sign she’d heard meant a Vaxxlian male held an attraction to a female.

He escorted her inside and placed her suitcase down in the entrance hall. She hadn’t had a thing to her name when she’d arrived on New Vaxx, but Khann and Belle had provided plenty of clothing, shoes, and other items for her, and her throat burned as she recalled their kindness. I’m no longer an outcast either, she thought. I’m wanted on this planet. I have friends, and soon, I will have an affectionate mate of my very own.

Gavvin turned to face her, and before she drew in her next breath, he swept her up in his arms and carried her through the house. When they reached a set of stairs, her heart thundered in her ears, and desire pooled in her core. Oh God, this is it.

But the fear she’d expected to feel before giving herself to a Vaxxlian warrior was absent. Gavvin wouldn’t harm her. She trusted he would be gentle. He’d once promised never to hurt her, and she believed this promise would always hold true.

They reached the second floor of the house, and he strode directly for an open door at the end of a long hallway. She rested her head against his chest, listening to the steady beating of his heart.

He carried her into a large bedroom and her tummy did a quick flip when she peered at the oversized bed. Well, she supposed it wasn’t oversized for a Vaxxlian—Gavvin, like most males of his kind, stood over seven feet tall. She sighed with contentment at the softness of the mattress when he placed her upon the bed.

His eyes glowed brighter now, like shining green gems. She couldn’t tear her gaze from his and a pleasurable shiver ran through her when he smoothed a few errant strands of hair from her face, his fingertips lingering on her flesh, teasing her with the promise of more intimate touching.

She returned the gesture and stroked her hands through his hair.

The quaking between her thighs grew hotter. What would happen now? Would they repeat their mating vows before or after they got physical? She wasn’t sure what came first—sex or vows. She wished she’d asked Belle for more details, but she supposed she would find out soon enough, and then she would belong to Gavvin forever.


The idea of belonging to a Vaxxlian warrior forever used to scare her, but not anymore. Perhaps it was because she sensed the goodness inside him, or perhaps it was because Carmen had seemed so reassuring as she insisted Gavvin was her soul mate, but she was no longer paralyzed by fear. She didn’t want to postpone becoming a bride to a Vaxxlian any longer. Now that she’d met Gavvin, she was finally ready, and her heart warmed when she considered the future.

“You are the most beautiful female I have ever laid eyes on, sweet human,” he said, and his eyes glowed even brighter.

A lump formed in her throat. “Th-thank you, Gavvin. You’re, um, pretty freaking hot yourself.” Her face heated. The way he’d complimented her looks sounded so much more eloquent, but it was too late to retract or rephrase her words.

He grinned and waggled his eyebrows. “If you’d like, I could growl and rip my shirt off for you. Like the males who lingered outside your house did.”

Shock raced through her, and she tried to sit up, but he grasped her forearms and held her down, though not with any roughness. “How did you know about that?” During the last week, several unmated males had put on such a display outside Khann’s home, much to Skylar’s delight. But Gavvin would have no way of knowing about it unless he’d been spying. “You-you came back to the house? When, and why?”

“During the last seven days, I have spent more time hiding in the trees surrounding Khann’s home than I have here in the forest. I couldn’t get you out of my thoughts, and I was consumed with the need to verify your safety. On the day you visited Vaxxlian Matchmakers, I followed you and feared I might attack the male who came to retrieve you from the building.”

“So let me get this straight, you basically stalked me all week?” She chuckled. Maybe she ought to be outraged—this sort of behavior sure as hell wouldn’t fly on Earth among humans as being normal and sane, but she wasn’t on her home planet. She was part of Vaxxlian society, and their ways differed from humans’. Spying on her to make sure she was safe was basically a declaration of love in Gavvin’s culture. The burning in her throat intensified.

“Protected, not stalked,” Gavvin replied. “I have never in my life felt so compelled to watch over and protect a female. But from the moment I first saw you, Molly, I’ve felt protective of you. After I chased the bear away and inhaled the scent of you and realized you were unmated, I couldn’t get the idea of making you mine out of my head. I was feeling especially lonely that night, and then I found you in the forest, my own little treasure. The belief that you were a gift from the Star God immediately crossed my mind, and I believe it in my soul—we are meant to be together.”

His confession touched her deeply. “Meeting you that night felt like fate. I’d gone on a walk, alone, because I was nervous and confused about my future and the prospect of mating with a stranger… only to meet you. And rather than drag me off and force me to become your mate, as many unmated Vaxxlian males would’ve done, you made me feel safe, healed my injuries, and made me dinner.” She left out the part about him pushing her away with cruel words at the end of the night. She understood why he’d done it and she’d already forgiven him.

He pressed a kiss to her lips, then pulled back to stare into her eyes. He grasped her hands, lacing his fingers through hers. “Let us repeat the mating vows of my people now, sweet Molly, and then we will join our bodies as one.”

“O-okay.” She cleared her throat. “I-I’m ready.” His nearness caused tingles to erupt all over and she squirmed a bit on the mattress, only for the aching in her core to start throbbing with a relentless force. She’d never known desire could feel so… consuming and urgent. Every part of her cried out for Gavvin’s touch.

He squeezed her hands in his and his deep, masculine voice filled the room. “Molly from Earth, I, Gavvin from Vaxxlia, give you my soul, my body, and my heart. Upon this mating, I am yours and you are mine. May the Star God bless our union.”

Tears blurred in her eyes. How sweet the mating vows were. She would remember and cherish this moment for as long as she lived. She drew in a deep breath, holding Gavvin’s warm glowing gaze. “Gavvin from Vaxxlia, I, Molly from Earth, give you my soul, my body, and my heart. Upon this mating, I am yours and you are mine. May the Star God bless our union.”

A deep, pleased growl rumbled from his chest, and he leaned down and slanted his lips over hers. She quickly became lost in his fervent kisses.