Alien Warrior’s Treasure by Sue Mercury

Chapter 16

Molly watchedin fascination as Gavvin’s muscles tensed. He was masculine perfection, like a sculpted work of art, and she couldn’t stop stealing glances at his beautifully constructed body. At the earliest opportunity, she planned to touch him all over and memorize every inch of him.

He closed his eyes and pushed deeper inside her, and she met his thrust with one of her own, needing to feel him even deeper. She sighed with pleasure, though she kept expecting at least a slight pinch of pain, the loss of her virginity. But the pain never came. There was only pleasure, quaking pleasure that repeatedly took her breath away.

Finally, he seated himself fully inside her. Her breasts tingled and her nipples tightened, nearly burning with the need to be touched or suckled. As if sensing her need, Gavvin dipped his head down to lave at her hardened peaks, not missing a beat as he drove his length in and out of her. But God, his thrusts were painfully slow. She wanted it faster, harder. She wanted him to be rough with her.

“Please,” she begged. “I-I can take more. Faster and harder. It doesn’t hurt at all, I swear it.”

A growl ripped from his throat and his pace immediately quickened within her depths. He dragged his teeth over one nipple, then clamped down, just enough to make her whimper, then he laved at her tightened bud, as if trying to caress the sting away. He soon gave her other breast the same delicious attention, this time vibrating his tongue over her nipple. Each vibration sent a zing of sensation to her throbbing clit.

As he claimed her, each drive more rapid than the last, she wrapped her arms around him and marveled at the feel of his muscles underneath her roving hands. He was so big, so strong, but he would never use his power to harm her. He would protect her from any danger, she knew this in the depths of her heart, and she sensed that fierce protectiveness would extend to their future children. He would make a wonderful mate and father, and gratitude resounded through her, the knowledge that they now belonged to one another filling her with hope.

Each thrust sent a jolt straight to her clit, and it wasn’t long before she cried out his name as another release swept over her. Her fingers and toes curled, and she gasped at the intensity of the pleasure, the quaking pulses that nearly drowned her in longing. She became lightheaded and felt as though she were floating up to the stars, but she eventually came back down to reality, her eyes locking with Gavvin’s loving green gaze.

“My sweet mate,” he said. “My treasure.”

In the next moment, his cock swelled larger inside her, and his muscles tensed further. He erupted into her with a growl that rattled the windows, filling her with his seed. The warmth of his essence coating her insides was an oddly pleasant sensation, and she wrapped her legs around his torso, wanting to take his seed as deeply into her body as possible. It was the final act of their mating, and a sense of peace settled over her, despite her breathlessness and bone-weary fatigue.

She aimed a dreamy smile at him as he withdrew his cock from between her thighs. She loosened her legs around his torso and relaxed into the mattress, unable to lift her head. He settled next to her and took her in his arms, cradling her against his chest. He stroked her hair and hugged her tightly, and his breath tickled her ear.

Emotion tightened in her chest. Husband. He’s my husband. And I’m his wife. We’re a family now, and I’m no longer alone.

The grief that had always seemed so close to the surface faded into the background. For too long, she’d felt like an outsider and the fear of an uncertain future had gripped her with a panic that often left her waking up in a sweat in the middle of the night. But Gavvin’s arms were the sweetest refuge.

Once, they were both outcasts, but they’d each found acceptance on New Vaxx—finally—and they’d also found one another. Perhaps this really was fate. Perhaps their union was truly meant to be.

It seemed far too soon to think of love, but she felt the beginnings of it stirring in her heart. She cared for Gavvin, and she knew he cared for her. There was no mistaking the affection in his gaze, nor the unwavering devotion of his actions today—he’d tracked her down and saved her life, and not for the first time. Though she appreciated his protectiveness, she sincerely hoped he wouldn’t have to save her life again anytime soon.

He tensed beside her and lifted his head, peering in the direction of the bedroom door.

“What is it?” she asked as sleep tugged at her. Despite his sudden movement, he didn’t appear worried, just thoughtful.

“I have a dose of nanobots to give you, sweet human.” He peered down at her, his eyes shining with regret. “Forgive me, I should have given you the dose before we mated. I-I was so eager to claim you as my mate, that it slipped my mind.”

“I’m no longer wounded—the touch healer mended my injuries completely. It’s not urgent. Let’s just stay here, like this, for a while longer. Please.”

“Very well,” he conceded. “But only for a little while. I want to keep you safe, always.”

“Are we in danger at this very moment?” she asked, humor tinging her voice. “The warrior who dropped us off in the hovercar told us that Leader Bricco was already naming names and his two accomplices in Starrzia had already been captured.”

He snuggled her closer. “I do not believe we are in any danger at the moment, my sweet Molly, but when it comes to your safety, I do not wish to take any chances. You are my heart.”

You are my heart.She took those words and tucked them away, intent to keep them close to her own heart like a secret treasure.

She shifted in his arms and peered at him, then traced a line down his muscular chest. He shivered at her touch and his cock hardened against her inner thigh. A spasm of heat assailed her core, desire pulsing through her and leaving her breathless all over again.

“Eager for more already, sweet human?”

“Perhaps,” she said, grinding her center into his cock as her fatigue vanished in the wake of her increasing need.

He lifted an eyebrow at her. “I’ll pleasure you again, but only once you’ve received your dose of healing nanobots.” He grinned down at her and playfully flicked her nose.

“Fine,” she said. “Go get your nanobots, but please do hurry back.”

He nuzzled her neck, placing gentle kisses up and down the slope of her neck and over each of her shoulders, before finally rising from the bed. He stood up in all his naked glory and departed the room. She nearly gasped at the sight of his firmly muscled buttocks flexing with his every step, and she flushed as the aching between her thighs mounted.

He returned and administered the shot, promising that it wouldn’t hurt. True to his word, it didn’t even pinch, and she only felt the slightest pressure on her arm as the nanobots entered her bloodstream.

He gathered her close and kissed her senseless, and they made love over and over, until they finally collapsed in mutual exhaustion, breathless and satisfied and joyous over the life they were starting together.

“You are my heart, too,” she whispered, just as she succumbed to a deep sleep while nestled securely in his embrace. The last thing she remembered before drifting off was Gavvin tightening his arms around her and placing a gentle kiss upon her forehead. She drifted off feeling treasured and loved.

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Thank you for reading Alien Warrior’s Treasure! I hope you enjoyed Molly and Gavvin’s story. More books in the Vaxxlian Matchmakers series are coming soon, stay tuned!

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Want more sexy Vaxxlian warriors now?

You’re invited to check out my Vaxxlian Alien Mail Order Brides series. Start with Rozar.

Or skip ahead and read Axall, Khann, and Myadd. (Yep, these sexy, protective warriors already have their own books!)

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