The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter Five

Regrettable Choices


Ok so I’m not stupid, I took the easy way out of the drama. I passed the fuck out and never gave an answer only to wake up half naked in a bed that sure as fuck is not mine. I lift the sheet and my face feels like it’s going to burst into flame, its worse than I originally thought. I’m only wearing my pink lace knickers and matching bra, both of which are far too skimpy to be seen by anyone I haven’t slept with.

“Who the fuck do they think they are?” I growl as I wrench the sheet off the bed and wrap it toga style around myself, the light blue material is soft enough to be comfortable but the end drags on the ground. “First order of business find my fucking clothes. Second, get the fuck out of here.”

“You know talking to yourself is the first sign of madness.”

The scream that is ripped from my throat feels like I’ve hurled glass out instead of sound. I cough and splutter as I whirl towards the owner of the voice. Rafe’s smirk is perpetually pissing me off. It’s like the man… demon, is enjoying my discomfort because the smirk actually grows into a full-on grin. His teeth are perfect, like he’s had so much work done to them that they are the ideal size, shape and straightness, not to mention how white they are. I mean he must bleach and visit a dentist every week to get them that perfect. Do demons even have dentists?

“No but we have perfect genetics, although I take offence to the term demon. Technically I’m an Incubus. Kane’s a Vampire and Gad’s a Dragon Shifter, but I suppose to a human we would appear to be demonic.” He frowns, “I’ll let it slide given your pitiful human brain would have trouble understanding the minute nuances between the races of the underworld.”

I must look like a fool, my jaw hanging open and my eyes as wide as saucers. I can’t believe he just insulted me and told me what they all are. I can believe the Gad’s a dragon shifter part, he’s built like a freaking mountain so it makes sense, but Kane’s a vampire, Like a blood sucking night creature from hell, kind of vampire? “Incubus?” I gasp as what Rafe said about himself finally bleeds through the chaotic thoughts in my head. “Like a sex demon?”

“Want to help me power up?” He wiggles his eyebrows and my lips twitch. I want to laugh, I want to scream, but more than anything, I’m so fucking curious and aroused that my body is leaning towards his.

“Not a hope in hell.” I hiss, stepping back.

Rafe’s blue eyes roll to the ceiling. “You know hell is not what you humans think.”


“Well to start with, Hell isn’t all fire and brimstone, its actually not much different to your plane. We don’t actually corrupt humans either, you do that all on your own, we just have the means to help you achieve a higher level of corruption. It’s not like we could just take an innocent and twist them into something evil, there has to be some evil in them to begin with.”

“That sounds exactly what Humans believe. Well not the Hell looks like Earth bit.”

“I’m not explaining right then.” He taps his chin, his brows pulling together. “The closest I can get to a good example would be pagans, they had it the closest, demons aren’t good or evil themselves, we can be both, just like humans. I mean, take you for example, I could force you to kiss me right now, but that’s not going to change who you are in your soul, it’s only going to turn you on and make you fall head over heels for me. If, however, you were someone who was on the cusp of addiction, and sex was your drug of choice, I could tip the balance inside you to the side of evil with a simple kiss.”

“No one is that good a kisser.” I scoff.

“Want to bet?”

His lips hit mine and it’s not just a kiss. It's the culmination of what feels like days’ worth of pent-up lust. It's worshipful, especially as it begins gently, like a simple caress of flesh. A moulding of mouths that leaves both of us panting and unsteady on our feet. As my back hits the wall, he deepens the kiss, teasingly taunting my tongue with his own.

I sigh disheartened as he withdraws, leaning his forehead against my own. His icy blue eyes staring right into my soul, begging me to reveal my deepest darkest secrets.

I blink and his hand tangles in my hair, pulling my face back to his.

The second kiss is worse. It's this perfect imitation of our bodies most animalistic desires. His tongue thrusting as his hips move against mine. His fingers dig deeper into my hair, gripping almost to the point of pain. His teeth graze my sensitive lips with each thrust of his talented tongue, making them tingle painfully before he eases back and soothes them with a gentle caress of his lips.

It's like he wants to show me how breathtaking it would feel to join ourselves as one. I have the urge to beg him for more. To shout to the stars above that I want this demon, despite his overbearing ways. I'd purr right now if I were a cat.

Hell, I'd hiss and spit if he stops. I'll claw his fucking flesh from his bones if he even thinks of saying no to taking this further.

Okay so in reality, I whimper like a kicked puppy and lose the ability to stand on my own feet. With a laugh, he scoops me up into his arms and carries me to the bed on the opposite wall. I grip his neck hard, refusing to let him go. "Please." It's barely audible but he pauses all the same. "Please." I'm a needy begging mess but still he tugs my hands loose, leaving me lying on the bed, practically panting with need, the sheet barely covering more than my underwear.

With a frustrated growl, I hurl the closest object at his back as he slips out the door. His cocky laugh almost masking the click of the lock.


I can’t believe he kissed me, turned me on beyond all thought and then left me high and dry. Who the fuck does that?

I sink back down onto the bed, my head in my hands as I try to calm down. I have no idea what to do now that I’m locked inside a bedroom with no actual clothes. Left alone with my thoughts for what feels like hours on end, I keep replaying the kisses over and over again, each time my mind plays out alternative endings. One such alternative has both Kane and Rafe involved and I blush despite the fact I’m alone right now. The very thought of two of them at once is enough to snap me out of my delirium. I cross the room to the door and try the handle. Definitely locked.

With a growl, I bang on the door, screaming at the top of my lungs, “Let me out!”

“It’s only been an hour; you’re still suffering the aftereffects; I can’t let you out just yet.” Rafe hisses through the door.

“After effects of what?” The moment my question is uttered, he’s opening the door and staring at me as though he can’t believe his eyes.

“How are you not attacking me right now?” Rafe almost looks disappointed.

“Cause you’re a giant asshole who thinks he’s the hottest most irresistible dick on earth. It’s really not all that attractive you know.” I’m lying through my teeth but he doesn’t need the ego boost. Not at all.

“What the fuck?” He grabs my arm, dragging me out the door and into a dark hallway. “I think we might have a problem.”

“Fuck don’t bring the Incubi infected in here. I don’t want the ugly bitch trying to hump my leg.” Kane snarls as Rafe drags me into the same loungeroom I first met Boss-demon in.

“Yeah, see that’s the problem. She isn’t trying to hump your leg.” Rafe pushes me over the arm of the couch right into Kane and he growls incoherently as he leaps from the couch. He takes two steps and whirls on me as though I’m a freaking disease he’s trying to avoid.

“Look at her Kane.” Rafe lifts my chin, turning my face so Kane can see my eyes. “Not a spec of lust infecting her.”

“That’s impossible, you said you kissed her and she was begging you to fuck her.” He glares at Rafe as though Rafe’s broken some sacred vow.

“She was. I swear it man, she was all over me, begging for it. I ran from the room and stayed right beside the door for less than an hour, there’s no way it wore off that quickly.”

“Do it again.”

“No!” My voice cracks with how high a pitch I get.

“No? You don’t have the right to deny us, remember. You are ours. To do whatever we say.”

“That’s rape!” I cross my arms over my chest, trying to protect myself from my own thoughts. Technically it wouldn’t be, because all I’ve thought about since I woke up is fucking any of them into oblivion, but it’s not like I’m going to agree to them experimenting on me without my permission.

“It’s just a kiss. Get over yourself.”

“No.” I snap again. “If you force me then its rape. I don’t want to kiss him. I don’t want to kiss any of you.”

“Liar.” Gad’s voice behind me makes me jump. “You tried to force me to kiss you when you thought I was your slave, so either its rape and you are guilty or its fair that we test this out and see it for ourselves.”

Fuck, he’s not wrong. Wait, no, I had no intention of following through with making him kiss me. I say as much out loud but Gad just growls, “Would you prefer the cell in hell?”

“Fine. One kiss.” I stand up stiffly, trying to stop the eager beat of my heart and the warmth spreading through me. The idea of kissing Rafe again isn’t as repulsive as I’m trying to make it seem. Honestly, I kind of want to see if it feels as good as I remember.

“Don’t be shy now babe, lay one on me and let’s see what happens.”

Yeah, cause that cockiness is going to make me want him. Dammit! Now I’m lying to myself.

I step into his personal space and place my hands on his chest. I’m so nervous I can’t bring myself to lift onto my toes to reach his lips. I didn’t realise until now just how much taller than me he is. With a head of height on me, you’d think it’d be awkward to kiss, but it felt so effortless back in the bedroom.

Maybe it’s because they’re all watching me. I shake my head a little and take a deep breath. No, that thought actually turns me on more. Maybe it’s because it’s not actually my choice. I’m not a coward, I swear I’ve never been one, but right now I’m shaking from head to toe. More scared than I was when they were chasing me through that alley way. More scared than I’ve ever been in my life.

All over a simple kiss.

“For fucks sake, quit dragging it out and kiss already. I’m getting bored here.” Kane’s words snap me into action, I lift onto my toes and press my closed lips to Rafe’s. I still feel the tingle his flesh against mine creates but it’s not until he responds by kissing me back, that I realise whatever they’re looking for isn’t there. Its simple lust on my part. I’m attracted to Rafe, despite his cocky, asshole-ish personality.

Rafe’s arms wrap around my back, one rubbing small circles along my spine before cupping the back of my neck. His lips open and I moan as his tongue darts out, teasing me with small taps against my own.

“Stop Rafe, she’s going to spiral. I seriously don’t want to see her trying to fuck everything that moves.” Kane’s snapped words bring me back to my senses and I rip myself away from Rafe’s lips enough to ask, “Why the hell would I try to fuck everything?” I push harder at Rafe’s chest, trying to put some much-needed distance between us but he just clings on tighter, refusing to let me go.

“Well, that’s different. I wonder….” Kane steps into my back, brushing my long hair away from my neck. “This won’t hurt. Much.” Then he bites my neck.

I’m not fucking kidding he bites my neck, like a vampire.

Wait, Rafe said he is a vampire!

“Ouch, what the fuck. Get off me!” My protests are feeble even to my own ears. I’m not under any supernatural effect though, still just plain lust. His bite never actually hurt either. There was an initial pinch, like getting a needle, but after that it felt, well kind of hot. Like every nerve in my body was being set alight and stimulated in the most erotic sense, but no actual pain.

I could get lost in the feeling of these two. Their hands aren’t holding me still anymore, well not in the restraining sense. I’m still immobilised but its more from the desire not to leave their shared embrace. Four hands trace over my flesh, teasing and taunting me as the two of them begin exploring, pulling moans from my lips.

I want them to stop.

I want them to keep going.

I’m being torn in two. One part of me wants to see where this leads, the other wants to pull away to prove a point. What exactly that point is, I can’t remember. All I know is that their hands and mouths are worshiping my body and I don’t want it to ever end.

“Fuck.” Gad’s hissed curse pulls my gaze to him, he’s palming his cock through his tight jeans. A look of pain and… Is he jealous right now? The thought slams into me, forcing all the lust from my mind but not my body. I writhe between the two demons who haven’t noticed my attention has wondered yet. I want them to stop. Not because I don’t want them, but because I want to reassure Gad that he’s got nothing to be jealous of.

“Stop!” The word comes flying out of my mouth, shocking everyone into stillness. “Get off me.” My chest is heaving, my body still alight from their touches, but I can’t let this go any further.

I can’t let this happen.

Not now.

Not ever.

“Well, I guess we don’t need to worry about you fucking everything that moves.” Gad’s rumbly voice is laced with something darker. His golden eyes are so dark I can barely see where the gold bleeds into the black of his irises, but his words are like a bucket of ice water on my libido.

“Everyone get to bed; we’ve got an early start tomorrow and I don’t want anyone complaining that they’re tired.” Gad grabs my arm, pulling me away from the other two and starts dragging me back towards the hallway. As we pass the blood red and black drapes, I glance out the window, gasping at the sunset. When I passed out, I must have slept the entire day away. “There’s no way I could sleep.” I mutter to myself. He must hear me though because he stops suddenly, turning to face me.

“Then just lie in the bed and stay quiet. Some of us haven’t slept for nearly forty-eight hours.”

“Why?” I keep moving past him even though I want to stop and talk. I really don’t want to be shut in that room again. I’m not claustrophobic, but there’s something about knowing that I can’t leave a room that makes me freak out. After a few slower, dragged out steps, he catches back up to me, his chest brushing against my shoulder as he passes.

“Why what?” He pauses his steps, but only for a second before continuing.

“Why haven’t you slept for forty-eight hours?”

This time he stops, making me walk right into his back. I place my hand on his hip to steady myself and he grunts out, “Because an annoying human has been driving me crazy and running off all over the place.” He turns to face me fully and I gasp at the look of pure want in his eyes. His gruff attitude and blank face don’t mask it at all.

“Hey, don’t blame me, you took me out to the woods all on your own.” I poke him in the chest and he growls. It’s this deep rumble that sounds a lot like his voice except more animalistic.

“Let’s get one thing clear, just so we’re on the same page. Rafe and Kane might enjoy playing with you humans but I do not. Your species is so far beneath mine that it would be like playing with mice. Disgusting.” The sneer his full lips pull up into doesn’t detract from his sexiness, but it does make me take a step back. “You’re not here for my entertainment,” Each of his words is punctuated by a step, forcing me backwards. “You’re here because the Boss doesn’t know what else to do with you. The sooner you learn your place, the sooner we can get rid of you.” He leans to the left and pulls the door shut, cutting off any reply I had. As the lock clicks into place, I find my legs giving out. My ass hits the soft carpet with a small thump, but I don’t really notice it. I can’t tear my eyes from the back of the door, Gad’s harsh words playing over and over in my head.

Maybe I would be better off trapped in a cell in hell.