The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter Seven

Car sex?


I spent most of the night staring at the locked door, it’s not until Rafe comes barging in that I even realise I fell asleep at some point. My bladder is killing me, my hair’s a mess and I would kill for a toothbrush, but my first thought as he comes in is not what I should be thinking.

The asshole is smirking as my gaze follows the dips and grooves in his exposed abs. He’s only wearing a pair of black boxer shorts. Boxers that are so low on his hips that I can see the dark trail of hair dipping below the elastic band at the top and the deep V that is carved out of solid muscle on either side.

The view is enough to have me thinking about where things could have gone if Gad hadn’t stopped us, but then his words come back to me. Your species is so far beneath mine that it would be like playing with mice. Disgusting. He wasn’t wrong, we’re not the same species, despite how sexy and human like they are, they’re not human. For a while I seem to have forgotten that fact, not anymore though.

I tear my gaze from the model worthy good looks of Rafe and get up off the floor. My neck has a slight crick in it, but the pain is a small reminder of how dangerous these demons are. “So, two questions, where’s the bathroom and what’s the plan for today?” I ask in my best fake bored voice as I walk over to Rafe and squeeze past him into the hallway. When he doesn’t answer right away, I look back at him. His jaw is slack as he stands there, staring open mouthed.

Rolling my eyes, I turn back to the hallway and start walking. When I get to the door that I think leads to the loungeroom, I hesitate. What if my original thought about the black doors being portals isn’t just a thought. What if I open this door and it leads not to the lounge room, but to a part of hell?

I needn’t have psyched myself out, Rafe pushes past me and opens the door, revealing said lounge room and a very mouth-watering scene.

Kane is completely naked.

His lips pull up into a smirk, he knows I'm checking out his body but there's not a blush or a hint of shame in sight. The asshole knows he's perfect, hell even that monster standing at half-mast between his legs is perfect. The longer I stare the stiffer it goes. Almost as though my gaze alone is enough to push all the blood from his brain into his… fuck stop staring.

It takes a lot of effort to tear my gaze from him, my cheeks heating as his smirk grows. "Like what you see?"

"I wasn't… I didn't… I was just…" I give up. "Yeah, I like what I see, doesn't mean I'm stupid enough to act on it." Deliberately roaming my gaze from his dark hair, down to his bright green eyes, his full kissable lips, very defined chest and lower.

I wink slowly before laughing, "Although you're smaller than I expected." I back out the door, leaning against it once it's closed.

Did I seriously just say that?

I manage to find a bathroom two doors down from the lounge room one, but as I’m hesitating to return to the lounge room, Gadriel barks out, “What the fuck are you loitering in the hall for?”

“Kane’s naked.” I squeak.

“Did you expect him to change his sleeping habits just because you’re staying in his bedroom?”

“What?” I glance back at the door as though I can still see Kane. Why would he give up his bedroom? Seems far too nice a gesture for an asshole.

Some of my thoughts must show on my face, Gad pushes me out of the way, opens the door and leans in to hiss in my ear, “Don’t read into it, he didn’t give up his room to be a gentleman. He only volunteered because he assumed that you’d be like every other human. Easy to get into the sack.”

“Although with how easy it was to make you moan while you were between the two of them last night, I’m surprised you’ve held out this long.”

“Fuck you!” How dare he try to shame me for how I reacted to the other two.

“I already told you. You’re nothing but a mouse to me.” He smirks, “A useless annoying pest that we’re only putting up with until the time comes to kill you.”

My eyes water at his words but I don’t let the tears fall. I swallow roughly and hold my head higher. Determined not to let him get to me. I don’t care what he says. I’m not interested in anything between all of… I mean any of them and me. They’re just my captors, nothing more.

“Lay off Gadriel, you’re going to scare her.” Rafe snaps at Gadriel.

“She should be scared. We used to eat her kind.”

What? I back into the wall, my eyes never leaving Gad. He can’t be serious. There’s no way they’d eat humans.

“I still do eat them, well their blood anyway.” Kane laughs bringing my wide eyes to back him. He’s got a pair of jeans on now at least.

“Quit fucking around. I want to get on the road before the trail gets even colder.” Gad throws a red piece of material at me, smacking me right in the face with it. I rip it off, glaring at the asshole. “Well, get dressed, we don’t have all day.”

I hold the material out in front of me, trying to figure out what the fuck it is. When I have it fully straightened, I almost throw it back at him. It’s nothing more than one of those tube dresses. The kind that covers from your boobs to your ass but leaves nothing to the imagination. “I can’t wear this.”

“So sorry its not to your liking princess, let me just call up the personal designer and get her to come make something special, just for you.”

My jaw hits the floor. What the fuck crawled up Gadriel’s ass today?

“Fuck’s sake, get dressed or I’ll have Rafe dress you.”

With one last glare for Gadriel, I turn on my heel and return to the bedroom. As I get untie the sheet-toga, I can’t help thinking about what Gadriel said, Kane’s room. Curious, I look around suddenly more interested in the room than I’ve been the last few times I was in here. There’s nothing personal about the room. No photographs, no posters, not even little knickknacks or anything. It’s like no one actually lived in the room. I walk over to the chest of drawers and pull them open.

Empty. Not a single item that belongs to the owner of the room. Maybe he just cleared it out before they put me in here. I can’t even convince myself of that lie. Clearly Kane has never considered this room to be home. So why would Gadriel be so adamant that it wasn’t a big deal. Most people only say that when it is and they don’t want credit for what they did.

The banging on my door startles me so much, I drop the excuse for a dress and quickly step into it. I’m just shimmying it up over my breasts when the door bursts open.

If Gadriel clenches his jaw any harder he’ll crack a tooth. “I told you we’re in a hurry.” Before I can protest, Gad throws me over his shoulder and carries me out past Rafe and Kane. Over to the elevator and then keeps me firmly in place all the way down to the car. The same one he tried to trick me with.

“You know humans think that people who own big black SUVs are just trying to compensate for their tiny little dicks.”

“You know saying tiny and little doesn’t really emphasize your point, it just serves to prove how miniscule your pathetic human mind is.”

“Your dick is miniscule.” I punch him in the lower back for emphasis.

“I take it back, you’re more annoying than a mouse, more like a mosquito.” He drops me into the same row of seats as the first time he threw me into the car, only this time, Rafe jumps into the row with me. I turn to grab the door handle but Rafe just laughs, “You won’t be able to get out. The weirdest thing about Dragon shifters is that they can control metal. Gad sealed the door’s seams from the outside.”

“What the fuck? Isn’t that like abuse of power or something. He could’ve just put the kiddie locks on the doors.”

“Dude’s always been inclined to overkill. Don’t worry, he’ll undo the magic when it’s time to stop.”

I turn around in the seat, pulling the hem of the dress down to attempt some semblance of modesty, but the more I pull the hem, the lower the top of the dress dips. After the fourth time it happens, I give up and lean back in the seat, crossing my legs to keep my knickers from being on display.

Rafe’s gaze stays on my legs so long, I start to squirm. I’ve never been overly adventurous in the bedroom; well, that statement alone should explain. The only experiences I’ve had have been in the bedroom. But the way Rafe’s looking at me has me squirming all over and wanting to experience the whole sex in a car idea.

He doesn’t make any moves though, just stares at my legs and watches me as though his mind is conjuring all sorts of dirty thoughts. I know mine is.

I’m not sure how long we sit in uncomfortable silence, but Rafe finally breaks the quiet with the most unexpected question, “Are you sure you’re entirely human?”


“Well, I’m usually completely in control in any situation, but most especially when it comes to sexual desire. My need for sex to boost my powers means that I enjoy sex but I’ve never felt this wanton before. There’s something about you that drives me just a little crazy.” He unbuckles his seatbelt and scoots over on the seat, pressing his jean clad thigh right up against mine. The contact has heat pooling low in my stomach and spreading lower, but I stay as still as possible.

“I’m human.” My breathy voice makes it seem more a question than a statement.

“Not a single human has been able to resist me, you, however, not only resist me but you don’t fall head over heels for me. Why is that?” His hand slides over my exposed thigh, creeping higher with each word until he’s caressing the soft flesh of my inner thigh.

My entire body reacts to that simple touch as though he’s plunged himself right inside my core and teased all the right places. I want to moan; I want to scream. I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anyone, but when he pulls away and studies me as though he’s testing a theory, I feel like I’ve been doused in ice. “You’re an asshole, you know that right?”

“See, that’s what I’m talking about. You respond to me like you’re feeling everything but your mind is free from all influences. It’s fascinating.”

“I’m not a toy to play with. I have feelings, desires….” I forget where I’m going with my argument as he slides his hand between my legs, gently gliding over my aching pussy lips through the pink lace. I’m sure I’m soaked, but his smirk only grows as my legs open wider, giving him full access.

With a deft move, he slips his fingers under the lace and right inside. Once, twice, he pumps his fingers into me without a word. His aquamarine gaze locked on mine as though gauging my reaction. He must see what he’s searching for because he slides off the seat, squeezing between the partition and front seat, keeping his magical fingers inside as he dips his head between my thighs.

The first swipe of his tongue has my back arching off the seat. My hands sinking into the soft waves of his hair. I’m not sure if I’m trying to pull him closer or push him away. I hear a tearing sound but whatever it is fades to the background as Rafe’s tongue finds a spot that drives me crazy with lust.

I grind up on his face, desperately seeking the edge I know is close. I’m teetering on it, but I need more. As though he knows every inch of my body, Rafe slides his fingers deeper, curling them in a way that has me flying right over the edge and sagging back into the car seat.

Once my high begins to fade, I open my eyes, Rafe’s still crouched between the seat and partition, his shiny lips pulled up into the cockiest smirk I’ve ever seen. “You taste like berries.”


“You taste like berries, I love berries.” He winks and slides back up onto the seat, adjusting his obvious hard-on so it’s not quite as obvious, then opens the door.

Kane and Gad peer into the car, both wearing curious grins. I’m so shocked that it takes me a few moments to realise, I’m sitting here, my dress pushed far too high and my knickers torn to shreds.
