The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter Eleven



My blood is pounding in my ears as I move through the small crowd in the hotel’s restaurant. The smells coming from the kitchen to my left aren’t especially delectable, but they aren’t unpleasant either. The place is packed for a weeknight, I’m not sure what I was expecting but to walk in here and find myself disappointed is shocking to say the least.

The very air shimmers with the amount of lust filling the room, its cloying and overly sweet compared to the lust that Krinessa produces.

I work my way through the throng, heading towards the bar when I spot my target, he’s sitting beside a young woman in a back booth. She looks like she’s barely legal. The closer I get, the more I realise she’s a lot younger up close.

I’m so distracted by the fury pouring through me at the thought of that asshole going after someone too young to corrupt, I don’t notice the tall brunette until she runs her hand along my arm, her bright red nails scraping my flesh lightly. Winking at me, she leans in close to whisper in my ear, “I’m off the clock right now if you want to have some fun.” Her proposition would normally have my blood pooling in my cock, but the bugger doesn’t even twitch at the sight of the beautiful brunette in her skimpy red dress.

“I’m taken.” I growl as I brush past her and head straight towards the bastard receptionist who dared to push all the buttons on the elevator. Don’t get me wrong, that alone was enough to piss me off, but the way he was looking at our girl… That’s what is going to cost him the most.

“Hey jailbait, might want to have a little self-respect and find someone your own age to play with, this one’s mine.” I keep my voice low, not wanting to embarrass the poor girl. She glances from me to the guy beside her before sliding off the bench seat and practically running from the restaurant.

“Sorry man, I’m not into guys.” The little shit receptionist goes to get up, but I push him back down.

“I’m not into guys either, but just this once, I think I’ll make an exception.” Not that I haven’t experimented, I am an incubus after all, but my proclivities definitely run towards women.

Tilting my head, I let my powers slowly creep across his flesh. It’s always fascinated me how easy some people react. Take this guy for example, his pupils are blown from that small hit of lust. I glance down and shake my head, he’s tenting his shorts but it’s a pathetic size, barely half the size mine is at half-mast. “Dude, no wonder you chase the younger girls. It must suck to be so small.” I laugh at my own joke while the tiny thing in his pants twitches at my attention.

I swallow back the bile in my throat as I lean closer to the punk. “You want to know why people fear demons?”

“Yes.” He pleads on a breathy moan.

“Okay.” My voice comes out chipper as I get to my feet and start walking towards the emergency exit that leads into the alley behind the restaurant. The punk follows blindly behind me, palming his tiny junk as he walks through the doorway and into the darkness.

My mind goes to the beautiful golden-red headed woman in the room seven stories above me. Guilt churns my stomach for a moment, but then I smile. I need to feed and this human is going to give just enough to get by until I can convince Krinessa to be mine. I stalk towards the receptionist, my gaze never leaving his. It’s not lust I’m pumping out now, it’s my trump card.

Pure, unrelenting fear.

And it tastes addictive.

Before I’m finished this punk won’t want to be within five hundred feet of me or anyone my scent is on.

I draw as much power from him as I safely can before letting his limp body drop to the ground. He’ll live, more the pity, but at least I’ll be able to look Krinessa in the eye without feeling guilty.

I never thought I’d be this wrapped up in someone, but that woman is killing me with how fast I’m falling.

I’m just heading back towards the elevator when I run into Gad, his arms are loaded down with shopping bags. I raise my brows at the blush that creeps up his cheeks. “What have you got there?”

“Just some things for Krinessa.” He grunts as the elevator dings our arrival.

“What things?” He doesn’t answer, just pushes past me and rushes into the hotel room. I’ve never seen him act like this before. I follow after him, curious to see what he’s up to. He heads straight to the bed Krinessa is sleeping on and carefully pulls out several sets of women’s clothes, a few sets of expensive looking lingerie and a small velvet box. He places everything beside her on the bed, along with a brand-new backpack with a tick symbol on the front and then backs away as though he’s afraid of something.

I’m tempted to wake Krinessa up to see what he’s playing at but she looks so peaceful lying there with her red-gold hair splayed out across the black pillowcase. There’s something about this woman that is just so alluring. I want to find out everything there is to know about her. I want to get to know her.

I’m shocked at my own thoughts, tearing my gaze away from her is harder than I’d like to admit, but once I’m no longer staring, my mind clears a little. I’m an incubus, sex appeal is one thing but wanting to get to know someone… That’s well beyond my experiences. I’m not sure what to do so I just pace back and forth, avoiding looking at the bed against the far wall and the far too tempting woman spread out across it.

In the five minutes I’ve been pacing, she’s shifted in her sleep, the sheet now barely covering her ass and chest. My cock instantly goes hard at the display of flesh. Her legs are gorgeous, all long lines and sleek muscle just ripe for sinking my fingers into while I plunge right into that sweet berry tasting…

Fuck, stop it Rafe. You made a deal with the others, no one touches her again until we get the mark off her soul.

“This is fucking torture.” Gad grunts shifting in his spot against the wall near the door.