The Princess & Her Alphaholes by Renee O’Roark

Chapter Twelve

Gifts and Shocks


My hand lands on something super soft and fuzzy making my eyes snap open. Lying on the bed beside me is a pile of new clothes, including a faux fur scarf. I run my hands over the material, enjoying the feel of the fuzziness. I could snuggle it all day. Which I’m going to do. I decide sitting up on the bed.

Rafe’s sound asleep on the bed across from me while Gad looks like he’s sleeping standing against the wall. I can’t see Kane anywhere, so I take the opportunity to ogle the two guys without them seeing.

I have to admit, these guys might be demons, but damn they’re hot. Gad’s sun-bleached hair is hanging over one eye, giving his face a shadowed bad boy look, while Rafe’s long locks are spread out like a dark halo around him. The contrast between the two is like looking at a selection of your favourite foods, your mouth waters for each tempting one, but for completely different reasons.

Gad’s muscles flex as he shifts his position slightly, I quickly tear my gaze away thinking he’s waking up, but he just shifts on his feet, bringing my attention right back to him, then he settles again. I’ve never seen anyone sleep standing up, it’s fascinating to see.

My gaze drifts back to the dark prince, lying on his back surrounded by that halo of long hair. I’m curious if its silky, just like I’m curious if he’s sporting morning wood. Neither is something I’d check, but curiosity still draws my eyes down his body, admiring the way the light plays across each ab muscle, making them look etched from stone.

“You know it’s rude to stare Princess. Or didn’t your Mumma ever teach you that.” I practically jump out of my skin at the deep bass of Gadriel’s voice. I turn to glare at him, but he’s far too close, I can feel the heat from his body, his minty breath ghosting over my face as he adds, “You should put some clothes on.” It’s not a request, nor is it a demand, it’s more like he’s praying that I will put him out of his misery.

I tilt my chin up, my eyes searching his face. “No, I’d rather shower first.”

“Want me to wash your back.” I don’t even need to look at Rafe to know he’s smirking. The flirt’s probably waiting for me to turn around so he can throw in a wink with that pathetic line.


“It’s okay Gad, I’ll wash yours too if you want. Don’t want you getting jealous now, would we?” Rafe says it so sincerely that even I believe he’d wash Gadriel’s back, just picturing the smaller man trying to reach the top of Gad’s back has me trying to hold in my laughter. The giggle that comes out of my mouth is not a sound I ever thought I’d make, but it has a reaction on the two men in front of me that I was not expecting.

“She… um… Shower. I’m just… I’ll… go. Yeah, I’m going to go… um… find Kane.” Gad’s stumbled words have me giggling so hard, my stomach starts to hurt. I just about lose it when he glances back from the doorway, his face contorted in what looks like pain.

Rafe’s own laughter rivals mine, “Well, I’ve never seen him so nervous, I wonder if we could bottle that laugh. Just to mess with him.”

I make the mistake of looking at Rafe, who does indeed wink at me. “I wonder if he’d be just as susceptible to a pout.” I suggest with a wink of my own as I make my way over to the bathroom door. “Then again, you might regret seeing that yourself.” I poke my bottom lip out, threatening said pout. Rafe’s smirk drops from his face so fast I have trouble holding the pout.

“No.” He backs towards the door that Gad disappeared through. “Don’t ever do that to me.”

“Why Rafe, are you afraid of a….” I quiver my lip, giving him the biggest puppy dog eyes, I can muster and watch as he literally runs from the room. “Well, now I know how to get a few minutes to myself.”

I’m just pulling on the new clothes the guys left for me after my shower, when Kane bursts into the room. “What on earth did you do to Gad and Rafe? Both of them are sulking out in the hall.”

“I didn’t do anything.” I shrug as I run the brush through my still damp hair.

“You must have done something.”

“Nope. Not a thing.” I wrap the scarf around my neck and then perch on the edge of the bed as I slip the new shoes onto my feet. There’s something about having actual clothes on that makes me feel more like myself. I can’t help the flirty smile that graces my lips as I stand and face Kane. He looks kind of like a sexy assassin dressed all in black. I’m tempted to ask him why he always wears black but the door opens and Rafe pokes his head in asking, “Ready to go? We got a lead.”

Not ten minutes later we’re pulling into the carpark out the front of a dive bar. There’s a neon red sign above the door, FE-666, I frown up at it, curious what the FE stands for, but I don’t get the chance to find out. Gadriel ushers me inside with a hand on my lower back. His fingers flirt with the exposed skin above my jeans. Every step is practically agony as I’m teased to within an inch of my life. The asshole doesn’t even seem to realise what he’s doing to me.

I’m guided to the only empty stool at the bar. Gad waves a single finger in the air and the pretty brunette bar tender winks and then disappears behind a door behind the bar. She reappears a moment later with a bottle of Jack and two glasses. All of which she slides down the bar, right into Gad’s waiting hands.

He pours two fingers into each glass and turns to me, “Cheers.” The bourbon burns my throat on its way down, but it’s the most delicious burn. To my shock Gad then repeats everything, only this time he leans down and presses a soft kiss to the corner of my mouth instead of saying cheers. A shudder of arousal shoots right through me.

“Want to dance?” His question shocks me out of my daze. “Aren’t we here to find my mother?” I ask as I jump down from the stool. Bloody tall people have no idea how annoying it is to have to jump from something as simple as a bar stool.

“Yup, Kane and Rafe have it all under control.” His hand warms my spine as he leads me across the room to the crowded dance floor. Seether and Amy Lee’s Broken comes on and I start swaying to the sweet melody their voices create. Gad’s arms circle my waist, his breath tickling my neck as he leans in to speak in my ear, “Looks like we’ve hit the jackpot.” He nods to my left and I follow his gaze. Standing against the wall near the bathrooms is my mother, only she’s not alone. Rafe, Kane and to my shock, Boss-demon are blocking off her escape.

I’m out of Gad’s arms and barrelling towards her before I can even think. The closer I get to her the more I frown. From a distance, I could’ve sworn it was my mother, but the closer I get, the less sure I am. Her greying hair is a deep shade of chestnut, her once cold grey eyes appear to be full of light and passion as she glares at Boss.

None of that is what has me pulling up short though. No, what has me hitting the brakes is the fact that she looks like she’s no older than me.

“Gabriella, we know what you did. We have out proof right here.” Boss grabs my arm, causing Kane, Rafe and Gadriel to growl. Boss frowns at them, before tugging me closer. I’m right in front of the woman and I can’t wrap my mind around the fact she looks nothing like my mother, yet at the same time, there’s no denying the fact that this woman in front of me is indeed my mother.

“Mum?” The word leaves my lips before I can clamp my lips shut.

“I thought you were smarter than this Krinessa. Do I look like I could actually be your mother?”

“No.” I’m not sure if I’m trying to deny her words or the meaning behind them. “Who are you?” Before she can lie to me again, I ask, “Who am I?”

“No one important. Just a girl I snatched from a dead woman.”

My breath hitches as my eyes blur. “Wh-What?” I hiccup. Something inside me snaps. How dare she lie right to my face. Again.

The crunch of her nose is the only warning I have that I’ve thrown the punch. Not once in my entire life, have I ever even thought about hitting Gabriella. I loved her as my mother. I respected her as a woman, but right now, this version of the woman I thought was my family, she’s nothing to me.

“Tell me how to reverse this bullshit!” I growl, thumping my fist over my heart.

“No fucking way, you dumb fucking bitch. You’re nothing to me and this dick can’t do shit to me while you’ve got the mark.”

“The hard way it is.” Boss laughs, grabbing Gabriella by the throat. I gulp, but despite the small part of me wanting to stop him, I don’t move a muscle to help her.

“Krinessa, don’t let him hurt me.” Her pleas fall on deaf ears as I start to turn away.

“Why would she help you?” Kane asks coldly.

“What?” Even I can hear the shock and fear in her voice. It makes that vindictive part of me rear its ugly head, “Why should I help you? You said it yourself, I’m nothing to you. Just a dumb bitch.”

“I know what you really are.” She calls out, just as I’m turning my back on her.

“We already know she’s a Cabaris.” Gad growls.

“Do you know what that means?”

“That she’s Lilith’s vessel? Yup.” Rafe pops the P and grabs my hand.

“She’s not Lilith’s vessel. She’s Lucifer’s.”

Every single one of the guys go deadly still, their gazes turning to me. “No.” Kane and Rafe deny.

“Lilith never wanted a vessel on earth, she wanted Lucifer out of hell. There’s only one way a fallen angel can live in this realm….” Gabriella trails off and all four guys continue to stare at me. Boss’s hand is still around Gabriella’s throat, but it’s almost as though he can’t move. The look of utter shock in his beady eyes is scary.

“Lucifer’s a guy, he can’t use a female vessel.” Gadriel continues to stare at me, but the look in his golden eyes is more calculating than shock. “Can you?” he directs the question to Boss.

“It’s possible, but I’d know if she were my vessel.”

“You’re….” I shake my head as I back away. “That’s not possible.” Gadriel grabs my arm, pulling me into him. “Let me go!” I shout loud enough to make several people in the bar turn in our direction. Boss pushes Gabriella into Kane, who wraps his arms around her and hoists her over his shoulder. She kicks and screams but he just mumbles something and then Gabriella slumps, her eyes glazing over.

I blink and Boss is in front of me, his beady eyes staring into mine. “I’ve always wondered what it would be like to be a female. Perhaps I was too remiss in investigating the reasons behind my mark being moved to you.” He strokes my cheek, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. “You know there’s only one vessel ever created for any fallen angel.” My entire body shudders. “Don’t fear, love, we’ll be together soon.” His hand caresses my cheek once more before he taps my forehead, the world goes black, but I don’t pass out fully, I can hear them talking around me.

“Take her to the penthouse. I need to find out if this is true. This could change everything.”

“Will do Boss.” Gad’s voice sounds strangled. Someone picks my lifeless body up and cradles me to a warm chest. I can feel the guys around me moving, but whoever has hold of me is careful not to jostle me too much. The movement lulls me into a sleep-like state, my mind shutting down from information overload.

“What the fuck are we going to do?” Rafe’s voice against my ear, brings me back to the surface, but not enough to remove the darkness from my eyes.

“We could hide her away.” Kane’s suggestion has me wanting to tell them it’s a great idea, but my lips refuse to form the words.

“No. We don’t have a choice. If she truly is his, then we have to let her go.” With every word out of Gadriel’s mouth, my hate for him grows. I want to pound his too sexy face until its unrecognisable, but again, I can’t move.

“Maybe Gabriella is lying. She seems to be really good at lying.” The sound of a car engine and doors closing make my heart race. Boss told them to take me back to the penthouse, but that’s almost three days drive away. There’s no way whatever it is that’s holding me in this darkness could last that long, right?

“I don’t think she was. We need to face the fact that she’s no longer ours to play with.”

Play with? Is that all I have been to these fucking demonic assholes, just a toy to play with?

“You can’t be that fucking stupid Gadriel, you know damn well she’s not some toy.” Damn right! I scream in my head as he adds, “You feel the same thing we do every damn time you so much as think about her. Don’t bother trying to deny it, why else would you go out of your way to buy her clothes when you could’ve just conjured them like you did with that awful dress you made her wear.”

“It doesn’t matter what I feel. If she is his then we have to give her u-.”

“No fucking way.” Rafe’s arms around me tighten almost to the point of pain. “I’m not giving her up.”

“Ease up, you’re going to hurt her.”

“Fuck!” Rafe’s grip loosens and as he whispers ‘sorry’ into my hair, my heart melts a little more towards him. I’m still hating on Gadriel though.

My mind shuts down again after the silence in the car stretches to uncomfortable lengths.