Fierce King by Ivy Mason


I simmeredat the sight of Rose in Bourbon's bed, his arms wrapped around her possessively.

She looked so regal.


Clearly flushed with lust.

Perfectly sensual, with a flat stomach and muscled arms. Tits the perfect size to palm in your hands. The peaks of her nipples pebbled with want. Her panties were soaked, and I could practically smell her pussy from where I stood

And yet, her expression was defiant. Demanding. Her voice, dripping with derision.

I’d seen the way her eyes had flared when she saw me. How they took in my appearance, her tongue flicking out, curving over her perfectly formed, luscious upper lip.

And then, when her eyes caught on the collar of my shirt, her body stiffened, morphing from desire to defiance.

I was tempted to check my collar but I stifled the thought when I realized that the redhead must have brushed her lipstick on it.

Bourbon's face was filled with satisfaction; he was seeing the same thing she was seeing.

He knew that I wasn’t fucking anyone else, but he didn’t disabuse her of the notion. Instead, his fingers on her inner thigh tightened, his eyes warning me to stay away. That she belonged to him now.

That he was going to fight me for her.

That, for once in his fucking life, he cared about what happened.

If he thought I was backing down, he needed to get his nuts checked.

Just the sight of her in his arms made me seethe with anger. I had to stop myself from crossing the bedroom and yanking her from his hold.

My eyes drifted downward to his fingers, tracing over the outside of perfectly white lace, presenting her to me.

She was still a virgin.

He hadn’t lost control and broken the only rule in the game.

I'd bought her white lace because it had reminded me of her innocence. That she'd yet to give up the one thing both Bourbon and I desperately wanted.

And now, he was taunting me with it.

Letting me know he could’ve taken it from her. That she would’ve given it to him.

I lifted a mocking eyebrow, meeting his gaze. "Looks like I got here just in time."

The edges of his nostrils flared in indignation. “You know better.”

“Do I?” I took a step into the room and once again Rose's eyes wandered towards my collar. If I had known that the redhead was going to mark me, I'd have let Lucy at her. Let the stupid bitch suffer for making Rose doubt my devotion to her, for possibly ruining this chance for me.

I hated the fact that she was mocking me but I loved to see the flare of jealousy and anger burning in her gaze. It only fueled me on more.

It told me she wasn't completely enthralled with Bourbon.

That I still had a chance to win her.

As soon as her eyes met mine, I gave Rose an arrogant grin. Her eyes narrowed in response, but they moved to my fingers as I flicked up my collar, then loosened my tie, bringing it up and over my head.

Every single movement, she watched.

Watched the tie drop to the floor.

Watched nimble fingers move over the buttons, undoing them.

And when her eyes took in the broad expanse of my chest, her gaze softening at the sight of the bandages covering my bullet wound, she hitched a breath. A breath filled with want. Desire. Curiosity. As I shrugged off my shirt, I inhaled a deep breath, pride filling me, the knowledge that she may be angry at me but she still wanted me.

Even though she thought I’d been with another girl tonight.

Bourbon scoffed, breaking the sexual tension crackling between me and Rose. "Always so dramatic."

My cocky grin stretched even bigger, making my cheeks ache with my arrogance. "Says the man who’s finger fucking my girl right in front of my face."

His expression darkened and his hold over her grew tighter. ""She's not your girl."

“Isn’t she?” I gave her a lazy once over, then suddenly grew serious, making my way towards the bed. “Let’s find out, shall we?”

“What?” Rose instantly straightened.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" Bourbon growled. "I'm not sure you're coming from a position of strength, brother."

I tilted my head to the side, eyes still on him even though Rose had stiffened in anger. "Are you certain you are?”

He scowled and my eyes went to Rose, my voice gruff and demanding. “Play time is over, Rose.”

I’m the one playing?” she growled out.

“Yes, Rose. You’ve been toying with our hearts, from the moment you saw us in that hotel.”

She scoffed, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, and I kidnapped myself, too.”

I leaned forward, my hands digging into the soft mattress and met her gaze with a serious one. “You’ve been playing games with us, even it was only to keep yourself alive. Tell me I’m lying.”

“You’re lying.”

I clicked my tongue, shaking my head. “You’re lying to yourself, Rose. You had the chance to leave, but you didn’t. Why didn’t you?

She didn’t meet my gaze but looked down at the bed. She drew in a breath, and it made her chest expand, drawing my eyes to those perfect tits. Her voice was small when she responded. “The truth is… I don’t know.”

When she looked back up at me, I saw the shame in her eyes and remorse ripped through me.

God, I was an ass.

“So you admit it,” I kept on, and she nodded. I leaned over, crawling onto the bed like the ultimate predator, going in for the kill. I was going to crack her open and examine all the pieces that made up ‘Rose.’

“The time for playing games is over. Make a choice. Who will own you from today on out? Bourbon? Or me?”


“Choose.” I demanded. “Me. Or Bourbon.”

Again, her eyes went to my neck, then she met my gaze with a defiant one of her own. “Bourbon.”

I chuckled. “Are you sure?” At her confused look, I expounded. “Are you sure he can protect you, Rose?”

Her eyebrows furrowed, and Bourbon stiffened behind her, growling like an animal. “You asshole.”

“You’re right. I changed my mind.” She shook her head, showing me a strength that surprised me. “I choose no one. I belong to myself.”

It was true.

She didn't belong to either of us, something that needed fixing, immediately.

My hand snapped out, wrapping around the nape of her neck, dragging her to me. I dug my thumb into her chin harshly. “You will chose between us, or we will kill you.”

God, she was beautiful. Sensual. A creature to worship and adore.

She didn't belong in our darkened world, but I was wicked enough to demand it from her.

The woman belonged to me. I would drag her kicking and screaming into it if that's what it took.

I wanted her, and there was nothing I wouldn't do to make her mine, even if it meant making her think her life was on the line.

She met my eyes, and hers were alight with fury. “Then kill me.”

“No.” I leaned down, biting down on her lower lip so hard I tasted her coppery blood in my mouth. “You will choose between us, and lose your innocence as payment for keeping you safe all this time.”

“Fuck you, Coulter.” Her tongue came out, licking at her blood, brushing it across mine for a brief second, sending an electric thrill shooting through me. My hand went to her waist, and I tugged her closer, staring down into her eyes. “Choose me, Rose. I’ll do everything in my power to save you from this life. Isn’t that what you want?”

Bourbon was silent behind her but his presence was demanding attention all the same. I growled in anger as she glanced at him, uncertainty in her gaze. Then she shook her head, shaking her thoughts from her mind, her expression hardening. “No. Do what you want to me, but I’m not playing this game anymore.”

I grinned, then leaned in to whisper in her ear. "Can I tell you a secret, Rose?”

She shivered, and I felt her nipples prickle against my chest.

I briefly closed my eyes at the feel of them.

I wanted to lower my mouth to them, to taste her once more.

I'd been dreaming about it all evening.

Instead, I gripped her chin, forcing her face upwards so that I could look into her beautiful jade eyes.

Eyes that begged me to take her every time I looked into them.

"What?" her voice was mocking.

I grinned, loving that look on her face. Her jealousy was like lightning to my soul.

I leaned back in, nipping her ear, whispering. "I haven’t been with another woman since I met you Rose. Do you want to know why?"

She was frozen at the revelation, except for her head, which nodded only slightly.

"Speak with your words, Rose. I need to hear you say it."

"Why?" The words were spoken with a croak, as if she were forcing them from her throat.

My lips slid down her throat, suckling her skin, and she exhaled a breath and closed her eyes, tilting her head to give me greater access.

I chuckled darkly with the thrill that she wanted me still, even though she wasn't exactly sure if I was lying or not.

I kissed and suckled down her throat, then upwards towards her mouth. I hovered just over her lips, nibbling on the edges. My fingers on her chin tilted her head upwards again and I gazed into her eyes to whisper the words I’d wanted to tell her since the night I met her.

"Because. You belong to me, Rose." Her lips pressed together in a firm line. "You were mine the moment I saw you in that hotel. And that's why I took you. Saved you from that asshole. Aren't you grateful I saved you from him?"

Her throat bobbed, but she nodded once more, her voice soft but so sweet. "Yes."

Pleasure strummed through me and I made a humming sound. “Tell me, thank you.”

“Thank you, Coulter.”

“You’re welcome, Rose.” Then I stared into her eyes, making sure she held my gaze as I made the promise. "And, as long as you belong to me, I will never be with another woman."

Her lips parted in surprise, and she stared at me so long that I wanted to lean down and take her lips. To seal my promise with a kiss. But I hated her hesitancy, the way she was still leaning back into Bourbon as if he had been the one to save her. Hated that she still didn’t see that it was me all along.

I. Had. Saved. Her.


Not fucking Bourbon.

Bourbon had stood by, letting Dimitri do whatever the hell he wanted to do with her.

She’d been tied to the bed when we’d gotten there, probably for hours.

Bourbon was going to leave her with that beast. I knew I was a hypocrite because how many times had I done that exact same thing? It was common in our world. But the chance that she would believe he’d played any role in protecting her from that man drew out the green monster in me.

God, it burned through me like a living, breathing entity. I hated the scorching, raging bitterness blazing through me, but it roared out all the same, demanding payment.

I gripped the back of her hair, tightening it painfully so that she was looking at me, and only me.

“Choose.” I demanded. “Now.”

Her nostrils flared, anger spitting from her eyes. “No.”

“Yes.” It was Bourbon now, and it surprised me so much that my hold on her loosened. She shifted, tilting her face towards him. His hardened gaze met hers. “Make your choice, Rose. It’s time.”

Her lips parted in surprise. “What?”

He didn’t sway, his gaze a cold wall of ice now. “It’s time to determine your fate.”

“You’re both fucking assholes. It’s you who’ve come to me, you who watched,” her gaze shifted to me, fury and lightning in her eyes, “you who put your hands all over me. You put your fingers up inside me, tasted me with your tongue. You took the first orgasm a man has ever given me.” I sucked in a breath with the revelation but she kept on. “You took everything from me. So fuck you, Coulter. You didn’t save me, you took what you wanted, then pretended it was for my benefit.” Her gaze snapped to Bourbon. “And you, you stood by, watching as he took it. You’re the one playing games, you’re stringing me along for some reason, and I’m only trying to stay alive.”

“Exactly,” Bourbon growled, his voice dark and deadly. “Now make your choice.”

“Or you’ll kill me?” Her voice squeaked.

Bourbon shook his head. “I can’t tell you what will happen.”

“Why not?”

“Because everything depends on your choice,” he growled, “now decide.”

She stared between us, suddenly looking vulnerable.

The crack in her armor was showing, and everything inside me tightened in anticipation.

It would crush me if she chose Bourbon. It would break me open and everything would come rushing out. All my fears and emotions, splaying before her, waiting for her to squelch it between her fingers.

She looked down, hiding her face from us. Her fingers brushed across her cheek, wiping away a tear.

Oh God. I closed my eyes, shame tearing through me.

I’d pushed her too far.

“Rose,” my voice revealed my guilt. “I’m sorry. I didn’t--”

“No.” Her voice had hardened, and when she looked back up at me, it was her that was like a wall of stone. “If I have to make a choice, then I choose neither. And if you have to kill me for it, then,” her voice trembled but she stared between us determinedly, “well, kill me. Just like you did Lily.”