Fierce King by Ivy Mason


Rose waslimp in my lap, leaning into Bourbon. He pressed soft kisses to the side of her face, and something about the sight made my chest burn.

It had been a long time since I’d seen this side of Bourbon.


If ever.

My fingers traced over her skin lovingly. Touching her like this grounded me.

I pulled in a shuttering breath, knowing that we had big problems to deal with but that, for her, everything would be worth it.

The unspoken agreement Bourbon and I had come to, that we would share her, bonded us together again.

It was a small step but also a humongous one.

There was a semblance of trust between us again.

I also knew that I would have to start helping out more with the family business, taking the weight off Bourbon’s shoulders, and do my part.

We would have to talk about it at some point, decide how things would work, but for now, we sat in the silence of the room, just enjoying each other’s company.

After several minutes, Rose stirred, and Bourbon pulled her up, placing her in my arms, then helped me off the bed. He took care of the condoms and, as I shuffled off it, I bit down on my groan at the pain shooting through my side. I was lucky the bullet wound there wasn’t bad but it was still healing.

I shook my head, brushing off Bourbon’s concerned look, and he turned, moving quickly, going to his bathroom ahead of us to turn on the shower.

As I waited for it to warm, I placed Rose delicately on the counter, then, standing between her legs, cupped her cheeks. She blinked up at me with tired but happy eyes, and I kissed her softly, tenderly.

Bourbon joined me, and soon we were both showering her face with affectionate kisses.

Her head rolled to stare up and between us, a soft smile on her face. “God, that was amazing. If I’d have known how amazing sex was, I’d have fucked lots of guys before now.”

“You will never do that, Rose, because you belong to us now,” Bourbon growled out, and Rose only nodded, sliding from the counter as I led her to the shower.

It was big enough for all three of us, and both Bourbon and I washed her delicately. Bourbon took care of shampooing and conditioning her hair, while I moved the soap-filled loofah over her skin, being extra soft around her sensitive parts.

Not many women would take two men at once, especially their first time. I wanted her to trust us to take care of her so that she would do it again. Sharing her with Bourbon was going to be hell on my mind, and I’d have to work hard to block out my jealousy, but I was determined to do it.

Once Bourbon was finished, he washed himself off quickly, then he got out and, wrapping a towel around himself, left the room. He was gone for a while and when he returned, he shoved the dirty sheets into the basket. He also had two towels and clothes for us both.

I helped Rose out, and, after throwing my stuff at me, he dried her off, then put on a button up shirt over her and sweats that swallowed her whole.

I grinned at the sight, and Bourbon’s eyes were heated as he helped her with the buttons.

I also noticed that he gave her no underwear, and chuckled at the cheeky bastard.

Rose only gave a contented sigh as Bourbon lifted her up into his arms, wrapping her legs around his waist as he carried her into his room. He nuzzled into her cheek, then kissed her softly, disappearing into the room.

Happily humming, I dried myself off, then changed out my now wet bandage. Then I pulled on his jeans, sans underwear, and strode into the room, still drying my hair.

As soon as I entered it, I rocked back onto my heels in shock. The towel fell from my hands and my stomach lurched at the sight before me.

Lucy was standing in Bourbon’s room, an angry glare on her face.

Her fingers were wrapped around Knights arm, holding him still, and in the other hand, she held a Glock to his head.