Fierce King by Ivy Mason


As soon asBourbon and I stepped into the room, he stilled, his whole body seizing up and, once more, becoming tense and strained. A woman was in the room with a gun in her hands, pointed at a redheaded man next to her.

It took me a moment to see her but, by the time I noticed the woman glaring at me from across the room, Bourbon had stepped in front of me, his voice a low growl.

"How the hell did you get in here? And what the hell did you do to Grant?"

Her lips twisted upwards in a cocky smirk. "I've been coming around here long enough to know how things work, Bourbon.” She fluttered her eyelashes. "Plus, I've got some boys who owe me some favors."

"Motherfucker," he spat out, but that only made her grin stretch wider.

"Maybe, but that depends on how much you’re paying."

Bourbon responded with a growl and he lurched towards her but her hand with the gun went straight to the redhead’s head.

I barely remembered him from when Coulter had first taken me, he was one of the goons that helped him kidnap me, then helped him keep me in that room.

Maybe I shouldn't feel worried about him but I couldn't help it.

"Don't move a muscle," the girl hissed, "Or I’ll blow Knight's head off."

Bourbon halted, his hands clenching into fists and his jaw ticking, but otherwise, he made no move towards them.

"Madam Dupree will kill you for this, Lucy,” Bourbon promised. "If I don't get to you first."

"Madam Dupree hasn't had control over me in a long time," Lucy looked positively happy about this statement. "Fortunately, none of you fuckers noticed before I could make my move."

Bourbon's lips pulled up in a lazy grin. He leaned an elbow onto the dressers, while still managing to stay in between me and Lucy, looking like he didn't give a shit at the same time.

“And what is your big plan, Lucy? Did you expect that Coulter would actually fall for you? You know you were just a good fuck to him, right?"

I couldn't stop the jealousy that burned through me at his words. So this was the girl Coulter’d been with. Did he come from her place to here, tonight? Is that why she was so pissed off?

Lucy didn't answer, instead she dragged Knight with her, the gun still trained on him as she got close enough to us to look into my face. Her lips turned up in a knowing smirk. Her stare burned into me like she wanted to blow my head off with the gun, but a chuckle left her mouth. "Ah, I see now why Coulter's so hung up on this slut." She cocked her head at Bourbon, staring into his eyes. "Why didn't you just tell me, Bourbon? I'm a reasonable person, I would've let him have his fun with her. Then, after he got bored with her, he'd come back to me."

"Not likely," Bourbon scoffed. "Coulter's regretted you for a long time, Lucy, but you don't know how to take a hint."

At this she snarled, digging the gun into Knights's head even deeper. "Shut your fucking mouth, Bourbon. You probably don't even know how to get your dick up."

"You're probably right."

Bourbon didn't try to disabuse her of the notion, though I knew that not only did he know how to get his dick up, he also knew how to use it very well.

Suddenly, Coulter entered the room, the look on his face clearly showing that he'd had no idea what had been going on in here. He had a pair of jeans on, and the bandaging over his stomach wound was fresh.

A flash of surprise caught on his face for a second before it turned dark and steely.

"Lucy." His voice was a low, disappointed grunt. “What are you doing here?"

His eyes didn't stray to Knight, who looked pretty much chill throughout this whole ordeal. Like this kind of thing happened to him every day. Even when the gun was to his head, his eyes had gone as hard as glass but he hadn't stiffened or acted afraid.

"I've come here to collect," Lucy answered Coulter’s question.

Coulter leaned against the doorjamb to the bathroom, not looking worried at all.

"And what's that? Who are you here to collect? If you didn't notice, I fired your ass earlier."

Well, shit of all shits, but even though she had a gun trained on Coulter's goon, it still made me feel all warm and fuzzy to know that Coulter had tried to get rid of this crazy bitch. Everything was suddenly making more sense.

"I'm not here for you," she sneered, then her eyes shifted, locking on me. "I'm here for the girl. Word is there's a fifty thousand price on her head."

What?The blood drained from my face. I knew who'd put that kind of price on my head. Dimitri.

"I didn’t realize you were so cheap," Coulter drawled. “Would've tipped less if I'd have known."

Bourbon stepped forward, his voice a low, commanding growl. "Lucy, I've just been thoroughly fucked, and that means I'm in the mood to be nice. Turn around and get your ass out of here, and I'll deposit fifty thousand in your account by tonight, but I don't want to see your face, ever again."

He was walking towards Lucy and Knight, seemingly unafraid of the gun now trained on him. Lucy's hand was shaking and I could only assume that it was getting tired from holding up the gun. But, as he drew closer, her gaze left him and went to Coulter.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this," she gave Coulter a pleading look. "Wasn't I good to you? Didn't I do anything you wanted? I even let you call me Lily!"

Coulter gave her a bored look. "Honey, you were just a good fuck. That's it."

I wanted to smack him upside the head, the idiot. Pissing her off right now would only make things worse.

Then, he stepped into the room and wrapped his arm around me, drawing me into his side, and pressed a soft kiss to my temple. "You're just a cheap whore, Lucy, nothing at all like the real deal."

Lucy's eyes flared with rage. "She just looks like Lily! That's the only reason you even want her."

Her gun moved towards me, her flinger flicking on the trigger. I jumped as it went off, but not before Bourbon had leaped into the air, aiming for her arm.

At the same time, Coulter shoved me to the ground. I crashed to the floor, with Coulter landing on top of me.

I heard sounds of a struggle but Coulter wouldn't get off of me, instead protecting me with his body.

There was a squeal, then more struggled grunts. After a bit, Coulter moved, climbing off me, his eyes roaming over me briefly to make sure I wasn't hurt, then he helped me to my feet.

When I got up, I saw that Knight had the gun in his hand, a cocky grin pulling at his lips, and it was aimed at Lucy.

Bourbon had Lucy in a chokehold, his arm wrapped around her neck. He leaned forward to growl in her ear. "I'm going to enjoy killing you."

Lucy laughed and Coulter growled out. "What the fuck is so funny."

Lucy shook her head. "You have no idea the trouble you're in."

At this, Bourbon straightened and I saw a flash of true fear in his eyes before he started dragging Lucy backwards and towards the door. "Where the hell is Grant?"

"Your little friend is taking care of him this very moment. Along with all the rest of his guards. He told me to stay put but I wanted to be the first to see the look on your faces when you realized that it was me who'd betrayed you. God you’re clueless."

"Yes," a deep voice said, sending instant dread ricocheting through my body. I recognized the voice immediately. Dimitri stepped into the room, flanked by five men who filed into the room, each with a gun drawn, silencers on the end. “They really are, aren’t they, little bird.”

Bourbon reacted immediately, swiveling around to face Dimitri, walking backwards toward Coulter and me, dragging Lucy along with him. Knight was right next to him, the gun now trained on the crowd of people entering the room.

Dimitri stared Bourbon down with eyes as cold as ice but an amused look on his face. Bourbon stopped right in front of me, this time not hiding the fact that he was shielding me from Dimitri.

Dimitri gave him a cold smile. “So, I see you found my woman."

Bourbon straightened, easily holding Lucy down even though she was struggling in his arms. "I did."

Coulter's arm around me tightened, drawing me closer to him protectively, but his other hand slowly reached out, sliding behind the dresser.

"Let me guess," Dimitri said. "You were just holding her for me until I got back." He crooked any eyebrow, taking our freshly showered forms in. "Looks like you've tasted the goods. For that, I'm going to have to take it off your percentage."

"No." Bourbon took one more step back. He was so close to us now, one more step and he'd be standing on top of me. "I'm not giving her back. I'll pay you for her, more than what you paid, then you can find yourself another pretty little thing to keep your bed warm."

Coulter’s hand came out from behind the dresser, holding a gun. He passed it off to Bourbon, whose hand was pressed at his back, as if waiting for it.

Then Coulter reached behind the dressers again, grabbing another gun, which he handed to me before wrapping his arms around my waist, holding me tight. There was a sinking sensation in my gut when he didn't put his hand to the dressers again, and I knew that he'd given me his gun.

My throat was suddenly full and unshed tears stung at my eyes. In that moment, I knew this was real between us. I wanted to jump into his arms and kiss him.

“Net.” Dimitri shook his head, his Russian accent coming out stronger than it had in the past. "I don't want the girl for fucking. I have another woman now. Someone who makes me much happier. More compliant.” His eyes drifted to me, and once again, I saw nothing in his gaze but unfeeling ice. I wasn’t even sure Dimitri had ever wanted to fuck me. It was odd.

It was also chilling, especially compared to the blazing heat in both Bourbon and Coulter's eyes when they looked at me.

Dimitri's lips came up in a snarl. "Not a virgin. Someone who knows how to give good head."

"Then what's the problem?" Bourbon snarled.

"First off, you took what's mine. That’s problem in itself. Secondly, you know who she is and what she means to me. So that also means you know that I’m never letting her go."

What the hell was he talking about? What was I to Dimitri, if not for fucking? I was suddenly confused. If he didn't want me to marry him, or at least to take my virginity, what did he want with me?

"Now," Dimitri continued, "If you just give her up, then I will take twenty-five more percent of the cut, and all will be forgiven here."

"No." Coulter and Bourbon said at the same time.

Dimitri's eyes grew even harder, and the absolute absence of any humanity in them made my body go cold.

He just shook his head, a soft laugh on his lips. “You Americans. You always thinking with your smaller brain down here, you know?" He glanced down, waving his hand at Bourbon’s groin.

"I will give you the larger percentage," Bourbon spoke as if dealing with a bunch of guns pointed at his head was something he dealt with every day. “But you're not taking Rose."

Dimitris' face hardened. "I'm not leaving without the girl."

"Then you will leave here in a body bag, because I’m not giving her to you."

Dimitri's face hardened. "You will regret that."

His hand came up and, within a second, he shot his gun. I squealed and grappled with Coulter, whose hold over me was like a steel trap..

Lucy didn’t even make a sound before she fell to the ground, dead. No one else in the room moved, except for Knight, whose finger flinched on the trigger, a determined look on his face.

Dimitri didn't even look his way but smiled at Bourbon, not even a flash of guilt on his face for killing Lucy.

As for me, my heart was pounding, and guilt rushed over me at the relief I felt that Bourbon was still alive.

And yet, I couldn't drudge up too much regret.

Lucy had betrayed them, and suffered for it.

Everyone in the life knew that you didn’t betray your own.

Dimitri had just done what I knew Bourbon was planning on doing later.

"I don't need you to give Rose to me." Dimitri's cold eyes slid to me and goosebumps prickled my body. "She will come to me willingly."

"Like hell I will," I growled out, "I'd rather eat a bull’s testicles.”

Dimitri chuckled, shaking his head. "That smart mouth will always get you in trouble, Rose. However, I know you've been under a lot of strain so I’ll forgive it this once, given the circumstances.

"What makes you think Rose is going to go with you willingly?" Coulter’s gruff voice filled the room.

Ignoring Coulter, Dimitri's eyes went to Bourbon and there was a look of glee in them as he said his next words. “That's because I’m going to tell her what really happened the night her sister died."

Bourbon stiffened, and his hand behind his back tightened on his gun. “Shut your fucking face, Dimitri, and get the hell out of here before I kill you."

Dimitri didn't answer him but looked at me. "They didn't tell you the truth did they?"

Coulter snarled out, “There's nothing to tell her. The cartel attacked the restaurant where we were eating. In the crossfire, Lily was shot. They killed her. And now, the thugs are at the bottom of the lake.”

Dimitri's responding laugh grated on my nerves. "You don't even know the truth, do you, Coulter? Bourbon never told you."

"You don't know what the hell you're talking about," Bourbon growled.

“Oh, don't I?” Dimitri tilted his head at Bourbon.

“What is he talking about?” Coulter asked.

"Nothing," Bourbon said at the same time that Dimitri spoke.

"He doesn't want you to know the truth." His eyes met mine. “But you deserve to know it, Rose. Don't you want to hear what really happened to your sister?"

My heart pounded in my chest as adrenaline rushed through my veins, making my breath move in and out in big puffs. Every hair on my body stood on end. “What are you talking about?”

"If you think she deserves to know the truth, I hope you’re planning on telling her everything." Bourbon said.

Dimitri's face darkened. “I will tell her what she needs to know."

Bourbon turned around, putting his back to Dimitri, and I couldn't help but admire his steel balls. When his piercing eyes met mine, they were begging me for forgiveness. "I know who you really are, Rose. And I swear, I will tell you everything after all this is over. But you have to trust me." He put his hand over mine, pulling me closer. "Tell me you trust me."

"He killed Lily,” Dimitri's voice boomed through the room.

"No, he didn’t,” Coulter scoffed.

"He did. Ask him." Dimitri responded.

“Bourbon?" I hated how weak my voice sounded, how utterly torn up I was inside.

I'd done the stupidest thing possible and opened my heart to these men, even when I knew better. Mafiosos weren't good men, they could never be trusted. And I knew that.

And yet, I'd fallen for them in every way possible.

I’d given myself to them, for fucks sake. Willingly. Happily.

I reached forward to cup Bourbon's face, hating the tortured look on his face. The look that said Dimitri's words were true.

"Tell me." My voice was a weak whisper but I needed to know the truth, even though I wanted to run from it. Living under the delusion that these men would protect me, not only my body, but also my heart, had been an amazing dream.

But I needed to wake up now.

To face the truth.

When Bourbon didn't answer, I demanded, louder this time. “Bourbon. Tell me the truth."

“Dimitri’s lying and you know it, Rose," Coulter said. "He's just trying to make things easier for him."

My gaze didn't move from Bourbon's tortured eyes. "Is he lying, Bourbon?"

Bourbon's eyes closed briefly, hiding something. When he opened them, they were open and honest. He wouldn’t lie to me anymore.

"In a way, I killed Lily. I'm the one who gave Nero the information that the cartels would be at that restaurant. They stole a shipment of drugs from us, and we went to exact revenge. I’m the one who drove the car. And Nero, he was the one who pulled the trigger."

Coulter stiffened behind me, his voice hardening. "Dad killed Lily? That's not true. Bourbon tell me it’s a lie.”

“It’s the truth." Dimitri answered him.

"You're lying." Coulter's gaze turned to Bourbon. “Tell me he's lying."

Bourbon shook his head. “He's not lying.”

Coulter sucked in a shocked breath, and he took a stumbling step backwards, pulling me with him. He shook his head in disbelief. “No. It’s not true. It can’t be. You’re lying.”

"He's not." A woman's voice spoke out, and we all turned, startled, towards the door.

Both Bourbon and Coulter stiffened but it was Coulter who spoke first.


Oh God. His mother was here?

Dimitri held his hand out and she curled up into his side. The look on Dimitri's face was utter triumph.

"I thought you were in Paris. With dad." Coulter was having a hard time grasping this betrayal, but Bourbon had shifted to stand in front of both Coulter and me protectively.

“He's having fun with his new girlfriend,” she scoffed. "I wasn't going to stay around to watch that."

"I thought you were fucking the pool boy," Coulter stuttered.

She tsked her lips. "A woman can fuck more than one man, Coulter," her voice was hard, and her eyes drifted to me, “as you well know."

I straightened my back, staring her down. I wasn't going to be shamed for fucking both men. That was my choice.

Besides, she obviously had no room to talk.

At least I wasn't fucking a psychopath like Dimitri. She must have a death wish.

"Mom.” Coulter's voice sounded so weak. “How could you do this? You know Dimitri is lying."

She shook her head. "He's not lying. Your father killed Lily, but it was Bourbon's fault. He's the one who reported that the cartels were in that tent."

Coulter argued with his mom but all I could feel was shock coiling through me. Betrayal. Pain.

And yet, I couldn’t ignore the fact that Bourbon was still standing in between me and death.

Dimitri's eyes met mine and I knew that he was just waiting for me to make my move.

Betrayal stabbed me like a knife to the gut.

I hated that Bourbon had lied to us, but, I also knew that if I didn't give myself up, no one was getting out of this room alive.

Bourbon wouldn't get his chance to explain the truth to Coulter.

Coulter wouldn't get his chance to forgive his brother.

I wouldn't get the chance to know what it was like to have love in my life.

Lily was gone. There was nothing I could do about that.

But I could do something that would help these men heal the rift between them.

Dimitri's eyes glazed with satisfaction as I took a step forward. He'd known all along that I would make this choice.

Except, I wasn’t making it for the reason’s he assumed.

He thought I was going with him because I hated Bourbon for his role in killing Lily.

The truth was, I was making the decision to trust in these two men. I may never hear the truth from Bourbon’s lips, but I was going to believe that he had truly loved Lily, that he loved me, all the same, and I would sacrifice myself for them.

“I’ll go with him." I said, and suddenly the room was quiet. Bourbon's hand snapped out, grabbing my arm and pulling me behind him.

“Like hell you are."

"I am. And you're going to get out of my way and let me,” I demanded.

"Rose." Coulter's voice had gone weak and he turned me, forcing me to look at him, cupping my face. “We'll get this figured out, I swear. You can't go. Not now."

I shook my head and knew I had to do the hardest thing I’d ever done in my life: lie to the men who’d stolen my heart.