Omega’s Gambit by Flora Quincy


“I need to find a mate,”I whimpered. My body feeling like it was melting and boiling in turns. “They want me to find a mate. Frederick Gale… He will become the Viscount… political… They say it is the right thing to do. That I should forget you. You rejected me. You wrote that horrible letter.”

Syon froze. I could see him restrain himself, restrain the violent feral alpha that did not like the idea of Gale touching me. A small comfort, even if he did not want me. I didn’t want Gale touching me either.

“You don’t need to do anything while I am here,” he purred. I twisted into him, trying to bury myself in him as I might in my nest. Nuzzle through the layers of fabric that kept me from his skin where his scent would be strongest. As long as I could, I wanted to keep him with me. “You are mine.”

The air was too heavy with our scents, and I fought for sanity. Yet for the first time in my life, I revelled in my slick. Syon would smell it. Know what it meant and then he would stretch me. It would sting, but my slick would ease his way. It was natural and right. I needed him and his knot. I craved and I demanded his body, as was my right. I shook my head, trying to clear it. There was something wrong with that. He was not mine. He had repudiated me. Rejected me. He had written that horrible letter. I mewled, distressed and confused.

“Syon, please.”

“What, little one? Tell me, omega. What do you need?”

“Kiss me,” I begged.

“You don’t need to ask.” His kiss consumed me, forceful and demanding entry. When I was too slow, he nipped at my bottom lip. On my gasp, he moved in. Our first kiss had tasted of him, but now there was the bitter hint of that uniquely alpha saliva that when he bit my mating gland would cause it to scar, change me, and make me his in every way. He was going into rut. That heaviness in an alpha’s scent rising even as mine became sweeter.

“Mine,” he purred against my lips.

It left no room for argument. In this moment, I was his. I could not hold on to that. Yet each time I came close to surrendering completely to him, the uncertainty would rush back freezing me.

“Wait. Syon, this is a mistake,” I pulled back. Horrified that I had let it come to this. Stealing kisses from an alpha I’d lied to.

“There is no mistake. There is nothing but us. As decreed by nature,” he said between sinful, sipping kisses. His hands flexed at my waist and his face buried into my hair. He groaned and pulled me into him. His erection pressing between us. I arched trying to get more contact.

“Viola,” he growled. “You can’t go into heat here.”

“Heat?” I asked, confused. “No, I can’t be going into heat. I’m...  I had a heat… No…” I remembered what my aunt and Mrs Markham had said. My heat had been a false heat. My body craved him, his knot. I needed Syon to rut me through my heat or I would not find satisfaction. I moaned. My body flushing and the slick beginning to gather.

“I must take you somewhere—“

“Yes,” I whispered. I couldn’t recognise myself or the need building. “I’m too hot. I—”

“We’ll find Iris. You need to be…. Not here. I meant to do this properly. I will approach your uncle since your mother isn’t returned from France.”

His lips wandered down my neck to the lace at the edge of my gown. I wanted to laugh, he would not leave me. I would not let him. “We’ll get you somewhere safe. I’ll not let something happen to you. I want to do this right, properly. I will declare myself in front of all. But not like this.”

My skin flushed hot, ordering my body to claim this alpha.

“Ahhh!” I crumpled as the cramps washed over me and caused my knees to buckle.

“Viola, Viola, I need to get you somewhere,” he purred for me. I nodded weakly. “My duchess’ nest is close.”

Nest. The word snapped me out of the lust filled fog. My nest was empty and lonely. Cold because he had abandoned me.

“No, I can make it home. You said things were over between us. That letter… You can’t want me. Not after what you wrote. Syon, why are my thoughts so muddled?”

“Damn what I wrote. I need to take care of you,” he snapped. I moaned as another cramp shuddered through my body, but this was a sweet cramp that sent more slick rushing from my body.

“Syon, I need…” What I needed was his knot, damn the consequences to my heart.

He scooped me up into his arms. “Your dresses always get in my way.“

“No! It hurts, Syon. Syon, it hurts so bad.” The cramps that came with my heats had never left me so weak.

“I know, my darling. Shh…” his purr rumbled, and I buried my face into his neck, seeking out where his scent was strongest. “I’m taking you home. You’ll need to walk for a little bit. I’ll get you out of your gown as soon as possible but not here where others might see you.”

Syon dropped me to my feet and only his vice-like grip on my waist held me upright. It was a blur, but I heard people calling his name and perhaps mine. All I knew was the warm body next to mine had me itching to remove every scrap of clothing from both of us.

Within moments, we were out into the cool night air, and he had to restrain me from clawing at my gown.

“Dammit, you’ll rip the thing off, and I’ll not them see what belongs to me.” Syon threw me over his shoulder and strode across the square to his house. He rammed through the door and began barking orders at his surprised servants.

“Take a note to Weymouth Street. Tell them Viola Hartwell has gone into heat. I’ll put her into the duchess nest.”

I purred at the thought of a nest. My nest.

“Shall I bring supplies?” Horne asked.

“Yes,” I growled. I needed supplies if I was going to be rutted through my heat. My alpha needed supplies too. Nesting materials. Food. Water. But Horne was a good beta. He would know what was needed.

I could feel the tension in Syon’s body. Supplies implied that he would rut me through my heat, which he had not agreed to. I growled. He had brought me here, and I’d be damned, but he would be the one to knot me. I would have it no other way.

“Syon,” I whined, knowing he would worry and be more receptive to suggestion than if I unleashed my omega temper. Pained at the thought he would leave me in my time of need. “I need your knot.”

“Do it. Bring everything we will need for a protracted heat,” Syon called as he carried me upstairs. Good. He was taking me to my nest. My nest… My nest was attached to the bedroom I’d been using for months. Had they known? Did it matter?

I sighed and leant into his scent. Rubbing my face across his chest, marking him as mine, being marked by him in return. Syon stroked my back while the beta servants brought nest material into the duchess’s suite. I itched to begin sorting through everything, but he kept me trapped to his chest, nipping at my mating gland and purring for me to be calm until they had finished. I resented this but did not resent being in my first proper nest. I had never been in a room dedicated to nesting before. One where a huge, low platform filled most of the room with a deep feather mattress on top of it. Now, thanks to the servants, there were fresh linens and pillows. At last, I managed to wriggle free from the alpha’s grip and tore into the materials to begin the process of sorting and placing them into the perfect mosaic. Somewhere fit for an omega and the alpha she invited to rut her. Syon’s scent was not to be found, nor mine, but that would be rectified soon. I did not worry too much. We would make this nest ours.

All the while, Syon prowled back and forth, while I attempted to focus on where I placed each pillow and blanket. Timms brought his unlaundered clothes to the door but no further as Syon had snarled at the poor man. I did not care who brought the precious nesting material so long as there was no scent of omega. No omega but me. I looked over my shoulder to where he stood, in mud-splattered clothing. I scowled.

“Strip,” I ordered him.

My alpha didn’t respond, but every line of his body tensed as I shuffled to the edge of the nest.

“Strip,” I growled. “Get out of that jacket. Give it to me.”

Our eyes held as he removed each article of clothing. One by one he handed fine wool and velvets and linens to me so that I could find each its perfect place amongst the sheets and pillows. Until, at last, he was naked.

Syon in all his alpha glory was a sight to behold. My eyes traced every plane of solid muscle that seemed cut from marble. Beautiful. I licked dry lips, desperate to taste and lick and bite and kiss and suck every inch until he was marked and mine.

“Now you,” he commanded.

Tonight, I was not wearing a simple gown but a full ball dress that a maid had laced me into. Syon moved close as I struggled to get out of the gown. When he became impatient, he spun me around as if I weighed nothing and ripped the fine satin. Those solid arms wrapping around me and pinning my back to his chest while he licked at my mating gland. It caused another wave of slick. I knew he noticed, for the growl that reverberated through my body and how he ran his teeth down the column of my neck.

My heat was upon me, and Syon, my alpha, had tipped straight into rut. Reason? We abandoned it, returned to bodies embracing and revelling in instincts that demanded we fuck until he had bred me.

I landed on Syon as he tumbled us into the nest. I shifted into a kneeling position to better wriggle free from the gown we had yet to completely remove. Syon reached up to help me but only managed to get in the way. He settled for pushing my skirts to my waist, stroking his hands up and down my legs, rubbing my thighs through the slick soaked silk stockings, but never once touching my sex, mewling at being so denied. Eventually, he became too impatient and, in a demonstration of alpha strength, ripped both the bodice of my gown and my corset in half, tossing it somewhere in my nest. How strange that straddling a powerful alpha in nothing but the skirt of a ballgown should make me feel so powerful.

He cupped my breasts which spilt out of my torn chemise. His thumbs grazed my nipples, driving a keening wail of need as fresh cramps shook my body. My agony pleased him. But it pleased me more to feel his hot and heavy length bumping against my sex. Neither of us had expected my heat. Neither of us had dressed for seduction. But in my innocence, this was the ultimate form of attraction, when a simple cotton chemise, shredded gown, and plain silk stockings felt like the most expensive French negligée.

I didn’t have time to worry about my inexperience because I didn’t give myself time. As soon as we had tossed my skirts over my head, I was desperate to feel his bare skin against my own. I ran my hands along his strong chest, covered with crisp hair. Syon caught on to my urgency and sat up so that he could strip the fine cotton chemise from my body. I dropped soft open-mouthed kisses on his shoulders. For the first time, I felt his hands clasp the twin globes of my ass. Pushing them together before lewdly pulling them apart. I dropped my forehead to his neck, panting at the luxurious feeling of his hands gripping the flesh of my ass. I mewled as they moved away to knead my bare breasts. His touch was addictive. I could have happily stayed there forever—allowing his hands to roam over my feverish body. But Syon had fallen into rut and was ready to move on. He allowed me one final reprieve before he claimed me. His palms weighed my breasts before coming up to hold my face and pull me in for a deep kiss.

I fell into him as he expertly rolled us so that I was now on my back, staring up into mirrored-gold eyes. Taking in his crooked nose and the faint sheen of sweat on his brow.

“Viola…” his eyes, mirrored gold, had never looked more beautiful. “You are so beautiful.”

“Take care of me, Syon,” I told him. “Let me take care of you.”

“Viola…” he moaned into my neck. I gasped when he lightly bit the sensitive skin of my mating gland. His scent overwhelmed my senses. I arched into him when he stroked my sex with the back of his hand. I knew about how to pleasure my own body—had survived heats with nothing but my slim digits and toys—but the confident fingers I felt were a different kind of pleasure entirely. Through the haze of building orgasm, I instinctively reached out for him. The feeling of his erection and swollen knot on my thigh was tantalising, and I found myself drawn to it. To touch it and hold it in my hand. To measure its weight and length. He gasped when I squeezed him. This was mine. It had been mine for weeks now, ever since he had covered my face with his cum. But now was different. Now he would know that I was the one giving him this pleasure.

“I want to see you,” my voice sounded breathless.


He knelt above me and I saw how large he was—before, I’d had an impression of his girth and length, but the warm glow of candlelight multiple a hundredfold made it possible to see every throbbing inch. The pulsing vein that snaked its way from base to tip. The strength of his knot strained against gravity for he was so long and thick that his hard cock bobbed with the beat of his heart. In mimicry of the torture he subjected me to earlier, I stroked his thighs while never touching where we both wanted. I was captivated by what I saw. I wrapped my hand around him, my thumb and middle finger not touching. My breath caught. Could he fit? Would he rip me in half? But those irrational fears fled when he gripped my hand tighter around his shaft. It was hot and velvet-smooth, yet hard and insistent. I could not know how much control he possessed to allow me to explore him with my searching touch especially when my heat rode us so strongly. I glanced at his clenched fist and wondered how far he would let me go before taking back control. When I turned my attention back to his erection I noticed a bead of arousal on the swollen tip. I collected it with my finger and brought it to my mouth. The taste was different and intriguing during his rut, stronger to prove his virility. My body tensed with need. I wanted to taste, but my body wanted his seed deep inside my womb.

“Can I?” I asked, never taking my eyes off the swollen head wet with precum. He didn’t speak, which I took for permission. I gently pressed him onto the bed and knelt beside him, tucking my hair behind my ears and bending over to lick him. My hands roamed after my mouth. While I explored, Syon reached between my legs and began stroking my cunt. I could hear the obscene sounds of my slick as it leaked from me and he thrust his fingers deep into my tight channel. I became increasingly distracted from kissing his shaft.

“Alpha!” I threw out a hand to prevent myself from falling. He grabbed my arm and steadied me without once stopping the steady rhythm of his stroking fingers.

“For me, Viola. Look at me.”

My eyes blindly found his steady gaze. When my vision refocused, he thrust two thick fingers inside of me. I cried out as my orgasm rolled through me, overwhelmed by the shock of feeling so full. I collapsed on his chest, shallow, shuddering breaths puffing through me as he continued to piston his fingers in and out and in and out, stretching me, preparing me. And all the while he gently stroked my hair and back while I recovered.

“How are you?” he whispered with a light kiss on my hair.

“Yes. Good. I mean, amazing.”

“Come here.”

I was surprised that he encouraged me to straddle him. Everything I had been taught said that an alpha would mount me from behind or take me while I was on my back, my legs open for him to do as he wished.

“Take your time. I am going to watch you, Viola. I am going to watch you stretch yourself near to breaking as you take my knot. You are going to beg to take my knot,” he growled.  I felt his hands on my hips slowly bringing me down until the very tip began to nudge at my entrance. The invasion, the expectation, made me hold my breath and tense, but he soothed me by massaging my clit. He teased the bundle of nerves with firm and gentle strokes, which followed no pattern so that I was never sure what to expect. I relaxed into the mounting orgasm, trusting and loving the alpha who could so command my body that he was not unmanned by the fact I was about to mount him. It was my alpha who had put me in control even as he made my body sing. I was going to be able to do this as I wanted and he was there to hold me steady.

“Hold my hands,” he said.

When I felt his strong fingers interlace with mine, a surge of confidence enveloped my body, and I lowered myself. I had heard how painful my first time could be, but Syon had prepared me and my slick eased the way so that I only had an intense feeling of fullness.

He did not take the time to let me properly adjust. He did not let me ride him.

Instead, he thrust his knot deep inside my channel in one punishing thrust. Even as I screamed at the abrupt fullness, I locked him in with an omega’s strength. The immediacy of feeling his knot inside of me triggered another orgasm that had my body shaking as it tried to assimilate to the intrusion. Amazingly he grew, pressing back against my spasming sex. The pressure building until he erupted and shot his hot cum against my womb. The knot firmed, catching against my pubic bone, increasing the press against my sensitive front wall. The sensations triggered another round of orgasms, milking him, drawing out his very essence.

“Please!” I begged but didn't know what I wanted.

“Come. Come here,” He hugged me, rolled us over, and slowly began to rut into me. “Wrap your legs…”

He kept his thrusts shallow while his knot remained lodged within my tight cunt. I urged him on while I revelled in the mixture of pleasure and pain as his hard knot tested my opening. I cried out his name when he hit something deep inside of me. He granted me pleasures beyond my wildest imaginings.

“Viola,” Syon called out my name and again I came as more of his hot seed spurted into me. I pulled him close, forcing him to lie with his body’s full weight on my smaller frame.

“Thank you,” I kissed his shoulder. The simple fact that he had spilt his seed inside me soothed my heat and gave me, at least for the moment, some of my sense back.

“Am I crushing you?”

“Yes, stay. I want to feel all of you.” I held onto him tight and pressed a kiss onto his neck. My sex clenched, drawing out a groan from him. He might be so much larger than I, but lodged in my cunt—I revelled in the word—I had the power. I was the centre of his world as he was the centre of mine. “I want to feel everything.”

“Very well,” he collapsed with a huff and pressed kisses to my face and neck. “But your heat is only just beginning.”

It took nearly a quarter of an hour by the grandfather clock for his knot to shrink enough for him to slip out of me. But even then, he cupped my sex to prevent his seed from leaving my body and littered my body with sucking bites that were sure to leave marks. I purred at the idea that the world would know we were together. Marked and owned.

The cramping began again as my body shifted and altered so that it could better accommodate him. I knew what would happen next. He slid a hand between our bodies to find the little pearl of pleasure which he began to press and rub. The sounds I made were obscene. Words I would never dream of saying out loud came pouring from my lips, begging for him to rut me with his cock, to fill me up and heaven be damned.

When the knot bloomed inside of my tight cunt for a second time it hurt more than when he had broken through my maidenhead. The stretch seemed to be never-ending. In part, I knew that it was my own body locking his knot deep within me. If we had not been compatible I could have rejected it, my omega muscles equally strong and capable of strangling an alpha’s cock. But Syon, oh Syon!

I wanted his everything, and when he could not get any deeper I held him there, grinding onto him, arching and shifting my hips to find the best angle.

“You are mine now,” he growled.  His eyes, which had been closed in agonised ecstasy, flared open. We lay together panting and straining as he began to come inside of me over and over, filling me up until there was a constant pressure on my womb.

* * *

I did not know how many days had passed by the time my heat faded and I was once again myself. Myself, but weak and covered in slick and cum and sweat. But above all, infused with a deep carnal satisfaction. I turned my head to see Syon lying on his back, my nest framing his inhumanly perfect form. The broad chest I had lavished so many kisses on now came into focus. It had an enticing amount of crisp hair that I wanted to trail my fingers through and down his firm stomach and below the thin sheet that barely covered his erection. I could see the outline of it still hard despite the number of times he had used it to fuck me. I ached between my legs, knew I would be raw and sore for days, yet if he had rolled over and demanded I take him again I would have gladly.

I dared not touch him. We were out of my heat, and he had not mated me. The delicate skin at the juncture of my neck and shoulder was unbroken. There was no going back and yet no future before us. No matter what he said in the thrall of my heat, he had not come to my nest because he wanted to be the alpha to rut me through my heat. He had accompanied me through my heat out of a sense of responsibility, and by the force of his basic desires and needs.

He still planned to marry some other omega. He must be planning that, or he would have mated me, claimed me as his. If he truly wanted me, I’d already carry his mark. Now I must return to being Viola, no longer his loyal secretary, certainly not his mate or wife. I rolled away looking out blindly unable to focus on the beauty of my nest.

I would not regret my time with him. If this was the only moment of perfection I could ever have, I would cherish it until like every good thing in my life it would be ripped from me.

For now, until he woke, Syon was mine.